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General security, policy
1. Iranian underground missile bases enable ‘surprise launches’; US confirms Iran tested nuclear-capable ballistic missile; Iran’s ludicrous conviction of Jason Rezaian
2. US Navy civilian engineer sentenced to 11 years for attempted espionage for Egypt
3. TX man admits to lying about ISIS terrorist allegiances
4. State Dep’t report: Radical Islamist groups are the world’s chief religious persecutors
5. Haroon Aswat, Brit who plotted to set up OR terror training camp, sentenced to 20 yrs in prison
6. Federal appeals court revives lawsuit over NYPD surveillance of Muslims
7. Iranian-Canadian imprisoned for terrorism challenges possible loss of citizenship as ‘cruel & unusual’
8. Three weeks after kidnapping in Philippines, video surfaces of Canadians being held by Abu Sayyaf, affiliated with IS

Cyber, transportation, health, energy & communication security
9. ISIL-linked hacker arrested in Malaysia on US charges of providing material support to ISIL and computer hacking related to theft & distribution of US military and federal employee personal info
10. Terror watch list program glitch blamed for flight delays at major airports
11. Man who pointed laser at Tampa Police Department helicopter sentenced to prison

Financing, money laundering, fraud, identity theft, civil litigation
12. Two Hezbollah associates charged with conspiring to launder narcotics proceeds & with int’l arms trafficking
13. US Treasury sanctions prolific Chinese synthetic drug traffickers; 151 arrested in 16 states in probe of synthetic drug rings, proceeds traced to Middle East
14. Georgia man pleads guilty to operating unlicensed money transmitting business
15. New indictment adds bank fraud & financial aid fraud charges vs 2 Orange County men charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIL

Border security, immigration & customs
16. ACLU accuses US Border Patrol of profiling and abuse
17. Ontario man who ‘got the last laugh’ and slipped past no-fly list into Turkey now back in Canadian court

Censorship Over Here and Over There :: by Edward Cline

The American champions of totalitarian management and filtration of the news in America have a lot of catching up to do with their more advanced cousins in Europe (can you imagine a Federal position dubbed the High Director of Public Information Management?).

A false alarm of sorts about censorship in the U.S. introduced via a revision of the U.S. copyright law was raised by Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report. It was reported on The Daily Caller and Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs site.

In an October 14th Atlas Shrugs column, “Congressional Review Of Copyright Law Threatens My Website and Every Independent News Site,” Geller wrote:
Congressional review of copyright law threatens independent websites like mine — and every other non-mainstream media news site. Congress is considering “updating” digital copyright law affecting news sites and aggregator sites, like the Drudge Report and Real Clear Politics.
This is the biggest threat to our freedom. For years I have urged readers, Facebook supporters, members of our groups AFDI and SIOA to email, share, tweet our posts. In order to combat the war the enemedia waged on the truth and freedom, we had to establish an alternative means of news dissemination. It was crucial. Our websites, in concert with Facebook, twitter and instagram, were the David against the philistine Goliath media machine.

She also quoted Kerry Picket’s Daily Caller column of October 13th, “Congressional Review Of Copyright Law May Threaten Drudge Report”:

Drudge Report site owner Matt Drudge told Alex Jones of InfoWars last week that copyright laws could very well end his popular site.

“I had a Supreme Court Justice tell me it’s over for me,” said Drudge. “They’ve got the votes now to enforce copyright law, you’re out of there. They’re going to make it so you can’t even use headlines.”

In the Age of Obama, Our Enemies Gather Round By Jerry Hendrix — O

In the third century a.d., external pressures from competing powers along the periphery of the empire, along with growing weakness and incoherence within the imperial government, began to undermine the power of Rome. Externally, the Goths, Franks, and Vandals rose and began to roll back the Roman system of governance and trade. Internally, the Senate became impotent and a series of weak emperors led first to the geographic division of the empire and ultimately its demise. The period of history that followed came to be known as the “Dark Ages” and lasted nearly a thousand years, during which human progress was truncated until the emergence of the Enlightenment.

Today, all along the perimeter of the current global system of governance, the combination of external pressures from authoritarian regimes and a series of questionable internal strategic choices have weakened the defenses of the rule of law, individual liberty, and free trade. These actions have allowed Russia to carve out territorial gains in the Crimea and Ukraine, China to assert sovereignty over a vast area of the ocean through the uncontested creation of artificial islands, Iran to inflate an expanding sphere of influence through acts of terrorism in the Middle East, North Korea to gain nuclear weapons, and Cuba to reemerge as a normal nation within the Western hemisphere despite its long and unapologetic support of Communism and terrorist activities.

The EPA’s Water Rule Is Plugged A federal court enjoins the agency’s ‘whirlwind of confusion.’

Chief Justice John Roberts may have salvaged ObamaCare, but lower courts are proving to be more skeptical of executive overreach. On Friday the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals stopped the Environmental Protection Agency’s new Clean Water Rule on grounds that it probably exceeds the agency’s legal authority.

The EPA rule, issued in May, extends federal jurisdiction over tens of millions of acres of private land that had been regulated by the states. In August a federal judge in North Dakota issued a preliminary injunction in 13 of the 31 states that have sued to block the rule, and the Sixth Circuit has now echoed that legal reasoning by enjoining the rule nationwide.

Ohio, Michigan and 16 other states challenged the rule, and a three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit ruled two to one that the “petitioners have demonstrated a substantial possibility of success on the merits of their claims” and that a stay is needed to silence “the whirlwind of confusion that springs from the uncertainty” about the rule’s requirements.

Democrats Against ObamaSave Bipartisan opposition builds to Labor’s new fiduciary rule.

President Obama’s plan to reform retirement savings could more than double the cost of investment advice for many savers. That’s why Democrats on Capitol Hill are now demanding a rewrite and even Hillary Clinton still hasn’t endorsed it. Meanwhile, Mr. Obama is helping state governments compete against the private financial advisers his rule punishes.

The ostensible pitch for the Labor Department’s rule is that when savers are rolling over money from a 401(k) retirement plan into an Individual Retirement Account, they should be advised only by people committed to acting in their “best interest.” It sounds great, except serving as a “fiduciary” in this manner comes with so many rules and carries so much potential liability that few people will do it unless investors pay them a lot of money.

If costs are irrelevant, many would argue it’s in the best interest of a driver to travel in a Mercedes rather than a Chevrolet. But in the real world consumers like having options. For the typical investor, brokers provide a useful service and even if they aren’t fiduciaries they too are heavily regulated to make sure they recommend investments that are “suitable” for the client.



Our OpenTheBooks Oversight Report is 40 pages and contains the hard facts of agency spending since 2000. Here’s a selection of findings…


1. If the EPA was one of the fifty states, where would it rank on annual budget? Last year, EPA would rank 42nd of the fifty states. In the last four years, EPA would rank as high as 38th.

2. If the EPA were a private law firm, where would it rank nationally? Last year, the 1,020 lawyers would rank EPA 14th largest in the country. In the last four years, it would rank as high as 11th.

3. If the EPA were a private foundation, where would it rank nationally? Ranked #1 – just since the year 2000, EPA has engaged in grant-making of over $72 billion. That’s twice as large as the total assets of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and 20X the distributed grants!

4. What percentage of EPA employees received a performance bonus last year? Nearly 80% of all EPA employees received a bonus in FY2014. Furthermore, 70% of the workforce makes over $100,000 per year.

5. Why are the EPA “Special Agents” equipped with military-style weapons? The EPA checkbook discloses purchases of millions of dollars spent on “guns and ammunition up to 300MM,” “camouflage and other deceptive equipment,” “night vision,” “unmanned aircraft,” “radar,” “body armor,” “surveillance equipment,” “mobile GPS monitors,” and “joint projects with Home Land Security,” and much more…

The Criminal-Justice System Has Flaws, but Minimum Sentencing Isn’t One of Them By Andrew C. McCarthy

Keep Minimum Sentencing, to Discourage Criminals
‘I know you lied in your testimony, but I understand why you believed you had to do it.”

If there was an audible sound in the courtroom after these words left the lips of the sentencing judge, it was my jaw caroming off the floor. I was a young prosecutor and it was the mid Eighties, before federal sentencing reforms substituted the public’s sensibilities for the judges’ in the matter of serious crime.

The defendant had been convicted of selling cocaine, an offense he compounded by perjuring himself in testimony so absurd that even my novice cross-examiner’s skills were enough to expose it. The judge was a notoriously defendant-friendly sentencer, but even jurists of that bent of mind do not like having their intelligence insulted: When a serious felony was complemented by blatant lying under oath, a serious jail sentence was in order.

But not this time. To my dismay, the judge shrugged his shoulders and did what lots of judges did in those days, and what Washington’s bipartisan political class seems to want them to start doing again: He walked the defendant out the door.

Shut Up—Or We’ll Shut You Down Elizabeth Warren isn’t the only one trying to silence her opponents.

Elizabeth Warren recently drove out a think-tank scholar for having the nerve to report that a new federal regulation could cost billions, but the progressive censor movement is broad and growing. Advocates of climate regulation are urging the Obama Administration to investigate people who don’t share their views.

Last month George Mason Professor Jagadish Shukla and 19 others signed a letter to President Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and White House science adviser John Holdren urging punishment for climate dissenters. “One additional tool—recently proposed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse—is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation of corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change,” they wrote.

In other words, they want the feds to use a law created to prosecute the mafia against lawful businesses and scientists. In a May op-ed in the Washington Post, Mr. Whitehouse specifically cited Willie Soon of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who has published politically inconvenient research on changes in solar radiation.

The Million Man Fraud Comes To Washington Violence on the horizon? by Matthew Vadum

Rioting at this weekend’s Washington, D.C. gripe-fest celebrating the 20th anniversary of the endlessly hyped, misnamed Million Man March, seems like a definite possibility.

Just this week 12 people were arrested in Hartford, Conn., for disorderly conduct after blocking traffic and access to the University of Hartford as they chanted “Black Lives Matter!” After demonstrators refused to stop sitting and standing in the road, they were arrested.

While protest-related arrests aren’t necessarily cause for much concern, they are just the tip of the iceberg. As Breitbart News reports

Like many Democrat-run cities across the country, Hartford experienced a spike in murders this past summer following the “uprisings” in Ferguson [Missouri] and Baltimore [Maryland] and attacks of police officers by Black Lives Matter activists. As of August, Hartford had the highest homicide rate of any New England city.

Mass Shootings and a Mental-Health Disgrace By Rep.Tim Murphy (R- PA District 18)…see note please

Rep. Murphy is a a psychologist in the Navy Reserve Medical Service Corps. And just for the record, he rates a minus 3 from the Arab American Institute for his strong support for Israel….rsk
The federal bureaucracy is anti-patient, anti-family and anti-medical care. Reform is essential.

These past few months have brimmed with tragedy. Americans are struggling to make sense of horrific acts of mass violence like the August shooting on live television in Roanoke, Va., and last week’s college campus shooting in Roseburg, Ore.

We all know how this plays out in Congress: a moment of silence on the House floor and a fraternal feeling of melancholy when the flag over the Capitol is lowered to half-staff. But that moment of silence will not heal the hearts of those who lost a loved one, and it will not stop the next tragedy. Here and now we need action; we need real change.

That’s why I’ve authored the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act. The bill focuses resources and reform where they are most needed: to foster evidence-based care, fix the shortage of psychiatric hospital beds, empower patients and caregivers under HIPAA privacy laws, and help patients get treatment well before their illness spirals into crisis.