In an effort to push gender-neutral bathrooms on campus, students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, are participating in a “sh–t in” by occupying restrooms in an administrative building.
Involving over 220 students, the “sh–t in” is currently being led by Amherst’s Gender Liberation Union. Throughout the week, students will be occupying bathroom stalls.
In an interview with HuffPo, “sh–t in” organizer Justin Killian, a gender and sexuality major (yes, that’s an actual thing) at Amherst, said the protest is about changing cultural aversions towards gender-bathrooms since Massachusetts law allows people to go into whatever bathroom they choose.
“We have legal protections in Massachusetts that allow people to use any bathroom they feel comfortable with,” Kilian explained. “But having the legal ability doesn’t mean cultural ability.”
“We want a third space that does not have cultural or gender surveillance,” she said.
Killian also said the administrative caved within two days, providing everything on their list of demands.
“The administration agreed to our progressive benchmarks within two days.” Kilian said proudly. “Hormones are now available at Health Services. Before, you had to drive two hours to get them.”