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5 Questions That Must Answered Before The J6 Committee Begins Its Theatrical Production By: Tristan Justice


Don’t expect answers from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Committee weaponized to operate as a political witch hunt.

he House Committee on Jan. 6 will launch its dramatic summer hearings tonight in a prime time show trial produced by a former ABC News executive as desperate Democrats aim to shift the narrative ahead of the midterms.

The nine members of the Select Committee appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will introduce the panel’s findings and question a pair of witnesses while presenting graphic footage of the riot to a nationwide audience. Every cable network, except Fox News, will broadcast the proceedings in an arrangement sought by the partisan probe to elevate the evening’s drama shining light on a three-hour riot that happened more than 18 months ago.

Absent from the panel asking questions, however, will be any Republicans appointed by GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy after Pelosi took the self-proclaimed “unprecedented” step of barring Reps. Jim Banks, R-Ind., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from the probe. Instead, Pelosi hand-picked the most vocal pair of NeverTrump House members to serve in their place, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who serves as vice chair and was disowned by her own party.

Liz Peek: Made-for-TV Jan. 6 hearings won’t rescue Democrats

http://Liz Peek: Made-for-TV Jan. 6 hearings won’t rescue Democrats

Democrats think voters will be so gob-smacked by the revelations of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack that they will forget about soaring gasoline and food prices, rising crime, a 15,000-person caravan of people about to cross our southern border, the baby formula shortage and power brownouts, which are likely to hit our country this summer.

Yup, they’re convinced that Americans being force-fed (every major network will broadcast the House hearings live during prime time) scenes of yahoos waving flags and storming our Capitol will rebuild President Biden’s dismal approval ratings and put his fellow Democrats on the road to victory just in time for the midterms.

Fat chance.

Americans agree: The January 6 riots were a terrible event, and that those who broke the law should be punished.

More and more also agree: It is time to move on.

A recent NBC poll shows a dwindling number of Americans blaming Trump for the attack on the Capitol; 45 percent now say he is “solely” or “mainly” responsible, down from 52 percent the month Joe Biden took office. Moreover, 55 percent say he is “only somewhat” or “not really” to blame for the riots, up from 47 percent in January 2021.

Why I Refuse to Testify Before the Illegitimate January 6 Committee You know things aren’t right when even people who attempt to cooperate are attacked, and when documents given to the committee are leaked, and in some instances doctored, by the committee.  By Andy Biggs


U.S. Representative Andy Biggs, a Republican, represents Arizona’s 5th Congressional District in the U.S. House. He is chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and serves on the Judiciary and Science, Space and Technology committees.

Some people have asked me why I refuse to testify before the illegitimate January 6 committee. They say, “Ooooh, you must have something to hide or else you would testify.” I say that type of thinking is not only naïve in this age of political warfare, but it is also dangerously un-American. 

Every institution of this nation has been weaponized by the Left for the purpose of arrogating power to themselves and destroying their political enemies. They want to ruin everyone they believe is standing in their way of turning America into the leftist paradise of which they dream. 

Have we forgotten how the Federal Bureau of Investigation was used to spy on President Trump during his campaign for president in 2016? Testimony at the Michael Sussman trial confirmed that Democrat Hillary Clinton, Trump’s opponent, instigated the Russia collusion hoax. 

The media went along with it. The media supported it. And, the media used the fake Russia story to try and derail Trump’s candidacy and then his presidency. 

After Trump was elected, Clinton constantly referred to him as illegitimate and the pawn of Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Even after the Mueller Report debunked that mad theory, some members of the January 6 committee still believe and propagate the hoax. 

The Subordinate Citizen Americans feel that ordinary citizens like themselves who follow the rules are treated more harshly by their own government than are both noncitizens and our own progressive elites. By Victor Davis Hanson


I recently led a group of about 100 citizens to tour Israel for nearly two weeks. Before returning to the United States, all participants had to indicate their vaccination status and take a COVID-19 test for reentry. 

Anxieties swept the group as Israeli testers swabbed them. 

Anyone testing positive would have to delay his return. That quarantine would entail spending thousands of dollars in finding scarce hotel accommodations, additional living expenses, and rebooked airline tickets—depending upon the length of the mandatory sequestration. 

Contrast the tens of thousands of foreign nationals now mustering to cross illegally into the United States again this summer. They follow the already 2 million who have entered the country unlawfully since Joe Biden became president. 

Does any foreign national worry about being tested for COVID-19, much less fear being turned away if he tests positive or for lack of proof of vaccination? 

Or do we scrutinize far more carefully U.S. citizens entering legally their own country than we do noncitizens crossing our borders unlawfully? 

For that matter, the government is still determined to fire thousands of federal workers and U.S. military personnel who refused the new mRNA vaccinations. Most citizens who were not vaccinated feared that the inoculations were either possibly dangerous to their health or ineffective in preventing COVID-19 infections or would not necessarily lead to herd immunity. 

Are 2 million nonvaccinated foreigners arriving unaudited from impoverished countries less of a threat during the pandemic than fully audited American citizens employed by the federal government? Why would we fire unvaccinated Americans but welcome equally unvaccinated noncitizens?

The Biden Administration blasted the Trump southern border wall and canceled all further funding. 

Yet it just appropriated $40 billion to Ukraine to ensure that it does not lose its border war against Russian aggression. 

That is a tiny percentage of the federal budget. But the aid is full of symbolic irony, nonetheless. The multibillion-dollar appropriation would have more than covered the completion of the entire wall along our own southern border. 

An outside observer might conclude that the U.S. government intends to uphold the universal idea of national sovereignty, internationally recognized borders, and the security of citizens inside their own country—as long as they are not American citizens. 

There are currently over 550 “sanctuary” jurisdictions established by state and local governments. They aim to prevent federal immigration authorities from deporting illegal aliens, including tens of thousands detained by law enforcement for committing additional crimes. 

The Threat on Kavanaugh’s Life Didn’t Happen in a Vacuum Andrew McCarthy


Attorney General Garland has refused to enforce the law, while Democrats refuse to condemn confrontational protests against the justices.

The obvious threat against the Supreme Court to which the Biden Justice Department has turned a blind eye has now escalated to its inevitable next phase with the arrest of a California man early this morning for allegedly plotting to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

The man was apprehended shortly before 2 a.m. near the home where the justice lives with his wife and children. He was armed with a gun and was carrying burglary tools that would facilitate a break-in.

To the surprise of utterly no one, the man made statements indicating that he was incensed over the leaked draft opinion indicating that a majority of the Court, including Kavanaugh, is poised to overrule Roe v. Wade (1973) and its progeny, which lawlessly manufactured a supposed constitutional right to abortion. The man also claimed to be angry over mass shootings. And what better way to express such outrage than go out and kill a Supreme Court justice?

It goes without saying that responsibility for this heinous act (and the more heinous intent behind it) lies with the would-be assailant, and whoever, if anyone, was collaborating with him. That said, it is open season on Supreme Court justices because President Biden and most Washington Democrats have refused to condemn the protests against them, fearing the wrath of their political base. Taking his cues from them, Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to enforce the law.

To repeat what I’ve written before, it is a federal crime to protest at the residence of a U.S. judge. Garland understands this well — he was a U.S. judge for over 20 years. Nevertheless, he is politicizing his job.

Targeting the Supreme Court Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been sitting on a bill to protect the Justices’ families.


The arrest early Wednesday of an armed man outside Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home is a depressing sign of the fanatical times. Violence in the name of politics now threatens the judiciary, and Washington’s remaining adults have an obligation to act with dispatch to protect the Justices, their families and the Court as an institution.

Californian Nicholas John Roske, 26 years old, was arrested at night dressed in black. He allegedly had a suitcase, backpack, a Glock 17 with two magazines and ammunition, pepper spray, a tactical knife, hammer, screwdriver, crow bar, zip ties and duct tape.

According to the Washington Post, Mr. Roske told police he “was upset over the leaked draft of an opinion that would overturn the constitutional right to abortion” in Roe v. Wade. The man allegedly said he came to kill Justice Kavanaugh “thinking it would give his life purpose.” He has been charged with attempted murder.

We warned after the leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s draft opinion that a fanatic could attempt a violent act against one of the Justices, and here we are. The draft opinion suggested there is a 5-4 Court majority to overturn Roe, and it’s all too easy to imagine some 21st-century John Brown thinking he could prevent the ruling by assassinating a Justice. Now comes a dangerously close call.

Violence and Drug-Related Gang Killings in Philadelphia How long before the entire city becomes a “bad neighborhood”? Thom Nickels


Philadelphia’s South Street used to be the place where all the “hippies met.” It was largely a conglomerate of French-themed restaurants, New Age bookstores, art theaters, cafes and boutique leather and craft shops. That has changed over time.

The street’s bohemian accents slowly died out, replaced by a crass commercialism—the news media now calls South Street “an entertainment zone”– that began to attract wilder groups of people. “Real” Philadelphians learned to avoid the area, leaving it to “Let’s Party Like it’s 1776” T-shirt wearing tourists, and to rough crowds who saw it as the place “to be” on the weekends.

But South Street was not the place to be on Saturday, June 5th at around 11:30 PM. That’s when a trio of young hooligans got into a fight not far from a Rita’s Water ice stand. According to (the liberal publication) Billy Penn, a person sitting at a nearby outdoor restaurant screamed, “They about to shoot!”

Shoot they did. Three people were shot to death — two men and a woman — and nearly 14 injured, some of them bleeding in the streets. At this writing, police have yet to identify the victims but they believe that one of the shooters may be among the dead. The city declared the South Street shooting to be the deadliest in 2022 and the largest recorded in the city for nearly a decade.

When I first heard about the shooting, I was sure it was not like those creepy loner, mentally ill mass murders in other parts of the country, but that it fit right in with Philadelphia’s street crime drug culture and drug turf wars and everything that goes along with that.   

Meet the Censored: Kara Dansky Matt Taibbi


The feminist author of The Abolition of Sex has become the ultimate example of a new propaganda phenomenon, which denounces leftists as right-wing when they say unpopular things.

Two years ago, in February of 2020, the Washington Post published a piece called “Conservatives find unlikely ally in fighting transgender rights: Radical feminists.” The essence of the article was to describe groups like the Women’s Liberation Front, or WoLF, full of people with decades-long track records as leftists or feminists, as not merely in temporary agreement with conservatives on trans issues, but actual converts to the entire conservative cause.

The piece described WoLF as “fringe activists” who “argue that advancements in transgender rights will come at the expense of women’s rights” and have been “shunned” by modern progressives, who call them “a discriminatory, right-wing group disguised as feminist.”

The piece was one of countless examples in which leftist or independent critics of mainstream fixations — from Russiagate to the campaign of Joe Biden to war in Ukraine — are reclassified as right-wingers and Trump supporters. The far left, libertarians, Greens, and other assorted malcontents used to be just ignored by popular media, but now they don’t even enjoy that privilege. The new instinct has a clear and effective purpose, to create the illusion that there is no intramural debate on one side of the aisle, that disagreers are actually enemies in disguise.

Democrats Wanted To Intimidate Justices. Now It’s Getting Dangerous By: David Harsanyi


An attack not only on separation of powers, but also basic norms of civility.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Those were the words of the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, one of the most powerful elected officials in the nation, in March of 2020. After spending years cynically delegitimizing the high court, Schumer had moved to openly threatening life-time appointed judges, by name, because he feared they would knock down the concocted constitutional right to an abortion.

Initially, Schumer refused to walk back those remarks. His spokesman ludicrously claimed the statement was “a reference to the political price Republicans will pay for putting them on the court.” Of course, the senator hadn’t singled out the Republican Party, or any Republican. He called out the two newest justices by name. “You” and “you.”

Yet, it is almost surely the case that the coverage of a California man carrying a weapon and burglary equipment near Brett Kavanaugh’s home, reportedly there to murder the Supreme Court justice over the leaked opinion in Dobbs, will not be tied to the rhetoric of Democrats like Schumer. CNN political reporters will not walk from one Democratic senator to the next, asking them if their rhetoric is responsible for inciting a man to show up at the Supreme Court justice’s home with a tactical knife, a Glock, ammunition, pepper spray, and zip ties. We will not have a national conversation about the specter of leftist violence.

Democrats Admit the True Purpose of J6 Hearings By Matt Margolis


The Democrats’ partisan January 6th Committee hearings are going prime time this week, and Fox News is getting flak from the usual left-wing suspects.

“Fox News won’t air the January 6 hearings because they prefer their sedition made fresh on-site,” Hillary Clinton quipped on Twitter. I think she should hire a new joke writer.

“FOX won’t televise the hearings of the greatest Crime in Presidential history,” tweeted Rob Reiner. “Our Democracy is hanging by a thread.” Cry me a river, Meathead.

The fact is, there’s only one reason why any network will air the hearings of these pointless, blatantly partisan hearings—and it has nothing to do with the so-called insurrection. It has to do with helping the Democrats in the upcoming midterms.

This isn’t a guess. They’ve already admitted to this. “Jan. 6 Hearings Give Democrats a Chance to Recast Midterm Message,” reads the headline at the New York Times about the hearings—showing absolutely no shame that government resources are being used for blatantly partisan purposes.

“With their control of Congress hanging in the balance, Democrats plan to use made-for-television moments and a carefully choreographed rollout of revelations over the course of six hearings…to persuade voters that the coming midterm elections are a chance to hold Republicans accountable for it,” the report explained.