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Tulsi Gabbard brings a sledgehammer to Mitt Romney and Keith Olbermann By Andrea Widburg


Tulsi Gabbard is a former Democrat party member of the House of Representatives, a former presidential candidate, and a current lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve.  She’s too left on some things for me, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders, lots of common sense, and a dislike for being used as cannon fodder for America’s newly hawkish leftists and RINOs.  Because she’s suggested that America should not rush into a shooting war with a nuclear Russia on behalf of Ukraine, especially given revelations about biological labs in Ukraine, Mitt Romney and Keith Olbermann have called her a traitor.  What’s great is that Tulsi is pushing back by demanding an apology or, if she does not receive one within a week, promising to sue.

Tulsi’s attorney is the brilliant, and very successful, Harmeet Dhillon.  On Wednesday, Dhillon sent a “cease and desist” letter to both Romney and Olbermann.  In the letter to Romney (here), Dhillon details Tulsi’s long record of active service in the United States military.  She then spells out Romney’s defamatory statement:

On March 13, 2022, you tweeted the following: “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.” [Footnote omitted.] Your tweet had no surrounding context and was not part of a broader conversation. Your accusation that Representative Gabbard, a combat veteran and current military officer, has engaged in “treasonous” activity is completely false, a fact of which you were well aware when you made your claim. And as explained below, your accusation that Representative Gabbard lied also has no basis in fact.

Dhillon’s demand letter explains to Romney that defamation occurs when a person knowingly publishes a false, and derogatory, statement about another.  When the defamatory statement falsely accuses someone of criminal activity, it’s called “defamation per se,” which means that the plaintiff does not have to prove injury; it’s assumed.

How America Became La La Land Nothing seems to be working. And no one seems to care. By Victor Davis Hanson


America these last 14 months resembles a dystopia. It is becoming partly the world of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, partly the poet Homer’s land of the Lotus-Eaters.

Nothing seems to be working. And no one in control seems to care. 

The once secure border of 2020 vanished. Two-million people have crossed the southern border illegally in the last twelve months. Millions more are on the way. 

The Biden Administration unilaterally and simply destroyed existing immigration law. 

What followed was surreal. The administration claimed COVID was again on the horizon. So it justified forcing American citizens to keep wearing masks in public buildings and transportation. But at the same time, it waived all such requirements for illegal entrants.

Citizens who obeyed our laws had to mask up; foreign nationals who broke them did not need to take such precautions. 

Biden blasted as near-criminals mounted border guards who used long reins to steady their horses. When investigations cleared them of wrongdoing, he went mute. This administration apparently sees its own American law enforcement at the border as criminals, and non-Americans who break our laws as their moral superiors.

Biden then concocted the perfect recipe for bringing back the inflation of the 1970s.

The Mouse that Whored Disney sets a trap for children. William Kilpatrick


The Mouse that Roared is a 1959 comedy film about a mouse-sized country (the Duchy of Grand Fenwick) that decides to solve its money problems by declaring war on America, then surrendering, then reaping the financial aid that America always bestows on its defeated enemies.

“The Mouse that Whored” is a contemporary true story about a giant entertainment company (built around the character of an animated mouse) that has declared war on American parents.  The monster-sized mouse corporation has no intention of surrendering.  On the contrary it expects you to surrender your children to it.

It has a good chance of success because many American parents have already half-surrendered their children to the mouse.

In addition to its obvious sexual meaning, the word “whore” can also mean selling out one’s principles for the sake of obtaining fame, fortune, or power.  Thus, an unprincipled actor may be said to be “whoring” after celebrity.

Disney has sold-out its family-oriented principles for the sake of more money and more influence.  At first, this seems counter-intuitive.  Wouldn’t Disney lose lots of money once its family base discovered that it is actually anti-family?

Here’s the Tweet Clinton’s Lawyer Doesn’t Want Admitted as Evidence in Durham Case By Matt Margolis


Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with lying to the FBI, has filed a motion requesting that special counsel John Durham not be able to use a tweet by Hillary Clinton in his upcoming trial.

Sussmann’s lawyers have repeatedly tried to get the charges against him dismissed, but those efforts have been unsuccessful. His trial is set to begin next month.

Here’s the tweet Sussmann and his lawyers are trying to prevent from being admitted into his trial:

Why is this tweet important, and why do Sussmann’s lawyers want to keep it out of his trial?

Who’s In Charge Of America Right Now? Because It Isn’t The Man Getting Wrangled By A Giant Easter Bunny By: Kylee Zempel


Given the state of our grocery shelves, southern border, gas prices, job openings, foreign policy, public schools, inflation, and health care, it would be awfully nice to know who’s really running the greatest country on earth.

The White House celebrated Easter on Monday with its traditional egg roll, but the Resurrection Day festivities turned into a national embarrassment thanks to the president. His handlers, including his wife, did their best to walk him around like a pet, telling him when to sit, speak, and stay.

This all raises the obvious and alarming question: Who is in charge of the greatest country on Earth right now? Because it sure as heck isn’t Joe Biden.

If you haven’t seen any of the footage, you might think this is an exaggeration, but it isn’t. Here’s Jill Biden monopolizing a children’s book reading, with her husband announcing, “And they’re not going to let me read at all.”

“I’ll let you— here, you can start us off,” the first lady said patronizingly, letting the president read only the first page.

4 Takeaways From Spygate Colluders’ Mad Rush To Hide Their Tracks In Court By: Margot Cleveland


They hope to prevent prosecutors from accessing a few dozen documents that might further reveal their role in peddling the massive Russia collusion hoax.

On April 19, a bunch of panicked participants in the Spygate scandal rushed the courthouse to intervene in the special counsel’s criminal case against former Hillary Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann. They hope to prevent prosecutors from accessing a few dozen documents that might further reveal their role in peddling the Alfa Bank hoax.

The motions to intervene came just one day after Sussmann also sought to keep the documents away from prosecutors. The special counsel has requested the trial court review the documents in camera to assess whether they are in fact protected by attorney-client privilege.

Here are the top takeaways from these filings.

Uber Clueless By John Stossel


The media’s ignorance about basic economics is galling.

I expect it from politicians. I expect it from The New York Times. But it’s sad to see in the New York Post, my town’s rare alternative to Democrat media.

Recently the tabloid freaked out over higher prices imposed by ride-share companies. “New Yorkers are fed up with forking over excessive amounts for Uber and Lyft rides.”

Excessive? Just what is “excessive?” Who decides?

Prices were already up because gasoline costs more, NYC keeps imposing new taxes and regulations, and the federal government pays so many people not to work that there’s now a shortage of drivers.

That day, unusually high “surge” prices were in effect because there had been a horrible shooting on the subway. Commuters, fearful of another subway shooting, turned to ride-share services.

How should a company like Uber deal with that? Suddenly, there is much more demand for rides than supply. Should customers just wait in line? Most wouldn’t get a ride for days.

So, ride-share companies do the sensible thing: They temporarily raise prices. They lower them again when there are free cars. This is the best solution for the most people.

When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth: Biden expresses ‘confidence’ in Sen. Dianne Feinstein Monica Showalter


Joe Biden has been fully exposed as a dotard who’d be better off at the dog tracks than the Oval Office, but he’s got nothing on Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who’s reportedly so senile she can’t recognize her own staff.

Now, after a bombshell report from the San Francisco Chronicle on Feinstein’s desiccated state, Joe’s White House is telling the press that he’s got “confidence” in his former Senate colleague.

According to the New York Post:

President Biden has confidence in Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) despite a recent report that her Democratic colleagues believe she’s mentally unfit for office, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday.

Daily Mail reporter Nikki Schwab asked Psaki at her regular briefing if Biden still believes in Feinstein, 88, in light of last week’s San Francisco Chronicle bombshell.

“Yes, she’s a longtime friend, a proud public servant and someone he has long enjoyed serving with and working with,” Psaki replied.

Schwab followed up, asking, “After that report came out last week questioning her health, did the president reach out to her at all?”

“I don’t have any updates on private conversations,” Psaki said.

Of Oranges, Balls and Sexual Shape-Shifting-Peter Smith


A boy or girl, the parents asked? Well, the doctor averred, ‘Baby has a penis. Boy or girl? We’ll have to wait and see.’

That’s about where we are, I understand. But it isn’t so, is it? Those outside of relatively few loud-mouthed transgender cranks, the intimidated commentariat and woke elites aren’t following the bizarre script and never will. We, the great unwashed, easily distinguish between boys and girls.

Mind you, I’m sympathetic to prominent people being unwilling to try to define what a woman is; which seems to be the question of the moment posed by conservatives to embarrass lefties. To wit, Ketanji Brown Jackson put on the spot in the US Senate hearings.

If I had my wits about me, when asked the question, I’d say males have an X and Y sex chromosome pairing while females have an XX. But I might well forget which is which, if caught by surprise. Like forgetting the unemployment rate. And, I have no real idea what a chromosome is so wouldn’t want to be interrogated. I looked it up in my OED: “a thread like structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nuclei of most living cells, carrying genetic information in in the form of genes.” OK, still double Dutch.

UK Opposition Leader Keir Starmer got into trouble for refusing to acknowledge that a woman can’t have a penis. That’s a little more problematic than being unable to define a woman. He should watch the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Kindergarten Cop, in which it’s made clear that “boys have a penis and girls have a vagina.” Now that’s one way to answer the question asked of Ms Jackson. But you can understand why this might not do in polite company. And it’s unthinkable that any remake of the movie (apropos the sequel in 2016) would include that kind of dialogue.

Joe Biden Blew It on Masks: Charles Cooke


For months, it has been obvious to everyone except the president and his inner circle what people really think about Covid restrictions.

‘Biden confronts a host of problems he can’t do much to solve.” So determines John Harwood of CNN.

There’s some truth to this, of course — although my sympathy for opportunistic progressives who discover that they are not, actually, omnipotent, is as limited as one might expect. Still, you’d assume that any president who was facing a tidal wave of bad news would be looking to rack up as many little wins as possible. Inexplicably, with President Biden, that assumption seems to be wrong.

I have read the judicial decision that ended the CDC’s transportation-based mask mandate, and I find myself ambivalent about its reasoning. There is nothing wrong with the judge who issued it being 35 years old, or with her having been appointed by President Trump, or with her having failed to satisfy the American Bar Association, and nor is there is anything inherently wrong with judges deciding whether the government has broken the law. On the merits, however, I could have gone either way. Interpretively and semantically, this was a tricky one. Had Biden’s order been upheld, it would have been legitimate. That it was struck down is legitimate, too. Sometimes, judging can be tough.

The policy, by contrast, was not a tricky one. The policy was remarkably stupid, and that President Biden decided to renew it not once, but twice, after it had clearly run its course, was a testament to his near total lack of political guile. Back in November, I asked, “If, tomorrow, you told a plane full of Americans that they no longer needed to wear their masks, how many do you think would still have them on by the time you’d hung the intercom back on its hook? Twenty? Ten? Three?” Last night, we got an answer to this question. So thrilled by the judge’s decision were America’s beleaguered airlines that most of them chose to broadcast the news mid-flight, where it was met by a supermajority of passengers with the sort of glee that has usually been reserved for the end of a war. Had he been smart, Joe Biden could have owned that glee. Instead, it came in spite of him, courtesy of a Republican-appointed judge, from — of all places — Florida.