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Are Universities Doomed? Elite university degrees certify very little. And the secret is out.  By Victor Davis Hanson


In a famous exchange in the The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway wrote: “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually, then suddenly.”

“Gradually” and “suddenly” applies to higher education’s implosion. 

During the 1990s “culture wars” universities were warned that their chronic tuition hikes above the rate of inflation were unsustainable. 

Their growing manipulation of blanket federal student loan guarantees, and part-time faculty and graduate teaching assistants always was suicidal. 

Left-wing indoctrination, administrative bloat, obsessions with racial preferences, arcane, jargon-filled research, and campus-wide intolerance of diverse thought short-changed students, further alienated the public—and often enraged alumni.

Over the last 30 years, enrollments in the humanities and history crashed. So did tenure-track faculty positions. Some $1.7 trillion in federally backed student loans have only greenlighted inflated tuition—and masked the contagion of political indoctrination and watered-down courses. 

 But “gradually” imploding has now become “suddenly.” Zoom courses, a declining pool of students, and soaring costs all prompt the public to question the college experience altogether. 

Nationwide undergraduate enrollment has dropped by more than 650,000 students in a single year—or over 4 percent alone from spring 2021 to 2022, and some 14 percent in the last decade. Yet the U.S. population still increases by about 2 million people a year.

Men account for about 71 percent of the current shortfall of students. Women number almost 60 percent of all college students—an all-time high. 

Monotonous professors hector students about “toxic masculinity,” as “gender” studies proliferate. If the plan was to drive males off campus, universities have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations. 

Thanks to Elon, the FBI has a lot to answer for By Michael Letts


Things have not been good for the Federal Bureau of Investigation this year.

Thanks to its new owner Elon Musk, the “Twitter Files” have been making the rounds, revealing just what kind of relationship the social media giant has with the bureau. Apparently the two had “constant and pervasive” communications, with the FBI treating Twitter as a “subsidiary.” In other words, they were making note of accounts and tweets that needed to be taken action against.

That aligns with reports about surveillance on citizens and infringing on free speech rights in a number of ways — all in the name of “justice.”

Republicans are working on getting hold of these “Twitter Files,” in hopes of being able to get several subpoenas against both the FBI and the Department of Justice. Leading this charge is Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), who will soon be the chairman for the House Intelligence Committee.

Speaking with Fox News on a recent episode of Sunday Morning Futures, he stated, “We are definitely pursuing the Department of Justice and also the FBI. We certainly intend to pursue subpoena power to expose the extent to which the FBI has been doing this.”

“While we pursue intelligence community to try to hold them accountable, while we’re doing that, Elon Musk is showing what’s happening on the other side with the willing partners, the mainstream media, social media, and really exposing coordination that was occurring between the FBI and them,” he continued.

And how. With Republicans set to take back the House next month, it appears they can finally get things moving as far as taking a closer look at what the FBI is really doing.

Turner believes that, by attaining these files, “we can cut off the funding and prevent, obviously, average Americans being impacted by FBI actions.”

But this goes much deeper than that. “The FBI… under the cover of saying they were pursuing foreign malign influence, had really exploded into activities that involved engaging with mainstream media and social media, and really impacting what is the normal debate of democracy. What’s really troubling here in my opinion is this is not based on intelligence.”

Our President, The Pathological Liar A shameful characteristic throughout his whole 52-year political career. by Jeff Crouere


The sad reality is that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, is a pathological liar. This is not a new personality trait for our Commander-in-Chief, but a characteristic that has been apparent throughout his 52-year political career.

Biden has been telling lies, including massive untruths, for decades. It is a major reason he had to exit the 1988 presidential campaign. He lied about his law school grades and plagiarized speeches from United Kingdom Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock.

Regularly, Biden lies about his childhood, his family, his academic career, and his record as a politician.

Does anyone really believe that, as a young lifeguard, he faced off with a “bad dude” named “Corn Pop” who had a “bunch of bad boys” armed with “straight razors?” Biden claimed he used a six-foot chain to force the gang to leave.

Biden pretends he was a tough guy and has boasted that in high school, he would have taken Donald Trump “behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”

He likes to embellish his career as a college football player and lied about being on the University of Delaware team that beat the Ohio Bearcats. He said he quit the team to date the woman who would become his first wife, but, instead, he was forced to leave due to bad grades.

This week, Biden told a series of lies that are impossible to reconcile. At a town hall meeting with U.S. veterans in Delaware, Biden told a story of awarding a Purple Heart to his uncle, Frank Biden. He said that his uncle had served heroically in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, and had earned the Purple Heart, but never received it.

He declared he “got” his uncle the Purple Heart after he was elected Vice President in 2008. Biden said he awarded it to his uncle in front of family members. According to Biden, his uncle did not want the award because “the others died, I lived, I don’t want it.”

The Persistence of the Left Why an ideology so graphically repudiated by history – and so bloody in its application – continues to endure. by Bruce Thornton


The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 sparked a wave of optimism and triumphalism across the West. Our nuclear-armed rival and ideological enemy had suddenly disappeared, taking with it the shadow of nuclear apocalypse. But for the Left, since 1917 the Soviet Union had been the locus of the hopes and dreams of leftist collectivism. Now history, understood as an ideological game of thrones, had ended, dashing that hope. Liberal democracy, private property, and free-market capitalism had prevailed, and no credible alternative remained.

This optimism was expressed by George H.W. Bush in 1991, when he celebrated this “new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind––peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.” Yet the demise of the USSR did not mean the end of various Marxist ideals like collectivism and the “command economy,” which haven’t just survived, but in recent decades have grown stronger under progressivist rule.

How is it that an ideology so graphically repudiated by history and so bloody in its application, has managed to endure, especially in the West, which has provided the greatest and most widespread prosperity, political equality, and freedom in human history?

The survival of the Left has nothing to do with the intellectual coherence or truth of its ideas. Leftism is predicated on dubious, if not wildly absurd, assumptions and ideas about human nature and motivation: secularism, philosophical materialism, determinism, and the technocratic fallacy that “science” can discover and exploit the timeless forces and laws of human progress and social improvement. The latter claim in particular has been repudiated by Marxism’s ghastly toll of 100 million dead, and millions more enslaved in gulags and forced-labor camps like the ones we see today in Communist China’s Xinjiang western region, where more than a million Muslim Uighurs are being subjected to forced labor and brutal “re-education.”

You Have to Watch Rand Paul’s ‘Twas the Week Before Christmas’ VIDEO ****


Sen. Rand Paul has written his own retelling of the classic poem “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” called ‘”Twas the Week Before Christmas” about the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill, and performs it in a video, which is currently going viral on social media.

The senator from Kentucky is seen donning a red blazer before a backdrop of a Christmas tree and a fireplace. “‘Twas a week before Christmas and all through the Senate and House, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse,” he begins. “The earmarks were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there. The senators were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of pork danced in their heads.”

As for the rest, well, just watch the video.

Biden Should Be Fired So Americans Can Have Jobs


The Biden White House bragged in July that the economy added more than 1.1 million jobs in the second quarter. The Scatter Brain in Chief said that from April through June “we created more jobs than in any quarter under any of my predecessors in the nearly 40 years before the pandemic.” Now we learn that the real number of jobs added was only about 1% of that.

Maff are hard.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank in Philadelphia, “in the aggregate, 10,500 net new jobs were added during the period rather than the 1.12 million jobs estimated by the sum of the states.”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Current Employment Statistics estimate of a little more than 1 million new jobs was also a bit off, says the Philly Fed.

Not only did the administration celebrate the “new” jobs in the spring, Biden’s allies were so excited they could hardly keep their pants on. In October, the headline of a Center for American Progress post promised “The Swift Jobs Recovery Under Biden Will Have Long-Lasting Benefits for Workers.” At roughly the same time, The New Yorker gushed that “Biden Heads To The Midterms With 10 Million New Jobs,” while Yahoo senior columnist claimed in October “no other president comes close to matching his record on jobs.” 

Now it’s possible the Philly Fed is wrong and the higher numbers are more accurate. If so, it would be a miracle. Biden’s policies are not designed to create jobs.

On his first day at work as president, Biden killed 70,000 jobs by pulling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline. In doing so, he might “have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.

American kids are in the grip of a gender contagion By Mary Harrington


American kids are in the grip of a gender contagion. New research from the Ethics and Public Policy Center reveals that the number of prescriptions for puberty blockers to under-18s doubled between 2017 and 2021.

The data, based on information gathered from insurers, provide the clearest picture to date of the booming industry of gender butchery being practiced on American minors.
In this medical Wild West, a well-oiled campaigning machine with tentacles into nonprofits, schools and even the White House recruits healthy kids and spits out sterilized simulacra of the opposite sex, often with lifelong health issues.

Concerned parents, meanwhile, are bullied into compliance with threats of suicide — and the “treatments” themselves don’t even make their victims happier. A recent study by the UK campaign group Sex Matters found puberty blockers and hormone treatments do no more to improve teens’ mental health than a placebo.

And yet, as the EPPC numbers show, demand continues to soar. Why? The driver seems to be a toxic blend of teen angst, educator activism and Internet addiction.

Puberty is often tough, and most teens are now exposed to hardcore porn at a young age via smartphones. Many add this corrupted picture of sexual relations to mental health and body issues — then seize on “LGBTQ+” activism in schools and the wider culture as a refuge.

Digging deep for a rainbow “identity” of their own, many more stumble upon forums and YouTube influencers that inspire with “before” and “after” images and tales of how transition will take all the angst and pain away.

Unleashing Clean Fusion Power Is America’s Best Defense against Tyranny by Lawrence Kadish


It may prove to be as historic as the harnessing of fire, invention of the wheel, or the channeling of electricity. It will certainly rank on a par with the first release of nuclear energy in an experimental Chicago reactor or its first test as an atomic weapon near Los Alamos, New Mexico.

It is the first successful experiment to extract power from controlled fusion.

It may take a decade or more to convert their successful experiment into commercially available power, but what it offers is an inexhaustible, readily available source of clean energy that eliminates pollution, greenhouse gases, or radioactive waste from the current generation of nuclear reactors. In short, it has the means to be as powerful and transformative than any advance in energy technology mankind as ever deployed to run its society.

Fusion occurs within our Sun and the stars that fill our night sky. The process combines hydrogen atoms, turning it into helium and producing the sunlight that allows civilization to exist orbiting some 93 million miles from the Sun. In an effort to replicate that law of physics, American scientists have used reactors and lasers to determine how they can harness its enormous power. (It has been estimated that a modest container of the “fusion fuel” is equivalent to one million gallons of oil, generating some 9 million kilowatt hours of electricity.)

As we discovered with the invention of the atomic bomb, physics can’t be kept as a national security secret. The Soviets were working on trying to figure out how to harness fusion for something other than a hydrogen bomb more than half a century ago. Before the fall of the Soviet Union, there was even a mutual assistance program announced by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

But leadership in energy technology is crucial to a nation that is founded on freedom and committed to remaining a global superpower for good. America has already invested hundreds of millions of dollars into fusion research and it is beginning to pay off in this most recent announcement of a breakthrough. New and expanded research efforts are being announced by America’s scientific community in concert with universities such as MIT and with Western nations. They are suggesting the first commercial power station might come online as early as the 2030s.

Reflections on America at the End of 2022 Where are we and how did we get here? by Bruce Bawer


November 22, 1963, was the first day of my life of which I have substantial memories: Mrs. Gibbons, my ample, white-haired second-grade teacher from Central Casting, wheeling the giant blond-wood TV set into the classroom so that we could watch some dull educational program; the sudden interruption for breaking news from Dallas, which we all followed avidly during the hour or so that was left of the school day; the anxious minutes during which I ran all the way home, convinced that the murder of a president must portend something absolutely horrible, at the very least the veritable collapse of society; my even greater anxiety when, unprecedentedly and apparently in confirmation of my fear, my mother didn’t respond to my increasingly urgent knocks at the door; and the immense relief I felt when she called out from across the street, where she was watching the terrible news with the neighbors, and where I, too, would spend the next several hours, experiencing a turning point in human history.

The day that President Kennedy was assassinated marked an end to what, in retrospect anyway, seems like an innocent and harmonious era in American life and the beginning of a period – one in which we still live – during which American society has been marred, sometimes more than others, by political doubt, division, and distrust and by growing disagreement on fundamental questions. A few days ago, on the December 15 episode of his show on Fox News – about which more later – Tucker Carlson noted that the phrase “conspiracy theory” had not been in common usage until 1964, when it began to be used to describe people who resisted the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in killing the president and that Jack Ruby had acted alone in killing Oswald.

Wanted: Elon Musk for Instigating Journalism and Humiliating “Brights” The price for pushing back on behalf of the First Amendment. by Bruce Thornton


Ever since Elon Musk publicized Twitter’s “crown jewels”––the evidence for its various forms of censorship of conservatives, and its collusion with the FBI, Homeland Security, and the White House to damage Donald Trump and promote Joe Biden before the 2020 presidential election––he has been hysterically vilified by social and legacy media, and threatened by the White House for taking the First Amendment seriously and exposing the moral and professional bankruptcy of storied news outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, and CNN.

And now, in a poll of Twitter users Musk held Sunday in response to pushback on his ban on Twitter users  promoting other social media sites, 55% voted that Musk should step down as CEO. Musk has pledged to abide by the results, tweeting, “The question is not finding a CEO, the question is finding a CEO who can keep Twitter alive.”  Fortunately, Musk still own the company and can maintain Twitter’s role as the virtual town square that respects free speech.

Such flak is what one gets for defending the foundational rights of any government that empowers the masses to participate in politics and hold accountable their political rulers, and that protects the people from the tyranny of elites whether plutocratic or technocratic. But free speech is also critical to the proper practice of science, which relies on public debates over challenges to scientific claims.

Musk has gone beyond just standing up for our unalienable right to speak our minds, and for exposing the government’s unconstitutional assaults on the First Amendment. His brash and insulting defense has come at the expense of the cognitive elite who fancies themselves “brights” because they have college degrees and professional credentials––a class that needs to be humiliated for their overweening arrogance and toxic credentialism.