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Why the Conventional Wisdom Has Been All Wrong This Election Season By Victor Davis Hanson —

The current presidential campaign is blowing up lots of political myths.

For years, the conventional lament was that the “wrong” Bush had run for president in 2000. George W. Bush was supposedly tongue-tied. He was said to be polarizing. He was derided as too much the twangy, conservative Texas Christian.

If only his younger, softer-spoken brother, then–Florida governor Jeb Bush, had run instead!

So the myth went.

Jeb was said to be far more bipartisan and judicious. Jeb, not W., was deemed by many to be the more likable and more competent descendent of their father, former president George H. W. Bush.

The 2015 debates now remind us how false that comparison was. W. may have been more controversial, but he was decisive, unshakeable, charismatic, and connected with crowds in a way the bookish, distracted, and “low-energy” Jeb has not been so far.

Good News and Bad News as the Federal Government Faces Global Jihad By Carol Brown

First the good news: Congress is taking steps to designate the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) a terrorist organization. Again. They tried to do this last year and failed. The fact that the MB hasn’t already been labeled a terror organization is pathetic. Five countries in the Middle East have designated them a terror organization, but the United States has yet to do so. As I said, pathetic (to say the least).

But here we are. At least Congress is taking action now, with Ted Cruz (R-TX) leading the way in the Senate and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) leading in the House. The Washington Free Beacon reports that the bill includes a detailed history of the MB’s links to terror and concludes that “the Muslim Brotherhood meets the criteria for designation as a foreign terrorist organization.”

Per Senator Cruz:

“We have to stop pretending that the Brotherhood are not responsible for the terrorism they advocate and finance. We have to see it for what it is: a key international organization dedicated to waging violent jihad…Congress owes it to the American people to tell them the truth about this threat. This bill puts the lie to the notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is a peaceful political organization that can be a legitimate partner for America. In 2008 the Justice Department successfully prosecuted the largest terrorism-financing trial in American history arguing that the Muslim Brotherhood directed U.S. affiliates such as the Holy Land Foundation to provide ‘media, money and men’ to Hamas. That support was used for terrorist attacks against Americans and our allies in the Middle East. When they are capable they will try to do the same thing here.”

Cong. Hearing on American Victims of Islamist Terrorism By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus

On Wednesday, Nov. 4, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) chaired a hearing of the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts titled “Justice Forsaken: How the Federal Government Fails the American Victims of Iranian and Palestinian Terrorism.”

This hearing focused on the federal government’s failure to support the American victims of Islamic terror in their search for justice.

“The history of Palestinian and Iranian terrorism against Americans is extensive and continues to this day. Americans have long been the targets of Palestinian hijackings, suicide bombings, and assassinations, in part because of our nation’s close relationship and friendship with Israel,” Sen. Cruz said.

The Audacity of Obama’s Cynicism Noah Rothman

rack Obama’s career has been one characterized by displays of brazenness. In a figure on the rise, this audacity is an attractive trait. Obama even adopted that word as his personal mantra, naming his second auto-biography after it and self-styling his 2008 presidential campaign on his bold refusal to sit on the sidelines amid the “fierce urgency of now.” With Barack Obama’s promise fully exhausted, that bold impertinence isn’t nearly as appealing as it once was.

The staleness of the president’s routinized audacity was perhaps most acutely felt by everyone who was not in the room with the president at a Democratic fundraising event in New York City on Monday night. There, the president quipped snidely about the field of Republican presidential aspirants and the CNBC debate moderators who were widely chided for their displays of bias and haplessness. What could the president’s speechwriters have been thinking when they sent him up onto that stage armed with the following dud:

Mark Tapson:The Intifada Comes to Brooklyn? Orthodox Jew Stabbed in Crown Heights Witnesses describe the assailant as wearing a hoodie with a mask covering his face.

Has the stabbing intifada come to the United States? A 34-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was stabbed in the back by an assailant in Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn Wednesday night, reports CrownHeights.info.

The victim, an off-duty EMS worker for the Hatzalah ambulance corps in Brooklyn, was walking westbound along Eastern Parkway just before Rogers Avenue when the incident occurred. Police say the assailant walked past him in the other direction, then turned around and stabbed him in the back.

The man radioed for help from his fellow volunteers at the rescue organization Hatzalah, and then managed to walk to the intersection of Eastern and Rogers, leaving a trail of blood behind him. He collapsed just as a Hatzalah ambulance arrived at the scene.

The victim was given first aid and rushed to Kings County Hospital in critical condition. Sources report that doctors are optimistic he will survive.

Obamacare Is Dead It doesn’t work because it couldn’t work. By Kevin D. Williamson

Regardless of whether there is a President Cruz or a President Rubio in January 2017, regardless of the existence or size of a Republican majority in Congress, the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has failed. The grand vision of an efficient pseudo-market in health insurance under enlightened federal management — the heart of Obamacare — is not coming to pass. Obamacare, meaning the operating model that undergirded the law that Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed with great fanfare — is dead, and it will not be revived. What remains is fitful chaos.

A brief refresher:

The fundamental problem with ACA is that under it, insurance ceases to be insurance. Insurance is a prospective financial product, one that exploits the mathematical predictability of certain life events among very large groups of people — out of 1 million 40-to-60-year-old Americans, x percent will get in car wrecks every year, and y percent will be diagnosed with chronic renal failure — which allows actuaries and the insurance companies that employ them to calculate premiums based on risk, thus funding the reimbursement of certain expenses incurred by the insurance pool’s members. Insurance is, by its very nature, always forward-looking, considering events that have yet to come to pass but that may be expected and, to a reasonable extent, predicted with some level of specificity. Under ACA, insurance is retrospective. ACA mandates that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions, meaning events that already have happened, which renders the basic mathematical architecture of insurance — the calculation of risk among large pools of people — pointless. Insurance ceases to be insurance and instead becomes something else, namely a very badly constructed cost-sharing program.

Progressive Lunacy The stupid party unmasked. Bruce Thornton

In the past week we were treated to some spectacular examples of progressive lunacy. Perhaps the manifest badness of the Democrats’ presidential hopeful, coming on top of the disastrous Obama reign, is inducing panic as the progressive claim to superior intelligence and righteousness is rapidly evaporating.

The despicable bias and journalistic incompetence of the Republican debate moderators embarrassed even other progressives, who usually make at least a half-hearted effort to tart up their prejudices in the alluring rhetoric of neutral objectivity. Nor could the moderators practice even basic journalism. Becky Quick brought up the hoary “women earn 77% of what men do,” a phony statistic debunked numerous times. And the New York Times’ John Harwood flat-out lied about the Tax Foundation’s analysis of Marco Rubio’s tax reform plan. Worse, Harwood already had to retract an earlier version of the same lie, but then lied about the retraction. Meanwhile, an hour before the debate,

Harwood’s boss the New York Times was asking people online “who made the most ridiculous comment in the Republican debate.” The Times apparently didn’t anticipate that the answer would be the moderators.

Pick one thing and fight like hell By Carol Brown ****

The dismantling of America leaves one breathless as we face of an avalanche of horrors. We’ve been dealing with a long roll out of evil with more to come. It shocks the mind trying to absorb it all. What can citizens do to stop the fundamental transformation of our nation? How can we function effectively to save our country? And how do we do so in a leadership vacuum?

I have no magic answers. Just a few humble thoughts.

First, a bit of context.

It’s hard to maintain the will to fight when we lose so many battles. It’s frustrating to be thwarted at every turn. And it’s especially disheartening (if not also terrifying) knowing the stakes are so high. In the face of all of this, how does one ward off cynicism and apathy?

These are some of my thoughts.

For starters, I think we are inundated with more information than we can possibly absorb. And because we are patriots, many of us feel compelled to act. (At least I hope that’s true.) But in the face of a dizzying array of assaults against us and against our constitutional republic, it’s difficult to know where to turn and/or what to do. And, as already noted, it’s hard to believe one’s voice or actions will matter. No doubt many feel that taking action is foolish and a waste of time. It’s easy to run sound bites in our head that absolve us of responsibility. “It’s over.” “We’re passed the tipping point.” “R.I.P. America.”

And so, perhaps, we do nothing.

Third World America The Keystone beating shows political risk is a major U.S. problem.

One difference between the developed and developing worlds is honest, transparent government that treats investors fairly. By that standard, the Obama Administration’s handling of the Keystone XL pipeline shows the U.S. is sliding closer to Third World politics than Americans would like to admit.

On Monday TransCanada Corp. asked the State Department to stop its review of the proposed pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast that has been held hostage to liberal politics for seven years. The company said it wants a pause to give Nebraska time to finish its review of the pipeline route.

That may be true, but everyone knows that TransCanada’s bigger problem is the State review that President Obama has dragged out to the end of his term. The company’s reasonable fear is that Mr. Obama will reject the permit in the weeks before the global climate-change fiesta in Paris in December. He would then use this as a chit to prod other countries to sign onto bigger CO2 reductions.

Houston Equal Rights Ordinance Rejected by Voters Known as HERO, the measure would have banned discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, race and a dozen other categories By Dan Frosch

HOUSTON—In a victory for social conservatives, voters in the nation’s fourth-largest city on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a ballot measure to extend nondiscrimination protections to gay and transgender people.

Known as the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, or HERO, the measure would have banned discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, race and a dozen other categories. It was backed heavily by Houston Mayor Annise Parker and a cadre of national Democratic political figures, and proponents poured more than $3 million into the push to pass it.

Supporters conceded defeat on Tuesday evening shortly after the Associated Press called the election in favor of opponents. Roughly 61% of voters opposed the measure and 39% backed it, with 96% of precincts and early voting totals tallied.

The defeat of the bitterly contested ordinance represents a rare recent win for social and religious conservatives, four months after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. Opponents of the measure had argued that the ordinance would infringe on businesses’ religious freedoms. In placards and advertisements, they asserted that it would allow people born as men to freely enter women’s bathrooms.