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Muslim official charged for leaking docs about Israel’s plans to strike Iran was CIA agent by Robert Spencer


Everyone at the CIA would shudder with horror at the idea that a Muslim official might have more loyalty to the umma than to the United States government. The very idea would be “Islamophobic,” although it is standard Islamic theology, as is the idea that Jews are the worst enemies of Muslims (cf. Qur’an 5:82).

Meanwhile, will Asif W. Rahman be charged with treason, which is defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, for helping Iran in this way? Come on, man! Beltway insiders will protect him.

More on this story. “CIA official with top security clearance charged for leaking highly classified docs about Israel’s plans to strike Iran,” by Emily Crane, New York Post, November 13, 2024:

A CIA official has been charged with leaking highly classified US documents about Israel’s potential plan to strike back against Iran over a missile attack.

Asif W. Rahman, who worked overseas for the agency and held a top secret security clearance, was arrested by the FBI in Cambodia on Tuesday over the leaks, the New York Times reported.

HHS Spends Hundreds of Millions Spreading DEI Through Medical Community


“Equity” concept appears 829 times in Department’s 2025 budget request, reaching academia, bureaucrats, researchers and care providers.

The private sector is learning the hard — and costly — way that much of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion model is discriminatory and subject to expensive litigation. That has corporations “quietly altering” their approach, according to the Associated Press.

While federal agencies have also faced a mountain of legal challenges, the Biden administration has nevertheless pressed on with the President’s commitment to a “whole of government” DEI effort.

The Department of Health and Human Services — with a budget surpassed only by the Pentagon — employs 294 DEI staffers at an annual cost of $38.7 MILLION.

That’s doesn’t even include another $29.4 million in payroll for seven Offices of Minority Health embedded within various HHS agencies!

While their roles are dedicated to DEI, related efforts have permeated through virtually every area of the department.

Variations of the term “equity” appear an astonishing 829 times in the department’s 2025 budget request to Congress, impacting hundreds of millions of dollars of spending programs.

Resulting funds pour out across the country to achieve equity and “justice” in public health — to Black churches recruited to push vaccinations; to universities for hiring diverse researchers; and to special outreach for anyone from criminals, to the LGBTQ+ community, to the indigenous, and…doulas??

The Work to Restore Our Republic is Just Beginning Tyranny never surrenders power easily. Bruce Thornton


Just as the Founders intended, the American people have used their First Amendment rights and freedom to vote, and rebuked the Democrats for their political malfeasance and hubris. So definitive has been the message that the Donks are now devouring one another over who or what is to blame for the debacle. Of course, they’re avoiding the real causes of their political disaster––their long leftist project to “fundamentally transform America,” as Barack Obama infamously put it.

But we shouldn’t take this entertaining autophagy to mean we still don’t have a lot of hard work to do in order to solidify and strengthen our battered Constitutional order. Remember, tyranny never surrenders power easily.

The first order of business obviously rests with President Trump. He’s already made a good start by naming his campaign manager, Susan Wiles, his Chief of Staff. Her brilliant management of the campaign bespeaks the skills and temperament needed for the huge task of staffing the federal government with the right people who can repair the damage done over the past four years.

To do that, Trump must staff federal agencies and his cabinet not just with the competent and ethical, but also patriots and Constitutionalists rather than technocrats, opportunists, and feral careerists. The issue isn’t just partisanship, but the very nature of large-scale government bureaucracies that are not accountable to the citizens. Such institutions are vulnerable to “professional deformation”: the institution’s legitimate function displaced by its own self-serving narrative, which exists to determine hiring and promotion, and is prone to fossilization into received wisdom––that is, the proverbial “box” we’re supposed to think outside of.

Rats Flee Sinking DOJ Ship The scales of justice have a chance to recalibrate following Donald Trump’s resounding victory and the departure of key figures at the Biden/Harris Department of Justice. Julie Kelly


The New York Times today confirmed Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team of prosecutors plan to resign before Donald Trump takes office in January. In what must have been a painful article to write, Devlin Barrett and Glenn Thrush, two reliable mouthpieces for the Department of Justice, said Smith’s office is “drawing up its plan for how to end the cases” against the incoming president. It is also unclear whether Smith will file a confidential report summarizing the special counsels’ work, a requirement under the DOJ special counsel rules.

Smith further “finds himself on the defensive,” according to the Times, as House Republicans prepare to investigate the investigators. “Republican lawmakers told Justice Department officials who had worked on the Trump cases to preserve all of their communications for investigators,” Barrett and Thrush wrote. “That is a sure sign that a new balance of power in Washington will make Mr. Smith among those being hunted by congressional investigators and others.”

Americans Have Rejected DOJ’s Lawfare By T.J. Harker


The people of this great nation are slow to anger, patient, and inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. They also have an ancient reverence for the rule of law, deferring to its pronouncements in even the most controversial matters. But, for the last eight years, some of the most corrupt, cynical, and treacherous men and women ever to walk the halls of power in Washington, D.C., exploited these admirable traits. I’m speaking, of course, of the leadership and even some of the rank-and-file of the Department of Justice. 

Finally, on November 5, the people of the United States of America delivered a late but stunning rebuke to the ruling elite, the Washington bureaucracy, and above all the Department of Justice. Indeed, never in this country’s history has such a public and censorious rebuke been delivered so clearly to a single federal agency. 

That rebuke makes clear that the Department of Justice has failed totally to meet the high standards of excellence expected by the American people. It has disgraced itself in every respect: wallowing in dishonesty, targeting its opponents, kid-gloving its allies while hammering its enemies, obliterating legal norms, weaponizing the legal system, prosecuting the political opposition, and normalizing lawfare. 

How High Does The FEMA Scandal Go?


Until the Daily Wire uncovered concrete evidence that the Federal Emergency Management Administration was telling relief workers to avoid Trump-supporting homes, the press was happy to take FEMA’s word and debunk accusations of political favoritism.

Now that the FEMA employee at the center of the current scandal is saying that she’s a scapegoat and that the problem is far deeper and wider, will the mainstream press ignore this too?

In the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, FEMA came under attack for its seemingly sluggish response to devastation in heavily Republican areas of the Southeast.

Poppycock, responded the press, regurgitating talking points from the agency.

But then the Daily Wire got hold of messages from a FEMA supervisor telling workers to “avoid homes advertising Trump” in Lake Placid, Florida, when going door to door to find those who qualified for financial aid. It also had screenshots of reports from workers saying they were “not able to access property,” with a note “Trump sign, no contact, per leadership.”

Alert: America Must Advance Leadership Role in Clean Fusion Power by Lawrence Kadish


As the world discovered when the United States deployed the power of atomic energy to end World War II, the nation that has the means to harness this incredible force in any of its many forms has the means of dictating terms to the rest of the globe.

So it should come as no surprise that China is devoting financial, technological, and educational resources to harness what is commonly called, “controlled fusion.” Or, to be specific, to place the enormous energy that powers the Sun inside a reactor that, in turn, could replace virtually every fossil fuel facility on the planet, running on a virtually inexhaustible supply of “clean” fuel.

From subduing the political power of those enemy nations seeking to use their oil and gas reserves to bully America, to addressing climate change concerns, controlled fusion could be as powerful an advance as fire and the wheel.

The Chinese fully recognize the implications of owning this kind of strategic achievement.

Industry reports suggest the Chinese government is putting billions into developing laboratories required to study how to create a sustainable controlled fusion reaction. It is far from easy, as it requires extremely high heat and enormous pressures. One energy industry report says:

“They are training a growing cadre of scientists, with a goal of training 1,000 new plasma physicists to support this program. This plan by the Chinese government shows a real commitment to fusion and makes them a possible front-runner in the global rush to viable fusion technology.”

Will The Democrats Ever Allow The Country To Heal?


It’s hard to know just how much of the country hates Donald Trump. The easy answer is about half. But that’s probably wrong. Much less than half of the country voted against him last week and it would be a mistake to think that every one of those Americans hates the man. Surely a significant portion of Harris-Walz voters made their decisions simply because they either like Democratic policies or oppose the Republican agenda. If so, it would seem that Trump has an opportunity to unify a bitterly divided nation.

Still, there’s an angry, petty and vocal faction on the left that has no interest in unity because it thrives on acidity and hatred.

Social media and cable television provide a window into these dark minds infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. In the days after the election it’s been filled with academics and assorted university creatures raging like mental patients who should institutionalized; huffy celebrities threatening to leave the country; a Pravda press that has had nothing to contribute to civil discourse so instead spreads fresh lies and continues to condescend toward middle America; Never-Trumpers who’d rather the country become California than ever cast a vote for, or say a kind word about, the man; everyday Karens, whose steady stream of bile and instability has produced anxiety in their children; and a holier-than-everyone Barack Obama who up until recent weeks had been largely successful at hiding the fact that he’s a bitter man.

These people don’t seem to be ready to give up their animus. They still seek the social status they believe that hating Trump will give them. It’s their belief that whoever convinces their peers that they hate Trump the most is the winner.

Trump has plenty of reasons to make no effort to bring the country together. His opponents have hounded him like no other political figure in our history. He’s been the subject of dozens of vicious fabrications, a scandalous hoax, a pair of meritless impeachments, a duplicitous lawfare campaign, an unbroken string of slurs and two assassination attempts that were inspired by an endless stream of lies and venom.

Seth Barron Resisting the Resistance Donald Trump should defy national injunctions, which are constitutionally dubious.


Donald Trump soundly defeated Kamala Harris, regaining the presidency and winning a second, nonconsecutive term. The polls, which underestimated Trump’s support in 2016 and 2020, again undersold the breadth of his appeal.

Trump has pulled off one of the most startling second acts in American history. On January 6, 2021, in the midst of an embarrassing and politically catastrophic riot, Hope Hicks, former Trump advisor and communications director, texted an associate, “In one day he ended every future opportunity that doesn’t include speaking engagements at the local proud boys chapter.” Following multiple indictments and trials, it was assumed that Trump would end his days in ignominy. Yet he rose from a reputational nadir to regain the most powerful office in the world.

It is beyond question that Trump is an electoral genius. It remains to be seen, however, whether he is as capable at politics—at governing—as he is at getting elected. Trump’s first term was obstructed even before it began, and he was unable to achieve much of his domestic agenda. For those interested in Trump II’s success, the failures of Trump I offer valuable lessons.

Upon entering office, Trump was embroiled in the Russia-collusion hoax, concocted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the outgoing Obama administration, and the tentacles of the intelligence community, which used a compliant media to bind Trump “seven ways to Sunday,” in the words of Senator Chuck Schumer. Trump faced constant negative press and a lengthy and tedious investigation, culminating in an impeachment whose specifics have been forgotten.

Since the Russia hoax was arguably foisted on Trump, it may be unfair to insist that he should have handled it differently. The Trump team ought nevertheless to anticipate the return of the anti-Trump “Resistance,” and prepare to counter similar legal efforts to thwart the president and his agenda as he embarks on a new term in office.

Consider the response to Trump I’s “Muslim ban.” Shortly after taking office in 2017, Trump issued a series of executive orders aimed at protecting the border and enhancing national security. Executive Order 13780, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” restricted travel from seven Muslim-majority nations, though it did not mention religion; nor did it apply to dozens of other Muslim-majority countries.

FEMA employee fired after telling relief team to skip houses with Trump signs following Florida hurricane by Mary Kay Mallonee,


A Federal Emergency Management Agency employee has been fired after they advised their disaster relief team to avoid homes with signs supporting former President Donald Trump while canvassing in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, the agency’s administrator said Saturday.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell called the actions of the employee “reprehensible” and said they have been terminated from their role.

“More than 22,000 FEMA employees every day adhere to FEMA’s core values and are dedicated to helping people before, during and after disasters, often sacrificing time with their own families to help disaster survivors,” Criswell wrote in a post on X before describing the employee’s actions. “This is a clear violation of FEMA’s core values & principles to help people regardless of their political affiliation.”

“This was reprehensible. I want to be clear to all of my employees and the American people, this type of behavior and action will not be tolerated at FEMA and we will hold people accountable if they violate these standards of conduct,” she added.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer invited Criswell to testify at a hearing on November 19 to discuss the incident and FEMA’s recent response to natural disasters, including Hurricanes Helene and Milton, he said in a Saturday letter to Criswell.

“In the wake of the recent major disasters that impacted Americans of all political persuasions, it is critical that FEMA adheres to its disaster relief mission,” the Kentucky Republican wrote.

CNN reported Friday that the employee had been removed from their role and that the incident was under investigation. The agency did not identify the employee and said it believed it was “an isolated incident.”

“The employee who issued this guidance had no authority and was given no direction to tell teams to avoid these homes,” a FEMA spokesperson said Friday.