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Forget the Economy—It’s the Jihad, Stupid! By Roger L Simon

In presidential elections, traditionally it’s the economy, stupid. But if there’s one thing that trumps the economy, it’s whether you live or die. And as events play out in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota (not to mention Iran, Syria, Libya, etc., etc.), it seems more than ever that for 2016—it’s the jihad, stupid.

There’s little question the Obama administration has done an horrendous job dealing with Islamic terrorism. The rise of ISIS is significantly on the president’s hands, not just because he inanely called the mega-terrorists a JV team, but because his failure to keep sufficient U.S. troops in Iraq gave the Islamic State the opportunity to grow and thrive.

The success of the Islamic State has given rise to a worldwide epidemic of so-called “lone wolves” who aren’t really alone, but local players (sometimes banded together) who take their inspiration from ISIS. They don’t care whether the Islamic State is controlling Mosul or even Raqqa. They care about jihad. And there seem to be more of them every day, in all corners of the world.

As I write this, five men have been taken into custody near the Verrazano Bridge. Are they jihadists? I don’t know, but I wouldn’t bet against it. Meanwhile, after Saturday’s IED explosion on 23rd Street and the near tragedy at a Marine charity run in Seaside Park, New Jersey, more pipe bombs have been found near the train station in Elizabeth, New Jersey. (Are there pipe bombs everywhere now?)

By all rights Hillary Clinton, an obvious principal in the development of this ongoing disaster, should have no chance at the presidency in a rational world. But an extraordinarily biased and morally narcissistic media, unable to face their own inadequacies or change a narrative seemingly set in stone, apparently will do anything to see her elected.

Coming soon is an electoral showdown the likes of which we have never seen—and it will largely be over how our country handles the jihad. Do we want to live like this for the rest of our lives? Do we want ongoing terror attacks, large and small, to be the new normal for us, our children and our children’s children?

The time has come to take a serious look at Donald Trump’s “extreme vetting” of Muslim immigrants. So far it is the only proposal that would have much of effect on the status quo. I haven’t seen a single other suggestion of much relevance, especially since there is little appetite for a full-scale war in the Middle East. You can “see something, say something” until you’re blue in the face, but there’s no way everything can be caught.

Unfortunately, “extreme vetting” is, as we are constantly reminded by that same media, a form of discrimination against Muslims. The problem is, allowing a free flow of immigration, or anything close, is discrimination against everyone else.

I could fill the rest of this page and a half-dozen more with all the nationalities and religions that are not waging jihad. There is only one that is.

Until that ends, they must be stopped. We simply have no other choice. Otherwise we will be like Europe before we know it—and the European situation has become almost untenable. We may already be untenable ourselves. The sad events in St. Cloud attest to the great resistance their Somali community has to assimilating. We cannot have more of this. We must shut it down before it overwhelms us. CONTINUE AT SITE

Bomb Explodes in Elizabeth, New Jersey as Robot Tries to Disable It

Early Monday morning, a device found near the Elizabeth, New Jersey Amtrak train station blew up while a robot was trying disable it.

The device in Elizabeth, a city south of Newark, had been left in a backpack placed in a trash can near a train station and a bar, Mayor Christian Bollwage told reporters.

As many as five potential explosive devices tumbled out of the backpack when it was emptied, Bollwage said. After cordoning off the area, a bomb squad used a robot to cut a wire to try to disable the device, but inadvertently set off an explosion, he said.

FBI Bomb Squad is on scene and continuing the investigation at the train station in Midtown Elizabeth. pic.twitter.com/qvmzsgisjC

— Chris Bollwage (@MayorBollwage) September 19, 2016

“I can imagine that if all five of them went off at the same time, that the loss of life could have been enormous if there was an event going on,” Bollwage said.

There was a suspicious package with multiple improvised explosive devices this evening at the Elizabeth Train Station in NJ. #Elizabeth

— FBI Newark (@FBINewark) September 19, 2016

“In the course of rendering one of the devices safe, it detonated. There are no injuries & law enforcement personnel are at the scene processing evidence,” according to a tweet from FBI Newark account.

The device was detonated in a controlled setting, Bollwage said. The sound of the explosion reverberated loudly as heard on video filmed by local media.

“The robots that went in to disarm it, cut a wire and it exploded. I know there are other devices, I don’t know what they’re made up of but they’re going to have to be removed,” Bollwage said.

Authorities are not certain if the bomb was placed at the New Jersey location or if it was discarded to elude investigators. Law enforcement are working to disable the other devices found in the backpack.

The New Jersey backpack was found in the garbage by two men who were looking through the garbage. They reported the backpack to police when they “saw wires and pipes” coming from the pack.

Train service has been suspended in the immediate area. Amtrak released a statement:

Minneapolis Star Tribune Blames ‘Anti-Muslim Tensions’ for St. Cloud Mass Stabbing by ‘Soldier of the Islamic State’ By Patrick Poole

Just hours after a young Somali immigrant stabbed nine people at a shopping mall in St. Cloud, a mid-sized town in central Minnesota, the far-Left Minneapolis Star Tribune published an article hinting that the suspect may have been inspired by “anti-Muslim tensions.” The article was later scrubbed and replaced with a new article that directly raised the question of whether the attack by Dahir Adan was motivated by previous anti-Muslim incidents in the city.

Last night I reported here at PJ Media on the stabbing attack and the reports from local St. Cloud police that the suspect, who at that time hadn’t been named, had made references to “Allah” and asked at least one victim whether they were Muslim.

Earlier today, family members named Dahir Adan, a local Somali man who came to the United States 15 years ago and was a junior at St. Cloud State University, as the attacker.

But at 2:42 p.m. today, Pat Pheifer of the Star Tribune published an article, now removed and replaced on the newspaper’s website, titled “Anti-Muslim Tension Isn’t New in St. Cloud.”

I screen captured the article before it was scrubbed and replaced.

In the opening paragraphs, Pheifer writes so ambiguously that one could easily conclude that someone motivated by anti-Muslim beliefs was responsible for the attack:

A cloud of anti-Muslim sentiment and tension has hung over St. Cloud for the past seven years, with incidents ranging from bullying Somali and other East African immigrants at St. Cloud Technical High School, to women being screamed at in grocery stores, pig intestines wrapped around the door handles of a halal grocery store, and offensive billboards and license plates.

The most physically injurious incident came Saturday evening when a man stabbed nine people at the city’s Crossroads Center before the attacker was killed inside the mall by an off-duty police officer. No one but the attacker was killed.

Authorities said the man reportedly asked at least one victim whether they were Muslim before assaulting them and referred to Allah during the attacks.

So after a recitation of previous anti-Muslim incidents, Pheifer introduces “the most physically injurious incident” — the mass stabbing at Crossroads Center. A reader could understandably think that this new incident was similar in nature to those just recounted.

And the ambiguous description of the incident might lead one to conclude that it was anti-Muslim in nature.

More Clinton Shenanigans in Haiti Emails show the State Department and the Clinton Foundation collaborated on policy. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady

On Jan. 27, 2011, Clinton Foundation Chief Operating Officer Laura Graham sent an email to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff Cheryl Mills, voicing concern about a rumor. Ms. Graham had heard that Foggy Bottom was thinking about revoking the U.S. visa of Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive. “Wjc will be v unhappy if that’s the case,” Ms. Graham warned Ms. Mills, using the initials of the former president.

Ms. Graham, who was also chief of staff to Mr. Clinton at the foundation, had other reasons to worry: “I’m also staying at [Mr. Bellerive’s] house fyi so exposure in general and this weekend in particular for wjc on this.”

So Clinton Foundation staff was hobnobbing with a powerful Haitian politician and using connections at the State Department to try to influence U.S. policy decisions involving that same politician. That’s unethical and it is also contrary to what Mrs. Clinton promised when she went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January 2009 as president-elect Barack Obama’s secretary of state nominee.

Back then she boasted that the foundation and the incoming administration “decided to go beyond what the law and the ethics rules call for to address even the appearance of conflict” of interest with a “memorandum of understanding” to “address potential concerns” and ensure transparency.

Now a string of State Department emails from January 2011—made public through a Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, request by Citizens United—demonstrates that Mrs. Clinton’s State Department did not separate itself from the Clinton Foundation but instead collaborated with it.

In her Jan. 27 email Ms. Graham also offered advice: “Nor do I think u need remove his visa. Not sure what it gets u. Remove elizabeth’s and prevals people,” she wrote, referring to the wife of Haitian President Rene Preval and his staff.

The next publicly available email from Ms. Mills to Ms. Graham reads, “You also should consider the message it sends to others that you stay at his house.” Ms. Graham shot back that she had “discussed staying at his house w both u and wjc long ago and was told good strategic value.” CONTINUE AT SITE

A Safe Space for Unsafe Spaces Restoring free speech to campus will take resolve, but Chicago shows the way. By L. Gordon Crovitz

A University of Chicago letter welcoming freshmen with the warning they would arrive at a campus committed to “freedom of inquiry and expression” prompted a national debate on restoring free speech on campuses. The most interesting lesson is why it will be so hard for other universities to follow Chicago’s lead.

The letter rejected today’s higher-education fads: “We do not support so-called ‘trigger warnings,’ we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual ‘safe spaces’ where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.” Rigorous but civilized debate “may challenge you and even cause discomfort.”

A few university heads tried to defend their safe spaces and trigger warnings. The president of Wesleyan dismissed the Chicago letter as a publicity stunt. Northwestern’s president wrote that his students need “spaces where members of each [racial or other identity] group feel safe.”

But now that liberal administrators and professors are increasingly becoming targets of political correctness, many would like to restore free speech. Brown University was widely mocked last year for setting up a safe space for students “with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies.” This year Brown’s president, Christina Paxson, declared in her convocation address: “Suppressing ideas at a university is akin to turning off the power at a factory.”

Liberal professors are terrified they will be set upon for an inadvertent offense, as happened last year at Yale when a professor was forced out for suggesting students could pick their own Halloween costumes without instructions from the administration. Recent surveys find most university students resent having to censor themselves out of fear of offending someone else’s beliefs.

Yet restoring free speech is easier said than done. Along with the letter, the incoming Chicago students got a book titled “Academic Freedom and the Modern University.” It recounts in detail the history of freewheeling debate at Chicago since its founding in the 1890s.

One factor that sets Chicago apart from other campuses is that it can rely only on serious academics for its reputation. President Robert Hutchins abolished the football team in 1939—despite many Big 10 championships—in order to focus on the life of the mind. Hutchins justified having communists speak on campus by arguing the way to rebut objectionable ideas “lies through open discussion rather than through prohibition.” CONTINUE AT SITE

Trump’s School-Choice Fight His plan to let money follow the child is a moral and political winner.

If Donald Trump knew that promoting school choice would cause such a ruckus on the left, maybe he’d have weighed in sooner. The Republican nominee has found a winning issue by pitching a plan to “provide school choice to every disadvantaged student in America.” Amen.

During a visit to the Cleveland Arts and Social Sciences Academy, Mr. Trump proposed a $20 billion block grant for states by redirecting federal education money to support charter schools and vouchers. He also endorsed merit pay for teachers and said he’d support local candidates who champion school choice.

Most of the $50 billion or so that the federal government spends on K-12 education is targeted to particular programs like teacher training, and rural and STEM education. About $14 billion in Title I funds are earmarked for disadvantaged students. However, this money doesn’t follow kids to private schools, and states often shortchange charter schools.

Mr. Trump wants to let states use federal funds to boost voucher awards, so parents rather than governments get to choose where the money goes. As he noted in Cleveland, “there is no failed policy more in need of urgent change than our government-run education monopoly.” Judging by the panicky reaction on the left, you’d think he’d proposed eliminating public education.

Hillary Clinton said his block-grant plan would “decimate public schools across America.” Yet $20 billion is merely 3% of what states spend on K-12 education each year and less than the increase in school spending in California since 2012. By the way, charters are public schools—freed of union control. CONTINUE AT SITE

Meat Cleaver Muslim Who Hacked NYPD Cops Threatened Synagogue Screaming “ALLAHU AKBAR”, Prior Knife Arrests see note please

From e-pal and friend David P.S……

This man was previously caught outside a Brooklyn Synagogue brandishing a knife and shouting “Allahu Akbar!” — or “God is great” in Arabic.

That is not what “Allah Akbar” means. It means Allah is great. It is easy for the mainstream media to sanitize this phrase to de-Islamize it, but this reporter, who knows what it actually means much, much better should say so.

We need to understand our enemy and saying that he is referring to “God,” when he is specifically referring to the Islamic God makes a world of difference in what the average reader will take away from the story.

The other thing very much worth worth noting in this piece is the tendency now to say that the attacker is mentally deranged so as to deflect the otherwise inevitable conclusion that these are religiously driven attacks.

The only missing, obvious conclusion is that, if they really are mental deranged ,and the suspect is truly found to be nuts and dangerous – and they clearly said he is both – why on earth is he being released into the general population again??

If it was you or me, we’d find ourself locked up in Bellevue awaiting the interminable process of having health/psychiatric officials decide if we are a danger to ourselves or others before we were permitted to be released. And if the finding was that we remained a danger, we would not be released. Or to put it more starkly, were the police to have found a Christian or Jewish guy outside a mosque shouting threats and brandishing a weapon, does anyone think the case would have been dropped and the record sealed? And does anyone think that the media wouldn’t have been all over this as a case proving that there is rampant islamophobia infecting the American people?

So what???

Muslim nuts get a free pass to be dangerous and, even while facing deportation, they are part of a law enforcement catch and release program. That’s for fisherman, not for police with potential killers in custody.

Speaking of fish, something stinks here. Fish rot from the head and you can be certain that the cop who was slashed by this guy who was wielding a meat cleaver, did not vote to release him. But the Queens DA dropped the charges and had the record of the whole matter sealed. Why? To protect the guy’s record of yoga classes and plans for his daughter’s wedding? DPS http://www.dcclothesline.com/2016/09/18/meat-cleaver-muslim-who-hacked-nypd-cops-threatened-synagogue-screaming-allahu-akbar-prior-knife-arrests/

*************************************The face of Islam in America.

Obama plans to import 250,000 of these savages.

Jihad Joudeh had a record of possessing and menacing with knives — including a bust for waving a blade and threatening to kill a 24-year-old store employee in Queens. The DA dropped the charge – the records are sealed? Why wasn’t he prosecuted? Did Obama’s DoJ interfere and have the DA drop the charge? Why aren’t any reporters asking these questions?


We now know more about the Muslim who attacked three cops with a meat cleaver on Wednesday. The meat cleaver Muslim who hacked an NYPD cop is a “Palestinian” busted two months ago while screaming in Arabic outside a Brooklyn synagogue.

Joudeh, 32, here on a Jordanian passport had at least three arrests involving knives, sources told The Post. His latest arrest, on July 27, came after he allegedly parked outside a Brooklyn synagogue with two knives behind the passenger seat.
He got out of the car and started shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

Brooklyn prosecutors declined to prosecute Joudeh, one source said, despite his record of possessing and menacing with knives — including a 2010 bust for allegedly waving a blade and threatening to kill a 24-year-old store employee in Queens.

Why wasn’t he prosecuted? Did the DA fear they would be labeled islamophobic? Did Obama’s DoJ interfere and have the DA drop the charge?

“The NYPD went back to the DA and said ‘You guys are out of your mind,’ ” the source told The Post.

Officials are investigating Minnesota mall stabbing as potential act of terrorism By Kristine Guerra and Jessica Contrera

Authorities are investigating the stabbing of nine people inside a Minnesota mall on Saturday night as a potential act of terrorism after a news agency linked to the Islamic State militant group claimed that the attacker was “a soldier of the Islamic State.”

The suspect was identified by community leaders as Dahir Aden, a student at St. Cloud State University and a private security guard at Electrolux, a home appliance store located near the mall. Abdul Kulane, of the Central Minnesota Community Empowerment Organization, said he was contacted by Aden’s parents, who did not know what their son’s motive was for the attack.

[Terror dragnet sweeps up Somali American’s sons: ‘Now everything is broken.’]

Aden moved to the United States from Kenya at age 2, Kulane said. He grew up in St. Cloud and graduated from Apollo High School. His parents described him as smart, quiet, and interested in soccer. Kulane said he does not believe Aden has taken any recent trips overseas, and his family and his community are in shock.

St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis said the attacker lunged at Jason Falconer, a part-time police officer in Avon, Minn., west of St. Cloud. Falconer then fired shots at the stabber, who fell but got up three times before he died.

Falconer “clearly prevented additional injuries and potential loss of life,” Kleis said during a news conference Sunday afternoon. “His heroic actions are exemplary.”

Falconer, who was off duty at the time, is also a former police chief in Albany, Minn.

[‘We saw these guys just dripping with blood’: A quiet night at the mall turns to panic]

The attacker, who was wearing a private security uniform, made at least one reference to Allah during the attack and asked at least one person whether they were Muslim before attacking them, according to the St. Cloud Police Department.

In a statement Sunday, the Amaq news agency — linked to the Islamic State, which is also known as ISIS — said the attacker “carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of countries belonging to the crusader coalition.”

Richard Thornton, FBI special agent in Minneapolis, said during the news conference that the stabbings are being investigated as a “potential” act of terrorism, but the suspect’s motive remains unknown.

Michigan school district calls ‘Betsy Ross’ flag a ‘symbol of hate’ By Rick Moran

The superintendent of a Michigan school district has apologized for allowing the display of what is erroneously referred to as “America’s first flag” because it is a “symbol of exclusion and hate.”

Forest Hills School District school superintendent Dan Behm apologized for the “incident,” which occurred during a high shool football game between a predominantly white school and a predominantly black school.

Washington Post:

Some Forest Hills students were parading around not only with the first flag but with a Trump banner, in addition to chanting “Go green” and “Go white,” which are the school colors.

The combination offended, among others, Matthew Patulski, a white parent of two students enrolled in Grand Rapids public schools — the Trump banner because Donald Trump is “a candidate known for his tacit support of racist ideologies,” as Patulski wrote in an open letter on his Facebook page, and the “Betsy Ross flag” because it’s “a piece of history co-opted by white supremacists who see it as a symbol of a time in our nation’s history when slavery was legal.”

#NotTheOnion MI HS Superintendent: 13Star Betsy Ross Flag Injects Hostility’ & ‘Hate @MichCapCon https://t.co/4auffXsYFK
— Chris #Bossy McCoy (@ChrisYMcCoy) September 14, 2016

Admittedly, I am not up to speed on what is fashionable among white supremecists. But this is the first I’ve heard of what is commonly referred to as the “Betsy Ross flag” being adopted by the racists. If they did, they’re almost as dumb as the school authorities.

The army that fought under that flag was integrated – freedmen and freed slaves made up about one quarter of the Continental Army, according to some sources. Others put the number at about 9,000 blacks fighting for the Continentals, state militias, and in the American navy.

The army was not integrated again until after World War II, but many black regiments fought during the Civil War and the Spanish American War.

The patriots accepted just about anyone who wanted to fight for them. How this translates into “exclusion and hate” is a mystery.

I strongly suspect that the Trump sign had far more to do with this “apology” than the flag.

At first, Forest Hills’s Behm told MLive that the Forest Hills students were participating in a “red, white and blue” theme night. “The theme for each game changes, but students have generally had the ‘red, white and blue’ theme each year around the Sept. 11 anniversary,” MLive reported.

Obama, the original birther enabler By Silvio Canto, Jr.

Did you know that it was actually Mr. Obama who first told us he was Kenyan?
I am happy that this birther movement has finally passed away. I never bought into it, and I felt that it gave Democrat-friendly reporters something else to ask the GOP about.

After all, it’s better to ask about birthers and about David Duke – a man, by the way, whose name I’ve never heard mentioned in countless of GOP meetings. This is certainly a lot better than to ask about black youth unemployment, the lousy inner-city public schools that a lot of Democrat leaders like the Obamas and Clintons do not send their kids to, the total and complete mess in the Middle East, and a GDP that has not been anywhere near 3% since President Obama came into office.

So goodbye, birthers! At the same time, let’s remember a couple of things about this birther movement that are not often mentioned in the media in the tank for Hillary Clinton.

First, it was actually Mr. Obama who told us he was Kenyan. It happened when his literary agent said so. Later it was corrected, as I understand. Did Mr. Obama know that? Was it a mistake? Maybe so.

Let me add this: I am not a famous author like Mr. Obama, but I would have lost a lot of credibility if someone had mentioned in a press release that I was born in Sweden and then wrote a story about a Cuban kid going to Wisconsin. I would have gone out of my way to correct the mistake. Obama didn’t, and that’s weird. Maybe he was just too busy being a community organizer in Chicago!

Second, it was the Clinton ’08 team that put this whole issue on the front pages. Patti Doyle of Clinton ’08 admitted that it was the work of a “rogue” staffer. I guess someone in the Clinton ’08 staff wanted to start a rumor that Mr. Obama is not American. Imagine that! How deplorable! Then Sid Blumenthal got into the act, as he always does when the Clintons need an assassin.

So goodbye, birther movement. Now maybe the media will finally start talking about issues and stop asking about David Duke!