Try to imagine the metaphysics of a deadly snake.
Existence exists. Youknow that. But does a snake?
On May 18th Tucker Carlson on Fox Insider News delivered what must be one of the most poignant and hard-hitting warnings voiced by a newscaster about today’s trend to settling political disputes with violence. It was a delivery that reflects a cogent, thinking mind, a virtue we don’t usually associate with TV newscasters:
“’We Are in Danger’: Tucker Says Progressives Must Condemn Political Violence.”
The modern left is no longer an ideological movement. Instead it’s an organized movement around identity politics,” Tucker said on tonight’s show.
He warned that dividing Americans into “sub-groups” and promoting “tribalism” is dangerous for our democracy.
He said that modern progressives don’t want to argue and have a reasonable discussion. They want their “team” to win, and some of them are willing to use violence to do so, as we’ve recently seen at protests across the country.
“Violence is what separates politics from war,” Tucker said. “It’s when hurt feelings become dead bodies, the point at which countries become ungovernable.”
He noted that he’s recently had progressives on his program, and when pressed, they refused to condemn political violence.
He concluded that “we are in danger” as long as that’s the case.
In truth, the Progressives and Antifa thugs have no “identity” to speak of. It could be an amalgam of disparate groups. I am “anti-Trump” and violence is what I do. As Greg Gutfield writes, also on Fox:
On its ever changing face, identity politics seemed pretty innocuous. It’s simply a way of unifying your demands among a similar group of people.
We’ve seen it take all shapes: There’s identity politics based on race, gender, disability and religion. There are loads of others — some so unusual they beggar belief (there are people who now identify as animals, for example. Sometimes, I feel that I am one of them).
But as identity politics expanded, infecting campus life, political agendas and self-absorbed acceptance speeches at award shows, we saw something strange and wonderful happen….
2017 may have been that year when identity politics hit a brick wall, and slumped limply on the pavement.
But what prompts Progressives and their “foot soldiers” – the ones who riot, destroy property, shout down speakers with impunity, and physically assault anyone who dissents – to close their minds to any rational, civil discourse on the issues that seem to excite them to foam-flecked madness?
I have taken to characterizing Progressive/University behavior to that of cobras or rattlesnakes. Snakes do not think; in terms of teleology, they are “programmed” to respond to stimuli such as heat or a moving body, at which they will strike, to kill and/or consume. To a predator snake, all moving bodies pose a threat or an opportunity for a meal. Snakes do not pause to think about the body; there is no appraisal of it at all. The consciousness of a snake is not volitional. A snake cannot, by its nature, have values. Progressives champion no fixed ideology but chaos. They are prime candidates for herpetological study.