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The Pentagon’s Political Priorities Sleep well tonight. The U.S. Army has plans to defeat climate change.


“But never fear, the Pentagon is also on high alert over identity politics. This week it pumped out a press release about the “need for diversity, equity and inclusion to be a consideration or part of all decisions in the military.”

The world looks more dangerous every day, so let’s check in on the folks responsible for defending America. The Biden Defense Department hasn’t released a National Defense Strategy and the Pentagon can’t adjust its priorities while it’s stuck in continuing budget resolutions from Congress. But the Army is devoting time and effort to trumpeting its new plan to fight the invisible enemy of climate change.

“Climate change endangers national and economic security, and the health and well-being of the American people,” the first-ever Army Climate Strategy says. Among the stated goals: a 50% reduction in Army net greenhouse gas pollution by 2030; installing a microgrid on every installation by 2035; and converting its nontactical fleet of vehicles (vans, for example) to all-electric by 2035.

The Army pitches this as a natural extension of its mission to plan and prosecute wars, though nothing about less reliable energy sources or more expensive logistics will make the Army a better fighting force. The Pentagon insists it can fight climate change while dealing with threats like Russia and China, but focus is a finite resource and the service has far more urgent priorities.

Dark Money Link to Democrats’ Climate Probes . By Susan Crabtree


It was Democrats who nearly a decade ago first labeled the opaque funneling of millions of dollars into various political influence operations “dark money” and railed against the then-GOP-dominated practice.

Over the past two election cycles, however, Democrats have not only caught up but surpassed Republicans in channeling unlimited sums of special interest and billionaire spending through nonprofits that do not disclose their donors’ identities.

Liberal groups and political operatives allied with the Democratic Party have also grown more creative in the types of political influence operations the funds support. A little-noticed dark-money entity created at least three years ago to help Democrats in Congress work more effectively is now drawing scrutiny.

During the final years of the Trump administration, a small but powerful group of former Democratic congressional aides and Obama administration appointees created an organization to help House and Senate Democrats exercise their oversight authority over the executive branch. The group is funded through the largest liberal dark-money channel in the country: Arabella Advisors.

Called “Co-Equal,” the group at first aimed to assist Congress in exercising its power as a branch of government equivalent to the executive, helping Democrats rebuild their oversight muscle to investigate the Trump administration.

High Pressure Tactics in FBI Coverup Surrounding Whitmer Case If this were a clean operation and the government felt confident that the FBI did not entrap innocent men, prosecutors wouldn’t need to compel any statement from the defendant. By Julie Kelly


For months, the lawyer representing Kaleb Franks—one of six men charged with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020—has produced some of the most detailed and damning reports to make a case for FBI entrapment. Defense attorneys last year discovered that at least a dozen FBI agents and informants were intimately involved in the abduction plot, brought to a dramatic conclusion in October 2020 when the men were arrested after an FBI informant drove them to meet an undercover FBI agent to buy materials for explosives.

With the trial date just weeks away, the Justice Department’s case is imploding amid numerous scandals. 

The timing could not be worse for the government, especially the FBI, which is now under scrutiny for its suspected role in fomenting the Capitol breach on January 6, 2021. After all, the two events share many similarities, including plans to “storm” Michigan’s state Capitol building, the use of militia groups reportedly loyal to Donald Trump, and official designations that both represent “domestic terror” attacks.

So a public trial that showcases FBI malfeasance at the same time the bureau is shunning questions about January 6 won’t be a reassuring look.

For example, FBI officials won’t disclose the number of “assets” connected to the Capitol protest or whether any FBI agents or informants engaged in violent behavior that day. Provocateurs, including Ray Epps, seen on video several times urging people to enter the building, remain uncharged. Yet the FBI refuses to explain why.

Further, the Justice Department just announced another delay in making hundreds of thousands of FBI documents available to defense attorneys representing January 6 protesters. It all reeks of a massive cover-up; exposing the FBI’s shady, and possibly criminal, involvement in the Whitmer case is certain to raise new questions about what the agency did before and during the January 6 incident.

In a motion filed last month, Kaleb Franks’ attorney Scott Graham cited the FBI’s nonanswers regarding January 6 as evidence of the agency’s shame. 

Why Ideology Is the Ancient Enemy of Civilization In such ideological dystopias, eventually even the shelves empty, the currency becomes worthless, and the nation regresses into poverty and chaos. Is that the future we await? By Victor Davis Hanson


What ultimately destroyed the evil empires of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were bankrupt dogmas. Crackpot ideology destroyed free expression. It ruined meritocracy and ensured unequal application of the laws—and so paved the way for far worse.

The Nazi idea of a superior Aryan race adjudicated everything from physics to tank design. Soviet commissars did the same, subordinating rational thought to communist agendas.

Zealots in both systems infiltrated the universities and schools to institutionalize indoctrination. 

Wokeism, while not yet as lethal, is similar. Racial wokeism posits that the race and gender of the vice president and the next Supreme Court justice subordinate all other considerations.

But will the current vice president and next Supreme Court justice commensurately select their own future surgeons, or their upcoming airline pilots, on the same predetermined race and sex criteria?

What—other than ideology—explains why rejecting nominations of African American judge Janice Rogers Brown in 2003 and 2005 was not racist and sexist, but blocking Joe Biden’s upcoming nomination of a preselected African American female would be?

Why were most Antifa and Black Lives Matter criminals who looted, destroyed, and assaulted during the 120 days of summer 2020 not charged, much less tried? Why, in contrast, were the January 6 rioters or the current Canadian truckers treated disproportionately harshly by the media?

Had the same rioters on January 6 been waving pride flags and BLM banners, would some of them have been sitting for a year in solitary confinement and still uncharged? 

Had the criminal protestors and looters of summer 2020 been wearing red MAGA hats, would they also have mostly gotten off without charges? 

What would have happened had conservative demonstrators cut out a police-free “MAGA Zone” in Seattle rather than the exempted Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone? Would police have similarly left it alone, and the media similarly romanticized such illegality?

One of the reasons the COVID-19 lockdown and mask policies lost public confidence was their utter corruption by ideology. 

When thousands in June 2020 brazenly defied quarantines—and yet were excused by over 1,000 healthcare professionals claiming that woke agendas justified violating quarantine laws—then millions of Americans concluded government policy was as much about identity politics as saving lives.

Relax: Biden puts an LGBTQ+ activist, gender fluid drag queen ‘pup’ fetishist in charge of the nuclear waste that could be used for terror bombs By Thomas Lifson


Chalk up another glass ceiling broken by the Biden administration and sleep easy.

One of the most critical national security issues facing the United States is nuclear waste:

…thousands of metric tons of used solid fuel from nuclear power plants worldwide and the millions of liters of radioactive liquid waste from weapons production that sit in temporary storage containers in the US. While these waste materials, which can be harmful to human health and the environment, wait for a more permanent home, their containers age. In some cases, the aging containers have already begun leaking their toxic contents.

Terrorists wishing to construct “dirty bombs” that could contaminate entire cities, rendering them uninhabitable, would love to get their hands on some of this stockpile. So the handling and ultimate disposition of this lethal accumulation, the responsibility of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy, requires a person of scientific/technical erudition, good judgment, and responsible character.

Meet Sam Brinton, hired by the Biden Administration for that role.

Peter Schweizer Video: Joe Biden – Target of a Chinese Espionage Operation? A U.S. president’s disturbing links to Chinese intelligence.


This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Peter Schweizer, the author of the new #1 New York Times Bestseller, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. He is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Peter Schweizer discusses Joe Biden – A Target of a Chinese Espionage Operation?, revealing A U.S. president’s disturbing links to Chinese intelligence. 

Don’t miss it!

What the Truckers Want I’ve spoken to 100 of the protestors gathered in the Canadian capital. What’s happening is far bigger than the vaccine mandates.Rupa Subramanya’


For two weeks, the 18-wheelers, the semis, the tractors and the pick-up trucks streamed through the snow and ice into the center of Ottawa, the Canadian capital.

They came from across the country. Vaxxed, unvaxxed, white, black, Chinese, Sikh, Indian, alone or with their wives and kids. They huddled around campfires. They set up pop-up kitchens and tents with block captains doling out coffee and blankets. They honked (and honked and honked). They blasted “We Are the World.” And everywhere you looked, someone was waving the Maple Leaf.

It dipped to 4 degrees. The mayor declared a state of emergency. And they didn’t budge.

The truckers were scared of running out of gas—freezing to death in their little truck beds in the middle of the night. The city threatened to arrest anyone who brought it to them. In response, hundreds of Ottawans did just that. The truckers stayed put. 

They are a city inside a city whose inhabitants—there are an estimated 8,000 to 10,000—were outraged with a country that seemed to have forgotten they existed. This past Sunday, as if to confirm that suspicion, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has yet to meet with Freedom Convoy leaders, took a personal day. On Monday, during an emergency debate at the House of Commons, he called them “a few people shouting and waving swastikas.” 

DHS:  American Thought Police  The transition from tracking terrorism to chasing thought crime has a major advantage. It exonerates U.S. counterterrorism officials from the meddlesome job of catching actual terrorists.  By Kyle Shideler


The Department of Homeland Security, which under the Biden Administration routinely lets watch-listed terrorists cross the southern border unmolested, and which approved entry to the United States for Colleyville Synagogue hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram despite his being known to British authorities as a terror risk, has taken upon its broad bureaucratic shoulders an even more challenging job.

Stopping the flow of MDM.

MDM isn’t the latest flavor of fentanyl, produced by the Communist Chinese regime for sale to Mexican drug cartels, and now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 to 45. No, MDM stands for mis- dis- and mal-information, the latest government acronym from which you must be protected.  

DHS’ latest “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland,” released Monday, has much to say about the dangers of American minds being polluted with MDM, and curiously little to say about actual terror threats.

MDM is a term developed by the DHS Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to replace the old-fashioned phrase “foreign influence.” Now let us caveat that the U.S. government does indeed have a responsibility to monitor and to identify foreign influence operations. This was the remit of the Reagan-era Active Measures Working Group, which worked tirelessly to identify Soviet lies being spread to undermine the United States’ global standing in the world, and then countered them with the truth.  



It ain’t science…its politics.

Polls show congressional Democrats face an historic drubbing in the 2022 midterm elections as voters inspect the COVID wreckage of the economy and civil society after just a year of Democrat control. So it should be no surprise that Democratic politicians across the nation are discovering the wisdom of ending their wildly unpopular and draconian COVID lockdowns and masking regimes.

According to the Washington Examiner, eight very blue states — California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Oregon — have suddenly reversed course and are now busy dismantling their COVID police states as they face a growing political backlash from average Americans, including members of their own party.

It’s about time. As NBC News observed Wednesday, before scheduled remarks by the White House, “The era of big mandates is over.” We’re sure the fact that President Joe Biden has a measly 40% approval rate for his handling of COVID has something to do with that.

A Very Strange Fellow Is Our Joe, Our “always evolving” president Larry Thornberry


Our more than slightly off-plumb president is a fount of odd and counterintuitive claims. One of his latest and most cynical is that our Constitution is “always evolving.” I’ll wait here while you think about this for a few seconds.

A few seconds is all that’s needed to see that there is no difference between having a “constantly evolving” Constitution and having no Constitution at all. With an evolving Constitution there’s no guarantee that what it is said to mean on Monday would bear any resemblance to what it will mean on Tuesday. It would simply mean whatever is consistent with the policies and prejudices of the party in power. An evolving Constitution is simply words on old paper, words with no more effect on our laws and the daily conduct of government affairs than a note passed in study hall.

Of course our Joe’s positions on the large issues of the day have been “always evolving” since he chose politics over legitimate work back in the butt end of the Tricky Dick administration. The eccentric voters in tiny Delaware first coughed up this hairball in 1972 and regularly sent him back to the U.S. Senate every six years (I can see their point — it got him out of Delaware) until Barack Obama, needing a white guy to share his presidential ticket, drafted him.

Biden’s policy positions have evolved depending on where the center of gravity of the Democrat Party has been, merging effortlessly from the center-left/reasonably moderate Democrat Party of the ’70s to the present two steps left of WHOOPIE! socialist Democrat Party. The man is a political and philosophical empty suit with no center of gravity of his own. A windsock.

He’s gone from being tough on crime to the current Democrat creed that cops are criminals and criminals are victims faster than you can say focus group. He’s gone from being tough on illegal immigration to the current voter replacement stance of his party — economically stated, “We don’t need no stinking border” — faster than you can say Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos. It’s no wonder that his handlers keep him away from mirrors, for fear that the world might notice that he doesn’t reflect in them, there being nothing to reflect.