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How Anti-White Discrimination Undermines Our Culture and Citizenship By Philip Carl Salzman


American and Canadian institutions — business, education, military, medical, legal, and government — have all intentionally instituted systemic discrimination against white citizens who are increasingly treated as villains or excluded entirely.

In the past, when the democratic norm of respect for the majority was taken for granted, white citizens, who make up strong majorities in both countries — 60% in the U.S. and 70% in Canada — did not suffer from racial discrimination. But with the adoption of the Marxist model of society, in which there is an oppressor class of villains and an innocent victim class, whites have been cast as the villains to be legitimately attacked and thwarted.

Today, the discrimination against racial minorities in the past is no longer seen as justification for equalizing rights so that all enjoy equal citizenship and equal opportunity but as justification for flipping the racial hierarchy and giving minorities rights and benefits which are forbidden to white citizens.

I can report this firsthand from universities, where I taught for fifty years. For a couple of decades at least, there was a double standard, with preference given to minority racial applicants over more academically accomplished white and Asian applicants. This of course was institutionalized in the U.S. by “affirmative action,” transformed from President Kennedy’s insistence on equal treatment to President Johnson’s preferential treatment.

Today universities in Canada and the U.S. do not just favor certain minority races but systemically exclude other races, particularly whites, from fellowship support and from jobs as professors and administrators. It would be easy to offer hundreds of examples (see them listed on the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship website at safs.ca), but this one from the University of Ottawa illustrates the pattern:

Job Number: J0223-1057 Job Type: Tenure-track Job Category: Academic Faculty: Faculty of Social Science Department: Political Studies Union: The Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO)

The hiring for this position will be done in accordance with the University’s initiatives to combat systemic racial discrimination as announced by the University President in January 2021, which aim among other things, to remedy the under-representation of racialized peoples and Indigenous peoples within the ranks of its faculty members. In order to strengthen the diversity of the School of Political Studies, only qualified applications from racialized or Indigenous peoples will be considered and evaluated for the position. (emphasis added)

Trump: The Man to Bring Down? by Alain Destexhe


The indictment of former President Donald Trump is just the latest maneuver by many in the United States to distort elections.

The tactic appears reminiscent of Soviet secret police head Lavrentiy Beria’s: “Show me the man, and I will find you the crime.”

“[I]t is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it. It is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him.” — Alan Dershowitz, Professor Emeritus at Harvard Law School, New York Sun, March 15, 2023.

In the 2020 presidential election, under the pretext of Covid, election laws in many states were changed — illegally, some by not going through state legislatures, as required by the Constitution. There was also a series of maneuvers — including the federal government and 51 former intelligence officers knowingly suppressing media reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop — that cast legitimate suspicion, regardless of what the almost unanimous mainstream media said, on the outcome.

After President Trump, on January 6, 2021, called on his supporters to demonstrate “peacefully and patriotically,” in front of the Capitol Building, some skeptical and disappointed demonstrators — perhaps again with the intervention of the FBI — became disorderly. Politicians and the media did not hesitate to compare the events of that day to 9/11 attacks and Pearl Harbor. The only person unfortunately killed at the demonstration was an unarmed demonstrator, shot by a policeman. The federal government refused to release 14,000 hours of footage, presumably in an attempt at a cover-up. Trump was subjected to the absurd procedure of a second impeachment to remove him from office — even though he was no longer president. Finally, he was banned from Twitter and Facebook, which had been so useful to him in 2016 to bypass a hostile media.

Moreover, despite the efforts of many politicians and journalists to protect Biden, the new Republican-dominated House of Representatives has uncovered bank records showing “payments made to President Joe Biden’s son from a Chinese Communist Party-linked company,” as well as “showing Biden family members received more than $1 million from a Chinese energy company after passing through the account of a family associate,” [including] “an unknown bank account identified as ‘Biden.'”

Trump’s indictment, a humiliating “perp walk,” and the possible incarceration of a former president, serve as useful diversions to prevent the public from seeing evidence of a current commander-in-chief who has been questioned as being compromised.

No abuses will be spared Trump, or any other Republican who might run for president in 2024. It seems as if many in America, in what appears an escalating wish for authoritarian power are ready for all maneuvers to not let American voters choose their president democratically in 2024.

The indictment of former President Donald Trump is just the latest maneuver by many in the United States to distort elections.

The Coming Biden Bailout of Blue States and Cities Taxpayers will be on the hook for mismanaged pensions and projects from stadiums to subways. By Allysia Finley


The Federal Reserve’s latest interest-rate hike paired with the continuing bank panic is causing credit conditions to tighten. State and local governments could be the next sinking ships that Washington gets called on to rescue.

More than a decade of near-zero rates allowed state and local governments to borrow cheaply. At the same time, the Fed’s quantitative easing inflated asset values and prompted pension funds chasing high returns to pile into riskier higher-yielding investments. Now that the music has stopped, the bills for years’ worth of monetary exuberance are coming due.

The balance-sheet risks for mismanaged states and municipalities have been hiding in plain sight just as they were at Silicon Valley Bank. Continued financial-market turmoil and a prolonged economic downturn could cause some pension funds to collapse and cities to declare bankruptcy. Taxpayers will invariably wind up on the hook for politicians’ bad financial bets.

Local government economic-development projects are already growing more expensive and less attractive to private investors owing to rising rates. Consider the $124 million minor-league soccer stadium in Pawtucket, R.I., set to receive about $60 million in state tax credits, federal Covid aid and public debt. Construction started over the winter, but the project’s developer is struggling to raise money to complete it as credit conditions tighten. That means taxpayers could wind up paying more of the costs, which explains Rhode Island Gov. Daniel McKee’s outburst at the central bank last week.

TikTok: America’s Do-Or-Die Moment with China by Gordon G. Chang


Congress is now considering the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats That Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, sponsored by Senators Mark Warner (D-Va.) and John Thune (R-S.D.). The RESTRICT Act, as the proposed legislation is known, creates a framework for the secretary of commerce to review foreign-linked social media platforms and to take action if necessary.

The legislation, intended to target TikTok, is controversial and being criticized as overbroad.

Xi is swiftly erecting totalitarian controls inside China, which he undoubtedly will extend to America and the rest of the world if he gets the opportunity. In short, the threat to the U.S. is existential.

The threat is also urgent because China’s ambitious ruler is making preparations for war. His regime in fact declared a “people’s war” on America, which is the Communist Party’s way of justifying a strike on the U.S.

There are, consequently, critical factors that legitimize curbs that would otherwise infringe First Amendment protections.

TikTok, after all, is one of Xi’s tools to take down the United States. Radio Free Asia reported in August 2020 that a People’s Liberation Army intelligence unit, working out of the now-closed Houston consulate, was using big data to identify Americans likely to participate in Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests and then created and sent them “tailor-made” videos on how to organize riots. Related reporting reveals the videos were distributed by TikTok.

China’s app can access each keystroke of every user and even their location at any moment. “It is very much like giving them the keys to the kingdom,” said Evan Greer of Fight for the Future, a privacy group, to Fox Business.

“Everything is seen in China,” a member of TikTok’s Trust and Safety Department said. A “Beijing-based engineer” known as “Master Admin” had “access to everything.”

TikTok had said it never shared user data with the Chinese government and would not do so. The BuzzFeed reporting revealed this assurance and similar ones to the federal government were false.

The Communist Party has used TikTok to, among other things, glorify drug use, push critical race theory, and amplify Russian disinformation about the war in Ukraine. The CCP does not allow the Chinese people to use the app. TikTok’s twin site in China, Douyin, promotes patriotic themes.

China’s regime has a dagger, in the form of TikTok, pointed at the heart of the United States, and Americans have to figure out a way to make sure the Communist Party can no longer use it, First Amendment or no First Amendment. “The Constitution,” as is often said, “is not a suicide pact.”

Adi Robertson, The Verge’s senior tech and policy editor, makes an impassioned plea to not ban TikTok, China’s popular video-sharing app, on free speech grounds. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), speaking on the floor of the Senate on March 29, also raised First Amendment objections to a proposed TikTok prohibition.

Banana Time for the Rule of Law When agents of the deep state hector you about “the rule of law,” laugh in their faces. By Roger Kimball


The Czech novelist Milan Kundera published The Joke, his first novel, in 1967. It traces the fortunes of Ludvik, a young student, after his politically correct girlfriend shows the Communist authorities a postcard he had written to her as a joke: “Optimism is the opium of the people! A healthy atmosphere stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky! Ludvik.” As a result of this whimsy, Ludvik finds himself expelled from the Communist Party, the university, and is eventually conscripted to work in the mines. 

That’s the way things are in totalitarian societies. No jokes allowed, especially not jokes told at the expense of the regime. 

Thus it is that North Korea banned sarcasm and irony. 

Poor Ludvik suffered for his joke. But he got off easy compared to Douglass Mackey, a social media “influencer” who wrote under the pen name “Ricky Vaughn.” 

During the 2016 election cycle, Mackey/Vaughn posted a funny meme urging Hillary voters to “avoid the line and vote from home” by texting “Hillary” to a certain number. 

Who would be stupid enough to fall for such a joke? No one. But his satire was effective enough to get him banned from the pre-Elon Musk era Twitter. And the feds thought—or said they thought—that it was part of a “plot to disenfranchise black and women voters.” I guess that shows you what they think of black and women voters. 

It sounds stupid. It is stupid. But Mackey was charged with a felony and on Friday was convicted in the Eastern District of New York. He faces up to 10 years in jail for (as an official announcement crows) “his scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote.”

Winsome Sears Gives ‘Real Time’ Some Real Talk About Parenting and Gender By Chris Queen


Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears (R-Va.) is a national treasure. She’s the first woman to serve as Virginia’s lieutenant governor and the first black woman to hold a statewide office in that state. She’s a veteran and has an inspiring story as an immigrant from Jamaica to the U.S. She’s also a compelling speaker and gives delightful interviews — so much so that she lives up to her first name.

Sears’ appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher on Friday night demonstrates how wonderful of a voice she is when it comes to conservatism and traditional values. Appearing on a panel with Tablet columnist James Kirchick and Gov. Chris Sununu (R-N.H.), she gave Maher’s audience a dose of perspective about the recent Nashville shooting and tied it in with the rights of parents to protect their children from the state.

The video clip begins in the middle of Kirchick talking about how the media has treated the Nashville shooter’s gender identity mess differently than it usually treats transgender people.

“They are referring to the murderer by their given name, not their chosen name, and by their referring to her as a woman, as opposed to what her identity apparently was, was a man, which is not the way the media usually does these things,” Kirchick says. “They’re usually very particular about the subjective sense of gender identity and respecting that if someone says they’re a man, then they’re a man, but in this case, they’re not doing that.”

But then Sears jumps in with some unvarnished truth.

“Hang on,” she begins. “You know what? This person murdered six people. I don’t really care who you say you are. You murdered six people, and three of them were children. You don’t get a say — well, she’s dead now, so, you know — but you don’t get a say in telling us who you are and what you’re about. You killed six people.”

Bill Maher and J.K. Rowling Are Asking Questions About Transgenderism That Many on the Left Won’t By Matt Margolis


A Gallup poll from last year found that the percentage of Americans identifying as LGBT increases with each generation, with less than 1% of those born before 1946, 2.6% of Baby Boomers, 4.2% of Generation X, 10.5% of millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z. Does that look organic? Of course, it doesn’t; it’s a social contagion. Even left-wing comedian Bill Maher recognizes what’s happening: that being LGBT, particularly transgender, is trendy.

Transgenderism was once extremely rare and limited to middle-aged men. However, it has become increasingly prevalent among children in recent years, with a surge in young girls expressing a desire to transition.

“I think most who do it, you know I’ve talked to parents about this, a lot of times you just know that kid is not gay, you know, there was just, the factory installed equipment didn’t match, ok, that’s a real thing, it happens, it’s rare but it happens. But, and you’re talking about, there are other ones now because it is also somewhat trendy, I know people hate to hear that but it’s obviously true, there is an element of social contagion, or else it wouldn’t be so prevalent in here [California] and not in Indiana, it wouldn’t be regional,” Maher said.

This is not the first time that Maher acknowledged the transgender social contagion.

“If we can’t admit that, in certain enclaves, there is some level of trendiness to the idea of being anything other than straight, then this is not a serious, science-based discussion. It’s a blow being struck in the culture wars using children as cannon fodder,” he said last year.

From Stanford to Israel, Mobocracy Triumphs Over Deliberation The rot that we see unfolding, from Palo Alto to Tel Aviv and innumerable places in between, represents the triumph of animalistic, reflexive emotionalism. By Josh Hammer


The very notion of republican self-governance, which has been a core tenet of Western Civilization since the demise of the great monarchs of Europe, depends upon the willingness of citizens to debate and deliberate the most pressing issues of society. Sadly, high-profile recent examples, from the tony terrain of Stanford University all the way to the raucous streets of Tel Aviv, Israel, underscore the extent to which Western societies have given up on reasoned deliberation and capitulated to mobocracy. Where this civilizational decline ultimately ends is anyone’s guess.

Earlier this month, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan was relentlessly heckled and successfully shouted down by a frothing mob of mini-Robespierre jackals who call themselves Stanford Law School students. The mob was simultaneously juvenile and outright vile, with one student unconscionably yelling to the esteemed jurist, “We hope your daughters get raped!” Even more galling, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” Associate Dean Tirien Steinbach finally rose up upon the judge’s plea to restore order . . . and, in prepared remarks, sided with the protesters and ludicrously asked whether the “juice” (of Judge Duncan’s planned remarks) was worth the “squeeze” of the alleged “harm” to the pampered brat students that Duncan’s mere presence caused. (Steinbach has since been placed on administrative leave by Dean Jenny Martinez, although the culpable students have tragically escaped thus far with impunity.)

Earlier this week in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose conservative governing coalition has for months been pushing a set of anodyne, sorely needed and long-overdue reforms to the unaccountable and almighty Israeli Supreme Court, agreed to pause his legislative push amidst unprecedented pushback and widespread societal meltdown. The at-times hundreds of thousands of rioters in the streets, who blocked highways and tracked down and physically intimidated leading pro-reform legislators and even Netanyahu’s wife, had reached a debilitating fever pitch. A disturbing number of Israel Defense Forces reservists had reneged upon their military duties. Powerful unions had successfully temporarily grounded all departing flights from Ben Gurion International Airport. Venture capitalists had pulled billions of U.S. dollars’ worth of investment out of Israel’s thriving high-tech sector. All this, despite the left-wing opposition categorically refusing to sit down and negotiate in good faith on the judicial reform legislation.

After Years Of J6 Fearmongering, Left-Wing Activists Storm Tennessee Capitol While DOJ Stays Silent By: Evita Duffy-Alfonso


A mob of anti-Second Amendment activists stormed the Tennessee Capitol on Thursday, demanding restrictions on Americans’ right to bear arms following the Nashville killing of six Christians, three of whom were children, at the hands of a transgender-identifying shooter. 

Video footage shows the leftist assailants shoving state troopers, taking over the floor of the Tennessee General Assembly, and screaming at state lawmakers through a bullhorn. 

By left-wing standards, the riot in the Tennessee Capitol is an insurrection and a dangerous affront to democracy. Oddly enough, however, Democrats and the corporate media have dubbed the attack “peaceful” and labeled the insurrectionists as “protestors.” Meanwhile, the Department of Justice, which for over two years has been persecuting those who demonstrated at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has so far said nothing about the Tennessee insurrection. 

Will the Tennessee insurrectionists be thrown in jail for two years and denied due process? Will the FBI begin labeling “mainstream” liberals as terrorists, as former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did to conservatives following Jan. 6? Will there be a months-long show trial where political opportunists smear the protesters while hiding exculpatory surveillance footage from the public and defendants’ lawyers? Will March 30 go down as one of the worst days in American history — comparable to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Civil War? It’s doubtful. 

The Democrats, corporate press, and DOJ’s wildly disparate reactions to the U.S. Capitol and Tennessee Capitol “insurrections” are emblematic of our nation’s two-tier justice system. In 2020, Black Lives Matter rioters torched American cities. The property damage and lives lost were far greater during the summer of 2020 than on Jan. 6. Yet BLM rioters were lionized, and some even received bail from funds raised by Vice President Kamala Harris herself.  

Left Smears Ron DeSantis For Pointing Out The Truth About George Soros By: David Harsanyi


For Democrats, ‘antisemitism’ is just another cynical political tool.

After the indictment of Donald Trump finally fell, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attacked the transparently partisan and “un-American” nature of a D.A. going after a presidential candidate with rickety 7-year-old campaign finance charges, noting that Alvin Bragg is a “Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney.”

That last bit is indisputably true. DeSantis didn’t contend that Bragg was “bought” or “under the thumb” of Soros — even though either would be completely within the norms of modern political rhetoric. He simply asserted that Bragg was “Soros-backed.”

“They’re attacking Jewish international bankers,” Joe Scarborough explained to his guests this morning, including best buddy Al Sharpton, a man who led a pogrom against Jews in New York. “It’s what antisemites have been doing for hundreds of years. … That’s what they do. They try to blame everything on Jewish international bankers. It’s Germany 1933.”

The first question any reasonable person would ask is why? In the partisan-riddled, hyperactive imagination of “Morning Joe,” every Republican is a budding member of the Volksgemeinschaft; but why, in the real world, would the governor of Florida, a state with a sizable Jewish population, send antisemitic dog whistles? DeSantis, according to Morning Joe an “antisemite,” is headed to Israel in a few weeks and has never engaged in any rhetoric or supported any issue that could remotely be construed as anti-Jewish. Indeed, DeSantis is constantly praising the Jewish community.