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Schweizer Exposes More Joe Biden Corruption — It’s ‘Going to be a Central Issue’ in 2020 By Tyler O’Neil


Rumors swirl that former Vice President Joe Biden will be a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020. Extremely early polls find strong support for him in his party. But investigative journalist and bestselling author Peter Schweizer has unearthed Biden’s history of corruption, and that will prove a major issue in the upcoming election.

“This is, I think, going to be a central issue” for 2020, Schweizer, best known for uncovering Hillary Clinton’s corruption but also the author of the new book “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,” told Fox News’ Steve Hilton.

Schweizer’s book came out in March, but since then new evidence of the Biden family corruption has come to light. Schweizer told Hilton about a bank account unearthed in a New York conviction against Devon Hunter, a friend of the former vice president’s son, Hunter Biden.

“A bank account that Hunter Biden drew a lot of money from and that a lot of foreign entities put a lot of money into,” the author noted. “Just to give you an idea, over a 14-month period, from 2014 through early 2016, while Joe Biden is vice president of the United States, a Ukrainian company called Burisma — it’s controlled by a very corrupt oligarch — sends three million dollars into this account.”

America’s Crisis Is Three-Tiered Justice By Ned Ryun


Last week brought to the fore a serious problem now threatening to undermine the very foundations of America’s constitutional republic: we no longer have equal application of justice under the law. The rule of law has become trifurcated, with a different application of the law depending upon one’s position in the political hierarchy.

First, there’s one application of the law for members of the powerful elite who have the right political connections. Here, the law is more a series of suggestions that might or might not be followed with almost no legal consequences for non-compliance.

Example A, of course, is Hillary Clinton. Many people have gone to jail for doing what she did, including members of our armed forces. Yet she paid no consequences for violating laws on the use of classified information on her unsecured and illegal private server. She played games, likely for personal gain, with our national security. Yet she and her enablers and co-conspirators like her aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin are apparently above the law, even escaping consequences for lying to federal agents.

There is also the case of U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.). Her erstwhile Pakistani IT staff, who also worked for dozens of Democratic members of the House, had a history of highly questionable behavior, with some even suggesting that they potentially were running a spy ring inside of Congress, accessing computers and uploading sensitive information to the cloud to be accessed by foreign powers. Not only did federal prosecutors refuse to pursue anything regarding those allegations, but just this week, as Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen are having the book and the kitchen sink thrown at them over bank fraud, one of these staffers, Irwan Awan, got a slap on the wrist for a charge of bank fraud to which he pled guilty, will have no fines, and will serve no jail time. It seems likely that an investigation of these staffers would have turned up too much dirt on Democratic members of Congress.

Trying to Bring Down a President With Scandals No One Cares About Daniel Greenfield


The left has a problem.

The echo chamber and message discipline has never been this coordinated outside the USSR. The enlistment of elements of the Obama police state on the surveillance and prosecution side, not to mention the able assistance of the judiciary, has been unprecedented.

We’ve seen abuses like these locally in Wisconsin and Texas, but never nationally.

There’s just one problem. All that adds up to is a bunch of scandals that no one outside the left cares about.

After a week that saw President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman convicted on eight counts of fraud and his former lawyer plead guilty to felony campaign finance charges, the president’s job approval rating remains virtually unchanged, new polling from NBC News and The Wall Street Journal shows.

The polls show that many people have generally accepted the media’s version of events. It just doesn’t really move the dial because no one really cares. The entire Russia story is a bizarre conspiracy theory that no one outside the bubble really believes or cares about.

The media’s ten thousand Mueller pieces to most people come off like their cousin who can’t stop explaining to them that fire can’t melt steel.

Conspiracy theories are deeply compelling to conspiracy theorists. Deeply offensive to their opponents. But boring to most other people.

And then there’s Stormy Daniels. No one cares. And if the economy stays solid, no one is going to support impeaching the President of the United States over something no one is shocked by or cares very much about. The Democrats are about to go where Republicans have gone before.

Trump’s approval ratings reflect general public perceptions of the economy. Every hysterical media story has had a very little impact, whether it’s border kiddies or the Russia conspiracy theories.

How do you bring down a president with a scandal no one cares about?

John McCain’s Failed Second Act Nothing can tarnish the glory of McCain’s first act, but democratic politics is about what comes next. Bruce Thornton


F. Scott Fitzgerald’s dictum about no second acts in American life is only partially true. There are second acts, but those that fail to live up to the promise of the first are far more interesting. An assessment of John McCain’s political career suggests that the Senator from Arizona squandered the immense capital of his five and a half years of bravery and integrity while a captive in Viet Nam.

McCain’s earlier career reminds one of George Armstrong Custer, another “maverick” whose reckless audacity won him plaudits during the Civil War, but ended in failure at the Little Big Horn. McCain was an indifferent student at the Naval Academy, and at times a careless pilot. During flight training he dumped a jet in Corpus Christi Bay, and while flying too low in Spain took out some power lines. At this point he seems to have been, like several Kennedys, a typical feckless scion of a storied American family whose elite connections mitigated his questionable behavior.

But McCain redeemed himself with his heroism during his captivity in Viet Nam. Regularly tortured and abused, enduring disease and solitary confinement, he turned down an offer to be released ahead of other captives who had been there longer. He ended his first act as an iconic American hero, tough in the face of brutal treatment, and committed to the very American sense of fair play that eschewed exploiting for his own gain his father’s status as head of the U.S. Pacific Command. Finally released in 1973, McCain was poised, like many other celebrated military veterans in American history, for a political career likely to end in the White House.

The Ideology of Statue Smashing By Victor Davis Hanson


Statue smashing is back in the news.

One night last week, University of North Carolina students pulled down “Silent Sam,” a bronze monument to students and faculty of the university who fought as Confederate soldiers in the Civil War.

The bronze figure is portrayed as static, quiet and without ammunition for his gun—and facing northward—apparently a postwar “silent sentinel” impotent, but still defiant.

The Confederate states fought the Civil War to preserve slavery, if not expand it. One can certainly object to the state showcasing an icon that can be seen as inseparable from that evil institution. Yet not all Confederate soldiers thought slavery was their own cause. In North Carolina, about 5 percent of the population, or a quarter of family households, held slaves. The vast majority of the population did not. No doubt some of the non-slaveholding citizenry opposed the idea of indentured servitude. Yet somehow, they squared the circle of fighting for a bad cause by redefining it as protecting their ancestral homeland.

In other words, some, or even many, Confederates, like many German and Japanese soldiers in World War II, found themselves fighting for morally wrong causes they may not have supported but saw little realistic alternative to avoiding service.

Latter-Day Damnatio Memoriae
Yet in today’s frenzied ahistorical climate on campuses, there is only melodrama or rather media-fueled psychodrama of the zealous, but otherwise mostly ignorant. Few grasp the essence of tragedy in bravely fighting for a disreputable cause, sometimes one that is repugnant to one’s own sense of morality.

Nor were all Confederate generals of the same moral caliber or perhaps worthy of like commemoration. For example, General James Longstreet, who did untold damage to the Union army at the Second Battle of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, and Chickamauga, nonetheless was a postwar supporter of Reconstruction and used force to protect black citizens. Longstreet fought the war for what he believed were quite different reasons from those of the brilliant tactician, but often cruel General Nathan Bedford Forrest, a prewar slave-trader, and future head of the Ku Klux Klan.

Millennials Are Breaking Free from the Thought Police By Karin McQuillan


Millennials have already changed our country. This generation was raised in groups starting in daycare. They are linked constantly via social media. They never experienced the classic freedom of American childhood, playing outside on their own for hours on end, and seem to lack an instinctual feel for freedom. They don’t know how to stand up to bullies. They’ve been shaped by their leftist teachers. They are far more vulnerable than other adults to the uncritical conformity dubbed “hive mind.”

Ominously for our country, young women, gays, and nonwhites have been separated out, and emotionally manipulated to fear and reject their white, heterosexual fellow citizens. Their bigotry against Christians and whites is sanitized and misrepresented as respect for diversity. Obama often boasted that our demographic destiny, as nonwhites approach a majority (already 44 percent among Millennials, the majority of our five-year-olds), would create a permanent one-party progressive rule. Obama’s legacy was to be protected by a vanguard of the young.

Obama’s activist army is still calling the shots for the Democrats, still loudly dominating the public sphere, but they have failed to completely cow Millennials. A narrow majority of white Millennials quietly voted for Romney. It was the minority kids, including other anointed victim groups such as feminists, our growing Muslim population, and LGBTQ voters, who gave us Barack Obama’s second term. These are precisely the kids herded into groups who are rewarded and exploited by identity politics. This situation means that the Democratic Party is far gone from the days of the New Deal Coalition. There’s no going back, no course correction. They march and scream under the false banner of financial inequality and social justice.

John McCain Dead at 81 By Julie Kelly


Senator John McCain (R-Ariz) died of brain cancer today. His family announced on Friday that he would discontinue treatment for the deadly disease he has battled for more than a year. He was 81.

McCain has assumed many titles over the past 50 years, including prisoner-of-war, presidential candidate, political maverick, and senator. His lasting legacy might be his latest role: An ardent foe of President Donald Trump. The two have exchanged barbs for the past few years, and this week will feature many recriminations about what Trump has said about the former senator, and how “pro-Trump” outlets and pundits handle the news of McCain’s death. In many ways, the Trump-McCain battle represents the fault lines of the contemporary Republican Party.

But tonight, most of us are remembering the pain of losing someone we love—particularly a parent—at the hands of a cruel and destructive disease. No one is immune from cancer’s unrelenting, agonizing, and humiliating rampage. When you watch someone you think is invincible succumb to an unyielding physical monster that the smartest people in the world cannot stop, it humbles you in a way that nothing else can. No title and no amount of money can insulate you from the doom prescribed by the most potent forms of cancer.

There will be a time to evaluate John McCain’s record, his impact on the Republican Party, and influence on national politics. But tonight is not the night. Tonight is the night to pray for Cindy McCain and his entire family. Even if you aren’t the praying type, it’s a time to remember your loved ones who have suffered from this horrific disease. And toast the days that you—and those around you—are cancer-free.

John McCain, War Hero, Dies at 81, after Succumbing to Brain Cancer By Tyler O’Neil


On Saturday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) passed away at the age of 81. His family announced on Friday that he had decided not to continue medical treatment for his glioblastoma. A prisoner of war in Vietnam for five and a half years, McCain launched a powerful presidential bid in 2008 and served 31 years in the U.S. Senate.

An aide told the Associated Press that McCain had passed away around 8:30 p.m. EST Saturday.
The Associated Press
✔ @AP

BREAKING: Aide says senator, war hero and GOP presidential candidate John McCain has died.

Long dubbed a “maverick,” McCain often bucked political trends. He tussled with Donald Trump, and ultimately voted against the Republican effort to repeal Obamacare. That vote made him a hero among liberals and Democrats, and anathema to many Republicans.

Despite their disagreements in the past, President Donald Trump expressed his “deepest sympathies and respect” to McCain’s family. “My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!” Trump tweeted. CONTINUE AT SITE

When Medical Innovation Meets Politics FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb on the promise and challenges of biologic drugs, capital risk and ‘regulatory arbitrage’ of generics. By Kate Bachelder Odell


An Iowa teenager last summer found himself conscripted into a national debate over health care. The state’s largest insurer, Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, was threatening to pull out of the ObamaCare market. One reason, a Wellmark executive said, was a single patient whose care cost $1 million a month. The young man (never publicly named) has hemophilia, which prevents his blood from clotting. The standard treatment, infusions of the missing clotting factor, is expensive. In severe cases, a patient can require several infusions a day.

What if there were a cure? Researchers are developing therapies that could permanently alter a patient’s genes, allowing his body to produce the clotting element. The early results are promising. Patients would live longer, better lives. And with thousands of hemophilia cases nationwide, the potential savings for insurers—and for Medicaid—are enormous. But when?

Part of the answer depends on the Food and Drug Administration, where hundreds of applications involving gene therapy for various diseases are pending. At the helm is Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who operates without much publicity but may have the most consequential job in Washington given the furious pace of scientific change and his potential for long-term impact. For years Dr. Gottlieb, 46, wrote forcefully, often in these pages, about how to reform the FDA, including by overcoming an “excessive desire for certainty” that delays treatments.

That’s a countercultural sentiment at the FDA, where Dr. Gottlieb, who has also practiced internal medicine, was a deputy commissioner from 2005-07. Now he’s running the agency during a historic time for medical innovation.

Impeachment for Dummies By Roger L Simon


At the very moment the GNP is humming along at 4.1 percent, the S & P is at record highs, and unemployment is at record lows (for blacks and Hispanics too), the infantile buffoons in the Democratic Party and their mainstream media lackeys are calling so loudly and incessantly for the impeachment of the president you’d have to be on the North Col of Everest not to hear them. And even then you’d have to be wearing the most expensive noise-canceling ear muffs extant.

And of course they are screaming equally loudly, “Russia-Russia-Russia” when anyone with an IQ within spitting distance of triple digits knows the real problem for the USA has been China by roughly 400X for the last decade or longer.

If you’re looking for someone to impeach, how about Dianne Feinstein who, we just learned, had a Chinese spy as her chauffeur for twenty years, even while she was chair of the Senate Intel Committee? At virtually the same time — 2010-ish, when Obama was president — close to the entire U.S. spy network in China, several dozen people, were apprehended by the Chinese on their soil in an unprecedented intelligence disaster. Only a few survived. Connection? Perhaps the New York Times or the Washington Post will investigate (as if).

Meanwhile, China, until quite recently and, still to a great extent, had the run of the U.S. higher educational system via thousands of exchange students and their Confucius Institutes. These are the same American universities where professors urge the president’s impeachment while promoting the virtues of socialism even though Venezuela, once by far the wealthiest country in Latin America, is imploding at an extraordinary pace with unheard of inflation, banknotes used for toilet paper, because of…. socialism.