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Armed Father Stops Shooter at Birmingham McDonalds By Jack Crowe


An armed man stopped a potential mass shooting at a Birmingham, Ala. McDonalds Saturday afternoon.

The unidentified man was leaving the restaurant with his two sons as a masked gunman entered and began firing. The father drew his pistol and returned fire, killing the gunman, but not before he and one of his teenage sons were shot.

The father and son sustained non-life threatening injuries in the shoot out, according to police.

Markus Washington, a McDonald’s employee on duty Saturday, told WBRC-TV that he locked himself in a freezer when the shooting began and was unaware one of his customers had engaged the shooter.

“I’m feeling grateful,” he told the station. “Wrapping my head around it all, I was just wishing someone would come wake me up from this nightmare.”

“All we hear is like different gunfire, so in my mind, I’m imagining everybody is dead. He’s looking for us,” he added.

Washington said he was thankful the man who confronted the gunman was armed.

“He’s my hero. Because I can only imagine how it would’ve went if he wasn’t armed. We might not be here having this interview,” Washington said.

Shots Fired into GOP Campaign Office in Florida By Jack Crowe


At least four shots were fired into a Republican campaign satellite office in Volusia County, Fla. on Sunday, police announced after a campaign volunteer reported the shooting Monday morning.

No one was injured in the shooting, which broke the front windows and displaced drywall inside the office, South Daytona police captain Mark Cheatham told the Orlando Sentinel. There were no eyewitnesses, but police are seeking surveillance footage to try and determine who is responsible.

The incident comes after a gunman murdered eleven congregants at a Pittsburgh synagogue Saturday morning. The assailant, who eventually surrendered to police, reportedly yelled “all Jews must die” during the attack. A number of prominent Democratic lawmakers and wealthy liberal donors were also targeted by mail bombs last week. Police have identified a middle-aged Florida man and outspoken Trump supporter as the attacker.

President Trump — whose rhetoric has been blamed for the attacks by many in the media, as well as Democratic lawmakers — called the spate of violence “despicable” in a statement last Wednesday.

“In these times we have to unify,” he said. “We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America.”

The militarisation of anti-Semitism Blaming Trump for the Pittsburgh massacre downplays the scale of anti-Semitism today. By Brendan O’Neill


And still people are downplaying the seriousness of anti-Semitism. Even now. Even following the worst attack on Jews in American history. Even after the slaughter of 11 mostly elderly Jews at a bris, the celebration of the birth of a child, at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

This time they are diminishing the scale and depth of anti-Semitism by pointing the finger of blame for the Pittsburgh massacre at President Donald Trump. No sooner had Robert Bowers allegedly executed his act of racist mass murder than anti-Trump commentators were describing it as the bloody offspring of Trump’s supposedly white-nationalist worldview and his divisive rhetoric.

This slaughter was the ‘inevitable result’ of ‘Trump’s vile nationalism’, said the Nation. Inevitable. ‘Trump didn’t pull the trigger on Jews in Pittsburgh, but he certainly prepped the shooter’, says a writer for Haaretz. Hateful violence like this is a consequence of Trump’s rhetoric, says British columnist Mehdi Hasan: ‘He preaches hate. He incites violence. He inspires attacks.’

This rush to blame Trump for a massacre of Jews is not only profoundly cynical, where the militarisation of anti-Semitism is pounced upon to the cheap, low end of scoring points against a politician people don’t like.

It also has the effect of whitewashing the true horror of anti-Semitism in the 21st-century West. It is in itself a form of apologism for the new anti-Semitism to the extent that it dehistoricises and depoliticises it by presenting it as little more than a function of the new right-wing populism.

Tom Gross: For Some, the Only Real Culprit is Donald Trump


GQ writer Julia Ioffe was one of several prominent left-wing journalists to blame Donald Trump and/or Benjamin Netanyahu for the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre within minutes of it happening on Saturday.

In a tweet dismissed by others as “repulsive,” Ioffe appeared to claimed that the fault for the actions of the neo-Nazi in Pittsburgh lay with Jews (a majority) who supported the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


[Note by Tom Gross]

Predictably, many journalists rushed to blame Donald Trump for the massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue.

“Trump didn’t pull the trigger on Jews in Pittsburgh, but he certainly prepped the shooter,” ran the Haaretz headline of a piece by the former editor of the American magazine Foreign Policy.

Similar accusations were made in publications including The Atlantic, The Forward, The New Republic and The Washington Post – and they were made before the bodies of the murdered Jews, which included a 97-year-old woman, had even been removed from the floor of the synagogue where they were executed.

I attach two pieces below from writers that beg to differ (both are subscribers to this list).

Brendan O’Neill, the editor in chief of Spiked, writes:

Bowers’ own social-media output suggests he was more influenced by the shared left / right / Islamist conspiracy theory about Jewish power than he was by Trump’s divisive commentary. He was critical of Trump, on the basis that the president was granting Jews too much influence and presence in the US. This, worryingly, is now a mainstream view. You see it in Guardian cartoons showing Israeli leaders puppeteering Western politicians. You hear it in leftish panic about an all-powerful Israel Lobby. You see it in Press TV headlines about the US being ‘completely under the thumb’ of Zionists. Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party, worked for Press TV. For years.

Jonathan S. Tobin, the editor on chief of the Jewish News Syndicate writes:

For some, the only real culprit here is US President Donald Trump. … but Bowers was a critic of Trump, specifically because of his sympathy with Jews, the presence of many Jews in key administration posts and his support for Israel, which exceeds that of all of his recent predecessors. He viewed Trump as an ally of Jews – not someone who had encouraged him to attack them…

From Pittsburgh to Fort Hood: Trump Versus Obama Contrasting presidential responses to mass murder. Lloyd Billingsley


“This wicked act of mass murder is pure evil,” Trump said on Saturday. “This was an anti-Semitic act. You wouldn’t think this would be possible in this day and age.”

That was President Trump, responding to the murder of 11 Jews at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

“Our minds cannot comprehend the cruel hate and twisted malice that could cause a person to unleash such terrible violence,” the president said, “during a baby naming ceremony at a sacred house of worship on the holy day of Sabbath.” The president said “anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represents one of the ugliest and darkest features in human history. Anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.”

Suspect Robert Bowers, 48, yelled “all Jews must die” as he fired, killing 11 and injuring six, including four police officers. FBI special agent Bob Jones said it was the “most horrific crime scene” he’s witnessed in 22 years. Swift action by police prevented many more casualties and police took Bowers into custody.

President Trump told reporters “people who do this should get the death penalty. I think they should stiffen up laws and I think they should very much bring the death penalty to anybody who does a thing like this to innocent people.” Agent Jones said that prior to the synagogue attack, Bowers was unknown to law enforcement.

That was not exactly the case with U.S. Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan. Major Hasan had been emailing terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki about the prospect of killing infidel Americans, and the “Soldier of Allah,” as he called himself, did everything but take out an ad on the Super Bowl to announce his jihadist intentions. The U.S. security establishment was well aware of the communications but did nothing to stop Hasan.


Anti-Semitism should always be condemned. But it is somewhat ironic that a man who is Jewish by birth, yet proud for growing up in an “anti-Semitic home,” who demeans Jews and gives millions to anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian and BDS groups, claims to be a victim of anti-Semitism. That man is George Soros.

In the run-up to the midterm election the demonization of President Trump, Republicans and anyone opposing the invasion of undocumented illegal aliens into the U.S., which Soros’s Open Society Foundations has been inderctly supporting, is reaching new heights in the pro-Soros, progressive Left media. Trump’s opposition even claims “Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric may have contributed to an increase in pre-term births among Latina women.” So it is not surprising that Soros’s son alleges “Trump’s anti-Semitic and anti-Democratic Rhetoric Led to Bomb Scare.” And it took no time for the Washington Post and Trump hating Democrat politicians to also blame the President, who supports Israel, and whose daughter is an observant Jewess whose Jewish husband is his trusted adviser, for the tragic anti-Semitic attack that killed 11 American Jews praying at their synagogue in Pittsburgh.

Jewish by birth, Soros has been known to shun his Jewish heritage for decades, bringing it up only when he felt he could exploit it one way or another. And the more he seems to indulge in his alleged victimhood, the more he prompts anti-Semitism.

The Rhetorical Art of Blame-Laying By Adam Ellwanger


As a public service, here are some things that are in no way responsible for creating a “climate of political violence” in the United States:

Public performances of plays that depict the execution of Trump-like figures.
Publishing a Trump assassination fantasy in the New York Times.
The constant, deliberate misrepresentation and denigration of mainstream conservative policy positions by the corporate legacy news outlets and elected representatives on the left—and their incessant refusal to be accountable for it. There are too many examples to link. Start with the steadfast equivocation by media outlets between conservative perspectives on immigration in general and their criticisms of illegal immigration in particular.
The recent use of violent rhetoric by presidents on the left: for example, when Barack Obama advises supporters to oppose opponents by saying if “they bring a knife, we bring a gun.”
The media’s valorization of virtue-signaling celebrities who make threats against the president’s family, disparage his supporters, encourage public violence, or create violent images like the mock-decapitation of the president.
Antifa’s (and associated groups’) violent responses to peaceful exercises of conservative speech in public spaces.
Leftists running high-profile conservatives out of restaurants.
Maxine Waters’ encouragements of those who would use violent methods to signify their opposition to the Trump Administration.
Hillary Clinton’s call for a hiatus on civility until Democrats regain control of the government.
The widespread, false, and cynical equivocation between conservative speech and hate speech.
The would-be assassin who almost killed Rep. Scalise.
Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder saying, “when [conservatives] go low, we kick them.”

The Oldest Hatred All good Americans stand in solidarity against anti-Semitism.


The massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh is an awful reminder that there are human hatreds far more virulent and ancient than those that animate our current political divisions. The killer of 11 human beings on the Sabbath Saturday morning was an anti-Semite who was out to kill Jews.

“All Jews must die,” alleged killer Robert Bowers yelled as he burst into a religious service and opened fire. As our friends at the New York Sun note, anti-Semitism is not aimed at Jewish behavior, or support for Jewish immigration, or support for Israel. Robert Bowers simply hated Jews.

This irrational hatred is one of humanity’s oldest and manifests itself in murder almost daily in the Middle East. Jews are killed simply because they are Jews, as they have been throughout history. This is why millions have sought refuge in a Jewish state, Israel, and also in the religious protections embedded in the Constitution of the United States.

The outpouring of support and grief for the victims of the Pittsburgh massacre is a reminder of America’s unique role as a refuge for the world’s religious. Muslim states often persecute non-Muslims as well as Muslims who do not share their brand of Islam. China persecutes people of all faiths. America protects them.

The U.S. has seen an increase in anti-Semitic acts in recent years, according to the Anti-Defamation League. But there are still fewer in America than in most of the rest of world, and the sources of anti-Semitism range across the political spectrum, including some on the right like Robert Bowers but also from the pro-Palestinian left, especially on university campuses.

The Anti-Semitic Mass-Murder Attack in Pittsburgh By Andrew C. McCarthy


Eleven people were killed and six others wounded or otherwise injured when an anti-Semitic terrorist opened fire at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh Saturday morning.

As of this writing, the murder victims, all adults, have not yet been publicly identified. Four of the wounded have been described as police officers.

The shooter, who has been identified as Robert Bowers, 46, is in custody. He is said to have shouted, “All Jews must die!” during the shooting spree. The attack occurred a little before 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. The synagogue is in the Squirrel Hill section of eastern Pittsburgh, a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Typically, the New York Times reports, there are about 75 people gathered for Saturday Shabbat (Sabbath) observance. There is usually no security, except for high holy days when the number of worshippers swells to well over a thousand.

Bowers surrendered after a shootout with police during which he was apparently wounded. He initially encountered police as he was fleeing the synagogue. He retreated back into the building during the gunfire, barricading himself in a third-floor office.

Several reports indicate that Bowers maintained a social-media account that was rife with anti-Semitic slurs and conspiracy theories about Jews. In the hours before the shooting spree, he apparently posted about a Jewish nonprofit organization called “HIAS”:

HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.

The term “invaders” apparently refers to refugees in the United States. A few weeks back, Bowers apparently authored a post objecting to a Shabbat ceremony HIAS was planning for refugees around the country: “Why hello there HIAS! You like to bring in hostile invaders to dwell among us?” Bowers’s social-media account, which has now been taken down, was on a network called “Gab,” which the Times says describes itself as a free-speech haven.

Alleged Fake Bomber is Fillipino Ex-Con Who Claimed To Be Seminole Daniel Greenfield


I don’t think there’s a profile that fits this guy. There’s no point in even bothering to try.

He identified on Twitter with the “WeUnconquered SeminoleTribe”. His LinkedIn page connects him to the Philippines. He was allegedly a former male stripper.

Career decision of becoming a Horse Doctor was always a love for animals, which were here first and never do anything to anyone. And respect all living things. My family very sound Sayoc name in Medical field Grandfather Col. Baltazar Zook Sayoc that perfect the conversion oriental eye to Americanize. The first plastic surgeon to be observed by 8 million people in NY city Hospital. He over through Communist Philippines liberated island. He built all hospitals in Philippines islands and sets standards highest level. Most surgeon use his instruments which are patented. And a lot surgeon use today. Also Sayoc intl. schools marshals arts Kali that used to over throw communist party . Also one 5 Hero’s disciplinary my mother Madeline Sayoc Giardiello First president Pharmacy Cosmetic Association, Who Who Business Women of Year, Soul buyer consultant for Home Shopping Network, head number 1 marketing consul in World Aventura Marketing consul, up for city counsel women Aventura,

This doesn’t sound like English as a first language. Or it could just be mental illness.

At least one of his businesses seem to have involved male burlesque dancers. And he has an extensive criminal record for pretty much everything. The media is going to cynically try to connect him to Trump and Republicans, but he seems to have been a mentally unstable man with a lot of anger and obvious personal issues.