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Critics of “moral clarity” claim the world cannot be divided into good and evil, that there are too many nuances. As well, these critics tell us that the words “moral clarity” suggest exclusionary views, such as that expressed in the phrase, “My country, right or wrong.”

In my opinion they misunderstand the words, as they assign a moral equivalence based on claimed beliefs. The fact that Nazis justified the extermination of the Jewish people as a means to achieve a pure, Aryan race was an act of pure evil, as was their concept of lebensraum. It was evil that drove Hamas terrorists to parachute in and slaughter Jewish civilians, including children, in the most horrific manner. None of what they did could be compared to Israelis giving Palestinians two weeks to leave northern Gaza before sending in armed forces to ferret out terrorists in tunnels beneath Gaza City’s civilian population. Moral clarity is the ability to think clearly about good and evil, of what is right and what is wrong. There are times when wars are fought for good causes. Moral clarity implies the existence and ubiquity of evil.

However, among the extreme Left, the words have become pejorative, as they associate them with American conservatives. They link them to Ronald Reagan, whose popularity has never sat well with the progressive wing of the Democrat Party, and they were popularized by William Bennett in Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism, a book that highlighted the tension between good and evil. Moral clarity demands the United States has a strong defense, the ability to confront enemies and support allies. 

As Natan Sharansky wrote in the rubric above, the challenge for western democracies is to acknowledge that evil exists. Those living under dictatorships, victims of Ku Klux Klan marauders in the early part of the 20th Century, and Jews subject to anti-Semitism today understand how evil infests individuals. In his 1973 book The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) wrote: “Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties – but right through the human heart.

Obama’s Lesson for Rashida Tlaib The ex-president makes Israel’s moral equivalence to Hamas socially respectable. By William McGurn


“When Rashida Tlaib makes the case for moral equivalence, she is outrageous and extreme. But when Barack Obama does, his argument is smooth and sophisticated. That’s what makes it all the more pernicious.”

Poor Rashida Tlaib. If only she had Barack Obama’s ability to couch the argument for moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas in terms acceptable to polite society.

Because she doesn’t, the Michigan Democrat was censured last Tuesday by the House for her comments following the Hamas barbarities of Oct. 7. In the end, 22 of her fellow Democrats voted alongside most Republicans for censure. But in her statement in response, Ms. Tlaib—the sole Palestinian-American in Congress—remained unapologetic.

“Many of them,” she said of her colleagues, “have shown me that Palestinian lives simply do not matter to them, but I still do not police their rhetoric or actions.” This from a congresswoman who posted a video on social media accusing Joe Biden of supporting the “genocide of the Palestinian people.”

Then there’s the Obama approach. At about the same time Ms. Tlaib was drawing condemnation even from Democrats, the “Pod Save America” podcast released a clip from an interview. In it Mr. Obama also made a case for moral equivalence. But he went about it in an underhanded manner that is more damaging to Democratic unity and support for Mr. Biden’s policy than anything Ms. Tlaib could do.

It’s all wrapped in his call for an admission of “complexity.” The 44th president did declare that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was “horrific” and unjustified. But complexity means it’s also true the “occupation” was “unbearable” for Palestinians and that “nobody’s hands are clean.”

The Damage of the ‘White Privilege’ Smear It’s past time for Americans to reject all racial stereotyping By Victor Davis Hanson


One of the many satanic paradoxes of the Third Reich’s architecture of the Final Solution was the requirement—mandated after the 1939 outbreak of the war—that Jews anywhere under German rule or occupation had to wear a yellow badge or armband with the Star or David.

Yet was not all this elaborate bureaucratic need for identification embarrassing to the Nazi apparat?

After all, if Nazi doctrine about supposedly manifest Aryan “racial” superiority—Nordic looks and build, superior intelligence, stable disposition—were so persuasive, then why the need for Jews to identify themselves?

In contrast, the Star-of David IDs were prima facie proof that the entire bankrupt Nazi project was based on the unspoken fear that millions of Jews were indistinguishable in all respects from other Europeans.

In other words, on the fascist right, anti-Semitism was predicated on the pseudo-science that Jews were not European and thus somehow racially inferior. Yet currently, the entire industry of anti-Semitic hatred has flipped, from Jews as toxic non-whites to Jews as toxic whites. The two common denominators of racial obsession and hating Jews remain the same.

One of the key reasons leftwing anti-Semites have been so effective at galvanizing campus hatred of Israel, and by association of Jews in general, is their careful effort to brand themselves DEI victims why tarring Jews with the empty white supremacy slur.

Accordingly, Jews and Israel now supposedly enjoy toxic white privilege. They are libeled as veritable white supremacists illegitimately in the Middle East to colonize “Palestine,” and as European imperialists picking up the mantle of the earlier 19th century British and French—as if a prior 400 years of Ottoman imperialism in the Middle East never occurred.

As now-privileged white victimizers, contemporary Jews are not seen as victims of the Holocaust, explaining the comfortable alliance between Islamist Holocaust deniers and the DEI crowd.

It was no accident that a racist BLM on news of the October 7 massacres quickly issued posters glorifying Hamas hang-gliding murderers.

If You Oppose Tyranny, You’re on the FBI’s AGAAVE List By J.B. Shurk


As if locking up J6 protesters for their political beliefs and repeatedly arresting President Trump for opposing the Deep State had not been big enough clues, America’s KGB goon squad revealed last month that it has a whole new domestic terrorism category specifically created to target MAGA voters: Anti-Government, Anti-Authority, Violent Extremists.  (Fist bump to any reader who sees “AGAAVE” and immediately thinks that it must be Tequila Tuesday somewhere.)

It’s always disconcerting to find more proof that the FBI is every bit the dangerous, psychopathic, anti-American organization that it appears.  Whenever I refer to it as the “Fascist Bureau of Intimidation,” a little voice in my head asks, “Is that entirely fair?”  Then I see how it’s AGAAVE’d half the population onto a terrorist watchlist, and I realize that I’m not being critical enough.  This agency is Soviet Russia’s Cheka secret police through and through.  

It just goes to show what a commie-curious, shock troop–loving, Big Brother monstrosity the United States Leviathan has become when its “premier” law enforcement agency thinks people opposed to authoritarianism are the real problem. 

The Founding Fathers — who have no doubt rolled over so many times in their graves these last two decades to have awakened half the spirits on the East Coast — bequeathed a political legacy grounded in the abiding truth that no form of government can be trusted.  Being “anti-government” and “anti-authority” was kind of the crux of a liberty movement that appreciated the corrupting influences of power and the malicious inclinations of those who successfully hoard it.  

Opposing entrenched government authority is so crucial for overall political stability, in fact, that the Constitution slices and dices legal powers into competing state and federal offices, while the Bill of Rights takes great pains to explicitly protect Americans’ inherent rights to speak freely and arm themselves in defense against government tyranny.  Together, the First and Second Amendments are a combination punch meant to empower ordinary Americans against the inevitable excesses and mischief of government authority. 

According to the FBI, however, America’s most ardent defenders of the Bill of Rights are now simply the Bureau’s “Most Wanted.”  Warning, citizens!  Be on the lookout for all those dangerous constitutionalists so fond of waving the American flag out of a chivalrous devotion to the land of the free and the home of the brave.  For America’s Cheka-FBI, if you aren’t kneeling during the National Anthem, you might just be a threat!

Big Mouth Barack


Tens of millions of Americans, though not enough to keep his malign presence out of the Oval Office, were years ago sick of Barack Obama opening his mouth and spouting off about whatever subject he chose to educate us on. After enduring eight years of pretentious lectures, we thought we were finally rid of him in 2017. But no, he’s still enlightening his inferiors, which in his mind is everyone who isn’t him, most recently to link market-based systems to slavery. Such mean-spirited nonsense deserves a Fisking.

Speaking a week ago at the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum, the former (and current de facto) president said “just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society. Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”

Gosh, is there no evil that the free market hasn’t facilitated?

Sarcasm aside, let’s take these comments in no particular order.

Just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society. And what is the alternative to a free-market economy? There are several, and they all have one commonality: Government is in control, either through central planning, a system of collectivism that allocates resources, a regime that manages the means of production, or an outright tyranny. Like so many of his fellow Democrats, Obama prefers a “progressive” system, using the blunt instrument of government, which is made up of flawed humans, to perfect humanity to guarantee that good society. If this sounds insane, it’s because it is.

Hamas’s Useful Idiots in the U.S., Europe by Bassam Tawil


These demonstrators, who appear to feel so virtuous, send a message to the terrorist groups that people in the West happily support violence, terrorism and the Jihad (holy war) not only against Israel and Jews, but also against Christians, all “infidels,” Europe, the United States and the West.

Although many Palestinians in the Gaza Strip support Hamas and its genocide, many others deeply oppose Hamas. In recent years, thousands have fled the Gaza Strip for Europe, where they hope for a better life — like the one the demonstrators enjoy — where they will not have to fear a knock on the door at two in the morning or have their government lodge rocket launchers next to their playgrounds and homes. A recent video shows a Gazan woman saying, “Those bastards at Hamas,” before a man clamps his hand over her mouth.

Countries and groups that commit terrorist attacks view the anti-Israel demonstrations as an extension of their war against the West.

Meanwhile, the “pro-Palestinian” demonstrators masquerade as peace-seekers. In fact, they celebrate terrorism and imperialism — Islamic imperialism — that seeks forcibly to expand Iran’s territorial gains not only throughout Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Iraq, but through Yemen, Saudi Arabia and South America on its way to the “Big Satan,” the United States. The Iranians have already infiltrated Venezuela and met in Cuba…

Apparently not realizing how destructive these peace-loving demonstrators are to themselves and their free way of life… they do not even… bother to think for a minute what life would actually be like for them if they lived in Gaza, Beirut, Damascus or Tehran. It is easy to be a demonstrator in London, Washington DC or New York.

Despite all the claims to the contrary, these are not pro-Palestinian rallies. These are hate marches of people seeking the destruction of Israel and the West. Make no mistake: those who are now protesting against Israel are advocating for a totalitarian way of life, for poverty — except for the leaders, of course — and for the same sort of utopia now being relished by the citizens of Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela… and Gaza.

The “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations that have taken place in the US and some European countries over the past few days are all about hating Israel and Jews, not about helping the Palestinians – especially those who have been living under the rule of the Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip since 2007.

Defund the Soros Hamas Insurrection by Daniel Greenfield


The illegal pro-terrorist activities of both JVP and IfNotNow, as well as many other groups in the anti-Israel network, reflects the refusal of the IRS to enforce the tax code against the Left.

The IRS had previously found that the tax code bans funding of anti-war groups or any organization whose “primary activity is the sponsoring of… protest demonstrations in which demonstrators are urged to commit violations of local ordinances and breaches of public order.” Such organizations don’t “qualify for exemption under section 501(c)(3) or (4) of the Code.”

IfNotNow and JVP are one of many leftist organizations and other anti-Israel protest groups whose very existence is a violation of IRS regulations. But above and beyond the tax code, Soros is knowingly funding riots and illegal activities by hate groups with a long history of such activities.

If the IRS will not do its job and enforce the tax code against nonprofits engaged in illegal activities, Congress must move to close the loopholes and end the nonprofit status of groups engaged in violence, crimes and support for terrorist organizations.

On October 18, pro-terrorist insurrectionists stormed the United States Capitol after a hate rally by two anti-Israel groups: IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). Both hate groups had issued statements that either justified or rationalized the Hamas atrocities against Israelis.

IfNotNow’s statement after the Hamas rapes, killings and kidnappings argued that, “we cannot and will not say today’s actions by Palestinian militants are unprovoked. Every day under Israel’s apartheid system is a provocation.” Jewish Voice for Peace described the Hamas attacks as an incident in which “Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault” in response to Israeli “oppression” which is the real “source of all this violence”.

The pro-Hamas insurrectionists rallying for a “ceasefire” that would allow Hamas to attack again had come knowing that their actions were illegal, and over 400 of them had intended to be arrested. Over 300 eventually were arrested for their insurrection in the rotunda of the Capitol’s Cannon House Office Building. Three of the extremists were taken into custody for assaulting police officers.

‘You Zionist Pig’: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Vandalize New York Times Building, Grand Central Station By Ari Blaff


Pro-Palestinian protesters marched through central Manhattan on Friday, tearing down American flags on city blocks and kicking in the doors of Grand Central Station as law enforcement sheltered inside.

Beginning at Columbus Circle, the mob burned an Israeli flag and led chants of “We don’t want a Jewish state. We want ’48!” referring to a historical period prior to the establishment of the country. Others demanded, “Settlers, settlers, go back home! Palestine is ours alone!” and “It is right to rebel. Israel, go to Hell!”

As one protester told the New York Post, “Since ’48 Israel came and occupied Palestine. Since that day and today they’re killing kids and children. Every day they’re bombing hospitals, kids and schools, and houses.”

An organizer of the demonstrations, Within Our Lifetime, called on protesters to “flood Manhattan for Gaza,” demanding, “Cease genocide. Cease the siege. Cease the blockade. Cease occupation. Cease funding Israel. Cease settler colonization. Cease Zionism. Cease imperialism,” in a pinned post on Instagram. The leader of the group, Nerdeen Kiswani, during an appearance on Piers Morgan’s talk show in late October, would not condemn the Hamas atrocities committed on October 7.

Along the marching path, the mob vandalized the New York Times building before encircling Grand Central Station and forcing the transit hub to close for the second night in a row. Outside the media outlet’s headquarters, young men flipped off a Daily News reporter screaming, “F*** you! You Zionist pig!”

Despite it being the night before Veterans Day, demonstrators wearing Palestinian keffiyehs repeatedly tore down American flags across the city to wild cheers from the crowd of supporters. Some were detained by NYPD officers. In at least one instance, NYPD officers looked on and decided not to intervene as people scaled city street lights to desecrate the flag.

Despite the destruction and violence, CBS reportedly described the mob as “mostly peaceful,” according to Atlantic journalist Judith Shulevitz conjuring up CNN’s infamous defense of Black Lives Matter riots. “They were chanting from the river to the sea, and that calls for the elimination of Israel and the genocide of the Jews,” one counter-demonstrator told the Post.

Pro-Hamas protestors shut down New York’s Grand Central By Monica Showalter


The pro-Hamas protestors are at it again, bolder than ever, this time shutting down Grand Central train station on a Friday rush hour in New York and forcing the cops to hole up in their own police station.

According to Fox News:

Service at Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan was temporarily suspended on Friday after a mob of pro-Palestinian demonstrators flooded the streets of New York City to protest Israel’s war in Gaza, creating chaos as some tried to break into the closed station.

The pro-Palestinian rally began at 5 p.m. Friday with over a thousand individuals marching through the streets. Some were seen tearing down posters of the hostages being held by Hamas terrorists and crumbling them up while other demonstrators burned an Israeli flag.

According to an Instagram post from pro-Palestinian organizations Within Our Lifetime and the City University of New York for Palestine, the protest was to “flood Manhattan for Gaza.”

As Fox News’s Bill Melugin aptly put it:

And why is this even legal?

Kristallnacht Anniversary and Surge in Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Catherine Salgado


Today marks the anniversary of the devastating anti-Jewish Nazi rampage of Kristallnacht. As we see anti-Semitic hate crimes rising both here in America and abroad, we have to ask ourselves — could Kristallnacht happen again? And are we ready to stand with our Jewish friends and neighbors (as we must) if it does?

Kristallnacht (“Crystal Night” or “Night of Broken Glass”) happened on Nov. 9 and 10 in 1938 in Nazi Germany. The rioting Nazis “torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and murdered close to 100 Jews,” according to History.com. 

Of course, tragically, the Nazi hatred for Jews led to the Holocaust, in which between 5.8 million and 6.6 million Jews were murdered. “Never again,” was the slogan that museums used about the Holocaust. But it’s starting to happen again, both in the heinous Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and in the pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protests around the world.

Hamas, its funders in the Palestinian Authority (PA), and multiple Muslim countries that back it (including Iran and Qatar) are just as determined to commit genocide against the Jews as ever the Nazis were. The thousands in America and other countries who marched cheering the “martyrs” (i.e. terrorists) and endorsing the violent and unjust seizing of Israel’s land (“from the river to the sea…”) are in sympathy with that bloody anti-Semitism. 

As we see anti-Semitic hate crimes on the rise, we have to wonder if Kristallnacht could happen right here in America. And if it does, we must be ready to take a stand against it, even at risk to ourselves. The global Jewish population never recovered from the Holocaust. We cannot allow such a staggering massacre to happen a second time.