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The Self-Destructive Donald Trump The document indictment is misguided, but he made it easier for his enemies, as he always does.


Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to federal charges on Tuesday, with the typical array of supporters and opponents. It’s depressing to think this could continue for another two years as the indictment and trial dominate the 2024 presidential campaign. Republican primary voters may be the last resort to spare the country this fate.

We’re on record as believing that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s indictment of Mr. Trump is a misguided use of prosecutorial power that could have destructive consequences. It intervenes in a presidential election campaign, unleashing political furies that are impossible to predict. It keeps Mr. Trump the dominant issue of the presidential campaign, denying the country the larger debate the public deserves.

The shame is that this is exactly what both Mr. Trump and the White House want. Mr. Trump would rather not be charged, but he is already brandishing the indictments against him as a campaign credential. He’s all but saying Republicans must nominate him as the only defense Americans have against Democrats and the deep state. Democrats want to run against Mr. Trump because they think he’d be the easiest Republican to beat, or to ruin in office if he does win again.

GOP primary voters can benefit from reading the latest Trump indictment and asking what it means for a second Trump term. The facts alleged show that Mr. Trump has again played into the hands of his enemies. His actions were reckless, arrogant and remarkably self-destructive. This is the same Donald Trump they will get if they nominate him for a third time.

Mr. Trump believes he had the right to keep the documents under the Presidential Records Act, and we think he has a stronger case than the press claims. But once he received a subpoena for those documents, Mr. Trump should have known he was at legal peril if he concealed them or lied about having them.

Yet if the indictment is correct, that is precisely what he did. He allegedly suggested to a lawyer that he could “pluck” out a page and not turn it over. In the most striking episode, he brandished a classified document related to a war plan in front of his staff and a writer.

The God Particle by Lawrence Kadish


Few of us could master the curriculum when we were in school. Atoms, electrons, charged particles; it was a strange and alien world that few of us understood and even fewer could embrace much less master.

Yet we live in a 21st Century world that has been defined by the fundamental discoveries revealed, controlled, and directed by the laws of physics. Far more than some distant and mysterious field of study, theoretical studies that began decades ago continue to yield results that few could have foreseen, touching people around the globe.

Consider: Quantum physics was originally the study of matter and energy, the building blocks of nature. Few lay people outside of the research labs could envision any outcome from an academic debate over electrons and photons. Yet decades later, it is the legacy of quantum physics that provided the roadmap that led to personal computers, cell phones, and technology that impacts us every day. What became apparent is that the connection between theoretical research and “real world” applications may take decades to become clear but when they do, the world around us changes.

Accordingly, we need to pay attention to the latest frontier in physics.

Scientists say that next “big thing” is the Higgs boson, a particle that was confirmed in 2012 after three decades of theoretical research. One commentator said that discovery “put the bang in the Big Bang Theory of how the universe itself came to be.”

A Day of Infamy: Trump Arraigned No banana republic is complete without influential propagandists doing the regime’s dirty work and there are plenty of them surrounding the Trump indictment. By Julie Kelly


Jack Smith, the elusive special counsel handling the criminal investigations into Donald Trump for alleged possession of classified documents and the events of January 6, made his first public appearance last week. Sporting an unkempt beard and sour puss expression, Smith slouched into the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in Washington, D.C. on June 6 while ignoring questions from a news reporter.

Smith, as he knew at the time, was about to make history. A few days later, Smith made a brief statement to boast about the multicount criminal indictment, including 31 counts for the “willful retention of national defense information,” he handed down against Donald Trump. (He again ignored reporters’ questions—to the extent any regime scribe even attempted to offer one.) 

“We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone,” a visibly nervous Smith nonetheless said with a straight face. “Adherence to the rule of law is a bedrock principle of the Department of Justice.”

The veteran prosecutor with a spotty record of success was handpicked by Attorney General Merrick Garland in November 2022 to give the illusion of an “independent” investigation into the former president and potential Republican rival to Joe Biden in 2024. But Smith’s team is far from “independent”; Justice Department officials already working on both matters simply changed letterhead and office space.

None other than CNN noted Garland’s sleight-of-hand. “Smith takes over a staff that’s already nearly twice the size of Robert Mueller’s team of lawyers who worked on the Russia probe,” four CNN reporters wrote a few weeks after Smith was appointed. “A team of 20 prosecutors investigating January 6 and the effort to overturn the 2020 election are in the process of moving to work under Smith.”

After hauling in everyone associated with Mar-a-Lago—from the maids to Trump’s personal attorney—to investigate Trump’s possession of classified material and any alleged obstruction of that investigation, Smith signed his name to a federal indictment against the 45th president. He is destined to be forever known as the government official who criminally charged a former U.S. president for the first time in history.

The cottage industry of legal experts who chased every shiny object—from cell towers in Prague and pee tapes in Moscow to washed-up spinsters and porn stars—finally will be vindicated. Thanks to Garland’s rogue Justice Department, an irredeemably corrupt FBI, and a rubber-stamp D.C. court system, the walls indeed have closed in on Donald Trump.

Mrs. Obama — we’re looking for the Fast & Furious files By Silvio Canto, Jr.


Whether you love or hate Trump, no one should be happy with the weaponization of justice.

We’ve crossed two dangerous lines in the last year.  First, the FBI showed up at Mr. Trump’s home looking for files.  Second, a Special Counsel followed up with an indictment about those files.

Why hadn’t this happened before?  Maybe it’s because the people who came before us were smart enough to know that political passions go both ways.  What happens if a future GOP AG gets a search warrant to look for those Fast and Furious Files at Obama’s home?

“Good morning Mr. President Obama, where are your presidential files?”

Before Trump, no one would have dared consider that.  After Trump, anything can happen and probably will.

This is why I believe that this indictment against President Trump is going to backfire. Yes, Trump, like Biden, made mistakes. However, an indictment is over the top. This is to going to blow up in their faces.  I agree with TippInsights:

Jack Smith said in his address to the media, “Our nation’s commitment to the rule of law sets an example for the world. We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone.” 

The problem with this assertion is that the world has seen how the Deep State has gone after Trump, often putting him below the law. 

Burisma Founder Who Allegedly Bribed Joe and Hunter Biden Is a Russian Asset By Paula Bolyard


Jennifer Van Laar, at our sister site RedState, just dropped a bombshell exclusive report about the founder of Bursima:

Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky, who allegedly paid a total of $10 million in bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden in 2015 and 2016 in exchange for then-Vice President Joe Biden’s assistance in getting Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired, is believed to be an asset of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) by the United States intelligence community, according to a national security source speaking to RedState on condition of anonymity.

The anonymous source told RedState, “The US intelligence community has a high degree of confidence in their assessment of Zlochevsky as SVR. This is not a new assessment; the intelligence community under Obama knew this, and Obama was briefed on it. Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland were briefed as well.”

RedState also pointed to a tweet from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Monday, claiming that the foreign national who allegedly bribed the Bidens has audio recordings of his conversations with Joe and Hunter Biden. He kept the recordings “as a sort of insurance policy,” according to the senator.

Another Biden Defense Rep. Raskin peddles a dubious claim. By James Freeman


Just like everyone else, President Joe Biden deserves the presumption of innocence when it comes to the latest allegations related to his family’s prolific collection of cash from foreign oligarchs. But given the highly consequential falsehoods he and his allies have told about lucrative Biden family engagements for which the family appeared manifestly unqualified, healthy skepticism is in order. And now there’s another highly dubious claim coming from Mr. Biden’s defenders.

As for the latest twist in the story of the Bidens and overseas oligarchs, the Journal’s William McGurn wrote last week:

“House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer subpoenaed a Federal Bureau of Investigation form he says outlines details of a $5 million bribe allegedly paid to Joe Biden while he was vice president. Until last week, the FBI wouldn’t even concede the document existed… But after Mr. Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley told [FBI Director Christopher Wray] in a phone call last Wednesday that they’d already seen the document, pretending it doesn’t exist was no longer an option. Now that the FBI says there’s an investigation, there is a campaign to discredit the charges before the public can see them.
The first salvo came from CNN last Wednesday. Quoting “people briefed on the matter,” the network said the document had its “origins in a tranche of documents that Rudy Giuliani provided to the Justice Department in 2020.” This is what Rep. Jamie Raskin, the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, is relying on to say the charges have been looked into and there’s nothing there.
Remember when the New York Post on Oct. 14, 2020, first published some of the incriminating emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop? The paper’s reporting was not only ignored but also suppressed—with the active assistance of the FBI. In its original story, the Post reported that “Hunter Biden’s lawyer refused to comment on the specifics but instead attacked Giuliani.” Some things never change.”

They sure don’t. Mr. McGurn had more on the allegations contained in an FBI form called an FD-1023, used to record information from a confidential human source:

After Monday’s meeting with the FBI, Mr. Raskin emerged to say that Trump-appointed officials including Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney Scott Brady assessed the allegations against Mr. Biden and agreed not to take the investigation any further. But he didn’t say precisely which allegations were assessed—and especially if they were based on the specific information on that FD-1023 from that trusted source. Mr. Comer said the FBI told him the information in the FD-1023 is being used in an ongoing investigation and hasn’t been disproved.

Can Trump Clean The Augean Stables on the Potomac? Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is as corrupt as Hunter Biden’s laptop. Few people of either party trust it, nor should they.  By Roger Kimball


There is a reason that, since before the time of the emperor Tiberius, treason trials have been a favorite tool of totalitarians. Such proceedings allow them to get rid of nearly anyone they dislike. Successfully brand someone a “traitor,” an “enemy of the state,” and, bang, into the oubliette they go.

I think the treason trial is the appropriate heuristic for what is happening, and what has been happening to Donald Trump ever since 2015 when he descended the escalator.

The charge that Trump was “Putin’s poodle,” a “Russian asset,” etc., during the Russia collusion hoax was a sort of treason trial. And remember how elaborate it all was, a veritable glass onion, thanks in large part to Hillary Clinton, whose campaign concocted, paid for, and disseminated the infamous fantasy “dossier” fabricated by former MI6 spook Christopher Steele. And it was Hillary, remember, who first broadcast the charge that servers in Trump Tower were secretly communicating with Russia’s Alfa Bank. The Justice Department, the FBI, the intelligence services—all were in on that game.

Trump’s two impeachments were episodes in the long-running treason trial, as was Liz Cheney’s January 6 show trial, as are the still unfolding series of indictments that have dogged his footsteps with increasing ferocity as the 2024 election looms and Trump’s poll numbers stubbornly refuse to recede.

A lot of legal hermeneutical ingenuity has been lavished on the current criminal indictment, a 37-count blockbuster revolving around charges that Trump mishandled classified documents he had stuffed away at his Mar-a-Lago mansion in Palm Beach. I think those analyses are mostly beside the point, so much wasted foolscap. The indictment, which histrionically relies heavily on the 1917 Espionage Act, is, when looked at with a sufficiently jaundiced eye, an amusing performance. Macbeth would have said it was a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

3 Potential Scandals Plaguing The FBI-Biden Bribe Saga By: Ben Weingarten


The recent and credible bribe allegations against the president could reveal the truth about the ties between the Biden family and the FBI.

FBI Director Christopher Wray narrowly avoided contempt of Congress proceedings last week over his refusal to provide the House Oversight Committee with an unclassified document memorializing a trusted informant’s allegation that then-Vice President Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Ukrainian energy oligarch Burisma.

Dramatic as the near-rebuke may have appeared, and as explosive as the contents of the FBI’s concealed FD-1023 form seem to be, the trio of apparent scandals this saga touches on transcends its immediate significance.

Influence Peddling

The first scandal — hiding in plain sight for years yet never fully exposed, let alone prosecuted — concerns the Biden family’s potentially criminal, national security-imperiling, public trust-eroding influence peddling. The reality of this influence peddling makes the stunning allegation of a Joe Biden bribe seem infinitely more plausible than it might otherwise appear.

The House Oversight Committee’s recent review of thousands of records from subpoenas to four banks — which preceded its pursuit of the FD-1023 — shows that “Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies,” the majority of which were formed during Biden’s vice presidency. Through this web, “the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals’ and their related companies” [emphasis original] during and after the then-vice president’s tenure.

Who’s Destroying Civic Norms Again? Trump? By J.B. Shurk


It’s hard to believe how many high-ranking government officials have been serving time behind bars these last couple decades.  Bill Clinton got caught selling military secrets and influence to communist China in return for campaign contributions.  Hillary Clinton got caught storing top-secret materials on an unsecured email server in a bathroom closet.  Lois Lerner got caught using the IRS as a weapon for targeting conservatives and influencing the 2012 election.  Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for withholding subpoenaed documents concerning the Obama administration’s transnational gunrunning racket.  Barack Obama, Jim Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper were all thrown in the clink for spying on a political opponent’s campaign and then covering up their illegal activities by framing the victim as a covert Russian agent.

The saddest thing was watching Dementia Joe Biden stumble out of the White House in cuffs, as remaining federal agents finally arrested him for decades of corruption involving quid-pro-quo schemes that enriched his family by selling the powers of his various offices to the highest foreign bidders.  

Oh, right — none of that happened, because the Deep State and those in bed with the Deep State protect their own.  At this point, anybody not being attacked or politically persecuted should be presumed as secretly working for some shady enterprise hostile to the best interest of the United States.

Yet somehow special counsel Jack Smith has the temerity to stand before the American people, announce the federal government’s continuing crusade to keep President Trump from office, and shamelessly declare, “We have one set of laws in this country.”  Right.  What he really means is, “The Deep State controls America, and if you mess with those gangsters, we’ll lock you up and throw away the key.”  Jack Smith — like Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, so many inspectors general who ignore crimes under their purview, and too many partisan political operatives posing as judges — is just another thug enforcer sent out to protect the ruling regime.  Well done, Jack!  Collect your thirty pieces of silver and career advancement as your reward!

The Pandemic of Nuclear Trash Talk Is it all just saber rattling, buffoonery, the last braggadocious mutterings of a failed regime? Cheap efforts to obtain deterrence that arms have lost? Perhaps. And then again, perhaps not. By Victor Davis Hanson


After the world escaped a nuclear exchange during the Cuban missile crisis of October 1962, it has been generally understood that nuclear-armed nations did not publicly threaten their rivals and enemies with thermonuclear weapons.

Of course, there were occasional lunatic exceptions to the rule. Since 2006, when the unhinged North Korean regime acquired nuclear weapons, the world has periodically dismissed the zany threats from the Kim dynasty. Kim Jong Un has sporadically warned he might strike Japan, South Korea, and the United States—usually in an outrageous and outlandish fashion.

Kim finally was warned of the consequences of his brinkmanship rhetoric, most famously by Donald Trump in 2018. He reminded Kim that the American nuclear button was bigger than North Korea’s—an eerie counter-warning that for a time led to the cooling of North Korean rhetoric.

Pakistan went nuclear in 1998. From time to time, its prime ministers have warned India that in any confrontation, what Pakistan lacked in numbers and arms would be made up by the preemptive use of nuclear weapons. But again, Pakistan’s threats, like those of Kim Jong Un’s, were dismissed as the rantings of the insecure and blustering, who were otherwise deterred by much larger nuclear arsenals.

But the February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine opened a new chapter in nuclear trash-talking. The Ukrainian war has proved dangerously unique in a variety of ways. True, there have been prior large land wars involving nuclear powers. The first Gulf War of 1991 saw Britain, France, and the United States combine to help crush Iraq without mention of nuclear arms. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 without such threats. Neither did China mention a nuclear option in 1979, despite a less-than-successful short invasion of Vietnam. Nor did Great Britain, in its 1982 retaking of the Falkland Islands, talk of the bomb, although recently declassified documents revealed that the Royal Navy carried 31 nuclear weapons on its expeditionary fleet—presumably depth charges, bombs, and missiles—to the chagrin of the current Argentine government.