When I was a child, I stumbled upon philosophy through a tummy ache. I had eaten too much or run around too hard and found myself feeling miserable outside on a hot summer day. While I was in my own private agony, I remember thinking, “I’ll never take all the hours I’ve spent without stomach pains for granted again.” And I never did. Sometimes when other childhood problems had me down, I’d think, “Well, at least you don’t have a stomachache,” and I’d nod in agreement to the voice in my head. I learned to appreciate something simple — living without pain. Yet I also remember wondering, “Did I really have to go through that momentary misery just to appreciate normal existence?” I think the answer is “yes.”
No matter how effectively my parents warned me about running hard right after eating a big meal, I do not think I would have learned the lesson without some painful experience driving the message home. That epiphany, I realized, was bigger than a stomachache. There was a fine line between painful consequences I could imagine and painful consequences that, for whatever reason, I had to experience firsthand. Too often, in fact, I correctly imagined painful consequences in life and still insisted on experiencing them personally just to make sure they lived up to the hype in my head. What can I say? We humans are a strange lot.
Looking around today at this rumbling, raging contest between individual freedom and State-imposed control has me pondering that early childhood memory once again. Can people imagine the costs of securing freedom without having to endure its attendant struggles? Or is it necessary, from time to time, for some contingent of humanity to suffer through tyranny just so that it might subsequently fight for personal liberation? “Freedom isn’t free.” It’s a great bumper sticker, a message of sublime truth. Do most people actually understand it, though, if they haven’t become personally acquainted with its painful meaning? Or must they first lose what they were freely given before learning why liberty is so dear? The past two years of COVID-1984 madness and Western governments’ increasing obsession with “climate change” fear porn necessitating today’s food and fuel rationing suggest an obvious, if dispiriting, answer.
If Americans required a State-sanctioned stomachache to remind them of freedom’s natural bounties, they have certainly suffered the mother of all ipecac remedies. As frustratingly difficult as it is to watch American politicians befoul the land with their Green New Deal communism and allegiance to the World Economic Forum’s New World Order, their attacks on Americans’ freedoms are simultaneously stirring in the collective American consciousness an equal and opposite effect that might not have previously been possible. Until experiencing a pandemic police state that arbitrarily shut down lives and livelihoods at the whims of cynical and calculating bureaucrats, too many Americans put their faith in the government’s shameless cult of expertise. Before the DOJ and FBI openly targeted fed up parents who objected to public schools’ abhorrently racist and sexualized curricula, most had no understanding of the Marxists’ pervasive indoctrination of their young children. Before Congress’s J-6 Soviet show trials and the Deep State’s years of criminal persecution against Donald Trump and his voters, conservatives gave the federal government’s institutions entirely too much blind deference.