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Signs and Portents: Elon Musk’s Growing Political Maturity The Left’s misery continues to Elongate. By Roger Kimball


A few weeks ago, Exxon announced that it was banning the display of Pride and BLM flags at its headquarters in Houston. There was a ripple of unhappiness, but nothing was burned down, the media attention was muted, and the world went about its business as before. 

Across the country, school board elections are tossing out woke ideologues and partisans of critical race theory and replacing what amounts to gay pornography in the curriculum with more wholesome fare. The Biden Administration keeps running into roadblocks, most recently a judicial order halting its efforts to rescind Title 42, a Trump-era emergency order that turned away would-be immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. A few days ago, Biden’s absurd Disinformation Governance Board was shuttered and its pathetic director, Nina Jankowicz, sucked back into the memory hole whence she came. 

On Friday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robbie Mook, testified that, what do you know, his former boss knew all about and in fact approved the spurious efforts to frame Donald Trump as a Russian asset, contrary to what she and her handlers have said ever since before Hunter Biden took his laptop to be repaired. 

Then there is Elon Musk. I have long been a fan of this Rocket Man, notwithstanding his mantras about “sustainable transport” and other sops from the green agenda. Hitherto, my enthusiasm was for his technological prowess, his hard work, and his amazing products. Now I find myself applauding his political savvy and efforts on behalf of free speech. Princeton University and other one-party bastions of conformity and self-congratulation should ponder Musk’s central observation about free speech: “When it’s someone you don’t like saying something you don’t like, that’s when it actually matters.”

The #MeToo movement has claimed a brilliant scientist By Andrea Widburg


The #MeToo movement, which thankfully seemed to have peaked in 2018, is still managing to do significant damage by allowing a cadre of malicious women to destroy men’s reputations with ludicrous assertions about alleged sexual harassment or abuse. One case may have long-lasting repercussions for Americans’ health and well-being: Biologist David Sabatini, a brilliant cancer researcher, is unemployable thanks to laughable accusations and a seeming workplace witch hunt,  and now finds himself unemployable.

Here are the facts of the case, all gleaned from Suzy Weiss, who wrote at Bari Weiss’s Common Sense about Sabatini’s travails:

Sabatini was doing sophisticated, highly important cancer research at MIT. He seemed like a shoo-in for the Nobel Prize in science and was receiving huge government grants to keep his research going. Suzy Weiss writes that “his colleagues have described him to me with words like ‘genius,’ ‘one of the best scientists alive,’ and ‘a pillar.’ However, thanks to a truly risible sexual harassment claim, he is unemployable.

In April 2018, when he was 50 and in the process of getting divorced, Sabatini began a relationship with another scientist, Kristin Knouse, who was then 29 years old. They worked in unrelated labs at the Whitehead Institute and he had no supervisory role over her work. Sabatini thought they were friends with benefits because Knouse left him with the impression that she was also having sex with other men.

In August 2018, the Whitehead Institute announced a new policy banning any consensual or sexual relationships between coworkers. Sabatini ignored it because not a lot was happening between him and Knouse. Nevertheless, even after he’d started a relationship with another woman, Knouse still wanted him. In January 2020, she was still trying to keep the relationship going.

BLM supporters got what they paid for The surge in support for the movement was purely about cleansing white guilt. Batya Ungar Sargon


More details recently emerged about epic payouts to, and property purchases by, the leaders and family members of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, one of the main organisations formed under the banner of Black Lives Matter to raise awareness about police brutality against black Americans. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, BLMGNF raised $90million, $12million of which has been spent on property. One of the leaders of BLMGNF, Patrisse Cullors, came under fire for purchasing four high-end homes herself, and BLMGNF also paid nearly $1million to a company owned by the father of Cullors’ child, while her brother received $840,000 for ‘security services’, according to tax filings.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Into America podcast, Cullors admitted to making mistakes, describing a steep learning curve that began with surprise at the millions in donations that came pouring in. ‘It was a major shock’, Cullors said. ‘That was a lot of white guilt money. There’s a lot of white folks being like, “We just got to put the money”.’

Here’s the thing: Cullors is right. It was white guilt fuelling these donations. BLM has become the recipient of liberal white indulgences, laundering the supposed sin of whiteness out of woke progressives, dollar by dollar. And it’s this that makes any wrongdoing on the part of BLMGNF a victimless crime.

On the banality of inflation And – yet again – the stupidity of our (Democratic) elites Alex Berenson


Just like Jimmy Carter did 45 years ago, Uncle Joe and his merry band of wokesters are learning the hard way that Americans hate inflation.

Even a recession isn’t as politically damaging.

And guess what? We’re right to hate it.

I’ve been writing a technical piece on the causes of inflation and what it means economically (before I covered Big Pharma, I wrote about Wall Street – never thought I’d miss bankers, but at least bankers are honestly greedy).

I’ll come back to that piece. But I’m putting it aside for now to focus on an aspect of rising prices that I’ve never seen properly discussed – how they make people feel. Even when jobs are plentiful, even when wages are rising, even when the economy is generally strong, people have a visceral reaction to price shocks.

Up up and away!

(Note that the chart below understates the real impact of what’s happened in the last year; annual inflation would be closer to 15 percent if we calculated it now as we did in the 1970s.)

So why? Why do we hate inflation so much?

Because – and I will spare you the details of the reasons why, if you want them you can read the other piece – INFLATION IS AVOIDABLE. Inflation is a tax on the poor and a warning of potential supply shocks and economic imbalances that must be corrected. But most of all it is avoidable with proper government policy.

Almost always. Recessions are not avoidable (and efforts to avoid them too strenuously can lead to inflation), but inflation is. How do I know? In part because we avoided it for a very long time. Which is why I think the current shock is particularly frustrating to anyone over 40.

It’s Time That U.S. Taxpayers Defund The Davos Sponsor – World Economic Forum The WEF received $60 million In taxpayer funding over the last eight years. Adam Andrzejewski


Davos. It’s a “playground” for the world’s billionaire business elite. Every year, the uberrich and powerful people descend upon a picturesque ski town in Switzerland to mix with world leaders. They discuss shaping our future into a utopian global society.

For the first time since 2019, the 2022 Davos meeting will be in person beginning Sunday, May 22.

The host organization, World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by German economist Klaus Schwab, says it provides a platform for high-powered leaders to “shape global, regional and industry agendas.” In other words, they want to socialize the world order and much of this runs contrary to American values.  

Attendees cough up $28,000 just for a ticket, with a coveted all-access badge fetching more like $50,000 – and that’s before attendees spend tens or hundreds of thousands on private air travel, ski chalets, and entertainment.

You probably didn’t even realize it, but you – the American taxpayer – helped fund the sponsoring organization with tens of millions of dollars in federal grants.

Since 2013, WEF received nearly $60 million from U.S. taxpayers. Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found that under the Trump Administration, the WEF received $33 million, which outpaced the $26 million in second-term Obama-era funding.

Why are American taxpayers funding this organization?

Hillary Factor: Evidence now shows false Russia collusion story began and ended with Clinton Sussmann trial testimony confirms earlier CIA, FBI evidence that Hillary Clinton approved dirtying up Trump with unproven Russia allegations.By John Solomon


In an era where the hunt for disinformation has become a political obsession, Hillary Clinton has mostly escaped having to answer what role she played in spreading the false Russia collusion narrative that gripped America for nearly three years.

On Friday, that dodge ended with a most unlikely witness: her former campaign manager Robby Mook, who was supposed to be a witness helping the defense of her former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann on a charge of lying to the FBI.

Instead, under cross-examination by Special Counsel John Durham’s team, Mook was forced to concede two extraordinary facts.

First, the Clinton campaign wasn’t “totally confident” about the accuracy of computer data suggesting Donald Trump had a secret communications channel to the Kremlin via Russia’s Alfa Bank.

And second, Hillary Clinton herself personally approved spreading the story to the news media, despite the concerns about its accuracy.

“I discussed it with Hillary as well,” Mook testified. “I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter,” Mook said.

Prosecutors asked Mook if Clinton approved leaking the story to the media.

“She agreed,” Mook testified.

Further Proof BLM Is a Scam Sarah Arnold


Remember when every restaurant, store and anyone who catered to the woke mob had “BLM Matter” posters up in the windows asking for donations? Well, that money went to the purchase of million dollar house in Canada.

According to audited financial statements obtained by the Washington Examiner, the Black Lives Matter organization was granted $8 million to purchase a Toronto mansion in 2021, equivalent to a mere $6.3 million in U.S. dollars. 

The money was meant to be used for activities to educate and support black communities, and to purchase and renovate property for charitable use. 

Patrisse Cullors, BLM co-founder, was the only board member of the BLM Global Network Foundation when it gave the funds to the leftist organization or better known as Cullors’s organization. Additionally, Cullors’s spouse served on the board of BLM Canada at the time of the money transfer. Seems convenient. 

Earlier this week, the BLM Global Network Foundation released a 63-page covering the fiscal year from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. In addition to the Toronto home, the documents show that $6 million went towards a Los Angeles mansion equipped with six bedrooms, a pool, a soundstage and an office, which was intended to be used as a campus for a black artists fellowship. 

Hillary Clinton approved Trump-Russia leak to media, her campaign manager says Erik Larson


Hillary Clinton personally signed off on a plan in 2016 to quietly pitch to the media the now-discredited theory that computer servers at former President Donald Trump’s company had a secret communications link with a Russian bank, her former campaign manager told a jury.

Robby Mook, a witness in the trial of a former Clinton campaign lawyer charged with lying to the FBI, on Friday testified that he and others at the campaign “weren’t totally confident” in the veracity of the server data, but they sent it to reporters anyway a few months before the election.

“All I remember is that she agreed with it,” Mook said of Clinton. “She thought we made the right decision.”

The purported server link between the Trump Organization and Russia-based Alfa Bank was ultimately debunked by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann is now on trial for allegedly lying to the FBI when he said he wasn’t representing any client when he brought that claim to the agency’s attention in September 2016.

Mook testified that neither he nor anyone else at the campaign directed Sussmann to take the information to the FBI and that the main focus was tipping off the media.

America the Miserable Misery loves company. And unfortunately for America, the merchants of misery will be in charge for a long time. By Julie Kelly


My daughter’s college graduation last weekend was the first convocation held at the university since 2019. Although everyone was grateful for a return to normalcy, the pandemic still clouded the ceremonies; professors recounted the ways in which the students’ lives had been upended, commending them for soldiering on despite the unprecedented disruption. 

Their praise only acted as a cruel reminder of the time, friendships, and experiences needlessly and irretrievably lost.

Campus, of course, never really returned to anything close to normal. Remote classes stifled learning; mask mandates and social distancing rules stifled activity. Any mild bump in local cases prompted stern warnings from the dean that soul-crushing lockdowns could return. What should have been one of the most enjoyable periods in their lives will be remembered instead as a black hole of fear and isolation.

Visibly weary, her classmates gathered on Saturday afternoon to trudge across the finish line. But their torment was not yet over. The same adults who enforced Medieval disease policies under the guise of modernity and science and who stole a big chunk of their youth had to take one last swipe at their high-paying captives.

One speaker after another harangued the students about their duty to confront every societal ill, real or perceived. According to the Betters with Letters seated on the dais, life isn’t about pursuing individual passions or creating a vibrant social life, or—God forbid—raising a family. Personal fulfillment can only be attained by acting as one-man armies in the woke war against -isms and -phobes, the keynote speaker—a man who presumably hasn’t left a college campus in any professional capacity since his 18th birthday—admonished the crowd.

America quite literally took a back seat during the proceedings; one U.S. flag sat among an assortment of flags far behind the stage. When asked to rise for the national anthem, it took everyone a few moments to locate where Old Glory had been stashed. Few participated in singing along with the vocalist, and even fewer held their hands over their hearts.

After we exited the building, news spread of the horrific massacre that took place about 150 miles away. And several hours later, partygoers celebrating their last moments of college were fleeing for safety near the town’s two most popular bars as a gunman opened fire, shooting one employee in the stomach.

Make America Happy Again

Happiness is so central to the health of the nation that the founders wisely included a mention of it in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence. And the right to the pursuit of happiness, they noted, isn’t something conferred by the state but is God-given and a right the government cannot legitimately take away. Seeking happiness isn’t just a self-serving endeavor but the basis of a free, functioning society. “The necessity of pursuing happiness is the foundation of liberty,” John Locke wrote in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

Pumping Up Prices Blame the Russians says Biden, despite the facts pointing to him. John Stossel


The price of gas keeps rising.

“The reason for that is because of Putin’s war,” said President Joe Biden.

But that’s impossible. Most of the price rise came before Putin attacked Ukraine.

So some politicians simply blame “corporate greed.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the oil industry of collecting “excess profit.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren even introduced a bill to ban “price gouging.”

This is just economic ignorance, as my new video explains.

“If big oil could raise prices anytime they wanted and get away with it, then why were they so cheap in 2020, 2019, 2018?” asks the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Ben Lieberman.

Lieberman points out that companies are always greedy. Greed didn’t just start now. They were just as greedy when gas prices fell in 2019 and early 2020.