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Nobody Fights for a World Economic Forum Flag By J.B. Shurk


Good luck finding anyone willing to go to war for globalism.

One of the peculiar things about our stark civil divide is that Americans who are extremely unhappy with the direction of our country are more likely to wave the U.S. flag than those actually steering the country on its current course.  Consider how strange that is!  When the civil rights movement and anti-war protests reached their peak over half a century ago, hippies, peaceniks, revolutionaries, agitators, and anarchists burned the American flag whenever they got the chance.  They bought in to the revisionist narratives of Marxist historians, who taught an entire generation of young people that America is an evil, imperialist, exploitative, genocidal, fascist, slaveholding nation that can never be redeemed.  

These students, in turn, grew up to become the current custodians of the federal government.  One of Barack Obama’s first initiatives as president was to undertake an “apology tour” around the world so that he could rub salt in old wounds and provide America’s enemies with planeloads of rhetorical ammunition (and pallets of cash).  In deriding President Trump’s MAGA movement, Joe Biden has repeatedly insisted that America was never that great and never lived up to its promise.  Globalist mosquito John Kerry flies around the world to praise the virtues of one-world government and bemoan America’s stubborn constitutional safeguards for individual rights such as free speech.  Having bought in to the gospel of Howard Zinn, those who hold the reins of power in Washington, D.C. are some of the most anti-American zealots on the planet!

That contradiction has produced this odd historical moment, in which people who largely dislike America run the U.S. government and people who love America largely despise the U.S. government.  If you travel through patriotic regions of the country filled with Americans who either served in the armed forces or have family members who currently do, you will find U.S. flags flying from almost every home.  Not only is Old Glory ubiquitous in neighborhoods, cemeteries, and town halls, but also other patriotic flags — including the Gadsden and Bunker Hill flags — are draped prominently from porches, barns, storefronts, and trucks.

Once you head to a coastal city, however, not only does the sea of patriotism abruptly disappear, but also out-of-town visitors are much more likely to discover newspaper editorials arguing for perplexing things — such as the idea that it is “racist” for schoolkids to dress in Americana clothing or that it is psychologically “triggering” for unsuspecting bystanders to be “accosted” by images of the U.S. flag.  When townsfolk visit big cities, the strain of anti-Americanism is downright jolting.

There are questions that hover over the United States today, much like toxic plumes in windless skies.  Are the divisions in our country too great for the Union to overcome?  Can the federation of fifty states persevere while prominent politicians call for an end to the Electoral College (an essential constitutional check against the power of big, wealthy states) and the further diminishment of the states’ sovereign authority?  Can we talk about an “American nation” united by common principles and shared history when the foreign-born population has steadily risen to over fifty million residents today?  Are we still bound together by a love for freedom and a commitment to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or has Marxist-socialism’s takeover of America’s educational institutions combined with a half-century of immigration from communist nations created a majority who wholly reject the structure and character of the American Republic as founded?  These are questions that weigh heavily on Americans’ minds as they increasingly see those within driving distance not as neighbors, but rather as strangers from indecipherable cultures.

Preserving America’s Technological Leadership by Lawrence Kadish


There is no small irony that Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to mock the Biden Administration’s “green energy” policies and its flawed decision to rely on wind and solar as our nation’s future sources of essential electricity.

Consider: The exponential growth of AI is now powering the next generation of innovations that range from spacecraft to speech, and it is creating an enormous demand for energy to run the servers that drive this technology. Fortune believes that AI electricity requirements could consume as much as a quarter of all electrical power in the United States within six years. That is a mind-boggling amount of electricity, and it comes at the expense of every other industrial sector as well as our residential requirements. There is just so much electrical power generated in the United States to go around.

The opposite side of that coin is if American AI innovators cannot access the needed power to operate their data centers, we will have no choice but to cede our nation’s AI leadership to those countries fully prepared to do what they must to dominate this field.

Like China.

To be clear, the competition to take the lead in AI will make the Cold War space race competition look like a JV touch football game.

All of this comes at a time when the White House will have us believe that the pathway to the future lies in electricity generated by wind and solar. Even the most optimistic estimates say that those sources cannot meet America’s immediate or long-term energy requirements, despite billions in federal subsidies.

One response comes from an AI leader that wants to ensure it can be in the vanguard of innovation in this crucial area: Microsoft.

In a decision that must be driving Progressive “greens” to distraction, a reactor unit in the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania is now scheduled, pending regulatory review, to reopen by the end of this decade.

What do Men Want? It Sure Isn’t Harris Roger Franklin


The rain that devastated  Appalachia’s hollers was petering out by the time what was left of Hurricane Hellene barrelled up the Mississippi Valley’s eastern flank and ran out of puff for good in northern Ohio. But we still got five inches in half that many days — drizzle when it wasn’t pelting and a chill at dawn that recommended a jumper for the first time in what is a fast-faltering Indian summer.

Another downpour was hammering the motel when the TV news cut to footage from New York of thousands filling Fifth Avenue, waving Hamas flags and mourning among so many other unholy recent martyrs the man who in 1983 sent a fellow death cultist to blow up 238 of their fellow Americans in their Beirut barracks. Decades later, back in 2001, thousands dusted white with shock and ash trudged north along the same Fifth Ave from the piles of the Twin Towers. But today, not even a full generation later, people who might quietly have cheered those earlier  massacres were openly and aggressively making common cause with the latest iterations of the original 9/11 monsters. You see and hear some odd and wonderful things in New York, but a 20-block ‘*f***  you’ never seemed likely, especially in this most Jewish of diaspora cities. Not until October 7, 2023, when anti-Semitism came out from under its rock.

Here in Toledo, though, all is quiet. Well almost quiet, the News from Detroit, two hours to the north over the nearby Michigan border, tells of anti-Semitic pamphlets turning up on scores of driveways in the comfortably middle-class suburb of Farmington, about 20 miles from Motor City’s gutted heart. But it wasn’t much more than a police blotter item as far as the papers’ news editor was concerned. Nothing much to dwell upon, not when the country’s best universities are seeing the same and worse displays of enthusiasm for rapists and butchers. So the pamphlets, which also turned up in their hundreds in two other nearby towns, weren’t man-bites-dog stuff, just business a bit more than usual in a state where pro-Hamas/Hezbollah barrackers were chanting  ‘Death to America’ in gorgeously multicultural Dearborn. Also  getting a run on that recent afternoon’s Koranic concert card, a reminder that Allah wants Jews to get what’s good for them wherever they be found. You can understand why the Detroit News back-benchers gave the story just eight column inches and buried it on page four. When something is commonplace, what’s the news in it?

As Kamala Harris and the census-crunchers running her ground game see it, being nice about Islam is a requisite courtesy on the path to Inauguration Day.

More DOJ And FBI Corruption Francis Menton


A couple of weeks ago I posed the question of whether the recently-initiated federal prosecution of New York Mayor Eric Adams is legitimate, or whether it is yet another instance of abject corruption by our Department of Justice and FBI, in this instance pay-back by the prosecutors for Adams’s criticism of the regime’s immigration policies. To help you as you ponder that question, it might be useful to look at a few other things that the DOJ and FBI are recently up to.

As Item Number 1, Justice “Special Counsel” Jack Smith chose the date of October 2 — 34 days before the upcoming election — to file his brief laying out his reasons why ex-President Trump does not qualify for immunity from prosecution under the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling in Trump v. United States. Smith’s brief, which is 165 pages long, was then promptly unsealed by the District Judge in the case, Tanya Chutkan. I am not going to quote from it here, but it is fair to say that the brief goes out of its way to be as inflammatory as possible against the former President.

In a New York Times op-ed on October 9, Professor Jack Goldsmith of Harvard Law School raises completely legitimate questions about the timing of the filing. Note that Goldsmith is no fan of Trump. From the op-ed:

[T]he timing of the release should receive more scrutiny, because the Department of Justice should not have allowed the information to be disclosed so close to Election Day. This event is the latest of many examples of Biden administration officials paying insufficient public attention to executive branch rules that are designed to ensure that prosecutions are, in appearance and reality, conducted fairly and apolitically. . . . It is . . . vital . . . for the executive branch to take scrupulous care to assure the public that the prosecutions are conducted in compliance with pertinent rules. On this score, Mr. Smith has failed. . . . The filing is in clear tension with the Justice Department’s 60-day rule, which the department inspector general has described as a “longstanding department practice of delaying overt investigative steps or disclosures that could impact an election” within 60 days of an election.

Sheriff: Possible Third Trump Assassination Attempt Thwarted


Sheriff Chad Bianco of Riverside County, California, said he may have prevented a third assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump after stopping a man at a road checkpoint who was allegedly in possession of an illegal firearm, or firearms, and fake rally passes.

On Saturday, just before 5 p.m, deputies assigned to Trump’s security detail for his Coachella Valley rally stopped the driver of a black SUV, Vem Miller, 49, half a mile from the rally entrance, according to a press release from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office. Miller “was found to be illegally in possession of a shotgun, a loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine,” as well as fake press and VIP passes.

“We probably stopped another assassination attempt,” Bianco said, according to the New York Post.

The sheriff’s office said that Miller was taken into custody “without incident” and booked at the John J. Benoit Detention Center for “possession of a loaded firearm and possession of a high-capacity magazine.”

He was released Saturday on $5,000 bail and is scheduled to appear at the Indio Larson Justice Center on Jan. 2, 2025.

The KISS Of Death: The Case Against Kamala In Six Simple Numbers Bob Maistros


KISS. The age-old, sage advice to Keep It Simple, Stupid.

With voting already underway, the Trump-Vance campaign has at its disposal a historically simple case to drop the KISS of death on Kamala Harris’ candidacy.

Six numbers utterly disqualify the most inadequate, incompetent, ineffectual, insubstantial candidate ever put forward by a major party for the office of president of the United States of America.

These numbers must be repeated, daily, by the two members of the Republican ticket and every imaginable surrogate between now and the final closing of the final polling place November 5.

Here we go:


Kacklin’ Kamala laments “so many Americans trying to make it all work every day … sitting around their own kitchen tables and facing their own financial pressures.”

You bet. And she knows exactly why. According to the House Budget Committee, that $17,080 was, as of this summer, the annual Harris-Biden “inflation tax” on the average American household. A number that has only grown since, despite a supposed “cooling” that did not preclude continued leaps in food, shelter, medical, and apparel costs in the latest Consumer Price Index report.

Tal Fortgang Lying by Omission Ta-Nehisi Coates declined to provide critical context about Israel and Palestine in a CBS News interview.


Ta-Nehisi Coates’s recent appearance on CBS News has ignited yet another round of controversy. This time, the firestorm surrounded the network’s Tony Dokoupil, who dared to ask Coates challenging, if obvious, questions. Those who treat Coates as a modern-day prophet claimed that the anchor’s behavior crossed the line into insensitivity, and even racism.

What followed was ritual humiliation. CBS subjected Dokoupil to what can only be described as a struggle session, bringing in DEI consultants to “educate” him on the acceptable bounds of discourse and the proper body language to maintain when talking to an exalted minority guest. This is the state of modern journalism: the slightest challenge to the progressive narrative results in swift reeducation efforts.

A review of the substance of the underlying exchange, and the baffling explanation Coates offered in defense of his unfairness toward Israel, illuminates why there has been such a rush to reframe his CBS appearance as a hostile confrontation.

Dokoupil’s first comments and question challenged the broadside against Israel contained in Coates’s new book, The Message. “The content of that section” on Israel, noted Dokoupil, “would not be out of place in the backpack of an extremist.” “Why does Ta-Nehisi Coates . . . a very talented, smart guy, leave out so much?” Dokoupil asked. In a book largely about Israel’s security practices and their supposed excesses, the anchor pressed, “Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it? Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it?” These are crucial questions that Coates must have anticipated receiving from even a friendly interlocutor. Dokoupil offers one more natural follow-up for the author, who cannot find the slightest justification for Israel’s security measures: “Is it because you just don’t believe that Israel, in any condition, has a right to exist?”

Coates’s response was puzzling, but revelatory:

I would say the perspective that you just outlined—there is no shortage of that perspective in American media. . . . I am most concerned, always, with those who don’t have a voice, with those who don’t have the ability to talk. I have asked repeatedly, in my interviews, whether there is a single network [or] mainstream organization in America with a Palestinian-American bureau chief or correspondent who actually has a voice to articulate their part of the world. . . . The reporters of those who believe more sympathetically about Israel and its right to exist don’t have a problem getting their voice out. But what I saw in Palestine . . . those were the stories that I have not heard.

In these few lines, Coates channels rhetoric that he has employed throughout his career—a nebulous invocation of marginalized peoples (here, Palestinians) and a claim that their members are denied a platform in the American public sphere.

Urban Violent Crime Surged 40 Percent Beginning in 2019 Andrew McCarthy


The further removed we are from the presidential debate, the clearer it is that ABC’s David Muir’s “fact-checking” of former President Trump’s remarks on surging crime was outrageous.

In insisting that “the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country,” Muir relied on FBI statistics that, at best, showed a marginal one-year drop — down 3 percent nationwide from 2022 to 2023. Even if the bureau’s numbers were arguably reliable, such a reduction would be negligible. In reality, though, the FBI’s numbers are not reliable. And most significantly, Muir ignored the trajectory of the past five years, which tells a dramatically different story in major American cities — almost uniformly run by Democrats.

There, violent crime has, indeed, surged.

Jeffrey Anderson led the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) during Trump’s administration. Unlike Muir, he is a reliable source, both on overall trends and the flaws of FBI crime-statistic reporting — beginning with the rudimentary fact that the bureau is an investigative agency, not a statistical agency.

Writing in the City Journal, Anderson explains that if we start with 2019 — right before the radical Left’s George Floyd riots and the toxic combination of the defund-the-police movement and the Progressive Prosecutor Project of non-enforcement policies — and then run the numbers through 2023, there was “a whopping 40 percent surge in urban violent crime” (emphasis added). During the same timeframe, urban property crime increased by 26 percent.

Anderson is relying on the BJS’s National Crime Victim Survey. The NCVS is a Nixon-era crime measuring tool. It is the gold standard because it grapples with the fact that most crime — probably about 55 percent — goes unreported. By searching for victims, rather than recording only crimes that are reported to the police, it provides a more accurate depiction.

Tom Cotton Sounds Alarm about ‘Likely Misuse’ of over $1 Billion of U.S. Aid to Gaza By James Lynch


Republican Senator Tom Cotton (Ark.) suspects more than $1 billion of humanitarian aid intended for Gazan civilians fell into Hamas’s hands and is calling for the federal government to suspend the aid until it can rectify the problem.

Cotton wrote a letter to U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) administrator Samantha Power Wednesday asking her to consider cutting off the humanitarian aid because of the possibility it is being diverted to Hamas.

“I write to raise grave concerns about the likely misuse of more than one billion dollars in U.S. humanitarian aid sent to Gaza since October 2023,” Cotton said. Cotton is a strong supporter of Israel and an advocate for an assertive U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

He specifically criticized the USAID’s decision last month to approve $336 million of humanitarian assistance to Gaza, Judea, and Samaria on the same day the United Nations confirmed that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employed a Hamas operative killed in an Israeli airstrike.

Bolstering Cotton’s concerns is a USAID inspector general report published in July describing how the agency failed to conduct basic due diligence on many of the organizations it sends taxpayers dollars to.

Ron DeSantis shows the country how it’s done By Monica Showalter


Amid all the shambles, disorganization, delays, and waste seen any time the federal or many state governments gets involved in something, we have Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis to demonstrate what competent leadership looks like.

He’s like a breath of fresh air.

According to TIPP Insights which had an excellent rundown of all the competent things DeSantis actually did — providing fuel, restoring electric power, setting up shelters, and actually yanking open a closed landfill through a wise use of eminent domain so that hurricane debris could be dumped there to clear the roads for first responders:

DeSantis’s 15-minute address was a masterclass on what the government could and should do. Even the late Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman, a bitter critic of all governments, would have been impressed [though he would likely have been upset to know that the storm’s name coincided with his].

DeSantis was a picture of quiet efficiency, a master conductor of a disparate orchestra with hundreds of thousands of players. He starkly contrasted with Vice President Kamala Harris, who tried to show leadership on a Zoom call with senior federal officials also preparing for Hurricane Milton.

During the recent hurricane emergencies, DeSantis got immediately involved in protecting the state, having already been prepared for it, and then in help during the storm and after the storm. It’s a big job, given the double natural disasters he’s been dealing with.

But he got to it, and even delivered extra help to other states that didn’t prepare as well as he did, such as North Carolina, delivering massive amounts of temporary bridging so that rescuers could deal with washed away roads and bridges, rescuing the injured, delivering supplies, and getting others out of those areas.