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A Response to George Soros Gratuitous Op-Ed in the WSJ by Paul Schnee *****

RE:Why I Support Reform Prosecutors Justice or safety? It’s a false choice. They reinforce each other.By George Soros(https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-i-support-reform-prosecutors-law-enforces-jail-prison-crime-rate-justice-police-funding-11659277441)

Dear Sirs,

The article by George Soros is as inaccurate as it is self-congratulatory. The only thing missing apart from any caring reference to the victims of the crime wave he has financed is the implied belief that we should be grateful to him for his incessant, tinkering, blood-drenched, philanthropy and his ubiquitous subversion of law & order in America. He thinks he deserves a “Thank You” card.

Mr. Soros has never allowed his spirit to roam beyond his own self-interest, just ask the Bank of England. He lives safely sheltered and heavily protected from the ravages and destruction of the policies he constantly seeks to impose on others. A good deal of hypocrisy is required to turn his suppurating, self-justifying, hand-washing article into a plausible argument for criminal justice reform but hypocrisy is something Mr. Soros has in abundance. 


“Americans need a more thoughtful discussion about our response to crime”, he tells us. Very well then, here it is: 


We want it stopped. We want more police officers better paid, better equipped and well-trained with stronger immunity from criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits. We want vicious thugs, with criminal records so long they wouldn’t fit onto the side of a bus, kept in jail until trial. We want the 45,000 gang members in L.A. County, count them, off the streets and if it takes the temporary suspension of the Posse Comitatus Act to do it we don’t mind. We want the politicians and officials who have allowed this plague on our streets prosecuted and sent to the same prisons as the gang members. We want violent underage criminals tried as adults. We want drug dealers, not drug users, executed. It works well in Singapore.


Mr. Soros intones that, “We need to acknowledged that black people in the U.S. are five times likely to be sent to jail as white people.” That would be unjust if they were committing the same crime but it implies that the police are out deliberately hunting down black people, trumping up charges and sending them off to jail because of their color. It’s preposterous. 


Democrats Are Learning That Hating Trump Is Not The Same As Governing Jeff M. Lewis


From the time Donald and Melania Trump descended the escalator to announce his candidacy for President of the United States, there has been little other than a torrent of hate directed at him, his family, and all who support him. We have endured the past several years being required to account for how we could support such a man.

For me, it was simple. My support for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 (clearly explained to family and friends) came down to the three pillars of American exceptionalism and success: the Constitution, national security, and the economy.

We need not look very far to see just how horribly elected Democrats have done on all three.

Donald J. Trump and the MAGA movement remain a threat to the Democrats, and it’s their fault. They have governed over the past 14 years against the prevailing will of the people, by hook or by crook. They have fully employed every branch of government and every government agency against the American people at every opportunity. Their cancerous quest for power knows no bounds.

On the Constitution, those who have been paying attention can clearly see that America has a two-tiered justice system. If one supports Democrats and their pet causes, there will be little accountability, and there will be no mention of one’s bad behavior in the press. However, if one is seen as a political opponent of the Democrat party, it’s off to the gulag. Conservatives and MAGA supporters know well the plight of the January 6 detainees: cruel and unusual solitary confinement, lack of due process and representation, and ruinous consequences for exercising their constitutional rights.

Furthermore, no American who supports the Constitution and has taken an oath to support and defend it can, at the same time, be in favor of “packing the court.” This will forever alter American jurisprudence in a way that will deny citizens their right to redress their grievances against the government. To do this would forever prevent any opposition from arguing the unconstitutionality of any law the legislative branch passed. The courts would be nothing more than a rubber stamp for the legislature and the executive branch, and no longer an independent check on their powers.

Liz Peek: Love him or hate him, Trump is right about crime


Love him or hate him, there is no denying that Donald Trump has extraordinary political instincts. For a billionaire real estate developer to win the Oval Office on a campaign of helping out working-class Americans, and to single-handedly realign our two great political parties in the process, was nothing short of astonishing.

Which is why, despite his multiple missteps, Republicans should pay attention to Trump.

When he ran his first-ever political campaign in 2016, Trump focused on the border and on China. Calling out the rising flood of people entering the country illegally and Beijing’s monstrous theft of America’s intellectual property got the attention of voters. “Build the wall!” became a chant heard across the country.

Today, Trump has a different focus. Addressing the America First Agenda Summit in Washington, D.C., recently, he talked about public safety, concluding that “our country is now a cesspool of crime.”

As we approach the November elections, that is what Republican candidates should talk about as well.

Why? Because, according to a recent survey, 81 percent of registered voters say crime is a major problem in the U.S., and 79 percent say crime and personal safety is one of their top concerns.

The Wit and Wisdom of Kamala Never has someone so empty of everything come this close to running everything. Daniel Greenfield


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris might be the single worst pair of communicators to occupy the White House. Both Joe and Kamala are wedded to teleprompters because he has too much to say and she has nothing to say. Teleprompters are there to keep Joe Biden from telling wildly inappropriate stories about his leg hairs or announcing an impromptu surrender to China, but they’re also there because in her natural state Kamala is incapable of saying anything at all.

Presidents and their veeps are supposed to be a balance of strengths and weaknesses like a good marriage, but instead Biden and Kamala are a bad marriage in which their weaknesses are mirror opposites, but also so far apart that they’re incapable of balancing each other out.

Neither Joe or Kamala have any real skills. They both got to where they are as a combination of political accidents by men who were attracted to their weakness and incompetence.

Obama picked Biden because the failed presidential candidate was an old white man who would be too inept to build his own power base or function independently of his team. And Obama proved correct when Biden not only failed to declare his independence during eight years as his second banana, but even after Obama twice refused to endorse his presidential run is still dependent on Obama’s people to tell him what to do, where to go and what to say.

Kamala was handpicked by Willie Brown for her willingness to sleep with a much older man. And to represent Willie’s interests on various commissions. Despite no apparent skills or real track record, she advanced through the ranks because she was a hollow vessel. Having very little in the way of a mind of her own, she could be counted on to do what her bosses wanted.

Why It’s Time for Defense Secretary Austin to Resign The compounded failures of a progressive ideologue. Amber Smith


Amber Smith is a former Pentagon official and U.S. Army Kiowa Warrior helicopter pilot and veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. She is the author of ‘Danger Close’.

The consequence of the Department of Defense COVID vaccine mandate? A self-inflicted national security threat to readiness, recruitment, retention and ultimately to the all-volunteer force. Secretary of Defense Loyd Austin made a foolish decision to throw away battle tested, combat proven service members with years of priceless war fighting experience and leadership who were an incredible asset to the fighting force. This deliberate decision has caused irreversible damage to the military and the force’s ability to accomplish the mission.

Austin should resign for his failures to maintain necessary force end strength, the worst recruitment crisis since the Vietnam war, for playing politics with soldiers’ careers over the COVID vaccine mandate, and the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. His failure to intervene early in order to tackle these issues prior to becoming full-fledged crises has significantly degraded the military’s capabilities, readiness and national security. 

But Austin’s failures started long before COVID. 

Harvard Study: Only 8% of Capitol Rioters Wanted ‘Insurrection’


A comprehensive study by Harvard University of the motivations of those who participated in the January 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol found that only 8% wanted to start an insurrection or civil war — contrary to claims by the January 6 Committee.

The Harvard Crimson reported last week:

In the most comprehensive study to date of what motivated the Trump supporters to attack the Capitol, Shorenstein Center researchers found that 20.6 percent of the rioters, a plurality, were motivated to take part in the riot because they supported Trump. Another 20.6 percent of the rioters cited Trump’s fraudulent claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged as their primary reason for participating in the Jan. 6 riot.

The third most common reason for attacking the Capitol: a desire to start a civil war or an armed revolution, according to the study. Almost 8 percent of defendants indicated it was their main motivation.

In an interview, Fagan said she was surprised by how frequently support for Trump and concerns about the election were cited as primary motivations for joining the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump. Now What? The evidence is amassed and verified—the only unknown is what Republicans will do next. By Julie Kelly


It could be the whopper of the year.

“I can tell you that in every case we follow the facts and the evidence and the law and we do so without regard to politics or ideology,” Matthew Olsen, head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, solemnly assured the House Judiciary Committee during a hearing last week.

Olsen was responding to a question by U.S. Representative Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) about the decision to arrest several men for supposedly conspiring to abduct and assassinate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. “The alleged Whitmer plot was announced on October 7, 2020 within a month of the U.S. presidential election,” Bishop asked Olsen. “How come that [was the] timing for the FBI’s announcement of this plot?”

Olsen refused to explain why, opting instead to commit borderline perjury by insisting the Justice Department turns a blind eye to politics—all evidence accumulated over the past six years to the contrary.

But now that two men have been acquitted after defense attorneys convinced a Michigan jury in April that the FBI entrapped their clients—the jury deadlocked on two other defendants who face a new trial next week—Bishop’s question demands an answer. And it won’t come from a dangerously-weaponized Justice Department focused almost entirely on prosecuting Americans who protested Joe Biden’s election on January 6, 2021 and with its sights now trained on indicting Donald Trump.

Despite Olsen’s stonewalling, the answer to Bishop’s question is in plain sight. Just as it did with phony claims of Russian election collusion in 2016, the FBI fabricated a scandal in 2020 aimed at sabotaging Trump right before a national election.

Fauci Deserves a Trip to the Moon, Not an Official Portrait Brian T. Allen


The National Portrait Gallery in D.C. flubs it in honoring the Covid lockdown’s high priest.

A couple of art-news stories are worth reporting. A few weeks ago, I wrote a pair of pieces about the National Portrait Gallery in Washington. It’s a great place and part of the Smithsonian. I love portraits, so it’s a natural draw for me.

In one piece, I suggested how the NPG, still new as museums go, could up its game. As an example, it displays many portraits whose subjects are laudable but, as quality goes, suck and shouldn’t be displayed. Since then, I learned that the museum has decided to commission a portrait of Dr. Cockroach for its collection. Fauci’s portrait will indeed premiere this fall.

You could resurrect Gainsborough and Reynolds, Rembrandt and Sargent, all laudable, even luminous, artists, but, alas, labor as they might, in Fauci’s case it’s the subject who sucks.

Fauci is the instigator and champion of the most profound case of public malfeasance in our history, more costly, more damaging, more extreme, and more futile than our failed wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He’s despised by half the country. No aspiring young doctor could look at him as a role model.

Fifty million children, most from poor or working-class families, tossed from school and subsequently tormented by a fear campaign, not to mention inferior online learning. Covid doesn’t affect them. Four trillion in new debt. Over 100,000 small businesses destroyed. Today’s dysfunctional economy, shocked and distorted by Fauci’s COVID regime. Soaring child abuse, drug overdose deaths, and suicides because lockdown left millions in isolation.

Democrats and the FBI Collude Again on a Russia Smear against Republicans Andrew McCarthy


This time, they’ve been able to turn Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation.

Not since Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers has a couple gone cheek-to-cheek quite like Democrats and the FBI.

This spring, we watched special counsel John Durham’s first Russiagate trial blow up on him, not because he lacked evidence of a 2016 fraudulent scheme to portray Donald Trump as a clandestine agent of the Kremlin, but because he portrayed one of the two main schemers, the FBI, as if it were a victim. In Durham’s indictment, the Clinton campaign lies to the bureau’s babes in the woods, gulling them into opening a baseless foreign-counterintelligence probe of whether her Republican rival is a Putin puppet. In Durham’s proof at trial, however, top FBI officials turn out to be fully aware that they are colluding with Clinton campaign operatives in exploiting political opposition research to try to nail Trump — and then labor to cover their tracks.

It’s an unfortunate blind spot. Durham has one conviction so far: a guilty plea from FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, whose manipulation of a document caused the FISA court to be deceived into granting a surveillance warrant to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser — again, substantially based on the Clinton campaign’s bogus opposition research. Except the case wasn’t charged as a fraud on the court. It was charged as a false statement to another FBI official. Yes, it seems even when the FBI itself lies, the victim is . . . the FBI.

And now we learn how adaptable the Democrat–FBI Russia two-step is: You can run it in reverse! Not only can the scheme distort actual disinformation into an illusion of Republican collusion with foreign powers. It also can turn actual Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation. Now, that’s some choreography, right there.

Court Rejects Google’s Attempt to Dismiss Rumble’s Antitrust Lawsuit, Ensuring Vast Discovery An unusual and significant court ruling entitles YouTube’s main competitor, Rumble, to obtain long-hidden internal documents on Google’s search engine manipulations. Glenn Greenwald


A federal district court in California on Friday denied Google’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging that the Silicon Valley giant is violating federal antitrust laws by preventing fair competition against its YouTube video platform. The lawsuit against Google, which has owned YouTube since its 2006 purchase for $1.65 billion, was brought in early 2021 by Rumble, the free speech competitor to YouTube. Its central claim is that Google’s abuse of its monopolistic stranglehold on search engines to destroy all competitors to its various other platforms is illegal under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which makes it unlawful to “monopolize, or attempt to monopolize…any part of the trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations.”

It is rare for antitrust suits against the four Big Tech corporate giants (Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon) to avoid early motions to dismiss. Friday’s decision against Google ensures that the suit now proceeds to the discovery stage, where Rumble will have the right to obtain from Google a broad and sweeping range of information about its practices, including internal documents on Google’s algorithmic manipulation of its search engine and the onerous requirements it imposes on companies dependent upon its infrastructure to all but force customers to use YouTube.

Founded in 2013, Rumble began experiencing explosive growth in the run-up to the 2020 election. Americans were encountering escalating and aggressive Big Tech censorship of political content as the election approached. Conservative politicians, followed by a wide range of heterodox voices on the right and left, began migrating by the millions away from Google’s YouTube to Rumble, which has promised and provided far more permissive free speech rights. That was at the time when Google and other Big Tech platforms — at the urging of the Democratic-controlled Congress — began aggressively increasing its censorship of political video content on YouTube in the name of combatting “disinformation” and “hate speech.”

The explosive user growth which Rumble enjoyed in 2020 has continued to rapidly increase, as Big Tech generally, and Google specifically, clamped down further on dissident views in the name of the COVID pandemic, and now even more so with respect to the US/NATO role in the war in Ukraine. More and more prominent politicians, journalists and commentators, along with smaller content creators, have either been banned by YouTube or left on their own accord to join Rumble as Google’s crackdown on free speech intensifies. The ability to speak more freely on Rumble regarding the most contentious political debates has become one of the key drivers of the exodus of users from YouTube to Rumble.