To many, the poison that is identity politics can mainly be seen in the growing rifts and bitter divisions of the two main political parties. But as real as the Democrat/Republican split is, so-called Woke Politics has a far more insidious and far-reaching impact: It’s destroying Americans’ faith in the long-standing bedrock institutions of our republic.
It’s clear that Americans of different political affiliations no longer see eye to eye. Since at least the 19th century, the two major parties have never been farther apart in both governing philosophy and in policies.
For that, we can blame Critical Theory, the neo-Marxist philosophy that brought us “woke” politics based on racial and religious identity and that now governs the Democratic Party. It has led to widespread dissatisfaction, confusion, anger, and alienation among Americans.
But the damage, as we noted above, isn’t only to our now-hostile politics: It’s metastasized to other parts of American life and culture as well, as recent surveys plainly show.
Start with a recent survey of 2,022 Americans by RealClear Opinion Research. It compares Americans’ values and attitudes on a host of different topics.
And what it found was, in a word, troubling.