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The news cycle today is dominated by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the cognitive absence of the American president. Canada has been all but forgotten, but the situation in this country threatens to destabilize a Western democracy that shares a border with the U.S. It still requires to be addressed.

As long as Justin Trudeau and his inner cabinet remain intact, Canada will always live under the shadow of potential or imminent crisis. With the sudden and, for many, inexplicable revoking of the Emergencies Act, the country—or the best part of it—breathed a collective sigh of relief. But there is no guarantee against further irruptions to civic and political life. Our whirling dervish of a prime minister, like his favorite totalitarian regime, changes his mind “on a dime.” A man so labile and shallow cannot offer stability and democratic governance to his country, only insecurity, upheaval, and rule by edict.

It is by no means clear why Trudeau needed to invoke the Emergencies Act to dismantle and criminalize a peaceful, blue-collar trucker convoy protesting the vaccine mandates or why a brief interval later he saw fit to revoke it. One day it was necessary; the next day it was not. One theory is that Trudeau saw the polls were turning against him. Another hypothesis, as the Conservative Treehouse explains, is that the undermining of the banking system, caused by the targeting of accounts of those involved with the Freedom Convoy could not be allowed to stand because it obstructed the plans of the World Economic Forum and the collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a digital ID system. This assumption seems implausible to me as Trudeau and his finance minister Chrystia Freeland must surely have been on the same page as their WEF masters.

A third possibility, which seems to me the most likely, is that the obligatory Senate vote, judging from the powerful speeches against the legitimacy of the Act, would have been an embarrassing rebuke to Trudeau’s dictatorial and unjustifiable actions, which may have ultimately caused a vote of no confidence in his government.

Joe Biden is obviously incapacitated: What is to be done? By Rajan Laad


A few days back, Texas GOP rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician during the Obama and Trump administrations, dared to state the obvious, which is an act of bravery in current times.

Jackson called for Biden to take a cognitive test because Biden is “not fit to be our president right now” amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

The following are key excerpts from his remarks during an interview:

The whole country is seeing his mental cognitive issues on display for over a year now, and there’s really no question in most people’s minds that there’s something going on with him, that he’s not cognitively the same as he used to be and, in my mind, not fit to be our president right now.

Every time he gets up and talks to the American people, it’s not just the American people that are watching him speak, it’s the whole world, and that’s part of what the problem is here.

He looks tired, he looks weak, he looks confused, he’s incoherent, and it sends a message of weakness all over the world, and they’re seizing up on that.

Jackson provided an easy way for even regular people to verify Biden’s decline.

He’s got 40 years of tape, go back and look at this man, it’s not like we don’t have anything to compare it to. He’s always made gaffes but never like this. This is something different. These aren’t gaffes. This is something much more serious.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine renews Pennsylvania lawmakers’ Keystone Pipeline calls Three state Senators seeking cosponsors for resolution urging President Biden to reopen Keystone XL Pipeline to restore U.S. energy independence.


Three Pennsylvania senators are soliciting cosponsors for legislation to urge the Biden administration to rethink its opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Sens. Wayne Langerholc, R-Johnstown; Joe Pittman, R-Indiana; and Gene Yaw, R-Williamsport, posted a cosponsorship memorandum, outlining plans to introduce a resolution urging President Joe Biden to reopen the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“This week oil prices have soared over $100 per barrel and currently, the United States is importing over 800,000 barrels of oil per day from Russia,” they wrote. “These barrels are either going to become more expensive or completely unavailable as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate.

“The United States cannot continue to rely so heavily on foreign oil when we have the resources to fuel our vehicles and heat our homes,” the memo read. “It was expected that the Keystone XL Pipeline would transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day, which would help offset the current supply received daily from Russia.

“Re-opening the Keystone XL Pipeline will start to ease the burden that Pennsylvanians are feeling every day and protect our national energy security going forward.”

The senators wrote they plan to introduce the resolution “in the near future.”

Biden issued an executive order Jan. 20, 2021, to revoke the permit granted to TC Energy Corporation for the final phase of the Keystone Pipeline, known as Keystone XL, which runs from Alberta, Canada, through Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska.

On the Eve of the Show Trials The first trial of a January 6 defendant is set to begin next week. But jury trials should expose the government’s weak case against most of them. By Julie Kelly


Guy Reffitt has been in jail since he was arrested by the FBI nearly 14 months ago.

Reffitt, like dozens of Americans who protested the unlawful election of Joe Biden, isn’t in jail because he was convicted of a crime. Neither is Reffitt in jail because he has a criminal record—he does not—or a history of threatening his Bonham, Texas neighbors or community.

Instead, Reffitt has languished behind bars for more than a year because Joe Biden’s Justice Department asked a federal judge to keep him detained awaiting trial for his participation in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021. Since then, more than 100 Americans, including several accused of no violent crimes, have been incarcerated under pre-trial detention orders sought by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Constitutional rights such as the presumption of innocence, due process, the right to a speedy trial, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment have been stripped from January 6 defendants based on the Biden regime’s false premise that they are all “domestic terrorists” and “insurrectionists.” (None of the January 6 defendants has been charged with terrorism or insurrection.)

Now that the first trials are finally getting underway, the public can assess whether the government prosecutors and federal judges who created America’s first class of political prisoners were justified in doing so, or were shamefully complicit in Joe Biden’s vengeful prosecution of Donald Trump supporters.

Guy Reffitt is one of hundreds of protesters not charged with committing a violent crime on January 6. According to his initial indictment, Reffitt did not assault police officers—to the contrary, he was attacked by law enforcement with rubber bullets and mace—or vandalize any public property. In fact, he never even entered the Capitol building.

But based on the government’s mostly hearsay evidence, a D.C. federal magistrate last year denied Reffitt’s release—and it had little to do with his alleged criminal behavior on January 6. 

“[The] gravity of the offense is not captured by the offenses because it was an attack upon the democracy and the lawful administration of that democracy as there was a transition of power,” Judge Zia Faruqui said during an April detention hearing. “My concern is that he still harbors the belief even after the election results were certified, the Electoral College was processed, that he continued to harbor the belief, the false belief that something untoward was happening with the democratic process.”

Chinese Censorship on American Soil by Peter Schweizer


Americans are now familiar with the sad spectacle of their own countrymen bowing to Chinese pressure publicly. We see it done by captains of industry, Wall Street’s largest firms, the most elite universities, sports heroes, cultural figures, and politicians alike. It has become so common that it is news when someone instead resists the pressure from Chinese communist regime and suffers financially because of it.

The latest example of that is professional basketball player Enes Kanter Freedom, who was recently traded by the Boston Celtics to the Houston Rockets, which then promptly waived him. The Rockets have offered no reason for this move, but it is no secret that the team has a devoted following in and makes a lot of money from China.

“People’s willingness to speak out about these issues tends to be related to how much business they have in China…. Everyone understands that the quid pro quo of taking Chinese cash is that you never criticize them.” — David Sacks, The Megyn Kelly Show, February 8, 2022.

My latest book, Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, traces these themes…. It is surprising how little attention those chapters have received in mainstream news outlets….

Highlighted are detailed actions and pro-Beijing statements of financial giants such as Larry Fink and Ray Dalio, who run BlackRock and Bridgewater Associates, respectively. An entire chapter catalogs similar kowtowing from Big Tech by Silicon Valley’s wealthiest CEOs, including Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cooke, and Bill Gates. From political dynasties in the US and Canada to philanthropists and Harvard professors, from sports stars to movie actors, the Chinese money talks so loudly it drowns out every other sound.

“News conglomerates do not want to cover bad news about China. But it’s not because of a grand conspiracy theory. It’s simply because they make so much money.” — Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News and author of the book, Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.

Even smaller media outlets such as The Atlantic Monthly and Axios aren’t immune, [Marlow] notes in his book. Both are owned by Laurene Powell Jobs, Steve Jobs’s widow, whose fortune came from Apple and Disney, two companies that owe a lot of their wealth to their business activities in China.

“Bloomberg News has to extend its contract every two years, so [Michael Bloomberg] goes over there to kiss the ring.” — Alex Marlow, The Drill Down, February 10, 2022

How much longer will our large media outlets ignore the growing threat Chinese influence poses to their core principles of presenting the truth without fear or favor?

As Albert Camus, wrote, “The Welfare of the people… has always been the alibi of tyrants… giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”

Billionaire tech investor David Sacks recently summed up the present state of Communist Chinese intimidation of American business, sports leagues like the NBA, and anyone else with commercial interests in China. He sees it getting worse, not better.

Liz Peek: Biden, not Putin, to blame for higher gas prices


President Biden wants you to know that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will drive up oil prices. He warns that it may soon cost more to fill up your tank.

He’s right, but don’t be deceived; that’s been the plan all along. Not, certainly, to foster war in Europe, but to push a hasty and ill-considered switch to renewable fuels, no matter the cost to consumers. Sadly, that has also been the program in Europe, which is now dealing with the ugly consequences of bowing to climate activists. The world still needs oil, and much of it is in the wrong hands.

Russia has Europe over a barrel. Americans must understand that this is no accident. It’s the result of European climate policies just like those that Democrats want to force on Americans, substituting unreliable and costly renewable energy for oil and gas. It is the continent’s adoption of a Green New Deal-like agenda – banning fracking, subsidizing wind and solar, etc. – that has made Europe dependent on a hostile nation to power their economies.

If we continue down a similar path, we could find ourselves back in the 1970s, overly reliant for oil on Saudi Arabia, as well as Russia and other hostile nations. In 1973, OPEC cut off oil exports to the U.S.; oil prices quadrupled, plunging the U.S. into recession.

Here’s the reality: We will still be burning oil and gas to heat our homes and generate our electricity for years to come. We can either produce those fuels at home or, like Europe, import them from abroad.

Since Biden became president, he has clearly chosen the latter path; this is a grave mistake. In thrall to well-heeled and noisy climate activists, Biden has set about junking one of America’s greatest geopolitical advantages – abundant, cheap energy – in a reckless quest to drive down carbon emissions.

A quest, by the way, that even the president admitted was pointless. Last April, Biden acknowledged that 85 percent of emissions come from outside the U.S. and confessed, “That’s why I kept my commitment to rejoin the Paris accord, because [even] if we do everything perfectly, it’s not going to matter.” He was correct. Whatever we do will be overwhelmed by increased emissions from China and India.

Even as Russian tanks lined up on the Ukraine border, Biden’s administration froze U.S. drilling on federal lands and slapped on rules making it even more difficult to build natural gas pipelines. What can they be thinking?

DeSantis Declares Florida ‘Citadel of Freedom,’ Touts Opposition to CRT, Covid Restrictions in CPAC Speech By Caroline Downey


Florida Governor Ron Desantis declared his state a “citadel of freedom” primed to push back against the left’s embrace of critical race theory in K-12 curricula, illegal immigration, and Covid restrictions.

Speaking at the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference, DeSantis noted that Florida tourism and transplant rates have been off the charts, especially during the pandemic when so many progressive states saw net population outflows. Some of Florida’s guests have included those Democratic politicians that regularly criticize the state’s leadership, he noted.

While the state’s record has been  a leader on all manner of culture war issues, he claimed, the main attraction for prospective residents and visitors was that “we refused to let this state descend into some kind of Faucian dystopia where people’s freedoms are curtailed and their livelihoods are destroyed.”

Florida rejected the “biomedical security state” and the temptation to defer to “health bureaucrats” during the apex of the Covid crisis, even when that approach was politically unpopular at first.

“My job is to stand up and protect the freedoms and the jobs of the people I represent and if that puts me in political jeopardy then so be it,” he said as the audience erupted into applause.

“I believe that if Florida had not led the way, this country could look like Canada and Australia,” he said noting the seemingly authoritarian downslide of those liberal societies over the last two years.

DeSantis spoke as President Biden was addressing the nation on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. He did not mention the situation in Ukraine during his speech.

The Ukraine debacle showcases Joe Biden’s many failures Thanks to his energy policy, the US is helping to fund Russia’s military adventurism Roger Kimball


Snap quiz: who was president when Vladimir Putin gobbled up Crimea?

If you said Barack Obama, go to the head of the class.

What countries did Putin invade while Donald Trump was president?

If you said “None,” you get to stay at the head of the class.

This is a harder one: who was president when Putin once again violated Ukraine’s borders, sending in Russian troops to two breakaway regions in Eastern Ukraine?

I say that this is harder because the obvious answer — “Joe Biden” — is not really, or not wholly, correct.

Joe Biden is an empty shell. On good days, he looks like a mannequin. Really, though, he is a puppet, a creature controlled by others. I have called those others “The Committee.” I am not more specific because I do not know for sure who has seats at that table. Anyway, if you said “Joe Biden” in response to the question, you get full points only if you added an asterisk next to his name.

To appreciate what we are up against, ponder Joe Biden’s performance at this roundtable about Ukraine. A reporter asks, “Do you think you may have underestimated Putin?” Biden smirks, looks vacantly about the room, and then picks at his teeth. Answer came there none. The president of the United States, ladies and gentlemen. It is an unnerving exhibition.

Hundreds of U.S. Truckers Kick Off ‘People’s Convoy’ in California Demanding an End to the COVID National Emergency By Debra Heine


Inspired by the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada, American truckers have organized their own nationwide “Convoy to DC” in protest of the Biden regime’s authoritarian COVID policies.

Truckers gathered in San Bernardino County, California, Wednesday, to launch their “People’s Convoy” cross country road trip to Washington D.C. to demand an end to the declaration of national emergency concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, and the restoration of our Constitution.

Hundreds of vehicles assembled at the Adelanto Stadium parking lot for a rally ahead of the group’s eastward trek on Interstate 40 to Kingman, Arizona for the Convoy’s first stop.

The convoy plans to take a southern route through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma, before veering northeast through Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Maryland, arriving in the D.C. area on March 5

A Decade of Deceit and Division: What Trayvon Wrought By Jack Cashill


Although he certainly did not intend to, the drugged and despondent 17-year-old who wandered through a failing Florida subdivision on a rainy February night ten years ago Saturday launched a new phase in the American civil rights movement.

This was to be the Jacobin phase, the phase in which traditional civil rights standards such as equality before the law and innocent until proven guilty yielded to mob rule and race-based outcomes.

Seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin would not live to see this transition.  The 28-year-old man who shot and killed Trayvon, George Zimmerman, has lived in the shadows of Jacobin justice every day of the last ten years, always with an eye out for assassins like the one who nearly killed him in 2015.

On February 26, 2012, Trayvon had reason to be despondent.  His school had suspended him for the third time that school year.  His mother, Sybrina Fulton, had kicked him out of the house.  His father, Tracy Martin, had abandoned the stepmother who helped raise Trayvon for a new girlfriend, Brandy Green.  And, most immediately, “Diamond,” the 16-year-old who had stolen his heart, was playing him for a fool.

Exiled to Green’s townhouse in Sanford, 250 miles from his Miami home, Trayvon texted and called throughout that last day looking for reassurance from Diamond.  He didn’t get it.  Instead, she taunted him with tales of her “clubbing” adventures the night before.  In his final texts that rainy Sunday, Trayvon’s desperation showed through: “wat up with u man how u feel bout me cuz u not say cuz bout to hung up ur ass.”

For George, meanwhile, it was just another Sunday.  About 7 P.M. that evening, he headed out to Target to buy lunch meat for a week’s worth of sandwiches.  While taking night classes in law enforcement, he worked during the day as a forensic review analyst at a fraud detection company.