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Trudeau Style Tyranny Is Already Here As freedom-lovers justifiably recoil at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s crackdown, Americans worry it could happen here. They’re too late. It already has. By Julie Kelly *****


In a recent court motion, Joe Biden’s Justice Department changed the official name of its investigation into the protest at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Originally designated the “Capitol breach” probe, the department just replaced “breach” with a more sinister word: siege.

“The ‘Capitol Siege’ refers to the events of January 6, 2021, when thousands of individuals entered the U.S. Capitol and U.S. Capitol grounds without authority, halting the Joint Session and the entire official proceeding of Congress for hours,” Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, wrote in a footnote to a February 10 filing. Graves commended Capitol and D.C. Metro police for “clear[ing] the Capitol of rioters” that afternoon.

But courtroom rhetoric isn’t the only thing Graves is heating up. The Justice Department has opened a “Capitol Siege Section” in the agency’s criminal division and wants to hire at least 20 more lawyers to help prosecute Americans for any involvement in what happened on January 6. Qualified attorneys will be employed on a temporary basis and could earn as much as $176,000 per year.

“Capitol siege” prosecutors will complement an army of thousands of Justice Department employees, including FBI agents from 56 field offices across the country, handling what Attorney General Merrick Garland warned is the biggest investigation in the department’s history. More than 730 people have been arrested so far—amounting to more than three times the number of federal arrests related to the 2020 “mostly peaceful” riots that lasted for months and resulted in far more death and destruction—and the first major trial of a January 6 defendant starts next week.

As freedom-lovers justifiably recoil at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s crackdown on vaccine mandate protesters, Americans worry the same sort of political retribution could happen here. I’m sorry to report, it already has.

The scenes from Ottawa are matched or surpassed by the images here, including thuggish cops attacking January 6 protesters with mace and explosive devices. The difference? Instead of mounted police trampling a woman, ours merely shot and killed one woman and beat up a few more.

Judicial Watch Just Blew The Roof Off The Benghazi Cover Up With Breaking FOIA


I’ll start this article by praising Tom Fitton and the crew at Judicial Watch which has been the leader of exposing the corruption of the Obama administration as well as tons of other scandals and we are huge supporters of these great patriots.

Obama and the lamestream media claim that Obama’s presidency was scandal free..

We have reported on hundreds of scandals so we won’t go there at this point.

We will report the latest report on the Obama corruption which was just released.

We are talking about a huge bombshell here folks and if it wasn’t pursued by Judicial Watch then no one would even know about it- certainly the leftist propaganda press won’t report this so we will and encourage you to share this all over social media.

Emails Document Senior Obama White House-Clinton State Dept. Officials Joke About Being Called ‘Liars’ About Benghazi

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) released 80 pages of records that show top Obama White House officials scrambling to “evolve” its false claims that the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. Government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video on the Internet. The emails show top Obama White House official Ben Rhodes and Clinton State Department Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan joking about being called “liars” and “leakers.”

Condoleezza Rice, Coleman Hughes & More on Black History Month A symposium on race, racism, excellence and America. Bari Weiss


Why does Condoleezza Rice celebrate Black History Month? Because, as the former Secretary of State told me last week during a wide-ranging interview: “When I was a little kid growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, in fourth grade, we had a book called ‘Know Alabama.’ And you would never have known that there were any black people as part of that history. So I think it’s important to call out.”

What is the meaning and purpose of Black History Month?

Does it risk emphasizing the false idea that black history is separate from American history? Or is it an acknowledgement of the essential black contribution toward creating a more perfect union? Does it allow us to step back and see, as Coleman Hughes writes below, not just what the country has done to black people but what black people have done for the country? Or does its existence reify the idea of race—and, in so doing, perpetuate the myth that we are somehow not all equally American?

In honor of Black History Month, we reached out not only to Coleman, but also to Daryl Davis, Eli Steele, Ronald Sullivan, Sheena Mason, Noah Harris and Brittany Talissa King.

Read their thoughtful contributions below. And you can listen to my whole conversation with Secretary Rice here: 

An unstoppable peaceful protest on 18 wheels By Jack Gleason


Americans are ticked off at the shenanigans going on in Canada.  Martial law for a few thousand truckers protesting mandates?  Seizing bank accounts?  Trampling peaceful protesters with horses?  All this to force people to get an injection that doesn’t work for an illness that causes less death than the seasonal flu?  This has gone too far.

U.S. truckers are even angrier.  They are the critical part of our transportation system that gets goods from the farms and factories to the stores, and they worked tirelessly during the darkest days of the pandemic.

Now they, too, are being forced to get the shots, despite the fact that they spend 95% of their time isolated in their trucks.  If unvaxxed truckers can’t cross into Canada, that will be another blow to our already failing supply chain and will weaken our economy.

I saw an idea online about a safe way for truckers to support their brethren in Canada, and protest similar overreaches in the U.S.  It’s called #12NoonTruckStop and makes a lot of sense.

The idea is for all truckers to safely pull to the side of the road every day at 12 noon and stop for 12 minutes.  Hundreds of trucks would line the highways, and people could honk their support.  At 12:12 P.M. they’re back on the road.

The Real Terrorist Attack Trudeau Ignored Too busy cracking down on the Freedom Convoy. Robert Spencer


In justifying his invocation of the Emergencies Act and turning Canada into a police state, Justin Trudeau falsely claimed that the Freedom Convoy was “not a peaceful protest” and asserted that “the blockades are harming our economy and endangering public safety.” Unsurprisingly, however, Trudeau’s outrage was selective: on Thursday, Canada suffered a genuine terror attack that was not a peaceful protest and that undeniably hurt the Canadian economy and endangered public safety, yet Trudeau didn’t say a word. The terrorists in question were Leftists, so they got a pass.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported Thursday that “ax-wielding eco-terrorists attacked a British Columbia gas pipeline Thursday, shooting flare guns at frightened workers and causing millions in damage…About 20 attackers, wearing camouflage and masks, surrounded Costal [sic] Gaslink [sic] workers in the early morning hours of February 17 in what the company called a ‘highly planned and dangerous unprovoked assault.’”

Reportedly, only one person was hurt, but that was sheer serendipity. Coastal GasLink added: “In one of the most concerning acts, an attempt was made to set a vehicle on fire while workers were inside. The attackers also wielded axes, swinging them at vehicles and through a truck’s window. Flare guns were also fired at workers. Workers fled the site for their own safety and remain shaken by this violent incident.”

The Air Force Went Woke, Its Planes Won’t Fly Diversity was supposed to improve military readiness. It didn’t. Daniel Greenfield


Chief of Staff Charles Brown and Chief Master Sergeant Kaleth Wright have made diversity and wokeness into the core of the Air Force’s mission. Meanwhile the planes won’t fly.

Brown has spent the past few years unleashing worthless diversity reviews to try and blame the Air Force for a supposed lack of diversity, even though it now has a black chief of staff and a black top enlisted leader. The military justification for their divisive shenanigans was that diversity equated somehow to military readiness. How is the Air Force’s readiness?

The latest numbers show that the Air Force has made no progress in improving the readiness of its planes with a rate of 71.5% or 7 out of 10 planes in 2021.

The United States Air  Force is supposed to have mission capable rates of 75% to 80%, but about the only aircraft that meet that criteria are the unmanned drones. The high ratings of the drones disguise the fact that the actual numbers, when broken down by aircraft, are worse.

The F-35As, the fifth generation fighters that would be crucial in countering any sizable aerial engagement with Communist China, dropped catastrophically from 76% to 68.8%.

Last year, the Biden administration boasted about the largest deployment of F-22 stealth fighters in the Pacific. Unfortunately their readiness hovers at around 50%.

Deploying fighters with the readiness rate of a coin flip won’t impress Communist China.

The tyranny of high-status opinion How the woke left wrote the script for the Canadian state’s tyrannical assault on the protesting truckers. Brendan O’Neill


At first glance, it looked like one of the strangest, most incongruous moments of the great trucker uprising of 2022. There were the truckers and their working-class allies, in Ottawa, loudly agitating against Justin Trudeau’s vaccine mandates, when a bunch of hyper-woke, definitely not working-class counter-protesters rocked up to rail against this horn-honking throng. And what did they chant, these painfully PC counter-protesters? ‘Trans rights are human rights’, that’s what. As clear as anything, these supposed leftists, seemingly horrified by the sight of working-class men and women fighting for their rights, engaged in arguably the most striking non-sequitur of the 2020s so far – they brought transgenderism into an issue that has nothing whatsoever to do with transgenderism.

The truckers have said nothing about trans people. We have no idea what these pissed-off working-class drivers think about genderfluidity and all the rest. My hunch is that they think it’s nonsense. But we don’t know. This vast gathering of truckers and their supporters, which has so rattled the Trudeau administration and inspired copycat revolts around the world, is completely unrelated to sex changes and pronouns and the right of born men to beat women in sports and all the other things that fall under the banner of ‘trans rights’ these days. So, understandably, many people were perplexed by the counter-protesters’ chant. ‘I don’t think they are at the right protest’, said one observer. Memes emerged, saying: ‘Truckers: Freedom for all! Counter-protest: Trans rights are human rights. Truckers: What??’ What indeed.

And yet, at another level, at a deeper level, this weird, disjointed counter-revolt against the ‘revolting’ truckers actually makes sense. For what we had here was the shrill, noisy reassertion of high-status opinion against the supposedly low-status demands of the truckers for more freedom and better working conditions. This was the correct-thinking set staking its moral authority over the irritated truckers; the upper-middle-class guardians of approved ‘progressive’ thought pushing back against a pesky, old-fashioned, grassroots demand for liberty and respect. There was at least a semi-conscious element to this spectacular non-sequitur on the streets of Ottawa – the elite counter-revolters were essentially saying that identity is now more important than class, that issues like trans rights now thoroughly trump workers’ rights, and that being ‘left-wing’ no longer means supporting the masses against the state, but rather is about reprimanding the masses for their supposed wrongthink and siding with the state against the people.

Dude Looks Like a Lady – Ivy League Swimming Style By Brian C. Joondeph


Rock group Aerosmith released a song in 1987 entitled, “Dude looks like a lady” about a man with an effeminate appearance who could be mistaken for a woman. Today the inverse is playing out in the athletic world, where a lady who looks like a dude — a male who has transitioned to a female as much as basic biology permits — is making a mockery of women’s sports.

I speak of Lia Thomas, a transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer who last week, “Dominates 200 yard freestyle at Ivy League swimming championships and sets a new tournament record.” But Lia wasn’t always a woman swimmer. In fact, not too long ago she was a dude, but she looks more like a lady these days, yet she still swims like a dude, and that is where the problem lies.

Lia Thomas wins the 200 yard freestyle Ivy League 2022 championship by a wide margin

This saga began last fall and in brief involves a University of Pennsylvania swimmer named Will Thomas, an unremarkable member of the men’s team whose life and swimming career went on hiatus due to COVID. During his year off, Will the dude became Lia the lady, and is now a member of the Penn women’s swim team. While a mediocre men’s swimmer, Lea is anything but as a women’s swimmer. “UPenn trans swimmer, 22, sparks outrage by smashing women’s competition records after competing as a man for three seasons.”

As a female swimmer, Lia is the phenomenon she would not likely have been as a male swimmer.

After Jeffrey Epstein Found “Hanged” at 1 AM, Associate Found “Hanged” at 1 AM Daniel Greenfield


I just finished watching an episode of Columbo in which the plot was less implausible than the entire Jeffrey Epstein saga. 

After Epstein, somehow wound up being found hanging in his cell, which was supposed to be impossible, now Jean-Luc Brunel, one of his associates, to be found hanging in his prison cell.

A modeling agent and close associate of the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in Paris, French prosecutors said Saturday.

Police said Jean-Luc Brunel was found hanged in his cell Friday night at La Santé Prison in the heart of Paris. He had been in police custody for over a year as French prosecutors investigated him on suspicion of raping minors over the age of 15 and sexual harassment. He was also considered a witness in an investigation into child sex trafficking.

The prosecutor’s office said Saturday that an investigation was under way to determine the cause of Mr. Brunel’s death.

Suicide, I’m sure.

FBI Still Silent on Murder of DHS Whistleblower Philip Haney FBI and DHS see something, say nothing. Lloyd Billingsley


Today, February 21, marks two years since Philip Haney, author of  See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad was “found deceased” in Amador County, California, killed by a gunshot to the chest. The Amador County sheriff’s office told Frontpage there was “no new news” in the case, which invites a look at the FBI.

The Amador sheriff, “reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in analyzing documents, phone records, numerous thumb drives and a lap top that were recovered from the scene and Mr. Haney’s RV. Those items and numerous other pieces of evidence, were turned over to the FBI. The FBI has performed a forensic examination of these items. We expect to receive these reports within the next few weeks.”

That was on July 22, 2020, and “no new news” since then on the thumb drives, documents and laptop in FBI custody. Those materials offer a broad range of possibilities.

According to Kerry Picket in the Washington Examiner, Haney was “recently in contact with top officials about returning to work for the DHS.” So maybe he had new information on terrorists. Haney was good at finding such information, but it wasn’t always welcome at the Department of Homeland Security.

As Haney explained in The Hill on May 5, 2016, the DHS ordered him “to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS).” The DHS investigated Haney nine times, revoked his security clearance, and ginned up fake complaints about job performance.