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Marco Rubio Blasts Rashida Tlaib’s Dual Loyalty Suggestion: ‘Typical Anti-Semitic Line’ By Debra Heine

Freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) is certainly making an impression in her first few days in the House of Representatives. Last week, she distinguished herself by vowing to “impeach the motherf***er,” referring to President Donald Trump at a MoveOn.org event in Washington, D.C. hours after being sworn into office. She also created a stir last week when one of her friends replaced Israel with a Post-It note that says “Palestine” on a map in Tlaib’s congressional office.

Tlaib stepped in it again over the weekend when she suggested in a tweet that several U.S. senators have dual loyalties to both the United States and Israel.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and the American Jewish Committee on Monday pushed back at Tlaib, decrying her statement as “outrageous” and “anti-Semitic.”

Rubio, along with Senator James Risch (R-Idaho), last week reintroduced pro-Israel legislation that did not get passed in the last Congress. The Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019 combines several Middle East-related items into a single bill, including Syria withdrawal and financial aid to Israel.

One section of the bill, called Combating BDS Act of 2019, would protect states that penalize Israel boycotters. According to Rubio, Democrat leaders are trying to avoid a vote on his bill because it would expose how many Democrat BDS supporters are now in the Senate.

The bill empowers “state and local governments in the United States to counter the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement’s discriminatory economic warfare against the Jewish state,” a press release on Senator Rubio’s website says.

“They forgot what country they represent,” Tlaib, a Palestinian American, wrote on Twitter Sunday. “This is the U.S. where boycotting is a right & part of our historical fight for freedom & equality.” CONTINUE AT SITE

Dem. Rep. Denies Responsibility for Mistakenly Labeling Girl’s Murder ‘Hate Crime’ By Jack Crowe


Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) refused to take responsibility Sunday for labeling the murder of a seven-year-old African-American girl a “hate crime” before sufficient evidence materialized to support the claim.

Jackson Lee, who encouraged the public to treat Jazmine Barnes’s murder as a hate crime during a rally days after her death, claimed Sunday that her earlier statements, made before the police arrested and charged an African-American man with the murder, were not irresponsible.

While addressing a crowd of hundreds gathered near the Houston, Texas street where Barnes was shot and killed on December 30, Jackson Lee urged her audience to call the murder a hate crime, citing eyewitness accounts that suggested a white man was responsible.

“Do not be afraid to call this what it seems to be — a hate crime,” Jackson Lee said.

On Sunday, Houston Police arrested and charged Eric Black, a 20-year-old African-American man, with the killing. Asked at a news conference Sunday afternoon whether her initial characterization of the murder as a hate crime was irresponsible, Jackson Lee responded, “absolutely not.”

Joe diGenova: ‘Cardinal’ James Comey — The man who destroyed the FBI


Wyatt Earp. Elliot Ness. J. Edgar Hoover. Inspector Clouseau. James Comey. The names reflect a continuum of greatness to farce and mediocrity. In the annals of U.S. law enforcement, no individual has reached the depths of disgrace as James “Cardinal” Comey.

The “Cardinal” was a sobriquet FBI agents used to denigrate their leader. As Deputy Attorney General, he was called “drama queen.” Known for his pomposity and self-regard, Comey cut a swath of arrogance unknown in either of those illustrious organizations. He was the cult of personality. He surrounded himself with sycophants, people dedicated to his promotion and their advancement. The Bureau and the public became the losers.

James Comey politicized the FBI, America’s premier law enforcement agency. It started on July 6, 2016, when he usurped the authority of Attorney General Loretta Lynch in violation of the Constitution, the law and DOJ regulations.

He destroyed Hillary’s campaign when he unethically and unprofessionally described her conduct with pejorative words such as “criminal” and then illegally exonerated her of the crimes.

President Obama should have fired him that day. But he did not. Why? Perhaps because he had knowledge of Hillary’s avoidance of any protected email channels because he communicated with her on her private server using a pseudonym.

Comey is a poseur. He pretends to be Thomas Becket but he is, in fact, the assassin, Henry II. He claims in his memos he doesn’t do sneaky things, leak or do weasely things. Yet in his interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier he pretended not to know what a leak is.

Trump to deliver prime-time address, travel to Southern border amid shutdown standoff


President Trump announced that he will address the nation on Tuesday night before traveling later in the week to the U.S.-Mexico border, as he seeks to highlight border security and presses Democrats for wall funding amid the protracted standoff that triggered a partial government shutdown now stretching into its 17th day.

“I am pleased to inform you that I will Address the Nation on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border. Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. Eastern,” Trump tweeted on Monday.

Escape from Portland Unarmed cops, an 18% murder rise, and vigilante justice. Daniel Greenfield


It was a big year in Portland where the murder rate rose 18.6%. That was the perfect time for Portland’s progressive politburo to spend over $1 million on unarmed cops armed only with pepper spray.

There was a little bit of excitement when it was learned that their 200 hours of training would include “Taser Orientation” suggesting that they might be allowed to carry tasers. But Mayor Wheeler’s office explained that the weaponless cops weren’t being trained to use tasers, but “how to avoid being tased”.

Portlanders aren’t waiting for officers to show up and shout, “Don’t tase me, bro”. Instead in a city overrun with crime, they’re increasingly taking matters and guns into their hands.

Of the 32 violent deaths in Portland last year, 5 were found to have been carried out in self-defense. That tops the 4 deaths that occurred as a result of shootings by those cops who still have their guns.

Richard R. Hanley showed up in the parking lot outside Timeless Tattoo. The California homeless bum had previously made the news when he was arrested for attacking his ex-girlfriend and her new beau with a metal chain. Hanley, already on probation for a domestic abuse and strangulation conviction, with six felony and seven misdemeanor priors, also pulled out huge clumps of a female deputy’s hair.

Tish James’ duty: The new attorney general must be more circumspect in her anti-Trump statements


The state’s new top legal officer, Attorney General Tish James, is well equipped for the job in many ways. She will protect consumers from getting scammed and workers from being cheated out of pay. She will defend New York’s interests when they collide with Washington’s on the environment, immigration and more.

The Empire State also happens to be home to President Trump’s family business and (dissolving) foundation, making it fertile terrain for civil and criminal investigations. Here, James may have made her own job harder.

Prosecutors are often also politicians, but they owe it to their potential targets, and to the public’s trust in justice, not to let their leanings cloud or seem to cloud their judgment as they flex the long arm of the law.

As a candidate, James called Trump an “illegitimate President.” She characterized foreign governments’ payments to Trump family holdings as constituting a “pattern and practice of money laundering.”

After winning election, she said “We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.”

Of Robert Mueller, she said, “I think he’s closing in on this President, and his days are going to be coming to an end shortly.”

In a 2013 ruling, New York’s highest court wrote that in rare situations, “the appearance of impropriety itself is a ground for disqualification” of a prosecutor from a case, “when the appearance is such as to ‘discourage public confidence in our government and the system of law to which it is dedicated.’ ”

Unable to read tea leaves, we do not know whether courts would consider James’ statements as candidate or as AG-elect sufficient to force her recusal. (There’s no risk a case would be dismissed solely on such grounds.)

Going forward, however, she must demonstrate that rhetorical discretion is the better part of effective law enforcement.

Upbeat employment report underscores U.S. economic strength Lucia Mutikani


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. employers hired the most workers in 10 months in December while boosting wages, pointing to sustained strength in the economy that could ease fears of a sharp slowdown in growth.

The upbeat employment report from the Labor Department on Friday stood in stark contrast with reports this week showing Chinese factory activity contracting for the first time in 19 months in December and weak manufacturing across much of Europe.

Concerns about the U.S. economy heightened following surveys showing sharp declines in consumer confidence and manufacturing activity last month, which roiled financial markets. Both were seen as more red flags that the economic expansion, now in its ninth year and the second longest on record, is losing steam.

“The jump in payrolls in December would seem to make a mockery of market fears of an impending recession,” said Paul Ashworth, chief economist at Capital Economics in Toronto. “This employment report suggests the U.S. economy still has considerable forward momentum.”

Nonfarm payrolls surged by 312,000 jobs last month, the largest gain since February, as employment at construction and leisure and hospitality locations snapped back after being restrained by unseasonably cold temperatures in November.

Trump Keeps Giving Mueller Reasons to Pursue the ‘Collusion’ Probe By Andrew C. McCarthy

https://www.nationalreview.com/politics-policy/The special counsel is going to keep digging until Trump stops this.

I t’s a new year with a new Congress, but it’s the same question: When is Special Counsel Robert Mueller going to file his much-anticipated final report?

My 2018 answer was: When he’s good and ready.

I have a caveat for 2019, though: Maybe when President Trump stops giving him additional reasons to keep digging.

Don’t get me wrong. I am reasonably confident that the bottom line will be that there is no criminal collusion case. That is, the original rationale for the investigation that the FBI commenced during the 2016 presidential campaign and that Mueller inherited in 2017 — pretextually opened as a counterintelligence investigation but conducted as a criminal investigation in search of a crime — is a dry hole: There was no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin to commit cyber-espionage against Democratic email accounts. Putin did not “hack the election.” If there had been a collusion conspiracy, the indictments Mueller has filed would look very different; the potential witnesses would have pleaded guilty to a collusion conspiracy — and they’d be preparing to testify against the president, not being sentenced for lying to the FBI.

Unjustified Appointment
It also remains true that there was no justification for Mueller’s appointment. The FBI was formally conducting a counterintelligence investigation. In the Justice Department, counterintelligence investigations do not have a prosecutor assigned; the point is not to prosecute but to collect information about a foreign power. In counterintelligence, if the FBI needs assistance in getting surveillance warrants from the FISA court, lawyers in the Justice Department’s National Security Division handle that. There is no need for a prosecutor — not just for a special counsel but for any prosecutor at all — unless concrete evidence emerges that gives rise to good-faith suspicion that a crime has been committed.

Moreover, there is no need for a special counsel (a creature of federal regulation) in the absence of a conflict of interest with respect to the suspected crime — a conflict so profound that DOJ is ethically incapable of investigating the matter. Here, there was no crime and no conflict. The FBI, aided by DOJ’s National Security Division, could easily have conducted an aggressive investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election — and were doing so before Mueller’s appointment, even after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself.

New Muslim Congresswoman Vows to ‘Impeach the Motherf**ker!’ By Tyler O’Neil


Newly minted Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) had been a congresswoman for mere hours before declaring her intention to impeach President Donald Trump using vulgar language.

“People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, ‘Momma, look you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I said, ‘baby they don’t,'” Tlaib told a crowd Thursday night. “Because we’re going to go in there and impeach the motherf**ker!”

Video of the vulgar declaration drew a great deal of attention on Twitter.

.@RashidaTlaib saying it louder for the people in the back!! ???#116thCongress pic.twitter.com/VeUq0GwI5E
— UndocuNestor (@_NestorRuiz) January 4, 2019

This is far from the first time she has called for Trump’s impeachment. One of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, Tlaib had pledged to impeach Trump during the election. She published an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press urging impeachment on Thursday. CONTINUE AT SITE

Economic Overview For 2019 Jan 01, 2019 by Marilyn M Barnewall


As James Carville once said, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

As we enter 2019, the Federal Reserve is once again in the headlines for increasing interest rates. The Fed’s increase is what is responsible for the upsy-downsy stock market, not President Trump’s tariffs (though the fake media will tell you otherwise).

There are three important things to remember about the Federal Reserve System: 1) It is a private corporation and is not part of the government; 2) It is merely a wholesaler of financial services and does nothing that cannot be done by the United States Treasury Department; 3) American taxpayers are responsible for the unlawful debts accumulated by the Federal Reserve.

“Well,” you may say to yourself, “it’s only fair that we pay for Social Security and our highway system and all of the things that cause the national debt, isn’t it?”

You might want to take a look at the loans that have nothing to do with America and its well-being before being so generous with your forgiveness:

A 2006 audit showed that during the period from December 1, 2007 through July 21, 2010 the Fed made $16 trillion dollars in loans (our total national debt is $21 trillion) to US banks and corporations and to foreign banks.

Foreign banks? That’s right… foreign banks. The bank bailout of September 2008 was nothing compared to secret loans made by the Federal Reserve System about which the Congress was never informed.

Thanks to then-Congressman Ron Paul who kept pressure on the House of Representatives to pass legislation ordering the General Accounting Office audit of the Fed.

The loans were to cover up secret bank and corporate bailouts. They were made to prevent the banks and corporations who borrowed the money from bankruptcy. The money was loaned at nearly zero percent (.01%) interest – as in 1/10th of 1%.