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The complete Sovietization of the Democrat party By Patricia McCarthy


“Under Biden, the criminalization of political opponents has become the order of the day.  We are officially a third-world banana republic without any legitimate leadership.”

With the wholly illegal and unconstitutional FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago on Monday, in search of documents the FBI has long had access to, there can no longer be any doubt about the full communization of the American left.

The thorough weaponization and politicization of each of our law enforcement institutions is now undeniable.  The left has crossed Caesar’s Rubicon.

The Democrats are so determined to destroy Trump that they are willing to reveal their true colors: they are all Stalinist communists now.

They’ve just rammed through a nearly $800-billion bill that will obviously exacerbate inflation and will transform the IRS into a Gestapo-like agency, armed and dangerous to all Americans but the very wealthy.

Small businesses that survived the lockdowns will now be stamped out by the higher taxes, audits, and regulations within this destructive bill.

The billions of green agenda requirements in the bill will force us all into energy deficits that will further devastate our already ruined economy and our quality of life.

That is their goal, their endgame. “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws,” as Tacitus once said.

The globalists have captured every Democrat in Congress, every single one of them.  Chances are that each and every one of them has been bought…by China.  There is not one of them who has put or will put the American people before their own personal power and wealth. 

Every Democrat voted against prohibiting China from buying U.S. farmland.  Every Democrat voted against a ban on selling our gasoline reserves to China; Biden has slashed our strategic reserves.  Every Democrat voted against a bill stating that pregnancy is unique to biological females.  Every Democrat is on board the for the sexualization of very young children, the authorization of pornography in elementary school libraries, and the pharmaceutical and surgical intervention of “gender transition” even for children under twelve.  Democrat-run states seek to mandate gender-identity education for young children.  Biden has made his support of gender “transition” abundantly clear.  They all support unrestricted abortion up to and just after birth; they are in favor of infanticide.

Here Come The IRS Shock Troops


The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act,” approved Sunday by the Senate, is primarily known as a climate and health care bill. It also includes $80 billion for the IRS, more than six times its current annual budget, increasing the agency’s enforcement funding by 69% through fiscal 2031, and adding as many as 87,000 new employees to its overall workforce.

This is not what the country needs

Our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity pointed out last week that the Democrats are prioritizing IRS enforcement and bureaucracy over securing the leaky border and addressing the shortage of military recruits.

So while the Democrats will spend “$80 billion to double the number of IRS agents and auditors, the Army is falling far short of its recruitment goals for our national security. Meanwhile, the Border Patrol is running short of agents in Arizona and Texas.” In fact, after a generous injection of other people’s money, the IRS will “employ more bureaucrats than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.”

FBI raid on Trump compound stands in stark contrast to Clinton treatment years earlier Legal experts question why FBI conducted raid and didn’t use subpoena, especially when Hillary Clinton’s lawyer got to hold classified materials in his safe. John Solomon


The official word so far that the FBI raided Donald Trump’s compound at Mar-a-Lago looking for classified documents stands in sharp contrast to the way the bureau and Justice Department acted seven years ago when similar questions arose about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email.

Back then in the summer of 2015, there was no raid of Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., where the server has been operated. In fact, the former secretary of state’s lawyer, David Kendall, was allowed to keep a thumb drive of the archive of her inbox — complete with classified materials — inside his office.

The FBI even approved a special safe for Kendall to use to store the classified materials. In the end, Mrs. Clinton faced no prosecution because then-FBI Director James Comey refused to send the matter to DOJ even though he declared her handling of classified emails as reckless.

The disparate handling of two cases involving famous figures led immediately to charges Monday night that the FBI was acting with a political double standard. 

Conservative radio and TV host Mark Levin, former chief of staff to Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese, called the raid Monday on Trump’s home and office in Florida “an unprecedented act of state-sponsored lawlessness.”

“Millions have rightly lost faith in the DOJ, FBI, media, and Congress, and this is beyond anything I can ever recall,” he said in a tweet, adding the raid left the perception Joe Biden or his administration was seeking to harm the man who might run against him again in 2024.  

“The Biden Administration raid on former President Trump’s Florida home is a bald attack on our republic. The Democrat Party is dragging us into the Third World,” Levin’s tweet added.

Everything is Worse – and You are Just Supposed to Take It Lower your expectations, serfs. Kurt Schlichter


If you peasants can be convinced to settle for less, that would sure be convenient for our garbage ruling caste since it has proven itself utterly incapable of even marginal performance in achieving merely the bare minimum standards of its job. Do you have security? How about prosperity? Does the future look bright?


No, everything is much, much worse now than it was just a few years ago, and you are insane, stupid, and/or an insurrectionist for merely noticing, much less saying so. It’s all a conspiracy theory, the “conspiracy” being seeing and talking about what everyone sees is happening right in front of us. 

Speaking of worse, why are 90% of airplane passengers complete idiots starting the moment they get on board? 

Lower Your Expectations, Serfs

You are asking for too much, you terrible person. You want cheap gas and a functioning supply chain, air conditioning and not to eat bugs. But most of all, you expect the elite to actually do its job, and for that, you are terrible. And racist. 

Bums litter our streets figuratively and – in ghastly form – literally. Criminals run rampant unmolested by the gendarmes, who have been told – expressly and impliedly – to let the crooks be. Our economy is sensational, groovy, glorious – except for the inflation and the hollowing out of your 401K. Try to buy a house instead of renting – just try. 

The globalist elite has failed in doing what we want, but it seems to be doing what it wants. It is gathering power and payoffs unto itself, and that is precisely the goal. If we are worrying about feeding our families – and they control the food – then we are less likely to get uppity and demand that our elite not suck. 

Americans Very Worried About Biden’s Mental Health: I&I/TIPP Poll Terry Jones


Even before he became president, the now-79-year-old Joe Biden faced serious and persistent questions about his mental health. Among average Americans, those questions have become a major issue, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

The I&I/TIPP Poll, conducted online from Aug. 2-4 among 1,335 adults nationwide, shows that a 59% majority now say they are “very concerned” (36%) or “somewhat concerned” about Biden’s mental health.

That compares with just 39% saying they are “not very concerned” (18%) or “not at all concerned” (21%). Only 2% of respondents said they were “not sure.” The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points.

As is most often the case when the public is asked about a politician, the perception of the president’s mental health varies sharply by party affiliation.

Among Democrats, for instance, just 39% of Democrats say they are worried about Biden’s mental condition, versus 82% of Republicans and 56% of independents. But that 39% of Democrats, while not a majority, is still significantly high.

John Kerry: Not in China’s Lane By Andrew Stuttaford


One of the more appalling moments in a political career lacking much in the way to celebrate was the time when John Kerry appeared to shrug his shoulders at genocide. He had more important things to worry about, you see.

As a reminder (via the New York Post, November 11, 2021):

US special climate envoy John Kerry sidestepped a question about China’s use of slave labor during the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference on Wednesday, saying the issue was “not my lane.”

Kerry was responding to a query from a reporter who asked the former secretary of state if he had mentioned human rights issues — including Beijing’s “use of forced labor in Xinjiang for building solar panels” — during recent meetings with Chinese leaders.

“Well, we’re honest. We’re honest about the differences, and we certainly know what they are and we’ve articulated them, but that’s not my lane here,” Kerry said. “That’s — my job is to be the climate guy, and stay focused on trying to move the climate agenda forward.”…

Throughout his time as President Biden’s special envoy, Kerry has urged China to “be part of the solution.”

“Climate is existential for everybody on the planet,” he said in May. “We have to deal with it and because China is nearly 30 percent of all the emissions on the planet, China’s got to be part of the solution.”

The Chinese, however, do not seem to see things the same way. To the extent that they have invested in renewables, it’s either been as a business opportunity (and one that it has used to leave the West dangerously reliant on Chinese suppliers) or as part of the country’s current drive to a form of autarky.

Ron DeSantis is right to suspend Tampa’s woke prosecutor Andrew Warren doesn’t get to be a one-man legislature: Charles Lipson


This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made another shrewd political move, showing why many Republicans think he is their best shot to win back the White House. DeSantis suspended Tampa’s woke prosecutor, Andrew Warren, for failing to do his duty and enforce the law. The governor didn’t just assert his power. He laid out a clear, detailed, substantive case for why he is suspending Warren from office.

DeSantis’s move was both smart politically and sound constitutionally (assuming the courts uphold his suspension). Let’s take the politics first.

Poll after poll shows rising crime is one of the country’s top issues, second only to inflation. What DeSantis’s suspension of Warren did was to make crime and punishment his own issue — one he was willing to act upon. That’s a big national story, not only because crime is so important but because Warren is one of many “Justice Democrat” prosecutors under fire for coddling criminals. Voters are fed up. They are tired of lax law enforcement and “soft on crime” prosecutors. They want safety and protection, and they want it done fairly, without excessive force or racial prejudice.

The public understands that governments have a core duty to protect citizens and their property. Local governments in particular are charged with shielding law-abiding people from criminals, thugs, thieves, and predators. They know that the best way to deter crimes tomorrow is to catch and punish criminals today.

The Grasshopper Elite and Its Enemy Unfortunately, those loud and troublesome pests, though few, control almost all the levers of political and state police power. By Roger Kimball


Many publications provide their writers with “style sheets,” a list of dos and don’ts with respect to things like diction, punctuation, grammar, and linguistic etiquette. My personal list of “dos” includes the Oxford comma (apples, oranges, and pears: that last comma is requisite) and, in most cases, using the singular masculine pronoun after collective nouns like “everyone” and “someone” (e.g., “Everyone likes to have his [not ‘their’] own way”).

Style sheet prescriptions (and proscriptions) can be more elaborate, and can affect substantive as well as stylistic matters. Over the last year or so, I have noticed an innovation, at once stylistic and substantive, that has taken root throughout the regime media. It is this: whenever referring to Donald Trump and the 2020 presidential election, be sure to insert editorial comments to the effect that any concerns about the fairness of that election are “baseless” or the result of “lies.”

I do not remember when I first noticed these little injections of partisan squid ink, but by now they are ubiquitous in the anti-Trump fraternity. Just one example: in a column Saturday about Donald Trump’s weekend rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin, the writer claimed Trump “spent much of his speech focusing on his baseless claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election” (emphasis added).

To the writing teachers out there, let me ask: Would that sentence have been better—less obviously partisan, hence more persuasive—had the word “baseless” been omitted?

Or how about this bit from later on in the piece: “Trump spent much of his speech touting the accomplishments of his term as president . . . and promoting the lie that the 2020 election was ‘rigged and stolen’” (again, emphasis added). What do you think?

Or how about this: Trump was in Wisconsin “ostensibly” to stump for Tim Michels, the person Trump backs for Tuesday’s GOP gubernatorial primary, but he devoted much of his speech “focusing on his baseless claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election.”

This last sentence offers connoisseurs of cant not one but two morsels to chew on.

Jonathan Turley Takes Apart Liz Cheney Claim J6 Committee Has ‘Much More’ to Come Nick Arama


The January 6 Committee has promised since the start of their hearings that they would produce the evidence to nail President Donald Trump. But as anyone can tell you, all they’ve produced is bad television that people have been avoiding like the plague because they know it’s a biased witch hunt. But after nine hearings, they have not produced evidence to support criminal charges, according to George Washington law school professor Jonathan Turley. As he notes, even former prosecutor (and Senator) Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) thought it would be “very tough” to get an indictment legally.

Instead, what we’ve gotten is a witch hunt “show trial” with a controlled Democratic effort, with only Democratic-appointed Trump-hating people on the Committee, with no ability to present anything to rebut the carefully crafted narrative about Trump. Yet, still, they haven’t produced evidence of crimes.

As Turley notes:

As if to fulfill that show trial portrayal, Cheney ended the last hearing by calling for more officials to come forward and noting that Trump family members and former officials have now come forward with their own public “confessions.”

But now Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) — soon to be the ex-Congresswoman from Wyoming — is pulling an “Adam Schiff” and promising that there’s more to come, just as he did during the Russia collusion case.

Why Does The IRS Need Guns?Adam Andrzejewski

Since 2016, we’ve questioned why rank and file, paper pushing regulatory agencies are arming up, i.e. HHS, VA, EPA, IRS, ED, etc.

Just who are these federal agencies preparing to battle? After grabbing legal power, federal agencies are amassing firepower!


FACT: There are now more federal agents with arrest and firearm authority (200,000+) than U.S. Marines (186,000)!