and website:
Globalism’s war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The overall attack strategy is to destabilize and destroy both the morality provided by our Judeo-Christian infrastructure, and the individualism protected and preserved by our Constitution.
Meryl Nass has provided her readers with David Schonbrunn’s excellent infographic (see below). It is an extremely helpful overview that identifies the strategic objectives and tactical operations of the globalist war on nation-states, but it is incomplete. The infographic is missing its most essential element: Children are the primary target of the globalist predators. The implosion of the United States of America requires the destruction of America’s future––her children.
Globalism’s War on America is a war of attrition. My generation of patriots is dying. My children’s generation of indoctrinated millennials is transitional. It is my grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are the primary targets of the avaricious globalist predators, specifically its global network of pedophiles and child-traffickers whose political purpose is soul murder––the spiritual and psychic annihilation of self. The total destruction of what exists includes the total destruction of childhood innocence––the obliteration of all boundaries of self. The development of an independent autonomous self required for individualism in a free society, is prohibited in order to advance the collective in preparation for life in globalism’s feudal totalitarian Unistate.
New World Order Graphic provided to Meryl Nass by David Schonbrunn: