“Progressive Democrats call themselves liberals, but they are in fact the enemies of liberalism. They reject its fundamental principles such as individual liberty, personal responsibility, the right to choose, and strict limitations on government involvement in daily life. Today’s liberals encourage victimhood and dependence on government. They are the antithesis of liberals — they are totalitarians. We must reject tyranny imposed by a professional political class that promises free entitlements while providing enslavement for all.”
Progressive Democrats try to bribe the public with government handouts — entitlements — such as Obamacare (“All the care that Americans deserve”), free food (“No American should go hungry”), free education (student loan forgiveness), free housing, reparations for past sins, and income redistribution (“the rich must pay their fair share”). Washington promises to deliver all these entitlements to every American, everywhere, equitably, when needed, for free.
Of course, federal politicians will decide what equitable means, what is fair share, how much is paid in reparations and to whom, what is taught in schools, where you live, what you eat, how much money you have, and who deserves medical care — and when, even if, you get that care.
Americans need to be very clear about what will happen if they accept entitlements.
Entitlement refers to a right to have something or the belief that one is deserving of privileges or special treatment. When all promised entitlements are considered together, progressives intend to create a government-controlled cradle-to-grave nanny state. They make no mention of what Americans must give up to achieve this impossible utopia: the dignity of work, personal responsibility, and freedom.