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DERANGED: These Libs Are Denouncing Trump’s Role in Will Smith’s Oscars Assault on Chris Rock “Will Smith and Trump are the same guy.” Andrew Stiles


Will Smith, a prominent Scientologist and Democratic donor best known for co-writing the hit song “Gettin’ Jiggy wit It,” shocked the civilized world on Sunday by slapping the s—t out of comedian Chris Rock at the Oscars.

Libs were flummoxed. Should they be outraged? Was it racist? A number of Democratic politicians, including “Squad” member Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.), initially applauded Smith’s violent outburst, which came in response to Rock making a joke about the actor’s nominal wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) tweeted, then deleted, the following take: “Teachable Moment: Don’t joke about a Black Woman’s hair.”

Doing what comes naturally, a number of libs reacted by denouncing former president Donald Trump for his role in the slapping incident. “So did like anyone walk out after that happened???” wrote Asha Rangappa, the CNN analyst best known for doxxing a Washington Free Beacon intern. “Or are we getting an independent psychological case study on how Trump got normalized?”

Steve Schmidt, the schlubby Lincoln Project cofounder who once compared himself to the soldiers who stormed the Normandy beaches on D-Day, offered a similar assessment. “Do you want to understand how Trump happened? Watch the Oscars and the crowd reaction,” he wrote. “Applause for assault in a tuxedo in California is the same as applause for assault while wearing a red hat in Alabama.”

Howard Stern, the former anti-establishment shock jock turned boring liberal scold, suggested (without evidence) that “Will Smith and Trump are the same guy.” The fact that Smith, who would go on to accept the best actor award for his role in King Richard, did not face any meaningful consequences for his actions was an example of “how Trump gets away with shit,” Stern said.

Left-wing radio host Dean Obeidallah used the violent outburst as an opportunity to complain that “Donald Trump [has] still NOT been criminally charged for his attempted coup and his role in the Jan 6 terrorist attack.” It is almost as if America’s libs have developed an unhealthy addiction to the constant outrage and anxiety they felt during Trump’s presidency, and miss him even more than his biggest fans.

Smith and his wife, who have said they are in an open marriage, were among the campaign bundlers who raised at least $500,000 for former president Barack Obama’s reelection campaign in 2012, along with disgraced Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein.

Putin Finds Some Unlikely Allies in the United States Congress The Squad and the Democratic Socialists of America. Robert Spencer


Everyone knows that The Squad in the House of Representatives is so far to the Left as to make Stalin look like a John Bircher, but would they go so far as to cheerlead for a former KGB man’s war of aggression? It looks as if the answer is yes.

“The Democrats,” Stephen Kruiser observed on Feb. 21, “were lurching leftward long before the arrival of AOC and her gang. What they’ve done though is help drag the party so far to the lunatic fringe left that whatever passes for center with them these days is probably somewhere in Cuba.” Or, say, Moscow. Putin, after all, has called the fall of the Soviet Union a “tragedy” for “most citizens,” and said it was “the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century.”

In October 2020, Putin praised the Democrat Party for being “traditionally closer to the so-called liberal values, closer to Social Democratic ideas, if compared to Europe. And it was from the Social Democratic environment that the Communist Party evolved.” He went on to reveal: “I still like many of these left-wing values. Equality and fraternity. What is bad about them? In fact, they are akin to Christian values. Yes, they are difficult to implement, but they are very attractive, nevertheless.”

What’s for a good Squad member not to like in all that, except maybe the reference to detested “Christian values”? And so the New York Postreported Saturday that “comrades in ‘The Squad’ have bent over backwards in the House of Representatives to defend Vladimir Putin, voting against sanctions on Russian oil and parroting Kremlin talking points.”

Biden denies saying every bad, stupid, scary thing he said last week By Andrea Widburg


As every media outlet in the world reported last week, Joe Biden said three remarkable things: That America’s military would be heading into Ukraine, that it was possible America would use chemical weapons, and that Putin needed to be removed from power, which presumably either a call for Putin’s assassination or for regime change (which Putin probably wouldn’t survive). In each case, the White House went into emergency damage control. Now, though, Biden denies saying any one of those things. Is this a broken brain or his usual narcissistic dishonesty?

One of the coolest things about malignant narcissism, if you happen to be the narcissist, is that you never tell a lie. It’s possible other people might perceive you as lying or even accuse you of lying, but the fact is that you never lie—and you have the passed lie detector tests to prove it.

You see, the deal about being a malignant narcissist is that there is only one truth: Yours. Whatever you need to say at any given moment, either to achieve an advantage or to protect yourself, instantly becomes the one, the only, the absolute truth.

That’s the world in which Biden, a compulsive liar, has always existed. However, when he was one Senator among many—especially among many who shared the same trait—his chronic lying was less obvious. For most people, it first burst into view during his 1987 run for the presidency, when he told a series of lies about his educational abilities and plagiarized a speech from a British politician.

After that, “Joe Biden lies” was a known fact but most people ignored it.

Swimming with Dolphins Ban – Regulatory Overreach? By Janet Levy


“The stark arbitrariness of the ban is evident from the following: a) spinner dolphins are abundant around Hawaii, and there is no evidence of a population decline; b) dolphins, as is well known, are friendly and approach humans for benign, exuberant interactions; c) the ban applies only to tourism-related businesses, while the captive dolphin industry is exempt from it; and d) military activities, which might endanger dolphins with shelling, sonar, and underwater explosions, are also exempt.”

Who decides whether you may or may not swim with dolphins?  You may think this is determined by some environment-related law, made by elected representatives who constitute the legislature.  But the generalities of law are often translated into the specifics of practice through rules and regulations made and enforced by officials.  Not all these officials answer to the checks and balances of the democratic process.  Therein lies the scope for them to further political agendas or the interests of pressure groups unsanctified by the ballot, which alone represents the will of the people of America.  It is for this reason that a landmark lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of an arbitrary ban on human-dolphin interactions in Hawaii gains importance.

President Biden proposes a punitive wealth tax, and the AP dutifully publishes a puff piece saying how great Biden’s economic policies are By Jack Hellner


Either the media is full of economic illiterates, or they don’t care about the truth as they seek to influence voters.

The proposal includes taxing unrealized capital gains which are not income. The tax would destroy investment and cause stock prices to go down. The collapse in stock prices would harm everyone because public pensions will be harmed, leaving government entities trolling for higher taxes.

It is not as if Musk, Buffet, Gates, Bezos, and other billionaires have billions sitting around waiting to pay taxes. They would have to sell assets and they would be inclined to move more investments overseas, which would contribute to economic decline.

There are two sensible, easy ways, to get more money from billionaires.

The first is to only allow the billionaires to deduct their cost, instead of market value, for charitable contributions. Allowing them to deduct market value makes us subsidize them.

The other sensible, appropriate way is to finally tax hedge fund billionaires, like George Soros, at ordinary income tax rates instead of at a lower special rate. From the Associated Press:

The fading of the pandemic and the growth has enabled the deficit to fall from $3.1 trillion in fiscal 2020 to $2.8 trillion last year and a projected $1.4 trillion this year. That deficit spending paid off in the form of the economy expanding at a 5.7% pace last year, the strongest growth since 1984. But inflation at a 40-year high also accompanied those robust gains as high prices have weighed on Biden’s popularity.

Poll: Only 34% Agree Biden Has Lived Up to His Vow to Unify all Americans- Terry Jones


One of President Joe Biden’s signature promises during the 2020 campaign was that he would “unify the country.” Now, a little more than a year into the presidency, most Americans don’t feel he has lived up to his promise. In fact, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows they feel America is divided, not united, under Biden.

“I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide, but to unify; who doesn’t see red states and blue states, only sees the United States,” Biden told followers after declaring victory on Nov. 8, 2020.

That speech was seized on by many as a sign that years of bitter divisiveness brought on by non-stop investigations and two impeachment efforts against former President Donald Trump were over. The often-expressed hope was that civil political discourse would be restored, and Americans would once again show toleration and understanding for others’ beliefs.

This, in turn, would lead to a new spirit of bipartisanship and policy cooperation in Congress.

Unfortunately, average Americans don’t see things that way.

Lies, Damned Lies and Biden’s Budget


The first line in President Joe Biden’s budget statement, released Monday, is “Budgets are statements of values, and the budget I am releasing today sends a clear message.”

Biden’s right that his $5.8 trillion budget sends a clear message. The message is that he will say and do anything, no matter how disconnected from reality it is. The rest of his statement is itself full of lies and half-truths.

For example, Biden brags that he’s cut the deficit in half in his first year, making it “the largest one-year reduction in the deficit in U.S. history.” That’s technically true but completely irrelevant.

Deficits ballooned as a result of the pandemic shutdown and the – bipartisan – rescue legislation enacted under President Donald Trump. Biden forgets that he added trillions more to the pile with his “rescue plan” and the bloated infrastructure bill.

Plus, it’s Biden’s own budget that calls for deficits to remain well above $1 trillion – and climbing – over the next decade.

By 2032, Biden’s “fiscally responsible” budget pegs the deficit at $1.8 trillion, or 4.8% of GDP – and still growing. (The post-World War II average is 2.6%.)

KBJ Hearings Typify Our Debased Political Discourse David Catron


Since Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was chosen by President Biden to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court, we’ve been encouraged by the White House, congressional Democrats, and the corporate media to celebrate her as the “first Black woman” nominated to serve on the Court. Yet, when asked during her confirmation hearing to define the term “woman,” she responded, “I can’t … I’m not a biologist.”

The problem with this answer isn’t just that it was unworthy of a serious SCOTUS nominee. It is symptomatic of a debilitating disease that has infected our political discourse, rendering substantive policy debate all but impossible and endangering the republic.

It is a virulent new strain of an old malady that George Orwell famously wrote about in his 1946 essay, “Politics and the English Language,” a rebuke of politicians, journalists, and academics who use deceptive language to conceal their ideological objectives: “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.

When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.” This is how the hopelessly disorganized Jan. 6 Capitol riot became an “insurrection.” It is how differing outcomes between identity groups became “systemic racism.” Orwell also discusses political words that have been rendered meaningless by dishonest usage:

The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’. The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice, have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another.… Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. That is, the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different.… Other words used in variable meanings, in most cases more or less dishonestly, are: class, totalitarian, science, progressive, reactionary, bourgeois, equality.

The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left When ideologues demand power but cannot achieve it politically because they are cruel ideologues, expect more of their insanity to follow. By Victor Davis Hanson


“Madness! Madness . . . madness!”
— The Bridge on the River Kwai

With that exclamation, director David Lean ended his epic film about a dutiful but vainglorious British officer who sought to display to his Japanese captors superior British discipline and morale in a prisoner of war camp. As proof of British engineering superiority, he pursues his agendas by ordering his POWs to build for their Japanese captors a strategic bridge that otherwise they could not have built—only to try to destroy the efforts of fellow Allied soldiers sent to blow-up his masterpiece. For the delusional ideologue, reality must never intrude.

So it is now. When the rock of green and woke ideology hits the hard place of reality, sheer madness always results.

The world prices of oil and natural gas are skyrocketing. At the time of a major war in Ukraine, the Western democracies have framed the conflict as existential, with a Russia/Mordor on the attack against a declining West/Gondor. 

A subtext of the struggle is that the world’s illiberal regimes—fossil-fuel exporting Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and the various Middle Eastern autocracies—are getting richer by the day while destroying Mother Earth, as noble gas and oil importing green Western nations can scarcely afford to drive or heat their homes. 

Normally, the mad Left would not object terribly to the ensuing fuel price hikes. Remember, Joe Biden bragged on the campaign trail that he would end fossil fuels during his tenure. 

Obama’s soon-to-be Energy Secretary Steven Chu said during the 2008 campaign he wished to see American gas prices match those in Europe (i.e. $9-10 a gallon). And then President Obama himself did not disagree. He meekly added that such increases should be “gradual.” He had also warned that his cap-and-trade initiatives would necessarily “skyrocket” electricity prices—without suggesting that his off-guard brag was even a gaffe of unexpectedly telling the truth. 

So green orthodoxy dictates that the highest possible fossil fuel prices are good. Unaffordability will hasten the end of gas and oil, ensuring currently subsidized but uneconomical green energy as the only remaining alternative. 

But like most leftist top-down agendas, the details and consequences are usually hidden. After all, green wokeism usually exempts the lifestyles of its elite advocates. The Obamas currently are building a most un-green luxury Hawaiian beach mansion (their third such estate). And Al “Earth in the Balance” Gore got rich selling his failed cable outlet to a carbon-fueled Al Jazeera. 

As debt climbs to $31T, Dems eye new version of Biden spending bill with Manchin’s support West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin signaled that he could support a new, more targeted version of Biden’s sweeping Build Back Better Act that meets certain criteria.By Nicholas Ballasy


The Democrat-led Congress might still be able to garner enough votes to pass President Biden’s massive spending package, despite already raising federal spending by more than 6% and presiding over record deficit and debt levels.

The national debt is climbing to a staggering $31 trillion for the first time in U.S. history. The federal deficit hit record numbers in FY2020 ($3.1 trillion) and FY2021 ($2.8 trillion), driven by large coronavirus stimulus measures. The deficit in the first 5 months of this year is $475 billion.

According to a recent analysis by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the fiscal year (FY) 2022 omnibus appropriations bill that Congress recently passed “provides $1.512 trillion of budget authority for FY2022, $88 billion (6 percent) higher than FY 2021 levels, $50 billion higher than in the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) most recent baseline, and in line with FY 2021 levels when adjusted for higher inflation.”