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After Years Of J6 Fearmongering, Left-Wing Activists Storm Tennessee Capitol While DOJ Stays Silent By: Evita Duffy-Alfonso


A mob of anti-Second Amendment activists stormed the Tennessee Capitol on Thursday, demanding restrictions on Americans’ right to bear arms following the Nashville killing of six Christians, three of whom were children, at the hands of a transgender-identifying shooter. 

Video footage shows the leftist assailants shoving state troopers, taking over the floor of the Tennessee General Assembly, and screaming at state lawmakers through a bullhorn. 

By left-wing standards, the riot in the Tennessee Capitol is an insurrection and a dangerous affront to democracy. Oddly enough, however, Democrats and the corporate media have dubbed the attack “peaceful” and labeled the insurrectionists as “protestors.” Meanwhile, the Department of Justice, which for over two years has been persecuting those who demonstrated at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, has so far said nothing about the Tennessee insurrection. 

Will the Tennessee insurrectionists be thrown in jail for two years and denied due process? Will the FBI begin labeling “mainstream” liberals as terrorists, as former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did to conservatives following Jan. 6? Will there be a months-long show trial where political opportunists smear the protesters while hiding exculpatory surveillance footage from the public and defendants’ lawyers? Will March 30 go down as one of the worst days in American history — comparable to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Civil War? It’s doubtful. 

The Democrats, corporate press, and DOJ’s wildly disparate reactions to the U.S. Capitol and Tennessee Capitol “insurrections” are emblematic of our nation’s two-tier justice system. In 2020, Black Lives Matter rioters torched American cities. The property damage and lives lost were far greater during the summer of 2020 than on Jan. 6. Yet BLM rioters were lionized, and some even received bail from funds raised by Vice President Kamala Harris herself.  

Left Smears Ron DeSantis For Pointing Out The Truth About George Soros By: David Harsanyi


For Democrats, ‘antisemitism’ is just another cynical political tool.

After the indictment of Donald Trump finally fell, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis attacked the transparently partisan and “un-American” nature of a D.A. going after a presidential candidate with rickety 7-year-old campaign finance charges, noting that Alvin Bragg is a “Soros-backed Manhattan District Attorney.”

That last bit is indisputably true. DeSantis didn’t contend that Bragg was “bought” or “under the thumb” of Soros — even though either would be completely within the norms of modern political rhetoric. He simply asserted that Bragg was “Soros-backed.”

“They’re attacking Jewish international bankers,” Joe Scarborough explained to his guests this morning, including best buddy Al Sharpton, a man who led a pogrom against Jews in New York. “It’s what antisemites have been doing for hundreds of years. … That’s what they do. They try to blame everything on Jewish international bankers. It’s Germany 1933.”

The first question any reasonable person would ask is why? In the partisan-riddled, hyperactive imagination of “Morning Joe,” every Republican is a budding member of the Volksgemeinschaft; but why, in the real world, would the governor of Florida, a state with a sizable Jewish population, send antisemitic dog whistles? DeSantis, according to Morning Joe an “antisemite,” is headed to Israel in a few weeks and has never engaged in any rhetoric or supported any issue that could remotely be construed as anti-Jewish. Indeed, DeSantis is constantly praising the Jewish community.

The personal tragedy of the recent poll about American values By Andrea Widburg


The Wall Street Journal/NORC conducted a survey about American values. For anyone watching the news, it wasn’t a surprise to learn that, in the 24 years since similar questions were put to Americans, our citizens have lost faith in God and country. That’s what leftists have been teaching for a long time. But the real kicker is that Americans no longer want to have children. That’s not just bad for the country; that’s bad for the people in the country.

Here are the basic, sad facts of the poll:

Long-held values like patriotism, religion and community involvement are in retreat across America, according to a stunning poll released Monday.

The Wall Street Journal/NORC survey found that just 38% of Americans say patriotism is “very important” to them, down from 70% who said the same in 1998.

Slightly more Americans (39%) placed the same importance on religion, down from 62% who said faith was “very important” to them 25 years ago.

​The percentage of Americans who said raising children was “very important” fell to 30% in the new poll, down from 59% in 1998.

Meanwhile, the share of Americans who valued involvement in their community as “very important” fell to 27% — down from a high of 62% in 2019, the last time the question was polled.

One virtue long associated with liberals, a belief in tolerance for others, is now deemed very important by 58% of Americans — down from 80% four years ago.

Every one of those changes is the result of the rise of leftism in America. It isn’t any great feat to understand this: Leftism has always held that America is a bad country and that God is an unnecessary, censorious throwback to a backward, premodern time before leftism brought true light to the world.

Federal Bureau of Inanity: FBI Plans Coloring Event for Agents By Catherine Salgado ?????!!!!


Besides stepping us their attacks on Democrats’ political opponents in the last year, the increasingly woke FBI is reportedly descending to the level of the infantile for work events. According to several former FBI agents and whistleblowers, the agency is planning fun events for on-duty employees including office yoga (you don’t have to leave your chair!), painting, and coloring with crayons. Thank goodness adults are in charge of the country, right?

FBI whistleblower Steve Friend went on fellow FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin’s podcast March 31 to discuss the ridiculous FBI events for which he provided a screenshot on Twitter. Seraphin said FBI Human Resources and Security executive Jennifer Moore, who suspended both Seraphin and Friend, is like a crazy kindergarten teacher. She certainly appears to be under the impression that FBI agents are kindergartners.

Planned events for the FBI Security Division for April and May to enhance “health and wellness” reportedly include “National Walking Day,” which involves a “short walk” so you can “get to know your colleagues” and return with “a renewed sense of productivity.” Next is “Office Yoga,” which involves “a series of simple movements to strengthen and stretch the whole body while seated in a chair.” A desk jockey’s dream! Then there’s “Lunch and Coloring,” a “fun series of coloring sessions” to showcase “your colleagues’ artistic sides,” with supplies provided. Finally, there’s “National Creativity Day,” also an opportunity to “unleash your creativity” in a “painting class.” Makes you feel good your taxes pay these people’s salaries, doesn’t it?

Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years in Prison for 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme By Robert Spencer


Donald Trump has been indicted, essentially for the crime of being Donald Trump and opposing the Left’s total hegemony over everything. But as Trump himself has often warned, they’re not really after him, they’re after us, and he is just in the way. A 33-year-old Trump supporter named Douglass Mackey discovered the truth of that adage in the worst possible way on Friday, the first day of America as a Leftist banana republic in which foes of the regime are targeted solely for their opposition to that regime. Mackey was convicted of election interference and faces up to ten years in prison, all because of a meme he tweeted during the 2016 election. Yes, you read that right: a meme.

Back during the wild and woolly days of that campaign, according to a Friday press release from the “Justice” Department, Mackey, under the name Ricky Vaughn, “established an audience on Twitter with approximately 58,000 followers. A February 2016 analysis by the MIT Media Lab ranked Mackey as the 107th most important influencer of the then-upcoming Presidential Election.” The Justice for Democrats Department didn’t bother to explain exactly what it means to have held a position so illustrious as that of the 107th most important influencer of the 2016 presidential election. How did the DOJ go about determining this? Did it somehow discover that Mackey/Vaughn had induced a certain number of people to change their votes, but that 106 other people had gotten people to change more votes?

These are actually important questions because on Friday, Mackey was convicted “by a federal jury in Brooklyn of the charge of Conspiracy Against Rights stemming from his scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote.” That’s what he faces ten years in prison for doing. Mackey’s “conspiracy” was really quite simple. While the language the Department Formerly Associated with Justice used sounds quite weighty and conjures up images of Mackey meeting in dark rooms with other sinister figures to plot ways to sabotage voting machines or prevent people from being able to enter polling places, what they’re really talking about is a meme.

Trump Isn’t A Special Case, He’s A Test Case


Liberals might be scratching their heads over why potential Donald Trump rivals are rushing to denounce his indictment. The reason is simple. Conservative Republicans know that if this assault is allowed to stand, they will be next.

The left, as well as the rabble of never-Trump Republicans, like to tell everybody that the unprecedented measures taken against Trump – culminating with this week’s indictment – are justified because he poses a unique threat to our precious democracy.

Just to review, we’re talking about measures like Democrats impeaching him twice on the flimsiest of grounds. Like federal law enforcement engaging in a coordinated campaign to smear him as a Russian stooge. Like journalists dropping any shred of objectivity and professionalism to attack Trump, up to and including peddling obvious falsehoods.

Measures like Big Tech companies signing on as paid censors of the federal government to stamp out “misinformation.” Like national security “experts” selling lies about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Like raiding Trump’s home.

But the lie at the center of all this is that Trump is a special case that justifies such previously unimaginable antics.

He’s not.

Trump is a test case.

And to the Banana Republic for Which It Stands Mauritania, Myanmar, Botswana, and other Third World nations dragooned former presidents into court in recent years. by Daniel J. Flynn


Show me the man,” Lavrentiy Beria boasted, “and I’ll show you the crime.”

It took nearly a century. But this mindset eventually migrated from Moscow to Manhattan.

The grand jury convened by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, CNN reports, voted to indict former President Donald Trump on more than 30 charges related to business fraud.

Bragg pledged to not prosecute laws against trespassing, prostitution, skipping a subway fare, and resisting arrest. The unstated flipside of selectively ignoring laws involved wielding criminal charges against individuals in violation of laws not passed by any legislature but instead imagined by woke district attorneys.

The former president’s votaries scoff at the idea of this case succeeding. Manhattan voted for Joe Biden over Trump 85 percent to 15 percent. The former president does not face a jury of his peers. He faces a jury of seething partisans. This feels par for the course.

The Obama administration unleashed the surveillance state to spy on Trump’s presidential campaign in a maneuver unprecedented in any place where the rule of law prevails.

Courts opted to reflexively view cases against Trump as those extreme instances in which the violation of attorney-client privilege represents no violation at all.

The same Justice Department that hushed for months any talk of Joe Biden holding onto a cache of classified documents turned the raid on Mar-a-Lago for the same offense into a made-for-TV spectacle.

DeSantis Defeats Trump on Lawsuit Abuse The Florida Governor beats the trial bar and its Mar-a-Lago ally.


Donald Trump is grabbing anything to attack Ron DeSantis, and he’s even joining forces with the plaintiff bar in a bizarre alliance. Fortunately for Floridians, their Governor won this exchange.

Mr. DeSantis last Friday signed legislation that will reduce legal costs for businesses, insurers and their customers. Litigation abuse is a tax that every citizen pays into the tort system, costing each Florida household more than $5,000 in 2020, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform.

Enter Mr. DeSantis, who this year proposed a package of tort reforms to curb abuses. Several changes target plaintiff attorneys’ common practice of inflating damages by presenting to juries the charges for medical costs billed by healthcare providers rather than what health insurers would pay out, which is typically much less.

Collusive agreements between physicians and lawyers to inflate charges will no longer be protected by attorney-client privilege. Lawyers could previously ensure that juries saw only the inflated amounts billed by their hand-picked doctors, and juries often based awards on those trumped-up bills.

A Biden Bait-and-Switch on Electric Vehicles As Joe Manchin feared, Treasury is rewriting the Inflation Reduction Act’s green subsidy limits.


We interrupt the latest Donald Trump melodrama for a word from Biden Administration regulators. While the world isn’t watching, and certainly the press corps isn’t, regulators on Friday announced they are essentially rewriting last year’s Inflation Reduction Act so more electric vehicles will qualify for subsidies.

In return for his vote, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin insisted on numerous conditions for the IRA’s $7,500 EV tax credit. He wanted to encourage more U.S. manufacturing and ensure subsidies don’t go to the affluent. The law imposed an income limit to qualify for subsidies of $150,000 for individual EV buyers, as well as a price cap for vans, SUVs and pickups ($80,000), and sedans ($55,000).

To qualify for $3,750 of the credit, an increasing share of a vehicle’s battery minerals such as lithium and nickel also had be extracted or processed in the U.S. or in a country with which the U.S. has a free-trade agreement. The other half of the credit was supposed to be available only for vehicles in which a majority of its battery components are made in North America, starting at 50% this year and up to 100% by 2029.

Few cars currently on the market were expected to qualify for even half of the credit. Most minerals are mined and processed in countries with which we don’t have trade agreements, such as China, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Key battery components—namely, active anode and cathode materials—are mostly produced in China, Japan and South Korea.

Christopher Wray and the Politicization of the FBI By Victoria Toensing


The Federal Bureau of Investigation has shocked many Americans by becoming a politicized law enforcement arm of the Democrat party. As the target of one of the FBI and Department of Justice political attacks — solely because I had been talking to Ukrainian whistleblowers about Biden family corruption in that country — I want to discuss the problem.  It starts with the most political Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray.

How exactly did Wray become Director? The saga of who headed the most prestigious and respected (previous to Wray) law enforcement agency under Donald Trump includes political naiveite as well as sophistication, depending on the actor.

The naiveite begins with the Trump transition team.  My husband (and law partner) Joe diGenova and I sent message after message to the team to have President-elect Trump fire then-Director James Comey immediately. We were well aware of his many instances of harassing conservatives with baseless federal investigations. 

We were informed that “New Yorkers” on Trump’s team thought it would look “unseemly.” They were unaware that cleaning house in a new administration is regular order in D.C.  How did it look months later when Trump fired Comey in the midst of the Russia, Russia, Russia! investigation?

Having limited knowledge of both Washington politics (one must know who the alligators are to drain the swamp) and federal law enforcement, Trump turned to a person who should have such knowledge to propose a Comey replacement: former U.S. Attorney (Eastern District of New Jersey) and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.  Christie had been a political opponent, then avid supporter of Trump.  What better background for a person asked to suggest a new FBI Director.  Christie’s choice: Chris Wray.