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Trump Tower meeting: A shining example of what not to investigate Andrew McCarthy


Tit-for-tat is the worst instinct in politics. Bad law begets worse law. Our worst vindictive instincts can undermine our most cherished liberties.

That’s what I had to tell myself, more than once, in reading the Mueller report’s analysis of the closest thing to “Trump-Russia collusion” in the 2016 campaign — the now-infamous Trump Tower meeting of June 9, 2016. Because if special counsel Robert Mueller is right, then there ought to be another withering two-year investigation, tout de suite, of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s far worse election-law violations.

According to Mueller, the derogatory information about Hillary Clinton at issue in the Trump Tower meeting could have been an illegal in-kind foreign contribution to a political campaign. The prosecutor, however, declined to charge it out of an abundance of caution and magnanimity. To be sure, Trump Tower was amateur hour. By contrast, the Clinton campaign did not merely accept a dubious Russian offer of help; it actively solicited derogatory Trump information from foreign sources, then channeled this “opposition research” into government intelligence channels — with a resulting disinformation coup for Moscow.

There’s a Brownout in the Bay Area.


San Francisco is a city in trouble.

Today, San Francisco hosts an estimated homeless population of 7,500 people. Affluent sections of the city have become dangerous with open-air drug use, tens of thousands of discarded needles, and, sadly, human feces.

Since 2011, there have been at least 118,352 reported instances of human fecal matter on city streets.

This week, we published our OpenTheBooks.com investigation at Forbes exposing the human waste challenge in San Francisco.
It’s so unbelievable, you have to see it to believe it. Check out our interactive map to view every case report since 2011.

Russian ‘Collusion’s’ Greatest Hits By Victor Davis Hanson


From late 2015 until April 2019, the media, the Left, and the Obama administrative state hierarchy warned us nonstop that candidate, president-elect, and inaugurated President Trump “colluded” with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton, to assemble a suspect cabinet, and to rule in treasonous fashion in the interests of Vladimir Putin. The former head of the CIA and the director of national intelligence were birthed as permanent analysts at MSNBC and CNN to sermonize—with wink-and-nod assurances that their past billets and security clearances substantiated their authority—that the treasonous Trump would likely be impeached, indicted, or quit.

A mostly progressive team of lawyers, with an unlimited budget, no restrictions on time, and with enormous legal powers found all of that to be a lie.

Unable to find Trump likely guilty of either collusion or obstruction of investigating the non-crime of collusion, they instead salted their report with innuendo and rumor of what the enraged Trump was supposedly thinking about, raging about, and talking about among his closest confidants, including the insurrectionary statement of his press secretary who allegedly sinned by exaggerating the extent of FBI rank and file unhappiness over the firing of James Comey.

All that was a long, slow distraction over real culpability on the part of a number of our supposed best and brightest. And here are some of their most absurd moments from the Orwellian hunt for collusion.

Victor Davis Hanson Presents ‘The Case for Trump’…VIDEO and Transcript


https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/273514/victor-davis-hanson-presents-case-trump-frontpagemagcomThank you very much. I was listening to Judge Jeanine last night, and it is strange times.  I was on a flight the other day coming back from a speech and a guy tapped me and said, “Did you write this book?” and he pulled it from under the seat.  I said, “Yeah” and he said, “Could you sign it?” He came over and then he put it back under the seat. He said, “It’s like wearing a MAGA hat, that cover.” So I was listening to her [Judge Janine] go through all of the things, and then sometimes when I’m at work, the Stanford Studio–our Hoover Studio– shuts down, so I went to do a Fox show.

When I got a call from the Fox producer he said, “They won’t let you on unless you write out in advance an outline of everything you’re going to say.”  So, I called him up, and I said, “I just heard two professors go on a rant on MSNBC with the Stanford logo from the studio about why Trump is treason and should be impeached,” and they backed down, and they said, “Okay, we won’t do it.” The next time, they did the same thing.So, there’s a climate we’re in right now that’s insidious everywhere.  We have a climate of fear that this popular culture has created, and it sounds like deterrence. They want to call you names.  But if you back off a little bit, then that’s a victory for them, and that’s why I thought that her final call to arms was well taken.  What I’d like to do is just ask a series of questions for about 25 minutes and open up for questions:How did this guy get elected, and I mean by that, how was he nominated?  How did he do pretty well for the first 2 years?  Why do two groups of people hate him, the left of course, but as I learned from a reaction to this book, the Never Right hate him even more– the Never Trump Right.  Then what’s the prognosis to the degree that anybody knows for 2020?

Mueller Evidence Fails to Prove Obstruction Charge Against Trump Trump haters continue deranged obsession — by other means. Joseph Klein


The overblown Russian collusion balloon has burst. Democrats, their handmaidens in the mainstream media and other Trump haters are apoplectic that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found “the evidence was not sufficient to charge that any member of the Trump Campaign conspired with representatives of the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election.”

However, the Trump haters will never give up trying to unseat him by any means possible. They now are latching on to the Special Counsel’s evidentiary findings relating to possible obstruction of justice, even though the Special Counsel’s Office “did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct.” The Mueller report admitted that the evidence it “obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.” Nevertheless, the report concluded with tantalizing language that excited the imaginations of Democrats, the mainstream media and others who want to take President Trump down. The report’s authors stated that “if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

“ZOA President Mort Klein Tells Congress: Islamic Jew-Hatred Threatens American Jews”

Press Release/Statement of the Jewish American Affairs Committee of Indiana VIDEO

VIDEO link to Mort Klein’s Testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, Tues. April 9, 2019:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmHm5puFHr0“At an April 9, 2019

Congressional hearing on hate crimes and white nationalism chaired by Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) eloquently illustrated how Jews the world over face a major threat which both American and Jewish leadership have not truly addressed: Islamic anti-Semitism.While anti-Jewish bigotry from some beyond traditional neo-Nazi sources has occasionally been addressed in the media,the anti-Semitic opinions and actions of Muslims receive almost no attention. This stands in stark and disturbing contrast to the facts, such as, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 49% of Muslims interviewed in 100 countries exhibited anti-Jewish hatred, including 34% of American Muslims.Governmental and Jewish community leaders will not be truly serving their duty to protect American Jews until this painful fact is addressed honestly.

”Written testimony (full) http://jaaci.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Written-Testimony-of-ZOA-President-Morton-Klein-House-Judiciary-Committee-April-9-2019.pdf

The Collusion Dream Is Dead But The Conspiracy Lives On Our political, intelligence, and media elites sold us this crazy story and promised the American people the proof that never came. Ben Domenech


The President of the United States did not conspire with the Russians. Neither did his family. Neither did his friends. Neither did his campaign. At the end of the Robert Mueller investigation – now clearly staffed and advanced by partisans who loathe this president – not one single American, after all that, has been indicted or charged with any crime for conspiring with the Russians in any way, shape, or form to steal the 2016 election. That is now an indisputable fact. The uncomfortable reality is that we spent two years being fed the most irresponsible allegations advanced by an ignorant punditocracy gone savage for this idea, which should raise all sorts of questions about our political, intelligence, and media elites who sold us this crazy story and promised the American people the proof that never came.

The juiciest portion of the report from the perspective of the media yesterday was the president’s outburst upon being told of the appointment of Mueller as special counsel following Jeff Sessions’ recusal and the firing of James Comey – from the searchable report here:

The Mueller Report Vindicates Bill Barr By Andrew C. McCarthy


Barr has provided Congress with the full, at times gory details drawn from Mueller’s aggressive investigation.

Democrats and their media partners owe Bill Barr an apology. He won’t get one, it goes without saying.

Just to recap, the attorney general was accused of misrepresenting Mueller’s report; of providing a false summary of the report; of plotting to use grand-jury law and other secrecy provisions as a pretext to redact most of the report; and of calling an extraordinary press conference in order to exculpate the president by projecting a fraudulent version of the report.

These accusations were slanderously false.

Barr made Mueller’s bottom-line findings available on a Sunday, March 24, less than two full days after receiving the report from Mueller late on a Friday. Now that the 448-page tome is public, it is easy to see that it could not possibly have been redacted, in keeping with federal law, without a weeks-long review process.

If Barr had issued nothing while that painstaking process went on, he’d have been vilified for a cover-up. Instead, he quickly and accurately reported Mueller’s findings . . . and was of course vilified for purportedly lying about what the report said — notwithstanding that Mueller, no wallflower, was cooperating in the redaction process and would obviously not have abided a fictional account of his work.

Mueller’s Report Speaks Volumes What’s in the special counsel’s findings is almost as revealing as what’s left out. Kimberley Strassel


By the fall of 2017, it was clear that special counsel Robert Mueller, as a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was too conflicted to take a detached look at a Russia-collusion story that had become more about FBI malfeasance than about Donald Trump. The evidence of that bias now stares at us through 448 pages of his report.

President Trump has every right to feel liberated. What the report shows is that he endured a special-counsel probe that was relentlessly, at times farcically, obsessed with taking him out. What stands out is just how diligently and creatively the special counsel’s legal minds worked to implicate someone in Trump World on something Russia- or obstruction-of-justice-related. And how—even with all its overweening power and aggressive tactics—it still struck out.

Volume I of the Mueller report, which deals with collusion, spends tens of thousands of words describing trivial interactions between Trump officials and various Russians. While it doubtless wasn’t Mr. Mueller’s intention, the sheer quantity and banality of details highlights the degree to which these contacts were random, haphazard and peripheral. By the end of Volume I, the notion that the Trump campaign engaged in some grand plot with Russia is a joke.

Obstruction of Nothing Mueller vindicates Trump on collusion and plays Hamlet on obstruction.


Robert Mueller is certainly thorough. The special counsel makes clear across the 488 pages of his report released Thursday that he and his band of prosecutors left no entrail unexamined in their two-year dissection of President Trump. Those who demanded this may not like the conclusions, but they can’t say Mr. Mueller didn’t hunt down every potential crime.

The report exposes some Trumpian excesses and lies, but it also shows that, on the most important issue and the charge that started it all, Mr. Trump has been telling the truth. He and his campaign did not conspire or coordinate with Russians to steal the 2016 election. Try as he did to find a crime regarding Russia or obstruction of justice, Mr. Mueller found nothing to prosecute.

The details validate the four-page public summary of the report’s conclusions that Attorney General William Barr released last month. The AG issued the full report with limited redactions related to grand-jury testimony and intelligence sources and methods. Democrats will claim secrets are hidden in the redactions, but Mr. Barr says he’ll let senior Members of Congress see most of those too. Claims of a coverup are spin for the anti-Trump media.