I’ve written literally thousands of commentaries, and I’ve never had this problem before. I have five of the biggest stories in the history of America to tell you about — all at the same time. They’re all so important, I can’t decide which one to write about. So, I’m going to write about all five.
I’ll let you choose which one I should write about in expanded detail next week. Send me an email. Vote for the story you’d like me to write about in detail:
In the meantime, here is a short and sweet “Cliff Notes” version of all five.
STORY No. 1: Of Course China Likely Intentionally Released COVID-19. But Even More Shocking is Who Helped Them
Everyone in power is finally in agreement that COVID-19 most likely came from a Chinese biowarfare lab. I told you that three years ago. But even that is not the real shocker. Tucker Carlson had a doctor who escaped China on his show this week. She says China intentionally released COVID-19 to destroy America and the Western economies. This was a planned attack upon America.
I’ve been predicting that story for three years too. China had just lost the trade war. Their entire economy was about to collapse. At that exact moment, COVID-19 was unleashed on America and the Western world. That was never a coincidence. But I’ve got an even bigger shocker…
The biggest story is that China did not do this alone.