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The Asylum Crisis Is a Security Challenge, Not a Legal Problem By Andrew C. McCarthy


Our government’s first duty is to secure the border.

This weekend, Washington mourned the iconic Charles Krauthammer’s passing. It seemed a pause in the bedlam on the border, about which he would surely have had something wise to say. As someone who knew Dr. K mainly through his scintillating columns and television commentary, I suspect his thoughts on the refugee tide would be shorn of hubris about what Washington’s laws can accomplish.

The futility of dictating to the tide, rather than shoring up against it, was an occasional Krauthammer theme. He was wont to invoke an apocryphal tale about Canute the Great (see, e.g., here), who ruled a North Sea empire a millennium ago. In this, as in innumerable other ways, Charles was singular among commentators because he got the story right. His throne moved to the coastline, Canute audaciously orders the incoming tide to halt. But this is not a cautionary tale about the delusional arrogance of power. It is about humility: The king was showing his sycophantic courtiers that the law — in this instance, the writ of a purportedly omnipotent monarch — is limited, sometimes impotent, against such phenomena as the forces of nature.

The “rule of law” is not a magic wand. It is possible only in a community that has agreed to live under its provisions. Even within such a community, it must enforced by the power of the state. Law enforcement is manageable as long its resources are commensurate with the reasonably expected degree of law-breaking.

Why Obama Wanted the Russians to Hack the Election How the two deep state intel operations fit together.


“Why the hell are we standing down?”

That was the question that the White House’s cybersecurity coordinator was asked after Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, issued a stand down order on Russia.

Testimony at the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings on Russian interference in the election once again raised the central paradox of the Russia conspiracy theory. If Russian interference in the election represented the crisis that we are told it did, why did Obama fail to take any meaningful action?

The White House’s own cybersecurity people wanted an aggressive response before being told to stand down. Obama issued a bloodless warning to Russia while his people deliberately crippled our offense.

Democrats and the media blamed the Russian hacking on Trump. But it was Susan Rice who had told the cybersecurity team to “knock it off” and Obama’s people who hadn’t wanted him to be “boxed in” and forced to respond to Russian actions. Was this just the usual appeasement or was there more to it?

Why didn’t Obama and his team want to stop Russian hacking? Because they needed the Russians.

Why This Immigration Psychodrama Will Also Pass By Victor Davis Hanson

A month from now there will be a new manufactured news story that Donald Trump is savage, represents an existential danger, or is unhinged. We will hear of another Trump official cornered and driven out from a liberal-owned Beltway or New York City restaurant. An unhinged Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) will rant some more about impeachment.

And then the current hysteria over the border detainments will be filed, and go the way of the “s—hole countries” frenzy or Melania’s jacket melodrama.

We’ve already been through the dizzying odyssey of legal suits in three states over supposedly fraudulent voting machines, the nullification of the Electoral College effort, the meltdown on Inauguration Day, the Emoluments Clause tizzy, the 25th Amendment con, the various Russian collusion hysterias, the leaked phone call to the Australian prime minister, the Michael Wolff Fire and Furyfantasies, the Dudley Do-Right James Comey pre-indictment book tour, and all the surreal assassination chic stories, from Kathy Griffin’s beheading photo to the Shakespearean troupe’s ritual stabbing of Trump.

One day the president is supposedly going to blow up the world by calling Kim Jong-un “little rocket man,” and the next he is a partner in genocide for not blowing up the world but reaching out to Kim.

One moment Trump will tank the economy and wreck the stock market, the next the undeniable Trump boom is not really his own but Obama’s. Give the media credit: it found a way to explain why 3.8 official unemployment and greater than 3 percent GDP growth is a bad thing (it will heat up the planet, lead to a crash, mask Trump’s crudity and make impossible impeachment, etc.)

How to Re-Elect Trump You’re so deplorable you can’t eat in their restaurants.


Hillary Clinton lost the Presidency in 2016 for many reasons but one was surely because she called people who disagreed with her a “basket of deplorables.” Millions of Americans knew who she meant, and nearly 63 million voted for Donald J. Trump.

The political left is now repeating that mistake as its cultural and political vanguard sends a message of condescension, hostility and now ostracism to anyone who voted for Mr. Trump or has worked with or for him for the good of the country. Their relentless contempt might end up re-electing him.

On that score don’t underestimate how the refusal by a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will resonate politically. Ms. Sanders had taken a seat at the Red Hen with several others on Friday when owner Stephanie Wilkinson asked her to leave. Ms. Wilkinson told the press, which is turning her into Rosa Parks, that her restaurant “has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.”

Except toward people who don’t share Ms. Wilkinson’s views. Rest assured every Trump supporter in America will be reminded of this episode from here to November. The message: Now you’re so deplorable they won’t serve you in their restaurants.

Meanwhile, hecklers ran Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant in Washington, D.C. last week. Protesters are also harassing Ms. Nielsen at home, blaring audio of crying children detained at the border and shouting “no justice, no sleep.”

Senate Obstruction in Profile A respected Trump Justice nominee is held up for more than a year.

Key positions throughout the federal government remain vacant more than 500 days into Donald Trump’s Presidency. The President hasn’t put forward enough nominees, a mistake the media have focused on. Yet Senate Democrats—and the occasional Republican—have held up qualified nominees at a scale unprecedented in recent history.

No one understands this better than Brian Benczkowski, who was nominated more than a year ago to lead the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. Mr. Benczkowski is a highly qualified choice for Assistant Attorney General: He has held five leadership positions at Justice, including chief of staff to former Attorney General Michael Mukasey. Obama and Clinton appointees have praised his selection, yet Senate Democrats have treated Mr. Benczkowski as if he were Vladimir Putin’s personal attorney.

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats sent a letter to President Trump in May—11 months after receiving the nomination—regarding the nominee’s “Russian connections.” They urged the president to drop Mr. Benczkowski over his “representation of the Putin-allied Alfa Bank and his refusal to recuse himself from Russia-related matters.”

Dem Senator Accused of Abusing Underage Prostitutes Uses Fake Photo to Accuse Trump of Abusing “Innocent Children”


Truly, we’ve hit Peak Kidsploitation.

Senator Menendez (D – NJ) was accused of a variety of crimes, including cavorting with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.

Prosecutors used the defense claims to highlight previously undisclosed tidbits on Menendez’s pursuit of younger woman.

The lawyers say their investigation resulted from “speciäc, corroborated allegations that defendants Menendez and Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.”

Menendez’s camp said Monday that the Justice Department äling is a smear tactic designed to use the exchange of motions to dump dirt on the senator.

Menendez was found not guilty by a jury. The Dems stuck by him. And now he’s going full Kidsploitation.

Menendez railed that Trump must stop “tearing babies from their mother’s arms,” as he displayed a photo of a young child crying as her mother interacted with a border patrol agent.

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the audio released yesterday by ProPublica is worth a million tears,” Menendez said. “How do you submit the cries of innocent children into the congressional record? I don’t know how you do that, but you can hear it.”

The photo he displayed featured the same child President Trump was seen towering over on the cover of liberal Time Magazine.

Fake News: A Week On The Media’s Yellow Brick Road : Marilyn Barnewall


From Sarah Huckabee Sanders to All of Us:

“Last night I was told by the owner of Red Hen in Lexington, VA to leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left. Her actions say far more about her than about me. I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”

The telephone number for the Red Hen Restaurant (and it is definitely red) is 540-464-4401. Their email address was comments@redhenlex.com but they have closed it down for now. It is located at 11 E. Washington St | Lexington, VA 24450. What the owner of the Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson, did to Sarah was so exemplary of typical liberal respect for divergent views and compassion… I may be going to DC. Maybe I’ll call from a pay phone and make a reservation.

They are doing their best to tear us apart. In many ways, they are succeeding. Mostly they appear to be losing more ground than they are gaining.

From the long ago day of the original plan to establish a socialist world government, the same tactic has worked and is used over and over again: Divide the population into racial, religious, economic, political, social, and income groups. Then divide those groups into more opposing groups by identifying division within the already divided.

They know that united we stand and divided we fall and they win. Many of the tactics they use to divide us are found in the news they create and sell to the very people who are their targets: Us. For example:

This Week’s “News”

“Wah, Wah,” the two-year old infant cried – according to Time Magazine, Joe Scarborough at MSNBC and 90 percent of the other pretend journalists who, in the great liberal tradition of accusing the other guy of what they are doing, called President Trump a Nazi, a child abuser, a child trafficker, and a variety of other utterly noxious insults and lies.

The child was portrayed to the public by the media as having been separated from its mother… a story designed to tear at the heart strings of women. It was totally fabricated; a lie.

Another story said an infant was ripped from the arms of its nursing mother (also a lie). It’s amazing Time didn’t put the picture of a large breast with a baby’s mouth open and seeking to suckle on its cover. Of course, Donald Trump would be laughing somewhere in the background.

Time Magazine can be reached at Rockefeller Center, New York, NY, 10020-1393 or Time Customer Service, P.O. Box 62120, Tampa, FL 33662-2120. For MSNBC contacts: Mr. John Nicol, Chief Executive Officer, MSNBC, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA, 98052.

Most thinking people are sick of the lies and that it is day-by-day lowering the size of the Democrats’ expected big, blue wave in November elections. I think even the non-thinking are sick of it , too. The mentally unstable? Not yet.

Shouting and Spitting Lefty Protesters Hound Fla. AG Pam Bondi Out of Tampa Movie Theater By Debra Heine


Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi had to be escorted out of a Tampa theater screening of the Mister Rogers documentary “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” by police Friday night due to screaming protesters who hounded her throughout the building.

Enraged at Bondi over her recent actions on health care policy and her stance on immigration, the activists created what the Fla. AG’s spokesman called a “volatile scene,” getting into Bondi’s face, blocking her exit, and spitting on her.

Timothy Heberlein of Organize Florida took the video of Bondi leaving the theater flanked by law enforcement, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

“What would Mister Rogers think about you and your legacy in Florida? Taking away health insurance from people with pre-existing conditions, Pam Bondi!” Maria José Chapa, a labor organizer, screeches at Bondi in the video. “Shame on you!

“You’re a horrible person!” another protester bellows.

Bondi told the Times that the protest conflicted with Fred Rogers’ message of peace, love, and tolerance. “We were in a movie about anti-bullying and practicing peace and love and tolerance and accepting of people for their differences,” Bondi said. “That’s what Mister Rogers is all about. We all believe in free speech, but there’s a big difference there.”

The organizers didn’t plan to confront Florida’s top law enforcement official Friday night, Heberlein told the Times in an interview. But when one of them spotted Bondi in the ticket line before the film, he said they knew they had to say something.

According to Chapa, one of the organizers confronted Bondi before the movie over her February decision to join in a lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act — a move seen by many progressives as a threat to people with pre-existing conditions covered under the law.

“[Another protester] approached her first and she was trying to engage with her and ask her difficult questions, and she felt uncomfortable answering the questions,” Chapa told the Times. “And I guess she felt threatened because she called the police.”

The Tampa Police Department confirmed that they got a call from Florida Highway Patrol asking for help escorting Bondi out of the Tampa Theatre.

Buried in IG report, shocking revelations about Clinton emails found on Weiner’s laptop By Rick Moran

The issues surrounding Hillary Clinton’s emails just won’t go away, and the recently released DoJ inspector general’s report shows why.

Daily Caller:

According to the recently released inspector general report, on September 28 and 29, 2016 the New York office of the FBI immediately reported to the Washington headquarters its discovery of, first, 141,000 and then 350,000 emails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner – also known as “Carlos Danger,” a now-convicted sex offender. Mr. Weiner is the husband of Hillary Clinton’s inseparable aide Huma Abedin.

Now we know by October 4, the New York office had found 700,000 emails. The New York agents had seen and reported to FBI leadership they had seen email headers, all domain names, Mrs. Clinton’s initials on one sensitive but not classified document, and the missing BlackBerry backups.

The New York agents described it as the “entire file” of all Hillary Clinton emails from 2006 until 2016, including the BlackBerry messages that Comey himself had referred to as “the golden emails.”

What did the FBI do with this treasure trove of hundreds of thousands of emails that Hillary Clinton and her lawyers never turned over to the bureau?

Nothing – at least nothing to obtain evidence.

There was a flurry of activity at Headquarters. Strzok-Page texts show that Strzok, McCabe and Priestap discussed the Weiner laptop among themselves shortly after the “bomb” dropped in the video conference that day. In fact, Priestap and Strzok were waiting outside McCabe’s office to discuss it while McCabe was with Comey. There were also two calls between Comey and McCabe that evening.

Does anyone really think they were not having their own “oh s—” moment?

The FBI case agent in New York sure had one.

Facing humiliation, Mueller backs away from prosecution of Russian entities By Thomas Lifson


The Mueller special counsel investigation purportedly was instigated to discover possible illicit Russian influence on the 2016 presidential election but now is backing away from the only indictments aimed at Russian entities, leaving only alleged process crimes (such as General Flynn’s alleged false statement to the FBI) and alleged crimes that occurred long before the Trump candidacy (such as Paul Manafort’s Ukrainian connection).

Devlin Barrett writes in the Washington Post:

In a pair of court filings Friday, the special counsel added four assistant U.S. attorneys to the case against Russian entities and people accused of running an online influence operation targeting American voters.

People familiar with the staffing decision said the new prosecutors are not joining Mueller’s team, but rather are being added to the case so that they could someday take responsibility for it when the special counsel ceases operation. The case those prosecutors are joining could drag on for years because the indictment charges a number of Russians who will probably never see the inside of a U.S. courtroom. Russia does not extradite its citizens.