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Montage: Liberals Call for Dialed Down Rhetoric, Then Brand Trump Evil, Nazi, Worse Than ISIS By Tyler O’Neil


In the wake of the attempting bombing of various Democrats, liberal commentators have rightly called for the dialing down of divisive rhetoric. However, they have refused to lead by example, instead repeatedly demonizing President Donald Trump in the most radical terms.

Grabien put together a montage of the worst comments uttered by liberal commentators in recent days.

Among the highlights:

“This president has radicalized so many more people that ISIS ever did,” said Julia Ioffe (she later apologized, but went on to say “a silent majority” of Trump supporters think racism is okay).

“The biggest terror threat in this country is white men radicalized on the right,” said CNN’s Don Lemon.

“The same type of propaganda that you would have seen in Germany in 1938 [under Adolf Hitler], the dehumanization, turning people into infested vermin,” said former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt.

“Evil, nasty authoritarianism,” decried Howard Dean.

Steve Schmidt again: Trump’s “erratic behavior, his ignorance, could pose a profound danger to every single person in this country and literally every inhabitant of the planet earth.”

Yet more Schmidt: “This whole caravan in the last week of the election is a giant lie. This is Trump’s Reichstag fire,” a reference to Hitler’s disgusting tactic of blaming the Jews for setting the German parliament on fire when Nazis did it.

“We’re going to see if his reign lasts for 30 days or two years, or a thousand-year reich,” said legal analyst Elie Mystal, referencing Hitler’s propaganda that his would be a “thousand-year reich.”

“It’s not even a question of whether it’s presidential behavior or not, it’s not minimally human behavior,” said MSNBC analyst John Heilemann. CONTINUE AT SITE

Why Did Media And Democrats Abandon Their Investigation Into Brett Kavanaugh? If Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is really a rapist and sexual assailant, as Democrats and media claimed, shouldn’t the story continue to be covered?By Mollie Hemingway


What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.

The argument for delaying the confirmation process indefinitely was that everyone needed time to investigate the allegations. The argument underlying the media coverage was that these allegations were “credible” and needed to be investigated and reported on given the importance of the lifetime position for which Kavanaugh was nominated. The allegations were hitting in the midst of the Me Too movement, which claims to address sexual assault by powerful men. It should be noted that for a claim to be declared “credible,” it doesn’t need to be verified or have any substantiating evidence but merely that journalists and pundits “believe” it or find it possible.

The Anti-Semitic Media Fights Anti-Semitism Jew-haters exploit a massacre of Jews. Daniel Greenfield


The fake news media has made it official.

Criticizing George Soros, an anti-Semite and alleged Nazi collaborator, is anti-Semitic. The Washington Post alone ran two dishonest screeds, “Conspiracy Theories about Soros Aren’t Just False, They’re Anti-Semitic” and “A Conspiracy Theory about George Soros and a Migrant Caravan Inspired Horror.”

The former comes from Talia Lavin, a former New Yorker fact checker who had to resign after falsely claiming that a wheelchair bound ICE agent’s Afghanistan platoon tattoo was Nazi insignia. Seeing her potential for smearing people, Media Matters hired her as a “researcher” on “far-right extremism”.

What wasn’t good enough for the New Yorker was good enough for the Washington Post, which brought in a disgraced employee of Media Matters, an organization funded by George Soros, to accuse Soros critics of anti-Semitism. The Post did not see fit to inform readers of the fact that its pro-Soros screed was funded by a Soros group, only describing Lavin as “a writer and researcher based in Brooklyn”.

Also the Washington Post is a series of conflict of interest smears and lies based in Washington D.C.

To criticize Soros, according to Lavin and numerous carbon copy pieces being circulated by special interests across the media echo chamber, is to be linked to The Dearborn Independent, Father Coughlin, and the entire history of anti-Semitism in America. All of which, to Lavin, are associated with the right.

Except that Henry Ford’s anti-Semitism was spawned by his anti-war activism. And Coughlin was a socialist opponent of free markets, who started out as a passionate supporter of FDR, before turning on him for being too friendly to capitalism. Then he started the National Union for Social Justice whose credo was that, “that social justice should replace the practices of modern capitalism.”

Despite his anti-Semitism, Coughlin had far more in common with Bernie Sanders, than Trump.

Pittsburgh and the Press First rule of media club: do not talk about violence without blaming Republicans. By James Freeman


How seriously should Americans take media folk who say the President’s press criticism is too harsh even as they blame him for murders he did not commit?

This column is not in the habit of labelling all shoddy reporting and commentary as “fake news.” The term should perhaps be reserved for discussions among non-doctors on cable news programs who purport to issue long-distance diagnoses of Donald Trump’s mental health. But who can defend the current widespread media effort to blame the President for a murderous rampage in Pittsburgh by a gunman who was explicitly anti-Trump?

Not that it’s fair to blame national political figures for all the acts committed by their supporters either. But Paul Krugman of the New York Times suggests that whatever the motivation, whatever the political affiliation of a particular criminal and regardless of the facts of each case, Mr. Trump is at fault:

In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re in the midst of a wave of hate crimes. Just in the past few days, bombs were mailed to a number of prominent Democrats, plus CNN. Then, a gunman massacred 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Meanwhile, another gunman killed two African-Americans at a Louisville supermarket, after first trying unsuccessfully to break into a black church — if he had gotten there an hour earlier, we would probably have had another mass murder.

All of these hate crimes seem clearly linked to the climate of paranoia and racism deliberately fostered by Donald Trump and his allies in Congress and the media.

This latest column in the Times is obviously compelling evidence that Mr. Krugman is no better at analyzing violent attacks than he is at predicting the pace of economic growth or forecasting stock market moves. But even a casual news consumer knows that such moral confusion has not been confined to Mr. Krugman since the Saturday massacre. And history has shown that it really has nothing in particular to do with Mr. Trump.

“Conservatives Don’t Get to Mourn,” is the headline on an insightful piece by Karol Markowicz, who writes in National Review today:

After every horrible mass shooting, when we should be mourning together, looking for solutions to stop future attacks, consoling the families of the victims, there’s an immediate rush to make sure conservatives know they do not belong to that wider American community feeling the pain. Worse, there’s a constant allusion to the fact that those on the right are responsible for the slaughter. Republicans spend the time following these attacks not in mourning like they should be but beating back the sickening idea that they inspired the shooter.

Pittsburgh comes together to mourn victims, and protesters turn their backs on Trump Yahoo News Christopher Wilson WILSON

PITTSBURGH — As the Jewish community of Squirrel Hill began to bury its dead Tuesday from the massacre in the Tree of Life synagogue Saturday, President Trump paid his respects, in a visit few had requested and many opposed. His motorcade was greeted by a demonstration of hundreds marchers calling to one another to “turn your back” on the president.

A line stretched far down the block for the funeral of Dr. David Rabinowitz, one of the 11 killed by a gunman whom police have identified as a 46-year-old man, whose social media posts indicate he was enraged by what he perceived as Jewish support for immigration. Rabinowitz, 77, was known for his compassionate treatment of AIDS victims. The service for brothers Cecil and David Rosenthal also drew a large crowd a mile and a half away. There was a heavy police presence outside the Jewish Community Center where Rabinowitz’s service was held, with officers from the Pittsburgh Police Department and nearby Carnegie Mellon University surrounding the facility.

Trump, who spent three and a half hours in the city, including a visit to a pop-up memorial to the victims and to wounded police officers recovering in the hospital, had been asked by Mayor Bill Peduto to delay the trip until all the services were concluded. City councilor Erika Strassburger, who lives near the Tree of Life and drives past the building every day, said her constituents had contacted her to oppose the trip.

“There are many, many constituents who’ve reached out to me by phone and email concerned that the president’s visit today will add to the trauma of the community and many community members,” said Strassburger early Tuesday afternoon before Trump’s arrival. “I won’t say that necessarily speaks for every single person in my district, that’s just what I’ve heard.”Strassburger’s constituents weren’t the only ones against Trump’s visit. Local officials — Peduto, county executive Rich Fitzgerald, Gov. Tom Wolf, and Sen. Bob Casey and Sen. Pat Toomey (all Democrats save for Toomey) — declined to join. Trump also failed to convince congressional leadership from either party to take the trip. Trump spoke with family members of at least one victim, according to Dr. Donald Yealy, but others reportedly rebuffed offers from the White House to meet the president, who has been blamed by commentators for inspiring violence with his anti-immigrant rhetoric and his demonization of “globalists,” a word that has been historically associated with anti-Semitism. His remarks shortly after the shooting that the gunman could have been deterred by an armed guard were also controversial. (Four police officers were injured in the apprehension of the shooter.)

Pittsburgh shows two faces after synagogue shooting By Ethel C. Fenig


No, I haven’t attended the vigils, the interfaith prayer services, the gatherings, or other feel-good manifestations of hand-holding kumbaya after the recent carnage in Pittsburgh. Or those of other slaughters in black churches, schools, workplaces, outdoor concerts, or wherever. It is not because I’m not appalled at the loss of innocent life there. I am. But the attendees leave, feeling they did something, resume their lives…’til the next time. For some, it is a form of healing.

But the gooey statements of mindless clichés that condemn the evil, preaching a form of artificial unity while condemning the inanimate weapon or mental illness for the horrendous deed, evading the issue of the hatred prevalent in some individuals and communities alienates me. Also, the leeching groups and individuals who latch on to the incident to promote their agenda – gun control, dislike of a political figure – desecrate the victims and diminishes the evil.

For example, on Monday, Pittsburgh’s mayor Bill Peduto (D) spoke movingly about the consequences of hatred.

Peduto took the microphone, speaking passionately about the Pittsburgh community and combating hatred.

“We come together tonight to mourn, and it’s the right thing to do. We lost eleven of our neighbors, and we’re here to mourn the way that they were taken from us. We’re here to mourn the fact that we live in a society where something like this could even exist. We’re here to mourn the attack upon our Jewish community. We’re here to be supporters. We’re here to make sure that those victims’ families have what Pittsburghers do, the understanding that we are all here for them and we will help them through this horror that they are living. We are here to recognize the officers and the two members of the congregation who are still suffering, and to let them and their families know, we’re here for you because we’re Pittsburghers and that’s what we do. We care and take care of those in need and we show it as a community of one.”

The Electronic Committee of Public Safety By Victor Davis Hanson


Modern-day Robespierres send counterrevolutionaries to the virtual chopping block. They should recall his fate.

Celebrities, politicians, and almost anyone of influence and wealth are always an incorrect or insensitive word away from the contemporary electronic guillotine. Regardless of the circumstances of their dilemmas, the beheaded rarely win sympathy from the mob. Coliseum-like roars of approval greet their abrupt change of fortune from their past exalted status.

So, for example, perhaps few feel sorry for anchor Megyn Kelly, recently all but fired by NBC and now walking away with most of her $69 million salary package as a severance payout.

Kelly was let go ostensibly for making a sloppy but not malicious morally equivalent comparison between whites at Halloween dressing up in costumes as blacks, and blacks likewise appearing as whites. But she sealed her fate by uttering the historically disparaging word “black face” as some sort of neutral bookend to her use of “white face.” Her fatal crime, then, was insensitive thought and speech and historical ignorance.

For someone so familiar with the rules of our electronic French Revolution and the felonies of speech and thought, Kelly proved surprisingly naïve in a variety of ways.

First, she should have known that there are revolutionary canons surrounding victimization indemnities. And for all her success, she is actually protected by few of them, given that she is fabulously well paid, attractive, still young, white — and at one time conservative and a former Fox News anchor person.

So when Kelly said something historically dense and insensitive, she should have grasped that she, despite being an emancipated coastal female, was immediately (and ratings-wise) expendable, even if expensively expendable.

Had Kelly been unapologetically progressive (especially one deemed vital to the cause), like Elizabeth Warren, who fabricated and profited from an entire minority identity, then she might well have survived the incident. Perhaps had she been a minority, such as Sarah Jeong, and written (rather than spoken off the cuff) far more racially offensive things about whites, she would have kept her job — as did Jeong on the New York Times editorial board after her racist tweets surfaced, such as this, from 2014: “Dumbass f****** white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

The audacity of Obama’s lying Brazenness is key. If you’re going to lie, don’t be shy Roger Kimball


What makes a good liar? It’s a harder question to answer than you might think, partly because it’s a harder and more complex thing to accomplish than you might think.

Let me begin by acknowledging that I do not have a satisfactory answer to the question. Nevertheless, as an aficionado of the sport, I admire from afar expert practitioners. And I was reminded just a few days ago that we have in our midst a grand master of mendacity. In his speech in Milwaukee on Friday, Barack Obama demonstrated once again his effortless, masterly deployment of deceit.

Again, I do not say that we groundlings have been vouchsafed all the inner workings of the mechanism. But one thing is clear from Obama’s performance: brazenness is key. If you are going to lie, don’t be shy. Capitalise on the public’s inherent goodwill — and its poor memory.

Another useful gambit: accuse others, preferably in violent terms, of precisely that of which you are yourself guilty.

Watch this: ‘What we have not seen before in our public life is politicians just blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, lying. Just making stuff up.’ Nice!

As in, ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor’?

‘Nobody In My Administration Got Indicted,’ said the Big O, but consider Eric ‘kick ’em when they’re down’ Holder, the only Attorney General in history to have been held in contempt of Congress. Consider also Lois Lerner, the senior IRS official whose shameless ‘I take the Fifth’ performance before Congress was its own humiliating indictment. Or consider Hillary Clinton herself, whose list of possible felonies would have kept the the DOJ busy for years were it not for her best buddy, the disgraced James Comey, another Obama apparatchik who should be lawyering up.

‘MAGA Bomber’ Worked at West Palm Nightclub Where Stormy Daniels Stripped in Anti-Trump Tour By Tyler O’Neil


Cesar Sayoc, the alleged attempted bomber behind the suspicious packages sent to former president Barack Obama, former first lady Hillary Clinton, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), and others, worked at a strip club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on the day before he was arrested. Stormy Daniels, the porn star who allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump, stripped at the same club in April — in her “Make America Horny Again” anti-Trump tour.

Ultra Gentlemen’s Club manager Stacey Saccal confirmed to WPTV that Sayoc worked there as recently as Thursday afternoon. He had worked there for two months as a DJ and doorman. Saccal said there had been no complaints about Sayoc from other employees before Sayoc’s arrest Friday.

The other employees were in “shock and disbelief” after learning about the arrest, the manager said. “I never knew that his van was covered in political stickers. I thought it was an ice cream truck,” Saccal said.

In April, porn star Stephanie Clifford — better known by her stage name “Stormy Daniels” — performed at Ultra, inspiring a protest. She stripped days before the president arrived at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, less than five miles west of the club.

Clifford’s performance was part of her “Make America Horny Again” tour, drawing attention to her alleged affair with President Trump.Stormy Daniels drew two types of crowds to Ultra. “They want to see what the big guy put his hands on,” Fabian Uribe, a limousine driver who drove a group to the club and stayed for the show, told the Palm Beach Post in April. “I’ll pay $35 just to see what she looks like. I guess the president didn’t want to come.”

The ‘Hodgkinson Standard’ and the Political Blame Game By Thomas Farnan


On June 14, 2017, James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer during the presidential primaries, opened fire on a Republican congressional baseball practice in northern Virginia. Four people were shot, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.).

President Trump addressed the shooting saying, “We may have our differences . . . We are strongest when we are unified and when we work for the common good.”

The New York Times noted favorably that “Mr. Trump steered clear of the possible political motivations of the gunman,” and instead issued a “dignified” call for unity.

There was general agreement that when a sociopath with a peripheral involvement in politics commits a violent act, it is unfair to attribute broad political blame.

Last week, someone sent devices that were meant to look like pipe bombs to two former presidents, their first ladies, congressional leaders, and an ex-CIA chief.

Another was sent to actor Robert De Niro, whose movie “Taxi Driver”was cited by a nut as the reason he shot President Reagan in 1981. Nobody ever blamed De Niro for John Hinckley, Jr.

Nevertheless, this time the media, prominent Democrats, De Niro, and some NeverTrump Republicans jumped at the chance to blame Trump. The story was sensationalized beyond the boundaries of readily ascertainable facts.

These were the rare explosive devices displayed at CNN like a party favor, photographed for Twitter, and shipped on America’s crowded highways (or worse, in airplanes) to Quantico, Virginia for further testing.

Which is how bombs are always handled. No, really.