The news cycle today is dominated by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the cognitive absence of the American president. Canada has been all but forgotten, but the situation in this country threatens to destabilize a Western democracy that shares a border with the U.S. It still requires to be addressed.
As long as Justin Trudeau and his inner cabinet remain intact, Canada will always live under the shadow of potential or imminent crisis. With the sudden and, for many, inexplicable revoking of the Emergencies Act, the country—or the best part of it—breathed a collective sigh of relief. But there is no guarantee against further irruptions to civic and political life. Our whirling dervish of a prime minister, like his favorite totalitarian regime, changes his mind “on a dime.” A man so labile and shallow cannot offer stability and democratic governance to his country, only insecurity, upheaval, and rule by edict.
It is by no means clear why Trudeau needed to invoke the Emergencies Act to dismantle and criminalize a peaceful, blue-collar trucker convoy protesting the vaccine mandates or why a brief interval later he saw fit to revoke it. One day it was necessary; the next day it was not. One theory is that Trudeau saw the polls were turning against him. Another hypothesis, as the Conservative Treehouse explains, is that the undermining of the banking system, caused by the targeting of accounts of those involved with the Freedom Convoy could not be allowed to stand because it obstructed the plans of the World Economic Forum and the collaborative use of the Canadian Bankers Association to create a digital ID system. This assumption seems implausible to me as Trudeau and his finance minister Chrystia Freeland must surely have been on the same page as their WEF masters.
A third possibility, which seems to me the most likely, is that the obligatory Senate vote, judging from the powerful speeches against the legitimacy of the Act, would have been an embarrassing rebuke to Trudeau’s dictatorial and unjustifiable actions, which may have ultimately caused a vote of no confidence in his government.