Power Line’s Scott Johnson quoted a TV Guide reporter who described the viewership of the first Jan. 6 House Select Committee’s prime-time television extravaganza as “decent.”In context, “decent” means “dismal” since, as Johnson notes, “the networks graciously handed their prime-time slots over to the committee’s motley crew in unison, Soviet style.”
A show trial is a mock, or make-believe, trial in which the guilt of the party is predetermined.The trial is just a form of theater.Lenin called them “model trials.”
Their aim isn’t to discover the truth—which was supposedly already known—but to stage a propagandist exhibition.
The Soviet Union specialized in the genre, as did communist China, Nazi Germany, and other totalitarian countries.
As the White Queen in “Alice in Wonderland” puts it, it’s always “sentence first—verdict afterwards.”
If you turned on the television on June 9 and you weren’t tuned in to Fox News, you were watching—or “watching”—a couple hours of Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney conducting a show trial.
They vilified Donald Trump while airing a few misleadingly edited clips from the events of that day.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, the Democrats went all out on this show.