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Art Museums and Impermanence Many art museums may still look like the marmoreal palaces of yore, but increasingly their goals are in tension with the calm solidity of their galleries and pavilions. By Roger Kimball


The biggest story as I write revolves around Elon Musk’s decision to reveal the truth about how Twitter, largely at the behest of Democrats, intervened in the 2020 presidential campaign to quash damaging news about Joe Biden and thus influence the course of the election. Twitter wasn’t the only entity to put its finger on the electoral scale, but it was a very prominent one. Remember, Twitter shut down the account of Donald Trump, a sitting president of the United States, as part of the media frenzy in the aftermath of the January 6 protests at the Capitol. Twitter shut down the accounts of many other prominent conservatives around the same time. The company also went to extraordinary lengths, ahead of the election, to bury the story, first aired by the New York Post, about Hunter Biden’s laptop. 

As I say, this whole story is the hottest thing going right now, and for those interested in pursuing it I recommend James Woods’ interview with Tucker Carlson and the long thread that the journalist Matt Taibbi has begun to publish at the request of Elon Musk. If prior to this you thought that the 2020 election was on the up-and-up, these revelations might well change your mind. 

But I am not going to say another word about that sordid subject today. Instead, I thought I would step back and consider a different sort of scandalous story, one that involves the fate of the art museum in an age of identity politics. 

I was recently asked to contribute an introduction to “The Museum of Art: Challenge and Response,” a conversation in Melbourne, Australia, between Gerard Vaughan, former Director of the National Gallery of Victoria, and David Bomford, former curator at several museums and now a Trustee of the Victoria and Albert in London. What follows is an adaptation of that introduction. 

Every age, I noted, has its architectural master projects, those programs that not only attract the signal architectural talent of the time but also, in the reach of their tentacles, seem to epitomize the civilizational ambitions of a culture. At one time in the West, that node of interest centered around the Church, at another the palace, at another the town square and attendant civil structures.

Today, there is a good argument to be made that for some time now the apogee of architectural ambition has centered around the art museum. 

Your feel-good video of the day: Pushing back against woke corporations By Andrea Widburg


One of the things we reliably expect from Harvard professors nowadays is that they’re as intellectually bereft as people like Elizabeth Warren, a mediocre leftist law professor who got her gig by falsely claiming to be Native American. Aside from being a leftist, her ideas are just wrong (as, for example, her claim that Biden can magically erase voluntarily incurred student debt.) But there are still sane minds at Harvard, one of whom is Arthur Brooks. Every normal person watching his short “man up” speech to corporate leaders, will find it incredibly refreshing and even worth a few Huzzahs!

Lately, I’ve noticed a despairing tone in conversations with conservatives. It’s not just gamed elections, open borders, a decaying military, attacks on fossil fuel (the foundation for modern life), the martyrdom of the January 6 prisoners, the transgender mafia’s bullying, continued vaccination pressures, or any of the other horrors the left is inflicting on America. What has left them despairing to the point of inertia is the sense that there are no battles that they can fight because the leftist victory is total.

A large portion of that sense of defeat comes about because we’re no longer just fighting at the political level. We’re not even fighting Hollywood and the TV news anymore. What’s really terrifying is that America’s major corporations have gone completely woke. The examples are everywhere, from Disney to airlines telling their flight attendants that it’s fine to be a bearded man with make-up and a dress, to the myriad corporations that have bought into Critical Race Theory, to the tech tyrants and their biased search engines and free-speech crackdowns. We’re tired and feel that it’s just impossible to fight both city hall and main street.

Arthur Brooks, a business and leadership professor at Harvard, as well as a well-known author and speaker, thinks we can fight Main Street because it’s not the monolithic leftist bastion we believe it’s become.

What If MAGA Shrugged? By J.B. Shurk


Congressional lizards posing as “leaders” met with China Joe in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, and the wretched gerontocracy that rules over us looked happy as clams to be reunited after the political theater of the midterms.  Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, and Turtle McConnell all sported sly, devilish grins that suggested they got exactly what they wanted in last month’s elections.  

In undermining MAGA candidates, Turtle’s iron-fisted control over his Republican minority remains absolute.  Up-Chuck and Child-Sniffer Joe still hold the Senate and retain the power to ram more lawless federal judges through confirmation (with Lindsey Graham’s obedient assistance, of course).  Middling McCarthy has such a weak House majority that he will end up playing so much ball with Democrats in the name of “compromise” that “selling out” will continue being Republicans’ favorite sport.  And wicked witch San Fran Nan gets to booze off into the sunset, looking like a winner whose political expertise is so uncanny that she nearly managed to keep her majority during a foretold “red tsunami” election when roughly 70% of the country has consistently demanded a drastic change of course.

The “woke” Marxist puppeteers actually dictating policy from the Oval Office are so giddy with what they have managed to pull off with this new voting system of anonymous and unsecured mail-in ballots that they actually announced “We the People” as the official White House theme for holiday decorations this year — a fairly direct kidney punch against the broad MAGA coalition of voters who use that appellation from the Constitution’s Preamble to rally support for taking back the country from the China-appeasing, World Economic Forum–devoted, anti–free speech communists long in control of the bureaucratic levers of government.  Sorry, “We the People,” only atheists, oligarchs, globalists, and commies welcome at the White House for now!

Watching the Uniparty’s cabal of corruptocrats flaunt their shared victory is downright nauseating.  It’s such a kick in the teeth to see the same people we’ve been trying to cashier for over a decade still in charge.  Even after a Tea Party revolt against Obama’s socialist overreach that ended up securing strong Republican congressional control (before corporate RINO Paul Ryan and the Turtle Tyrant threw those victories away), the election of MAGA Warrior Donald Trump in 2016, and a 2020 election turnout that brought over ten million new voters into MAGA’s ranks, the same swamp creatures who ran roughshod over the stinking, rotten system back then still manipulate the decaying, rancid system yet today.  Uff da!  This is what a hamster on a wheel must feel like.  No wonder our Tribe of Totalitarian Elders looked so spitefully smug for the cameras.  The wishes of the people have been crushed and discarded once again.

Interrogated By Cruz, Diplomat Gives False Testimony About Biden’s Billion Dollar Bribe James D. Agresti


During a November 30th hearing of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a senior State Department official gave false testimony about a billion-dollar bribery scandal involving Joe Biden. The official, George Kent, is Joe Biden’s appointee to be the next U.S. ambassador to Estonia.

At Kent’s nomination hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, questioned him about Biden’s actions in Ukraine that occurred while Kent was overseeing anti-corruption efforts in Europe and working in Ukraine. At the time, Biden was the vice president and serving as President Obama’s point man for Ukraine.

This affair began in March 2014 when Biden gave a speech before the Ukrainian parliament in which he promised that the U.S. would help Ukraine increase its gas production. That same month, a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch placed Biden’s son Hunter on the board of his gas company and began paying Hunter $83,333 per month.

Cruz directly asked Kent, “Did Joe Biden do anything that benefited the corrupt oligarch who was paying his son a million dollars a year?” Kent attempted to dodge the question, but Cruz pressed him, and Kent replied, “He did not.”



2. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series, based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter.
3. The “Twitter Files” tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of a human-built mechanism grown out the control of its designer.
4. Twitter in its conception was a brilliant tool for enabling instant mass communication, making a true real-time global conversation possible for the first time.
5. In an early conception, Twitter more than lived up to its mission statement, giving people “the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.”
6. As time progressed, however, the company was slowly forced to add those barriers. Some of the first tools for controlling speech were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters.
7. Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and executives began to find more and more uses for these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company to manipulate speech as well: first a little, then more often, then constantly.
8. By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”

Communism’s hundred-year war on humanity We need to connect the pieces to see the big picture: By Don Feder


When Bolsheviks stormed the Winter Palace in 1917, it wasn’t just the start of the Russian Revolution, but the beginning of communism’s century-long war on humanity.

The global conflict has included civil wars and culture wars, gulags and killing fields, indoctrination and subversion, planned starvation and ethnic cleansing.

It’s the forever war, fought on five continents, for a system that has failed miserably wherever it’s been imposed, but still never lacks true believers willing to kill for its utopian vision. And (bitter irony) they commit unspeakable crimes in the name of humanity.

We fought communism directly in Korea and Vietnam and covertly throughout the 20th century. It created the sexual revolution and the terrorist war on the West. Critical race theory is its brainchild, wokeism its handmaiden.

The storm unleashed by Lenin and his gang still rages, from China to Caracas, and from Ukraine to American cities.

In China, protests against the regime’s draconian lockdowns (which include the bolting shut the doors of apartments) have quickly spread across the country. COVID-19 controls were the spark, but the protests quickly became demands for democracy and the ouster of Chinese ruler Xi Jinping.

At one demonstration, a local communist party boss warned protesters against being manipulated by “foreign influences.” A man in the crowd shot back: “Do you mean Marx and Engels?”

The Chinese Communist Party has presided over the bloodiest regime in history. Since 1949, it has killed as many as 50 million in the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and all of the other attempts to remake mankind.

Oath Keepers Verdict: A Dangerous Escalation in Criminalizing Dissent New ground is set with every egregious indictment and conviction with dire consequences for the future of political speech and activity.  By Julie Kelly


One year after the events of January 6—despite their best efforts—federal prosecutors still hadn’t filed a single criminal charge that came anything close to resembling “insurrection” or domestic terrorism. Democrats and regime media were agitated: How could they continue promoting the four-hour disturbance as an attempted coup if the most prevalent offense charged by the Department of Justice a year later was the petty misdemeanor of “parading” in the Capitol? Even the chief judge for the D.C. district court overseeing each January 6 case had publicly expressed her frustration that the government wasn’t producing harsher indictments against Trump supporters.

So Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, swooped in to save face. Eleven members of the Oath Keepers, an alleged militia group, were charged on January 12, 2022 with seditious conspiracy for their involvement in the Capitol protest. Elmer “Stewart” Rhodes and 10 others were accused of conspiring “to oppose by force the authority of the Government of the United States, and by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.” The law the Oath Keepers attempted to stop, Graves claimed, was the “peaceful transfer of power” vested in both the 12th and 20th amendments.

The indictment was preposterous on its face, something only a grand jury seated in the most Democratic city in the country could countenance. None faced a weapons charge, raising the natural question of how a group of military veterans, most suffering various degrees of service-related disabilities, planned to overtake the government “by force” without a single firearm or explosive device. Despite constant talk in the media about the Oath Keepers’ quick reaction force, individuals who brought weapons with them on the drive to Washington left them behind in a Virginia hotel—legally—so as to not violate the city’s strict gun control laws.

Some militia.

Prof. Jason Hill at the Freedom Center’s Restoration Weekend Shillman Fellow outlines the legacy we must leave to future generations. VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT


Jason Hill:

I often start my talks with an epigraph and it goes something like this. The barbarians are not at the gates and the jungles are not approaching the cities. The barbarians are inside the cities and the jungles are our cities. The barbarians move openly among us like sinister ghouls, dressed in suits and ties, dresses, and stilettos that can hurt and do hurt the pavements. They are wicked men and nefarious she-devils. But America, the most exceptional and unprecedented phenomenon in history, is in an age of moral crisis, an age of nihilism in which values and the good are destroyed for the sake of destruction and because America is good. Our culture today is unfortunately bankrupt, destitute, intellectually bankrupt, morally bankrupt and spiritually bankrupt.

Now whether we believe in the great reset, the council of stakeholders, the financial cartel, the stakeholders of global capitalists, the machinations of the World Economic Forum, ESG logic, the climate catastrophists, the open board of globalists who, with full forethought of malice, aid and abet the genocide of our young people through the importation of drugs, including fentanyl, and the infiltration of gang cartels and the crime and the civic destabilization that come with them, in order to place a republic on the verge of a nervous breakdown is irrelevant.

A GOP With Backbone Would Support Elon Musk, Punish Apple, And Fight For Free Speech On Twitter By: John Daniel Davidson


Instead of speaking out against Apple, Republicans have been disturbingly silent, which means they still have no idea what time it is.

Apple’s threat to remove Twitter from its App store for the crime of being a slightly more open forum for free speech under Elon Musk has been met with a chorus of outrage and substantive threats of congressional action by Republican leaders.

Just kidding. Republicans have barely said anything about it, and establishment Republicans have said nothing at all. With the exception of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who offered his opinion on a matter outside his purview as a governor, Apple’s threat to crush Twitter has been met more or less with silence, even from members of the GOP who consider themselves conservative. (Sen. Mike Lee, to his credit, tossed out a tweet saying Apple’s threat makes the case for the Open Apps Markets Act. But he’s the exception to the rule.) And though Apple leaders apparently smoothed over the “misunderstanding” with Musk on Wednesday afternoon, we have all seen this pattern: Big Tech’s anti-speech aggression always turns out to be a “mistake” or “misunderstanding” as soon as enough people notice.

What American Conservatism Exists to Conserve by Christopher DeMuth



Have you noticed that almost every progressive initiative subverts the American nation, as if by design? Explicitly so in opening national borders, disabling immigration controls and transferring sovereignty to international bureaucracies. But it also works from within—elevating group identity above citizenship; fomenting racial, ethnic and religious divisions; disparaging common culture and the common man; throwing away energy independence; defaming our national history as a story of unmitigated injustice; hobbling our national future with gargantuan debts that will constrain our capacity for action.

But my program would also address causes of national political disorder in which recent conservative politicians have been fully complicit. This would include returning to a balanced federal budget outside of wars and other emergencies; redirecting federal spending from personal entitlements and income transfers to public goods such as national defence and infrastructure; withdrawing the collective-bargaining privileges of public-employee unions; and instituting a stable currency—not 10 per cent or 5 per cent inflation, nor even the current goal of 2 per cent inflation that quintuples prices in a single lifetime, but 0 per cent.

And my nationalist program would include not only measures that reinstitute the historical tried-and-true but also thoroughly modern innovations. These include universal school choice, which would give all parents the wherewithal to direct resources to the schools they think best for their children, and initiatives to mobilise science and enterprise to dominate China in advanced computation, communications and weaponry and to repatriate production of national essentials such as pharmaceuticals.