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The Battle Was Won. The War’s Just Begun Bob Maistros


So you thought that a 312-vote Electoral College victory, an improbable popular-vote triumph, a flip of the U.S. Senate and, as of this writing, retention of a GOP House majority settled matters?

You thought common sense and true normalcy would return to government, society, and the culture?

As if. Don’t kid yourselves. The least intelligent, least articulate, and most incompetent presidential candidate ever may have failed to attain the Democrats’ customary deep blue state-fueled popular majority. 

But the reality is that America remains a deeply divided, essentially 50-50 nation. Meaning that:

Millions out there still consider the “right” to snuff babies’ lives out in the womb to preserve women’s careers and hook-up culture more important than getting married and raising a family. (Note: Six of nine state referenda establishing late-term abortion as a constitutional right passed, half in deep-red states, with only a supermajority requirement narrowly saving Florida.)
Millions more still think men can be women and women men, and members of the same sex can be “married.” Sophists and groomers will keep terrorizing “misgendering” employers and fellow workers and “trans/homophobic” politicians; pushing to mutilate children; and infiltrating schools and public spaces with propaganda, pornography, and drag queen stories.
Some 19% of Americans will habitually puff on legal weed, damaging young brains and endangering public safety, a gateway to the fentanyl poisoning a generation. 
Repeat criminals will continue to be coddled by Soros-loyal local prosecutors.

No, you don’t have ‘post-election depression’ When did the liberal left become so dominated by overgrown children? Lauren Smith


How is your mental health holding up after the re-election of Donald Trump this week? Do you need some ‘grief’ counselling? Did you take a day off work? How about a visit from an emotional-support duck, or some time to play with Lego? Believe it or not, these are all options being offered to grown adults at their places of work or study, to help cope with their supposed ‘post-election depression’.

In the aftermath of the election on Tuesday, the Guardian offered its staff extra counselling and support. In an email to employees, editor Katharine Viner said that the result was ‘upsetting’ and urged UK-based journalists to reach out and ‘offer your support’ to their US counterparts. ‘If you want to talk about it’, the email went on, ‘your manager and members of the leadership team are all available’.

The Collective – a ‘queer-owned’, ‘sustainable, vegan bulk refillery’ in Iowa – went further and shut up shop for the day after the election. This was to facilitate ‘a day of collective grief’, as explained in an Instagram post, ‘to protect our crew and to feel what needs to be felt’.

Universities across the US were also busy ‘feeling’ this week. Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania gave some students the day off. Classes were cancelled, cut short or made optional. Many exams and assignments were extended or rescheduled. At Harvard, the dean told freshman students over breakfast that they should ‘let [themselves] feel a bunch of emotions’.

Campuses have essentially been turned into huge, open-air therapy sessions. At Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy in Washington, DC, a ‘self-care suite’ was opened for students. This offered them Lego to play with, crayons for colouring and milk and cookies ‘in recognition of these stressful times’.

America’s Victory: Trump’s Win Saved America The American people gave Trump his victory because they saw that Trump’s triumph is America’s. By Bradley A. Thayer and Lianchao Han


President Donald Trump’s election victory on November 5 was an epochal event in American history. The American people gave Trump a mandate with almost 51% of the vote. He received over 73 million votes, more than four million more than his opponent. A new American coalition—traditional Republican voters united with lower middle class, working class, African Americans, Hispanics, and white women—provided the monumental victory. At such a significant time, it is important to consider how America arrived at such a historical moment and what must be accomplished in the years ahead.

Retrospectively, Americans must understand how they came to this place in their history. According to the exit polls, a whopping 72% of Americans understood that their country was on the wrong path. America’s political ideology, culture, and traditions were under assault by the so-called “progressive” wing of the Democrat Party. The Biden-Harris administration weakened the economy, caused inflation rates not seen since the 1970s, opened U.S. borders to some 15 million people and facilitated their relocation throughout the U.S. and so weaponized the legal system to wage lawfare against Trump, his major political and legal advisors, and against many of his supporters.

In the realm of foreign and defense policy, the debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the failure to deter the war in Ukraine, the horrific attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023, and the subsequent wars it unleashed. Significantly, the Biden-Harris regime failed to deter Communist China’s hyper-aggression directed against U.S. allies like the Philippines and partners like Taiwan, and most importantly against the American people through the deaths of a quarter of a million of our fellow citizens from Chinese-provided fentanyl and the intellectual capture of so many of the American elite who parrot the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) policy positions to advance the CCP’s interests.

The deeper cause of how America arrived at this point is the embrace of Marxism by the Democratic Party and thus its increasing totalitarianism and alienation from the American people. In its embrace of this ideology, the Democrat Party demonstrated that it had completely become detached from the American experience, ideology, history, and culture in its effort to transform America into a one-party state on the road to totalitarianism. The American people saw this effort to continue the “fundamental transformation” of America—as Obama identified it on the eve of the 2008 election—and rejected it.

The Progressive Movement Is Finished Either Democrats reject this nonsense or their party is finished as well. By Richard Truesdell and Keith Lehmann


It was a wild ride. Imagine defunding the police, or insisting that a man can become a woman, that our very existence is killing Planet Earth, that driving an electric car is proof of your goodness, or that anyone having traditional American values is a racist bigot. Just imagine.

The Progressive movement has taken various forms over the past 60 years but it was always rooted in revolution. “Revolution against what?” you might ask. To paraphrase the great Thomas Sowell, it is a revolution against everything that works and in favor of what sounds good today. Open borders, transgenderism, “renewable” energy, white supremacy—these are just a sampling of the radicalism on full display that has proven to be an abject failure among the U.S. population.

It failed because it was all based on lies. When your entire platform is centered around lies, eventually people become wise to it. We are at that moment.

To understand why the Progressive movement has failed, one only needs to look at the Kamala Harris campaign for president in 2024. At its core, the campaign had entirely too many flaws and a boatload of dishonesty for it to be pulled off.

A big flaw was the candidate herself, an empty pantsuit that brought absolutely nothing to her own campaign except inane word salads, repeating memorized narratives, and proving to be incapable of articulating a single substantive idea for running the country. Showmanship is an important aspect of a political campaign, and Harris was lousy at putting on a show.

But the real reason why voters are rejecting Harris was the avalanche of lies. An avalanche of lies that the enablers in the mainstream media were all too happy to parrot.

Democrats expected voters to sign up for a campaign that was deceitfully hollow, counting on the insanely dishonest notion that the last four years did not happen (never mind what you experienced) and that this was a “new way forward.” A new way forward to where? Unprecedented inflation not seen in 60 years? A southern border that is as porous as a sieve. An economy that has many Americans feeling left behind.

Legitimate questions on policy specifics that seem to have veered wildly from day to day were met with a dumbfounding “My values have not changed.” What is that supposed to mean?

The Aftermath: Trump’s Victory Sparks Media Outrage and National Introspection Following Donald Trump’s landslide victory, shocked commentators echo 2016 concerns, while emerging economic and geopolitical shifts suggest stability under his leadership. By Roger Kimball


What a difference a week makes.

Last week, I reiterated the prediction I had been making since at least July: the polls were wrong. Kamala Harris was going to lose, and Donald Trump would win by a landslide. His campaign, I said, would be like George Patton’s Third Army racing across France in 1944.

All that elicited a certain amount of scoffing, of varying degrees of politeness, from the commentariat and assorted grumblers.  The actual results of the election—the biggest victory since Reagan’s blowout in 1984—seem to have precipitated the “national mental health crisis” that Mark Halperin forecast in October. As James Piereson has noted, the response of many commentators has been to blame the voters.  How could they vote for a man they had identified as evil, an incipient dictator, a fascist, the reincarnation of Hitler who would trample on the Constitution, etc.?

Thus we have The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser, who declared that Trump’s election “is a disastrous revelation about what the United States really is, as opposed to the country that so many hoped that it could be.” The people are sorry they could not rise to your level of smugness, Sue!

Peter “Mr. Moralism” Wehner weighed in with a similar threnody: “This election was a CAT scan on the American people,” he wrote, “and as difficult as it is to say, as hard as it is to name, what it revealed, at least in part, is a frightening affinity for a man of borderless corruption. Donald Trump is no longer an aberration; he is normative.” How could we have disappointed you, Pete?

And then there is the genius loci of NeverTrump agitation, William Kristol, the former conservative. Writing at The Bulwark, Kristol thundered that “The American people have made a disastrous choice. And they have done so decisively, and with their eyes wide open. . . . After everything . . . the American people liked what they saw [in Trump]. At a minimum, they were willing to accept what they saw.” Oh, those awful American people.

One of the most amusing, if inadvertently amusing, eructations came from The New York Times, which put together a histrionic video in which a series of discredited Timesmen (and Timeswomen) somberly hold forth about how “extreme” and nasty the next Trump administration is likely to be: dictatorship, camps for ideological enemies, economic recession, etc., etc. As one commentator observed, it’s as if “Jonestown had recorded a final video.”

There was a fair amount of that infantilized insanity wherever the fetid pools of wokeness oozed.  Thus we had Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, incubator of future diplomats and policymakers, advising their tender charges that “Coloring and Mindfulness Exercises,” “Milk and Cookies,” and “Legos and Coloring” were on offer to offset the trauma of Trump’s victory.

10 things Trump can do to clean up Biden’s messes abroad by Douglas Murray


Donald Trump’s victory on Tuesday was so overwhelming that even his opponents seem to have gone quiet for a bit. Relatively speaking.

No doubt they will soon start constructing a whole new set of roadblocks to throw in his way. But there is no doubt that the president-elect now has an opportunity to reshape not just America, but the world.

The free world is desperately in need of strong leadership. And the un-free world is in desperate need of containment.

Here are 10 things the Trump administration could do to clean up the Biden-Harris chaos, and bring the peace that Trump-Vance promised in the campaign:


Trump has promised to negotiate a settlement to the war in Ukraine. It is inevitable at this stage that this will include some land compromises for the Ukrainians.

Some of us wish that wasn’t so. But Russia needs a way out, and Ukraine needs to not lose any more of its younger generation.

The quid pro quo should be that Trump makes it clear to Russia’s Vladimir Putin that there’ll be no more invasions on his watch.

And no more actual Russian election interference in neighboring countries like Georgia and Moldova.

The Election, Common-Sense Democrats, and the Long March Institutional dominance by far-left ideologies presents a significant barrier to meaningful change within the Democratic Party By Stephen Soukup


Not long before Tuesday’s election, Ruy Teixeira, a Democratic political scientist and commentator, predicted that, regardless of the outcome of the election, the contemporary progressive movement was dead. Harris, he intimated, could still win the election, but the dominant force in Democratic politics for the last two decades was done. Voters had clearly and unambiguously voiced their distaste for the four pillars of contemporary progressivism: open borders/mass immigration, lax law enforcement/social disorder, identity politics, and the war on fossil fuels. As Teixeira astutely noted, the electorate simply isn’t buying what the progressives are selling.

Teixeira, it should be noted, is not alone in his concerns about and disapproval of the contemporary progressive agenda and its alienating effect on average voters. In the few days since Donald Trump handily defeated Kamala Harris, a handful of prominent Democrats have condemned their party’s polarizing platform and have echoed Teixeira’s denunciation of the progressives’ stubbornness. For example, Matt Yglesias, a longtime left-wing journalist and political commentator, posted a short “common sense” Democratic platform to restore the party’s following, overtly rejecting the entirety of the progressive plan. Like Teixeira, Yglesias slammed the progressives’ obsessions with climate, race, and anti-social behavior in particular.

Based on what we all saw the other night—the most improbable political comeback in American history and a realignment of the electorate—it is clear that both Teixeira and Yglesias are right. The progressive movement has enfeebled the Democratic Party and made it unappealing to a majority of voters. In order to stave off long-term minority-party status, Democrats must move on from contemporary progressivism and must realign themselves with the needs and wants of their traditional voters. The party must change.

There’s only one problem—and it reminds me of the old joke:

Q: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Only one, but the light bulb really has to want to change.

Teixeira, Yglesias, James Carville, and a host of other Democrats are inarguably correct about the state of their party, the malign influences on it, and the necessity of change. The problem is that the party has to want to change first, which is not as easy as it sounds. Indeed, there are several very important reasons why the Democratic Party will not change—why it cannot change.

The most obvious and overpowering of these is the capture of the institutions.

Bill Kristol Shows Signs of Advanced Kamalamentia


Out of a sense of morbid curiosity, we decided to venture over to the Bulwark, the opinion site founded by alleged conservative Bill Kristol with the single mission of providing readers a daily dose of anti-Trump vitriol.

We wondered if perhaps the folks at Bulwark were celebrating because Donald Trump’s victory means that their reason for existing just got extended another four years. Had Trump lost, their pretense of being a conservative “bulwark” would have shattered.

They aren’t celebrating.

Instead, Trump’s overwhelming victory against overwhelming odds has them struggling to think straight.

Jonathan Last, after lamenting that Biden didn’t pack the Supreme Court and add four Democratic senators by declaring Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., states, then effectively accuses 51% of American voters of not being “committed to … the Constitution and the rule of law.”

Mona Charen reveals how hopelessly out of touch she is with everyday Americans by admitting that she “wrongly attributed (Biden’s unpopularity) mostly to his age,” instead of the economic disaster his policies unleashed on the working class. And then she shows that she has learned absolutely nothing by calling Kamala Harris’ loss “an elite failure of the first order.”

But the worst of the bunch is Kristol.

His response to this unprecedented turn of events is simply to say that Trump’s agenda must be stopped. “There should be no honeymoon for the Trumpists, no honeymoons for authoritarians,” he writes.

“This requires organized opposition,” he continues, “to thwart or delay or impede Trump’s plans.”

And what plans does Kristol want to stop?

The Election’s Big Loser is the Democrats’ Narrative What the election was really about. by Bruce Thornton


On Tuesday Donald Trump’s “shellacking,” to borrow a word from Barack Obama––winning not just the electoral college, but also the popular vote and the Senate majority–– is a definitive repudiation not just of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, but of a political narrative over a century in the making. As always, bad policies are the fruit of bad ideas, but arrogance about the superiority of those ideas carries within them nemesis, the punisher of hubris that may be delayed, but never escaped.

Today’s Democrats have embraced a narrative––call it “left,” “progressive,” “socialist,” “woke,” or what you will–– which rejects holding people accountable for their actions. Instead, a crude determinism shapes and governs their behavior. Hence, we’re told that poverty, capitalism, injustice, racism, sexism, and all the other -isms and -phobias explain people’s crimes and failures. So we get Democrat policies that ignore or legitimize illegal border crossings, shoplifters, bums and addicts befouling our cities, repeat felons, no bail release for arrestees, and numerous other dangerous absurdities.

Since the ordinary law-abiding “moral majority” have to suffer the physical and economic consequences of these policies, which increased significantly under the Democrats, it’s no wonder they voted for a president who promises to restore law and order.

Another bad idea that harms our economy and pocketbooks is green “climate change” policies that ignore the laws of physics and wage war on fossil fuels, which have created the West’s unprecedented wealth and quality of life for billions of people worldwide. This bad policy reflects the scientism of self-styled “bright” Democrats, who “follow the science” and yet resort to pseudo-science for gratifying their fundamentalist cult of environmentalism, and their need to signal their superior virtue.

Again, the citizens are hit with expensive energy prices and intrusive regulations. Meanwhile, the forced switch to intermittent “renewable energy” like windmills and solar panels makes producers dependent on fossil fuels for their construction, and for providing electricity for when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.

Then there is the “transgender” cult that believes the biological sexes are cultural constructs, and that chemical and unnecessary permanent surgical interventions can restore children to their actual “gender.” Moreover, aggressive promotion of this unscientific idea is encouraged in schools, polices our free speech, and subjects girls and women to “trans” males occupying women’s restrooms and sports. Democrats have endorsed these farcical programs, as Kamala Harris did during her campaign.

Another Big Nov. 5 Loser: Left’s ‘Lawfare’ Campaign Against Trump, MAGA


Of all the excesses of the four-year Trump interregnum that was the Biden-Harris administration, none was worse than the left’s use of our legal system to exact political retribution and “send a message” to those who dared oppose progressive extremism. It had all the markings of totalitarian behavior, but now it’s going down in flames.

The idea of America as a nation ruled by laws, not by the biases and whims of political powers, has been central to our country’s identity and stability since its very founding. It’s what makes our country unique in the world.

But after Biden’s 2020 election win, Democrats repeatedly used spurious and at times fraudulent readings of our laws to get revenge on Donald Trump and those who had the temerity to publicly support him.

They first went after those who demonstrated at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Many of them still imprisoned and suffering under false charges of “insurrection.” More than 1,530 were charged with crimes and about 615 have served, or are still serving, lengthy prison terms, basically for staging a rowdy protest in front of Congress over the 2020 presidential election.

Meanwhile, those who rioted during the long, hot summer of 2020, leading to at least 28 deaths and more than $2 billion in property and other damage, went virtually uncharged for their violent crimes. Why? It was for a cause, the death of drug addict George Floyd at the hands of the police. It turned out, his death was not caused by the police. To the left, it didn’t matter. It still doesn’t.

They then went after Trump’s political allies and advisers, such as Steve Bannon. He was released from prison at the end of October after serving four months for “contempt of Congress” charges for refusing to comply with a subpoena to testify.

Looking for bigger game, emboldened progressive prosecutors went after Trump, hitting him with 116 felony charges in four separate cases brought by federal prosecutors under Attorney General Merrick Garland and lefty blue-state legal authorities.