Robert Mueller’s criminal probe of President Donald Trump, his associates and the Trump campaign has passed the 1-year benchmark, and the DOJ-appointed special counsel is no closer to proving Russian collusion or obstruction of justice than when he first commenced his investigation. What Mueller has succeeded in doing is wasting in excess of $20 million in taxpayer money.
Actually, Mueller’s investigation may not have been a complete waste for it inadvertently succeeded in exposing the rot and sewage of the deep state. Thus far, five FBI and DOJ officials involved with Mueller and his McCarthy-like witch hunt have been fired or demoted. More demotions, terminations and possible criminal indictments of officials at the highest levels are expected as more of what has hitherto been unknown is unearthed through the efforts of Congress and NGOs like Judicial Watch.
The latest disgrace to hit the deep state is the revelation of an anti-Trump spy ring run out of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under the stewardship of former CIA director and party hack, John Brennan, in the hope of entrapping Trump campaign staffers and advisers. James Comey and James Clapper, the former directors of the FBI and National Intelligence respectively, also played their roles in this nefarious scheme. Add to this the disclosure of egregious government FISA and unmasking abuses under the Obama administration and you have the makings of the biggest and most consequential political scandal in United States history. Watergate will look like child’s play by comparison.
But despite hitting multiple brick walls, Mueller continues to trudge along with his unwieldly and unfocused investigation. It has taken him a year to secure indictments and guilty pleas on a few peripheral figures on matters having nothing to do with his original mandate. Additional indictments have been secured against Russian entities and individuals who will never set foot in the U.S.
Mueller has now set his sights on, of all places, Israel. The special counsel has sent agents to Israel – no doubt on private government jets – to investigate the activities of an Israeli social media company which employed former members of Israeli intelligence and collected user data ostensibly for the purpose of manipulating public opinion. Their target is Joel Zamel who headed the company and allegedly met with Trump or his associates during the campaign and visited the White House after Trump’s inauguration.