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AG Barr Must Stick RICO On Antifa, the 21st Century’s KKK Thomas McArdle


On Saturday in Portland, Oregon, freelance journalist Andy Ngo was beaten so badly by a cowardly, masked Antifa mob, he suffered a brain hemorrhage. The weapons included eggs and the spraying of “milk shakes” suspected of including quick-drying cement, which together temporarily blinded Ngo. The local police precinct was within view, yet video of the episode shows no intervention.

Covering your face to avoid identification so you can beat and intimidate in the name of your political agenda and avoid arrest and prosecution – sound familiar? It’s practically the definition of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Nearly 50 years ago, a Democratic Congress passed and a Republican president signed into law an extraordinary measure designed to make prosecutions stick and put organized criminal organizations such as the Klan and the Mafia in prison: the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.

RICO and Antifa are a match made in heaven.

The glaring similarity between the KKK and these Leninist criminals who practice the same tactics is no revelation to the left. In the far-left Mother Jones, of all places, nearly two years ago an article appeared entitled “Wearing Masks at Protests Didn’t Start With the Far Left – A brief primer on a controversial tactic.”

Longest Economic Expansion in U.S. History: Trump Economy Adds Another 224,000 Jobs By Brian Min


The news release by the U.S. Department of Labor today was important not only because it showed an improving job market, but also because it confirmed that the U.S. has officially entered the longest recorded economic expansion in U.S. history.

The U.S. economy made significant gains in June as employment increased by 224,000 and the unemployment rate remained largely unchanged at 3.7 percent.

These payroll growth numbers have been the best gain since January and ran contrary to worries that both the employment picture and overall growth picture were beginning to worsen. Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal originally expected the economy to only add 165,000 jobs in June.

The most notable gains occurred in professional and business services, in health care, and in transportation and warehousing.

June marked the tenth anniversary of the official end of the Great Recession in June 2009. In July, the U.S. entered the 121st month of economic expansion arising out of the financial crisis.

Oops, Democrats Forgot To Be Outraged at the Betsy Ross Flag Before Kaepernick Told Them To Be By Matt Margolis


On Wednesday, 2020 Democrat candidate Beto O’Rourke claimed that the 1776 Betsy Ross flag was a symbol of white nationalism, when he announced his support for Nike for pulling a sneaker with the flag design on it because Colin Kaepernick got his panties in a twist over the sneaker that was to be released on July 4th.

Not to be out-triggered, fellow 2020 candidate Julián Castro also weighed in on the controversy, comparing the 1776 Betsy Ross flag to “painful” Confederate symbols.It seems as though 2020 Democrats are getting their instructions on what to be outraged over by Colin Kaepernick, because getting triggered by the 1776 Betsy Ross flag wasn’t really a thing until the protesting football player decided it was offensive. Tim Murtaugh, the Director of Communications for the Trump reelection campaign, noted on Wednesday that the apparently offensive flag was prominently featured during the second inauguration of Barack Obama.

Did Obama not get the memo that the flag was offensive, or is the outrage over the flag completely manufactured by a football player trying to remain relevant? It must be the latter because Beto O’Rourke attended Obama’s second inuguartion and managed to not be triggered by the flags on display.

Triggered NeverTrumpers pout on Fourth of July; patriots celebrate By Ethel C. Fenig


While the oh-so-sensitive, oh-so-narrow-minded, oh-so-non-inclusive NeverTrumpers scuttled to their safe spaces of the Never-Trumpers’ broadcast networks and failing cable fake news networks, triggered by President Donald J. Trumps’ (R) proud and patriotic 4th of July Independence Day celebration, patriotic and proud Americans publicly displayed their loyalty to their country by participating in person in the festivities on Washington DC’s mall:

While the racist liberals compared the display of American military strength, which guarantees our country’s freedom and the freedom of so many around the world, to the real evil horrors of Nazism, about which they know nothing, those who understand the meaning of peace through strength cheered the Armed Forces flyovers.

A Tale of Two Economies Trump’s policies are helping workers more than Obama’s did.


Judging from last week’s debate, Democrats running for President see America as a Dickensian nightmare of inequality. It’s the best of times for millionaires and billionaires, and the worst of times for everybody else. Time to wake up from the Barack Obama economy, folks, and admit how many more Americans are prospering from the faster economic growth and tighter labor market after the policy changes of 2017.

“Who is this economy really working for? It’s doing great for a thinner and thinner slice at the top,” Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren declared at the debate. “When you’ve got a government, when you’ve got an economy that does great for those with money and isn’t doing great for everyone else, that is corruption, pure and simple.”

Sen. Cory Booker, who hails from high-tax New Jersey, moaned that “I live in a low-income black and brown community. I see every single day that this economy is not working for average Americans.” California Sen. Kamala Harris added: “You ask [the President], how are you measuring the greatness of this economy of yours? And they point to the jobless numbers.”

Faster Growth, Rising IncomesCompound annual per capita income growth in selected states in the first nine quarters of the TrumpAdministration and the second term of the Obama AdministrationSource: Bureau of Economic Analysis

A Rising Tide Lifts More BoatsAverage hourly earnings growth on a monthly basis during the first 29 months of the Trump Administrationand the second term of the Obama AdministrationSource: Bureau of Labor Statistics

So job numbers and other economic evidence are fake news? Hardly. The reality is that wages are rising at the fastest rate in a decade for lower-skilled workers, and unemployment among less-educated Americans and minorities is near a record low. Democrats want Americans to believe the fictions they spin rather than what they see with their own eyes.

Are Our Independence Days Numbered? by: Diana West



We have arrived at a point in U.S. history that even our Founders, in their nearly infinite wisdom, may not have foreseen.

Regarding Election 2020, we are faced with the grave question of whether enough Americans remain in the 50 states to go to the polls to affirm the continued existence of the United States of America by voting for Donald Trump.

If the answer is no, if Americans are outnumbered and even surrounded by those animated by an openly anti-America agenda promoted by the Democratic Party, 2020 could be a terrible turning-point of no return.

This tells me it’s here: that pedal-to-the-metal moment, over a century in the making, when our potential survival as a nation-state really does seem to hang in the balance.

This is not because the Democratic Party has suddenly changed course. True to its beating, socialist heart, Democrats have been variously pushing us toward decriminalizing illegal immigration, establishing sanctuary cities and states (why not a sanctuary nation, too?), abolishing private health insurance, confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens, and the like for a very long time. Likewise, their reverential zeal for abortion, infanticide, and sexual psychoses, which they harness like battering rams against religious liberty and traditional morality.

What is markedly different now is that the Party’s mainstream could hardly be more aggressive in its contempt, its animus, for the U.S. Constitution, the flag, the Founding Fathers, the borders, and American citizenship.

The Democratic presidential candidates who have emerged from this hostile camp make this clear every time they speak. Listening to them in their first debates, I finally put it together in the starkest terms: Democrats hate America. Worse, they don’t care who knows it, because it’s a selling point for their anti-American constituencies. With this being the case, how are we not one election away from a phase of openly calculated national destruction?

‘Whatever It Is, I’m Against It’ By Charles C. W. Cooke


Ramesh notes the speed with which the Betsy Ross flag was deemed outré:

Even so, the shift of the Betsy Ross flag, from worth showcasing for the Obama inaugural planners in 2013 to unacceptable for a big company in 2019, has been very quick. That timeline actually downplays how quick it has been: It was nearly instantaneous. The vast majority of people hearing about this controversy, including me, had never previously been exposed to the idea that there was anything malevolent about the flag.

And even as specimens of woke culture go, this one also stands out for the tenuousness of the connection between the newly unacceptable thing and the evil it is supposed to represent.

This is true. In a couple of days, we’ve gone from a celebrity saying a flag is bad, to a major corporation indulging that judgment, to presidential candidates and governors blithely confirming and cementing it. In my view, though, the scariest part is not so much “how quick it has been,” but that there has been no argument or explanation to speak of. Upon the instant, professional progressivism has accepted the change as if it were taking orders from on high. “The flag is in the bad column now? Got it. Will amend attitude and proceed accordingly.”

A Kosher Fourth of July Two hundred forty-three years ago, a new nation was inspired by the Old Testament. William McGurn


Since that fateful July 4 when the Second Continental Congress invoked the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to declare independence from King George III, an argument has raged over the Christian roots of the American Founding. Now a group of scholars suggest that if we are looking only to the Gospels to understand the new American nation, we may be arguing over the wrong testament.

“The American Republic,” they write, “was born to the music of the Hebrew Bible.”

The book is called “Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States: A Sourcebook.” The title comes from Leviticus and is inscribed on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. The book comes courtesy of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University, where it was pulled together by Meir Soloveichik, Matthew Holbreich, Jonathan Silver and Stuart Halpern.

These men are not arguing that America was founded as a Jewish nation. Nor is their subject Jews in America, or the role of Jews in the American Founding. Their proposition is more supple and profound: that at key moments in the national story, Americans have looked to the ancient Israelites to understand themselves, their blessings and their challenges.

Erielle Davidson: Democratic Deputy Chair Meets With Far-Left U.K. Leader (Corbyn) Accused Of Anti-Semitism


Amidst accusations that the Democratic Party is slowly “Corbynizing,” Democratic National Committee Deputy Chairman Keith Ellison opted to meet with the leader of the U.K. Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. This furthers the contention that the American Democratic Party does not take anti-Semitism seriously and has no real intentions of doing so. Instead of condemning anti-Semitism, Democrats are embracing it.

The term “Corbynization” has come to encapsulate, as Josh Hammer of The Daily Wire perfectly phrased it, “the metastasization of the once-pro-Israel Democratic Party into a U.K. Labour Party-esque leftist outfit that routinely shills for Jew-haters.” Corbyn has been under frequent fire as of late for providing a platform to anti-Semites both within and outside his party, casting himself as a sympathetic character to those ostracized and condemned for spouting anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Corbyn’s culture of Jew-hatred within the U.K. Labour Party has resulted in nine MPs (members of Parliament) opting to defect from the party in 2019 alone, many citing anti-Semitism under Corbyn’s auspices as one of their chief concerns. Thus, Ellison’s decision to flaunt his meeting with the infamous leader is particularly troubling in an era when the American Democratic Party continues to fend off accusations of failing to take anti-Semitism seriously.

Insinuendo: Why the Mueller Report Doth Repeat So Much . By Eric Felten


The Mueller report should have been a knockout blow to anti-Trump forces who invested their hopes in the special counsel. With Robert Mueller’s finding that the Trump campaign did not conspire with Russia to steal the 2016 election and that there was no clear path to indicting the president for obstruction, the enterprise should have shuddered to a stop.

Instead, those who were at first dumbfounded by the special counsel’s report have since found reasons to be buoyed by it – by its grudging tone, its sly assertions resembling proof, and its insistence that not being found guilty should not be confused with innocence. If you had to pick a single sentence that captures the style and substance of Mueller’s tome, you’d find it on page 2: “A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts.”

Democratic members of the House have secured Mueller’s agreement to testify. They will encourage him to offer a sort of informal indictment of the president, something to justify impeachment. Something that can be winkled out of the Mueller report.

All of which calls for a closer reading of the 448-page document. What becomes clear is that the special counsel used a number of rhetorical devices to couch evidence and craft a narrative so that a document that ultimately clears the president can also be read as an indictment.