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The Impeachment Democrats Trump puts Pelosi on the spot over her agenda or appeasing her anti-Trump ultras.


President Trump walked out of a meeting with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer at the White House Wednesday over their accusations against him, and all of Democratic and media Washington is appalled. Doesn’t this President understand that he is supposed to take a daily beating on his way to impeachment while also giving Democrats some policy victories?

Mr. Trump turned what was supposed to be a meeting about infrastructure spending into a display of Trumpian pique. “Instead of walking in happily into a meeting, I walk in to look at people that had just said I was doing a cover-up. I don’t do cover-ups,” he told reporters after the meeting.

He was referring to Mrs. Pelosi’s comments earlier in the day that “we believe that the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.” The remark is part of her now-daily act of political cognitive dissonance in which she accuses Mr. Trump of committing impeachable offenses to appease her anti-Trump ultras while opposing impeachment lest it jeopardize swing-district Democrats in 2020.

Mr. Trump has decided to call her bluff and offer a choice—impeachment or bipartisan progress. He probably realizes by now that Democrats don’t want to give him any political victories before 2020 even if they could also take credit. And that may be just as well given that most of the potential compromises—on drug prices or financing for public-works spending—would be bad policy.

But Mrs. Pelosi is facing a momentous choice. If she opens a formal impeachment inquiry, the momentum toward a vote would be hard to stop. Her moderates would be squeezed to take a vote that could cost them re-election. The process would consume media attention for as long as it lasts and well into next year. Forget about what Mrs. Pelosi calls “our agenda for the people.” The new House majority will define themselves as the Impeachment Democrats.

Trump Slams Left-Flanked Pelosi, Dumps Infrastructure Talks In Rose Garden Remarks By David Marcus


There was supposed to be a meeting about infrastructure today. Remember infrastructure? The policy area where Democrats and Republicans can find agreement and move forward? Well, not so fast. The scheduled meeting between President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer didn’t quite go as planned after Pelosi buckled to the far-leftists in her caucus and accused Trump of engaging in a cover-up over obstruction of justice allegations stemming from the Robert Mueller report.

Pelosi’s comments came this morning after an emergency meeting in which she apparently barely managed to stave off calls from her colleagues to impeach President Trump. For the time being, her efforts were successful and Democrats in the House will not start impeachment proceedings. But that agreement came at a price for the speaker, who having been outflanked by the left made the damning statements about Trump being involved in a cover-up.

As a result of those remarks President Trump apparently entered the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, did not shake anyone’s hand, and basically told them to kick rocks until their endless investigations into him are over. It is not clear if the president even had time to sit down. It was clear from his blistering comments a while later in the Rose Garden that he was not happy, and would not be working with Democrats anytime soon.

A $32 Million ‘War on Rats’ campaign isn’t working. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a ‘war on rats’ in July 2017, demanding “more rat corpses.”

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com created an interactive map of all 22,000+ rat sightings in 2018/2019 alone.

However, our co-investigation with the New York Times found that rat sightings are up 38% between 2014 and 2018. In the first four months this year, rat sightings are again up versus the same period last year.


Rats Are Taking Over New York City Gentrifying neighborhoods are a key reason behind the vermin outbreak, which extends beyond New York — Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles are also confronting issues. By Winnie Hu


So many rats regularly lurk on a sidewalk in Brooklyn that it is the humans who avoid the rats, not the other way around. Not even cars are safe: Rats have chewed clean through engine wires.

A Manhattan avenue lined with trendy restaurants has become a destination for foodies — and rats who help themselves to their leftovers. Tenants at a public housing complex in the South Bronx worry about tripping over rats that routinely run over their feet.

New York has always been forced to coexist with the four-legged vermin, but the infestation has expanded exponentially in recent years, spreading to just about every corner of the city.

“I’m a former Marine so I’m not going to be squeamish, but this is bad,” said Pablo Herrera, a 58-year-old mechanic who has counted up to 30 rats while walking on his block in Prospect Heights, just around the corner from the stately Brooklyn Museum.

Rat sightings reported to the city’s 311 hotline have soared nearly 38 percent, to 17,353 last year from 12,617 in 2014, according to an analysis of city data by OpenTheBooks.com, a nonprofit watchdog group, and The New York Times. In the same period, the number of times that city health inspections found active signs of rats nearly doubled.

The Epidemic of Electronic Deletions By Victor Davis Hanson


Many Democratic government officials, not just Hillary, have gotten away with destroying evidence.

One method might be to see whether those targeted by Robert Mueller had ever begun accusing each other of “collusion” to save their own skins. That did not happen.

Even the perjurer Michael Cohen, who accused Trump of all sorts of improper business practices in an effort to negotiate a lighter sentence, never claimed that the president had colluded with the Russians — the Holy Grail search of the Mueller “all-stars.”

Yet John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, and Andrew McCabe are suddenly alleging that someone other than themselves is the guilty instigator in seeding the dossier into a presidential intelligence report, is the guilty party that deceived a FISA court, and is the guilty culprit who was leaking to the media. So apparently the new climate is now no longer “There was no crime committed” but rather “He did it, not me.”

Yet another calibration might be who exactly is deleting documents and who is not. So far Robert Mueller has not accused Donald Trump or his subordinates of deleting Trump’s emails. Indeed, Trump’s campaign and administration reportedly turned over 1.4 million documents to Special Counsel Mueller. Again, no one has claimed that they have been destroyed.

Don McGahn’s Immunity Why Congress can’t force the former White House counsel to testify.


Democrats are fuming that Don McGahn skipped a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, and they plan to hold the former White House counsel in contempt. But Mr. McGahn has every constitutional right not to appear, and this isn’t a close legal call.

“Our subpoenas are not optional,” declared House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, speaking to the TV cameras in front of an empty witness table with Mr. McGahn’s name card. The symbolism is more apt than Mr. Nadler recognizes. Congress’s authority to force one of President Trump’s intimate advisers to appear before Congress is also empty.

This isn’t a novel legal doctrine. For nearly 50 years, multiple administrations have held that Congress cannot compel the appearance of a close adviser to the President. That judgment has been backed by numerous legal memos from the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, starting in 1971 when future Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist ran the shop. The view was reinforced and invoked by Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama.

Mueller Resists Dems’ Request to Testify Publicly about Details Outside His Report By Jack Crowe


Special Counsel Robert Mueller is resisting congressional Democrats’ request that he testify publicly about details of his investigation that were not included in his final report, the Washington Post first reported Tuesday.

Mueller and his representatives have reportedly reached an impasse in their negotiations with House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler, who would like him to speak publicly about a range of issues, including whether the president could be charged with obstruction of justice absent Department of Justice guidelines that prohibit the indictment of a sitting president.

As they navigate the question of whether the obstructive behavior attributed to Trump in the Mueller report warrants impeachment, a number of top Democrats have repeatedly insisted that lawmakers must hear from Mueller himself before a decision can be made. They have also suggested that they would like to question Mueller about whether he believes Attorney General William Barr’s summary of his report misrepresented its findings.

Barr told the Wall Street Journal that he has no problem with Mueller testifying before Congress, but Democrats have accused the Department of Justice of intentionally delaying negotiations over any such testimony. Trump has said it is Barr’s decision whether Mueller can appear before Congress.

News of the impasse comes hours after former White House counsel Don McGahn failed to appear before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about Trump’s alleged efforts to interfere in the Mueller probe.

“Let me be clear: This committee will hear Mr. McGahn’s testimony, even if we have to go to court to secure it,” Nadler said after the hearing.

Why Did Obama Allow Comey to Brief Trump on the Russian Prostitute Story? By Julie Kelly


We are three years into the biggest political scandal in American history and former President Barack Obama has yet to be asked about his role in orchestrating the international subterfuge that Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Kremlin to rig the 2016 presidential election.

Not one journalist has posed a single question to Obama about what officials in his White House knew—or when they knew it—despite multiple ongoing investigations by the Justice Department and on Capitol Hill. The more than decade-long media swoon for the 44th president continues unabated.

But Attorney General William Barr might do the work that the news media refuses to do.

In an interview with Fox News host Bill Hemmer on Friday, Barr indicated his office is looking into “some very strange developments” that occured between the election and Inauguration Day.

One of these events, Barr told Hemmer, was the meeting on January 6, 2017 between President-elect Trump, his transition team, and Obama’s top intelligence chiefs, including former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers.

House Democrats Seek Brennan’s Malignant Advice on Iran While the ex-CIA director squirms as his legal problems intensify. Joseph Klein


Disgraced former CIA director John Brennan will be briefing House Democrats early this week on his perspective regarding the current situation in Iran. No doubt, he will use the opportunity to once again take a shot at President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Obama administration’s disastrous nuclear deal with Iran and to blame the president for escalating tensions with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. Brennan said late last week on NBC, for example, that it is the United States under the Trump administration whose drums are “beating the loudest” in any march towards war with Iran.

Last year, in one of his many deranged rants, Brennan tweeted that “Donald Trump simultaneously lied about the Iranian nuclear deal, undermined global confidence in US commitments, alienated our closest allies, strengthened Iranian hawks, & gave North Korea more reason to keep its nukes. This madness is a danger to our national security.”

House Democrats are wasting time listening to Brennan on Iran. It’s a lame attempt to bolster Brennan’s reputation as a so-called national security expert and divert attention as more damaging facts come out about his abuse of power as CIA director during and shortly after the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Will the Deep State Conspirators Ever Be Held Accountable? By Mark Ellis


Democrats and their complicit media wildly overpromised on how damaging the Mueller report would be to President Trump. They paid a huge price when Mueller did not deliver. Collusion diehards like Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler look delusional with their ongoing search for something that never existed.

The Deep State coup attempt stands busted cold, its perpetrators caught red-handed in unbelievable and un-American actions aimed at covering up Hillary Clinton’s inarguable illegalities and overturning an election whose result they could not abide.

For Trumpservatives the schadenfreude was sweet. But now, those vindicated supporters of the president must caution against being overpromised to themselves. To what extent, if any, will Russia-Gate actors like Lynch, Simpson, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, Page and the rest be held accountable for their alleged criminality?

Reporters Should Press Presidential Candidate Bill De Blasio On ‘Toxic Whiteness’ New York City is being sued for discriminating against white educators under Bill de Blasio’s watch. Will the white mayor defend this discrimination? by David Marcus


According to The New York Post, four white women who work as administrators in the New York City school system are preparing a discrimination lawsuit against the city. They allege that under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s handpicked school chancellor, Richard Carranza, they have been demoted and marginalized solely on the basis of their race, and that the idea of whiteness has become “toxic” in the Department of Education.

“These decisions are being made because DOE leadership believes that skin color plays a role in how to get equity – that white people can’t convey the message,” one source told the Post. The Department has given a $775,000 contract to Pacific Education Group, Inc., a consulting firm that claims to help institutions fight racism but has some rather racist ideas about how to achieve that goal.

According to Pacific’s materials, racism is “any act that even unwittingly tolerates, accepts, or reinforces racially unequal opportunities or outcomes for children to learn and thrive.” “Outcomes” is the key word here. Apparently if there are any aggregate differences in grades or academic achievement between racial groups, it is simply a result of racism. As if, with no evidence to support it, we should believe that without racism, everyone would get exactly the same grades.

Pacific goes on to define “whiteness” as “The component of each and every one of ourselves that expects assimilation to the dominant culture.” According to sources that have been through this DOE racial training course, whiteness, or white supremacy, because, of course, are described as “characterized by perfectionism, a belief in meritocracy, and the Protestant work ethic.”