Elie Mystal is a professional hater. He hates the United States of America. He hates white people. He hates conservatives. He hates Republicans. Most of all, he hates the Constitution of our U.S. republic. He thinks it is trash. Allow me to let the man speak for himself as he writes in the first lines of the introduction to his book Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to The Constitution:
Our Constitution is not good. It is a document designed to create a society of enduring white male dominancy, hastily edited in the margins to allow for what basic political rights white men could be convinced to share.
As a leftist he blasts liberals:
…[You] rarely see liberals make the point that the Constitution is actually trash. Conservatives are out here acting like the Constitution was etched by divine flame upon stone tablets, when in reality it was scrawled out over a sweaty summer by people making deals with actual monsters who were trying to protect their rights to rape the humans they held in bondage. Why would I give a fuck about the original public meaning of the words written by those men?
And further:
Redeeming our failed Constitution from its bigoted and sexist sins does not require new amendments. It does not require a few new ornaments upon its crooked boughs. It requires the emerging majority in this country to reject the conservative interpretation of what the Constitution says and adopt a morally defensible view of what our country means. I’m here to tell you that the Constitution is trash. Conservatives are the ones who say it always has to be.
For most of the book it is not at all clear whether Mystal’s quarrel is with the contemporary society and its white inhabitants whom he despises, or with the Constitution which he refers to a few times as a “violent piece of shit.”