Tulsi Gabbard is a former Democrat party member of the House of Representatives, a former presidential candidate, and a current lieutenant colonel in the Army Reserve. She’s too left on some things for me, but she’s got a good head on her shoulders, lots of common sense, and a dislike for being used as cannon fodder for America’s newly hawkish leftists and RINOs. Because she’s suggested that America should not rush into a shooting war with a nuclear Russia on behalf of Ukraine, especially given revelations about biological labs in Ukraine, Mitt Romney and Keith Olbermann have called her a traitor. What’s great is that Tulsi is pushing back by demanding an apology or, if she does not receive one within a week, promising to sue.
Tulsi’s attorney is the brilliant, and very successful, Harmeet Dhillon. On Wednesday, Dhillon sent a “cease and desist” letter to both Romney and Olbermann. In the letter to Romney (here), Dhillon details Tulsi’s long record of active service in the United States military. She then spells out Romney’s defamatory statement:
On March 13, 2022, you tweeted the following: “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.” [Footnote omitted.] Your tweet had no surrounding context and was not part of a broader conversation. Your accusation that Representative Gabbard, a combat veteran and current military officer, has engaged in “treasonous” activity is completely false, a fact of which you were well aware when you made your claim. And as explained below, your accusation that Representative Gabbard lied also has no basis in fact.
Dhillon’s demand letter explains to Romney that defamation occurs when a person knowingly publishes a false, and derogatory, statement about another. When the defamatory statement falsely accuses someone of criminal activity, it’s called “defamation per se,” which means that the plaintiff does not have to prove injury; it’s assumed.