The Clintons are like cockroaches. If there were a nuclear war, after the fallout the only survivors would be Bill, Hillary and Chelsea who would climb out from under a pile of radioactive corpses to start working on their next book. And with the entire human race dead, they would have their pick of ghostwriters.
Since Hillary’s defeat, no amount of bribes, intimidation and glass ceiling rhetoric will give her a third act in politics. So the Clinton crime family has everything staked on a dim daughter who couldn’t manage to successfully interview an actual sock puppet on NBC. So they’re all writing children’s books. Because child abuse is the final Clinton frontier.
Chelsea Clinton has written a children’s book, with a sharply worded title.
The book is called “She Persisted” and comes out May 30, Penguin Young Readers announced Thursday. Clinton will honor 13 American women “who never take no for an answer,” including Harriet Tubman, Sonia Sotomayor and Oprah Winfrey. “She Persisted” will also feature a “special” and unidentified cameo, presumably Clinton’s mother, Hillary Clinton.
So the Clintons stole Warren’s publicity stunt, but won’t be including her in the book.
Grifters gotta grift.
Also who can even tell the difference between Harriet Tubman, Oprah and Hillary. They’re all in the same category.
Chelsea Clinton introduces tiny feminists, mini activists and little kids…
Tiny feminists. Because they’re never too young to be brainwashed. That’s the bottom of the left. Also they’re never too young to give the Clintons money.