The reckoning they face is urgent. By 2028, they won’t have their biggest asset: Donald Trump
Losing parties always search for explanations. When they lose big – when they lose the White House and both houses of Congress – that search becomes a full-scale reckoning. What went wrong for Democrats? How can they correct it?
Those questions aren’t lacking for answers. The problem is sorting out the ones that really matter.
The easiest answer – and surely part of the explanation – is “we need a better candidate”. Kamala Harris was truly dreadful. But that only raises another question: how did the Democrats end up with such a clunker?
The mainstream media did their best to cover for her, less because they liked Harris and more because they hated Donald Trump. That’s why they ignored her obvious defects for some six weeks after party leaders ditched Joe Biden and anointed Harris as his replacement. She was hoisted aloft by fawning journalists and broadcasters. When their hot air was finally exhausted, Kamala crashed. Even spending $1.5 billion and saturating the airways with slick commercials wasn’t enough to persuade centrist, independent voters.
Harris was sunk by several problems. The first, and most fundamental, is that she was the second-ranking official in an unpopular administration. She was inextricably bound to its failures. When almost 80 per cent of voters say that the country is “on the wrong track”, the burden is almost insurmountable.