A mob of anti-Second Amendment activists stormed the Tennessee Capitol on Thursday, demanding restrictions on Americans’ right to bear arms following the Nashville killing of six Christians, three of whom were children, at the hands of a transgender-identifying shooter.
Video footage shows the leftist assailants shoving state troopers, taking over the floor of the Tennessee General Assembly, and screaming at state lawmakers through a bullhorn.
By left-wing standards, the riot in the Tennessee Capitol is an insurrection and a dangerous affront to democracy. Oddly enough, however, Democrats and the corporate media have dubbed the attack “peaceful” and labeled the insurrectionists as “protestors.” Meanwhile, the Department of Justice, which for over two years has been persecuting those who demonstrated at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has so far said nothing about the Tennessee insurrection.
Will the Tennessee insurrectionists be thrown in jail for two years and denied due process? Will the FBI begin labeling “mainstream” liberals as terrorists, as former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did to conservatives following Jan. 6? Will there be a months-long show trial where political opportunists smear the protesters while hiding exculpatory surveillance footage from the public and defendants’ lawyers? Will March 30 go down as one of the worst days in American history — comparable to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Civil War? It’s doubtful.
The Democrats, corporate press, and DOJ’s wildly disparate reactions to the U.S. Capitol and Tennessee Capitol “insurrections” are emblematic of our nation’s two-tier justice system. In 2020, Black Lives Matter rioters torched American cities. The property damage and lives lost were far greater during the summer of 2020 than on Jan. 6. Yet BLM rioters were lionized, and some even received bail from funds raised by Vice President Kamala Harris herself.