Now that we’re approaching the three-year anniversary of COVID-1984’s global demolition (or “Great Reset” in World Economic Forum parlance), reality looks very different from what many people once perceived it to be. Raise your hand if you thought “free” nations would declare the authority to close millions of small businesses until they went bankrupt and folded. Or whether never-before-used, experimental cocktails of mRNA “vaccine” would be coercively injected into citizens. Did you think governments would conspire to cover up “vaccine”-related injuries and deaths? Did you expect that the Canadian government would take the unprecedented steps of invoking the Emergencies Act and seizing the private bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters in order to intimidate peaceful Canadians and quell dissent? Did you predict that in the United States and throughout the West, public debate would be targeted and censored if that speech contradicted governments’ official public health “narratives”? Did you know that COVID communism would end up being more contagious than the virus?
If you still have your hand raised, then you are part of a humble minority who were worried about the West’s accelerating attacks against personal liberty even before the rise of COVID-1984. If you had your eyes unexpectedly opened during the last three years, though, it is all the better to have you seeing clearly now. Around the world, the WuFlu pandemic and governments’ coordinated responses to use this health scare as a transparent pretense for ushering in the WEF’s beloved “Great Reset” have awakened hundreds of millions of people who might otherwise still be sleeping. While our puppet master oligarchs have achieved a great deal in a short time, their in-your-face mobilization efforts to “fundamentally transform” the world have also commanded new, unwanted attention. A growing share of the population finally understands that we are in an ongoing battle between self-government and global government and that friends of freedom must dig in their heels for the long haul.