Monarchy: A system of government where supreme power is vested in a single genetic lineage — a dictatorship passed through family inheritance.
Communism: A system of government in which the State plans and controls the economy and a single, authoritarian party holds power — a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Fascism: A system of government marked by the centralization of authority under a dictator in which an economy is subject to stringent governmental controls and political opposition is violently suppressed.
Globalism: A system of government marked by the elimination of national sovereignty and the centralization of authority within international organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum — all run by a small group of wealthy elites.
Monarchy, communism, fascism, globalism — what’s the difference? At the end of the day, we are talking about a system of government in which centralized power belongs to a small group of elites who use their control over economic, military, and intelligence-collecting institutions to rule over everyone else. Whether it is a government run by Mussolini, a king, the self-described “proletariat,” or an international cabal of central banks and corporations — it is a dictatorship all the same.
Let’s not pretend that raw “democracy” is significantly different. As early-twentieth-century sociologist Robert Michels laid out in his treatise, “Political Parties,” an “iron law of oligarchy” guarantees that a small group of elites eventually rise to “rule over” any form of democratic organization. Representative democracy, Michels argued, is a “facade” that legitimizes the continuing “rule” of some elite class.
Administrators, bureaucrats, and political leaders love to talk about “democracy” because doing so buttresses their pretense that the people are actually in control. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is the “ruling class” that hoards power, and the more any elite member speaks of “democracy,” the more certain you can be that the elites are actively betraying the overall will of the people. No matter how much this hurts, remember, you asked for it — because this is a “democracy”!
Note that a member of the “ruling class” or one of its controlled institutions (such as Wikipedia) could easily use the above paragraphs to vilify “populism.” Think about the doublespeak tightrope that the “ruling class” now walks:
Democracy: A system of political government controlled by the common people.
Populism: Political ideas and policies that are supported by the common people.