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Howie Carr: Is Monica Cannon-Grant still the Globe’s woman of the year? Howie Carr


Look on the bright side, Monica Cannon-Grant — at least the feds didn’t videotape you stuffing marked $100 bills down your bra.

But other than the Dianne Wilkerson gotcha photograph, Tuesday’s indictment of the sticky-fingered Social Justice Warrior has everything.

As you read the 38 pages of charges, it’s hard to know who is more unspeakably corrupt — the race-hustling Monica, or the Boston establishment and their media stooges who swallowed her shameless hate speech hook, line and sinker.

Is Monica still the Boston Globe’s “Bostonian of the Year?”

Does Boston Magazine still think she’s “the best social justice advocate in Boston?”

Do the Boston Celtics still consider her “a hero among us?”

Does the Boston City Council still offer her “congratulations” after her 18-count indictment?

Does the Roxbury Unity Community still consider her a “Leader of Tomorrow?”

Of all the slobbering, the Globe is probably most responsible for enabling this alleged million-dollar flim-flam to fester for so long.

Denounce Putin, or Be Blacklisted The classical music establishment demands that Russian musicians condemn their nation’s invasion of Ukraine in order to retain jobs and engagements in the West. Heather Mac Donald


Compelled speech is becoming routine in academia. On campuses, faculty candidates for hiring and tenure increasingly must attest to their dedication to diversity to be considered for a job or a promotion. At least one university requires professors to post a “land acknowledgement”—a statement declaring that the space being used was originally the habitation of indigenous people—on their syllabus page.

Now the classical music establishment is adopting that same norm. Russian musicians are being asked to condemn President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to retain jobs and performing engagements in the West. Staying above the fray is not an option, and denouncing the war will not ward off cancellation. Russian musicians must criticize Putin by name or be blacklisted.

Classical music’s recent self-abasement for its “whiteness” laid the groundwork for this presumptive group guilt. Since the George Floyd race riots in May and June 2020, directors of orchestras, opera companies, and conservatories have lambasted their own field for its historical demographics, said to be inextricably linked to racism. Music critics have sneered at Beethoven and other composers for having allegedly leveraged their whiteness to achieve undeserved acclaim. Mea culpas and promises of fealty to Black Lives Matter have become de rigeuer in mission statements and fundraising pitches. Now these coerced confessions are demanded of a subset of musicians whose Russianness makes them as suspect as whiteness does the entire Caucasian population. Even Russian music itself faces a political litmus test.

Good riddance to Dr. Fauci He’s vanished from the networks and it’s likely no accident: Stephen Miller


Covid is beginning to spike in parts of Europe again — and sewage data indicates rising cases in the US are imminent. Online and on television, talking heads and tweeters are asking, “Where’s Dr. Fauci?”

They’re posing this question to rile up the masses and show that Anthony Fauci’s omnipresence on cable news over the last few months was largely political, and happened in concert with the Biden administration, with whom he appears to be in lockstep agreement on everything from masks to mandates.

It’s a salient point not without merit, but I would take it a step further and ask: who cares where Anthony Fauci is?

Surely it’s a bit hypocritical, especially on the right, to demand that Fauci be fired or at the very least allowed to retire quietly to a life on Dancing with the Stars…and then suddenly start wondering where the good doctor is and why his media appearances have been more limited lately.

Fauci’s legacy will be fused to the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, the noble lies he told about it and the irreparable damage he helped wreak on public health.


U.S. Economy
Fed Lifts Interest Rates a Quarter Point Amid Surging Inflation


U.S. Retail Sales Soften as High Gasoline Costs Begin to Bite


Wholesale Prices Soar 10% in February, Highest Level on Record

Airlines Cutting Thousands of Flights Over High Gas Prices, Staffing Issues


White House Alters Transcript to Cover for Kamala Harris’ Stupidity By Robert Spencer


You heard it. I heard it. The whole world heard it. Even CNN reported it. PJM’s Matt Margolis reported on it here. At the winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee in Washington on Saturday, Kamala Harris said: “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.” Now, Ukraine is not actually in NATO, and so standing firmly with the Ukrainian people would not actually be an act in defense of the NATO alliance, and of all people, the person pretending to be vice president of the United States should know that. So over at White House.gov, the ever-helpful anonymous wonks who record every august word and deed of the socialists, clowns, puppets, freaks, and saboteurs responsible for this period of American misrule knew that they had to do something to prevent the American people from realizing just how oblivious and out of touch our putative vice president really is. Voilá! Now it has her saying: “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people [and] in defense of the NATO Alliance.”

Will Anything Be Left of the U.S. After Biden Is Done With It? By Victoria Taft


The Wall Street Journal is exclusively reporting that Saudi Arabia is in talks to deal with China in the yuan instead of the U.S. dollar. The reaction has been a worldwide collective gasp.

Joe Biden’s recent dumping of Afghanistan is just one of the reasons behind the Kingdom’s stepped-up talks with the communist regime.

The overwhelming number of oil deals in the world are done using the U.S. petrodollar. Moving to the yuan, at least in deals with China, which buys 25% of all Saudi oil, will have a huge impact on world markets. It also calls into question the U.S. dollar’s prominence as the world’s reserve currency.

It is hard to underestimate the fiscal calamity that such a possible move could have on the strength of the U.S. dollar and prestige in world markets. Conversely, the potential move to the yuan could elevate China’s currency to new prestige.

The Journal spoke to Gal Luft, a national security expert who’s written about possible “de-dollarization.” Luft said oil markets are the “insurance policy of the status of the dollar as reserve currency. […] If that block is taken out of the wall, the wall will begin to collapse.”

The Journal reported in Tuesday’s edition that “the talks with China over yuan-priced oil contracts have been off and on for six years but have accelerated this year as the Saudis have grown increasingly unhappy with decades-old U.S. security commitments to defend the kingdom.”

The Journal also reported that “the Saudis are angry over the U.S.’s lack of support for their intervention in the Yemen civil war and over the Biden administration’s attempt to strike a deal with Iran over its nuclear program. Saudi officials have said they were shocked by the precipitous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last year.”

Bloomberg reported that news of the potential shift caused a price increase in the communist China currency after the news broke on Tuesday.

Joe Biden’s Gender Obsession The president implies that God supports his gender agenda. How does he know? William Kilpatrick


“Women can’t reach ‘full God-given potential’ without abortion, Joe Biden claims.”

So reads a headline in a LifeSite News piece reporting on a statement issued by President Biden on International Women’s Day.

Biden didn’t put it quite so bluntly.  The part of the statement in question reads, “Every person deserves the chance to live up to their full God-given potential without regard for gender or other factors.”  But it’s obvious from the rest of the statement that pregnancy is one of those “other factors” that might get in the way of reaching one’s full potential.

It’s an odd way of thinking.  Biden almost seems to be saying that God endorses abortion if giving birth might interfere with the development of other potentials.

Our “full God-given potential”?  Never mind the “God-given” part, “full potential” is in itself a very slippery concept. It’s a term that owes more to human potential psychology than to Christian theology. We all have many potentials as human beings. But does God want us to fulfill all of them?  How about our potential to become a drug addict, a career criminal, a rapist, or a hit-man?

Biden’s statement ends with a plea to work for “limitless possibilities for all.”  But no person ever has or ever will have “limitless possibilities.”  It’s a well-known fact of life that fulfilling one potential cancels out the possibility (or desirability) of fulfilling certain other potentials.  A person who fulfills his ambition of becoming a world-champion sumo wrestler will in all likelihood have to forgo his hopes of becoming an Olympic figure skater.

Biden’s statement unintentionally acknowledges that life puts limits on our potentials when he says:

Yet too often, in too many places, women and girls face obstacles that limit their possibilities and undermine their participation in economic, political, and social life.

Nationalism Good and Bad Reflecting on the willingness of people to fight for their own. Bruce Thornton *****


The last two weeks we have been inspired by the brave resistance of Ukraine’s people to the brutal violence of the Russian invaders. Outmanned and outgunned, the Ukrainians have continued to fight against overwhelming odds, even as the invaders answer their resistance with atrocities like the bombing of a maternity hospital in Mariupol.

The paradox is that both sides in this war are in part motivated by nationalist loyalties that the transnational “new world order” has proclaimed are quaint superstitions and folkways at best, and intolerant promulgators of xenophobia and violent aggression at worst. What the Russo-Ukrainian war shows is that patriotic nationalism, like pretty much everything we humans do, can be good or bad, depending on the intentions and purposes it serves.

The weakening of nationalism reflects the globalist ideology that slowly developed over the last two centuries. It reflects two developments that define modernity: secularism and the world-shrinking technologies that expanded global trade. For most of humanity, faith has been one of the foundations of national identity like language, history, culture, customs, and mores. But especially in the West, faith has been reduced to a private preference banished from the public square, rather than being part of the collective expression of national identity. It’s no coincidence that over time the decline of patriotism has paralleled the decline of faith.

The other development was new 19th-century technologies like the railroad, telegraph, and steamship, which created a global economy. International commerce brought the world’s peoples closer together and bound them by trade, creating a global economy which brought disparate national cultures together. The gradual growth of greater global trade and its managerial elite suggested that international cooperation and similar interests were more efficient and beneficial than the zero-sum national difference that frequently, like religion, fomented violent conflict. Similarly, transnational organizations, covenants, and treaties would turn force into a costlier and less effective means of adjudicating conflicting national interests than international diplomacy.

Especially after the rise of fascism and Nazism in the 20th century––which were blamed on nationalist loyalties rather than on the malignant novel ideologies that exploited them––nationalism fell out of favor, particularly to the global elites and supranational institutions of the “rules-based international order.” Nationalism became a malignant ghost from the past that the enlightened global elites scorned.



Along with President Joe Biden and Congress, the Federal Reserve has a responsibility to manage inflation, a job it was established to do. And just like Biden and Congress, the Fed has failed at its job.

At the Fed’s own website, it states clearly what its primary job is, by law: “Conducting the nation’s monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices.”

Well, today, we have neither “full employment” nor “stable prices.” On Tuesday, the government reported that wholesale prices, that is prices just a step before retail, surged 10% in February.

As bad as that number was, it didn’t include the huge jump in energy prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Consumer prices rose “only” 7.9% in February. So expect them to go even higher next month.

This inflation came thanks mostly to absurd policies – paying people to stay home while spending trillions of dollars of “stimulus” on federal programs not related to COVID – pursued by the Democrats who control both Congress and the White House.

Even some Biden political supporters say it’s the Democrats’ fault, not “Putin’s price hikes” or “COVID,” or “corporate greed.”

Indeed, former Obama administration economists Larry Summers and Steven Ratner have both said that, contrary to all the finger-pointing, Biden and Congress are to blame for the current inflation.

Wokester’s Delight: USA Today declares Dr. Rachel Levine its 2022 ‘Woman of the Year’ By Monica Showalter


Who’s the best woman? USA Today has declared a string of wokesters for its 2022 ‘Women of the Year’ honors, and one of them is Dr. Rachel Levine.

Seems you need to be born a man to achieve excellence in womanhood these days. Being an actual woman is no longer enough.

The awards are absurd, given that not many of the women on the list have actual accomplishments  — they’re there because they’re victims, like Simone Biles, radical activists like Janet Murguía, promoters of bad things like recreational marijuana, like Roopali Desai; people who deny the obvious, like fashion editor Nina Garcia who credits her Colombian heritage rather than the opportunities America gave her with her success as an American fashion editor; or else women who have had some sort of role in inventing or promoting things that don’t really work all that well, such as electric cars and the Moderna COVID vaccine. Naturally, Kamala Harris, whose chief achievement as a woman has been to sleep her way to the top and serve as an affirmative action placeholder for the Biden administration as well as impeachment insurance for corrupt old Joe, is on the list. And in Levine’s case, it wasn’t even necessary to have xx chromosomes, let alone merit, just that masculine energy it takes to seek promotions in order to be the alpha dog.

Levine in fact is a political hack who drew attention — and promotions — based on transgender status and nothing else. Why this person is ‘woman of the year’ is rather insulting to actual women, who apparently no longer measure up to USA Today’s standards for what it is to be female. In its hagiographic thumbnail, USA Today writes:

Levine, 64, a trained pediatrician, became the nation’s highest-ranking openly transgender official last March when the Senate confirmed her as assistant secretary of health. Levine has spent her professional life in medicine – as an academic, a clinical researcher, a primary care physician and as Pennsylvania’s physical general and secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Health – but she admits her current role has proven to be the most challenging.