New York Recognizes 31 GENDERS—NOT a Typo—Crazier Than California!By Stephen Frank
thanks e-pal Joan Swirsky
Congratulations to Jerry Brown and his Sacramento buddies—California is no longer the weirdest State in the Union—New York may have won that honor. While we are taught there are two genders—m ale and female, in New York there are 31 genders recognized by the Socialist/hedonistic government of the city that never sleeps (It can’t sleep since it is working hard to create new genders.
Yes, there are males and females. Lesbians are not a gender, they are women that sexually like women. Homosexuals are not a gender, they are men that like men sexually. Transgenders are either men who feel like women, or women that feel like men. says this, “noun
either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural roles and behavior:
the feminine gender.
Compare sex (def 1).”
a similar category of human beings that is outside the male/female binary classification and is based on the individual’s personal awareness or identity.
See also third gender.”
Here are some of the “new” genders” recognized by New York:
Third Sex
Gender Fluid
Non-Binary Transgender
Gender Gifted
Gender Blender
Person of Transgender Experience
This is not a comedy routine—Mayor Di Blasio is serious! Please do not laugh too hard.