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The British Medical Journal Story That Exposed Politicized “Fact-Checking” The fact-checkers who flagged Paul Thacker’s British Medical Journal article about a Pfizer subcontractor for Facebook admitted they police narrative, not fact Matt Taibbi


In February of 2010, the New York Times released a front page story entitled, “Research Ties Diabetes Drug to Heart Woes.” The lede read:

Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month, according to confidential government reports that recommend the drug be removed from the market.

The Times piece quoted an internal F.D.A. report that said the GlaxoSmithKline diabetes drug Avandia, also known as Rosiglitazone, was “linked” to 304 deaths in 2009, adding the conclusion of the two doctors who authored the report: “Rosiglitazone should be removed from the market.” The story was released in advance of a Senate Finance Committee study that produced a series of damning internal documents, including one in which an FDA safety officer expressed concern that Avandia presented such serious cardiovascular risks that “the safety of the study itself cannot be assured, and is not acceptable.”

One of the chief investigators on that study was Paul Thacker, at the time a committee aide under Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley. Multi-year document hauls like the Avandia report were Thacker’s stock in trade. I first met him around then because his committee frequently dealt with financial crisis issues I covered. Thacker, who went on to contribute to a number of commercial and academic journals, was trained in a tradition of bipartisan committee reporting that relies heavily on documents and on-the-record testimony, i.e. the indisputable stuff both sides are comfortable backing.

Kids Full of Life, Adults Obsessed with Death The insanity of masking children—by the numbers Jeffrey H. Anderson


Children are perhaps the most-masked people in America, and clearly the people least needing to be masked. Whether or not one believes that masks work—and the best available scientific research suggests, as I have detailed in City Journal, that surgical and cloth masks provide little to no benefit in stopping the spread of viruses and might even be counterproductive—kids are plainly the least likely to be struck ill by Covid and probably the least likely to spread it.

There’s an extraordinary difference—even greater than widely recognized—between Covid-19’s effects on kids and its effects on adults, as fatality numbers show. Far from regarding this important fact as a godsend for the upcoming generation, however, many policymakers have treated it as an irrelevancy. At the same time, they have ignored that children living in mask-mandate states have had essentially identical Covid fatality rates as kids living in mask-free states.

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Harvard Race-Discrimination Problem By Dan McLaughlin


If Biden selects this judge, she will have to answer for her service on the board of a racially discriminatory college.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has a race-discrimination problem, and it just got a lot bigger. That problem could complicate her candidacy for the Supreme Court.

The D.C. Circuit judge is near the top of the very short list to replace Stephen Breyer; indeed, she is widely seen as the front-runner. Just as Brett Kavanaugh was once a law clerk for Anthony Kennedy and replaced him on the Supreme Court, Jackson once clerked for Breyer. A federal district-court judge since 2013, she was elevated last year to the D.C. Circuit, a court long treated by both parties as a farm team for Supreme Court picks. Former D.C. Circuit judges nominated to the Court include Kavanaugh, Merrick Garland, John Roberts, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Clarence Thomas, Douglas Ginsburg, Robert Bork, and Antonin Scalia. She just published her first D.C. Circuit opinion.

The firestorm over Joe Biden’s unpopular pledge to exclude everyone but African-American women from consideration for his first Supreme Court nomination has put Jackson and the other short-listers under a microscope. There are a number of concerns with her judicial record, from her record of reversals by the D.C. Circuit as a district judge to her turgid writing style.

But the timing of the nomination presents a more serious and polarizing issue: Harvard University’s policy of race discrimination against Asian students, which is currently being challenged in a lawsuit pending before the Supreme Court, in tandem with a parallel case involving the University of North Carolina. The parties to the case have just submitted a briefing schedule that would put the case over onto the fall 2022 calendar — after Breyer has left the Court. If Jackson were nominated and confirmed by October, she could potentially be in a position to hear the case.

We’re All Whoopi Goldberg Now Who sounds off in ignorance? These days, who doesn’t? By Rebecca Sugar


“Who speaks with presumed authority and moral superiority but next to no knowledge? In our culture, that would be everyone with a Twitter account, an iPhone, a classroom full of students, an election coming up, or a TV show. Our entire culture is marinated in people mindlessly mouthing off simply because they have an audience. Everyone is Whoopi Goldberg in his own small way.”

It was a bad moment when Whoopi Goldberg asserted on “The View” that the Holocaust wasn’t about race but about “man’s inhumanity to man.” Her comment, limited by her understanding of the American black-white binary of race, was historically uninformed. Hitler identified Jews as an inferior race and specifically targeted them for extermination. Nazi ideas were deeply influenced by Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (1816-82), who believed Germanic “Aryans” were superior to all other whites and nonwhites alike.

Adding to Ms. Goldberg’s confusion, and to the anger her words have generated, was her assertion that Jews were and are “white.”

Eric Adams Seems Serious About Crime. Is Biden? The president meets the new mayor in New York as the city buries its second police officer in a week. By Heather Mac Donald


President Biden will meet with New York City Mayor Eric Adams Thursday, in a belated acknowledgment of the violent crime surge that began with the George Floyd riots of 2020. Mr. Biden arrives in New York following the second funeral for a policeman in less than a week. Officers Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora were responding to a domestic-violence call at a Harlem apartment on Jan. 21. A man emerged from a bedroom, shooting, and continued to shoot Rivera and Mora as they lay on the ground, in what a police source calls an “execution.” Rivera, 22, died at the scene; Mora, 27, a bullet lodged in his brain, was taken off life support four days later.

Such ambush attacks on officers were up 115% nationwide in 2021, the National Fraternal Order of Police reported. All told, 73 officers were intentionally killed in 2021, the highest number since 1995 (apart from the 9/11 attacks) and at least a 56% increase over 2020. This January’s casualties included a Houston-area corporal gunned down during a car stop before he even got out of his cruiser; a St. Louis officer who had been following a car connected to a homicide and who was critically shot in the abdomen; a Milwaukee County deputy shot seven times by a suspect fleeing a car stop; and three Houston officers shot during a vehicle pursuit. On Dec. 16 in Baltimore, Officer Keona Holley was assassinated with two bullets to the head while sitting alone in her patrol car at 1.30 a.m.

Mr. Biden will want to talk about gun control and federal funding for social services and police hiring. Expect him to ignore the root cause of record-breaking violence—the demonization of law enforcement, to which he has contributed. During his presidential campaign, Mr. Biden asserted that black parents were right to fear for their children’s lives at the hands of the police. On April 12, 2021, the president tweeted about the need to address the “trauma that Black America experiences every day” from police shootings. On Oct. 16, during the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service in Washington, he lamented that the promise of “equal and impartial justice” was denied in “too many communities—black and brown” and that too many families “are grieving unnecessary losses of their sons, their daughters, their fathers, their brothers” from police violence.



Allegations that “masks work” and “don’t cause harm” have been enforced by governments and corporations around the world for more than 18 months through arrests, firings, censorship, fines, and denial of access to schools, supermarkets, hospitals, streets, and other public spaces. This has made it virtually impossible for many people to live without complying with mask mandates.

In recent weeks, however, more medical scholars and media outlets are coming to grips with facts about masks that Just Facts has been documenting for more than a year and painstakingly compiled in a September 2021 article sourced with more than 50 peer-reviewed science journals. Here’s a sample of people who are speaking up about the facts and their implications:

Dr. Vinay Prasad – an associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco – has written an article that examines the scientific evidence for masking children and concludes that:

“Most of the masks worn by most kids for most of the pandemic have likely done nothing to change the velocity or trajectory of the virus.”
“There are downsides to face coverings for pupils and students, including detrimental impacts on communication in the classroom.”
“Masking is now little more than an appealing delusion.”
Decisions to mask schoolchildren are “ignorant, cruel, fearful, and cowardly.”

Tom Cotton Freezes Confirmation of DOJ Nominees Over Failure to Address Antifa Riots By Eric Lendrum


At least eight of Joe Biden’s nominations for the Department of Justice have been placed on hold by Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), due to the Department’s failure to answer Cotton’s questions about its inaction over the Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.

As reported by Fox News, Cotton’s criticisms have focused specifically on the DOJ’s failure to properly defend a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, which ended up under siege by far-left domestic terrorists on a daily basis throughout 2020 and even into 2021. Cotton has already sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland pointing out that, on top of letting the courthouse itself be attacked, the DOJ has not offered any legal assistance to several U.S. Marshals who have been sued for defending the courthouse against rioters.

“These courageous officers were attacked by left-wing street militants with weapons such as mortar fire, ball bearings, and blinding lasers,” Cotton’s letter reads in part. “A refusal to represent these Deputy Marshals would violate the Department’s long-standing practice — not to mention its moral duty — to defend law-enforcement officers when they’re sued for actions in the line of duty.”

Cotton imposed a deadline of 3:00 PM EST on Tuesday for the Department to provide him with a “satisfactory answer.” When the Department failed to respond in time, he followed through on his threat to use his role on the Senate Judiciary Committee to block multiple nominations to the DOJ. Of the eight nominees, four are U.S. attorney nominees currently waiting on full Senate votes, two are U.S. attorney nominees still waiting to be approved by the committee, and the remaining two are U.S. Marshal nominees also waiting for the committee vote. Although they cannot be delayed indefinitely by a single senator, Cotton’s actions could see these nominations delayed by weeks.

The Scientist Who Challenged Fauci Over AIDS Right from the start, Dr. Doom was a bust on medical science. Lloyd Billingsley


In his home office, Dr. Anthony Fauci sits facing a life-sized portrait of himself that falls short of his actual self-image. The Biden advisor, a government bureaucrat since 1968, now claims “I represent science,” therefore those who criticize him are criticizing science itself. That invites a look at  Dr. Charles A. Thomas, the first biomedical scientist to challenge Fauci, and what that means for embattled Americans in 2022.

Charles Thomas, who preferred to be called “Charlie,” earned a chemistry degree from Princeton and a doctorate in physical chemistry from Harvard. Thomas taught physics at the University of Michigan then Johns Hopkins tapped him as professor of biophysics. Harvard then brought back Thomas as professor of biological chemistry, and after 11 years he became chairman of the cellular biology department at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California.

Thomas and his colleagues were the first to demonstrate that virus particles contained a single molecule of nucleic acid. His work showed that viral DNA molecules were terminally repetitious, beginning and ending with the same sequence of nucleotides. Thomas’ work also centered on the unusual structures formed by telomeric DNA sequences. The background of Dr. Anthony Fauci is somewhat different.

Anthony Fauci earned a medical degree in 1966 but if he ever practiced medicine it was only for a short time. In 1968, to avoid treating wounded American soldiers in Vietnam, he hired on as “yellow beret” with the NIH. Fauci’s bio showed no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry, vital for the study of virology. Even so, in the early 1980s Fauci became the government’s point man on AIDS and claimed the cause was a retrovirus known as HIV.



Feb. 1 is the Danes’ new independence day. On Tuesday, Denmark rid itself of all of its remaining pandemic restrictions. But liberty in America, the nation that pioneered the guarantee of freedom to its people, is still under assault.

Denmark is the first country in Europe to reopen its boxed-in, abused, and drained society. No more indoor mask mandates, or vaccine passports for entry into private establishments. Other European nations have lifted some restrictions, as well, but only Denmark has gone all the way and dropped a self-isolation requirement for those who test positive.

Apparently the Danes learned the lesson that after nearly two years most nations haven’t been able, or willing, to figure out. Finland isn’t far behind.

But not America.

Yes, most U.S. states have freed their residents. Yet much of the country is still under the government boot.

Justice Department Continues to Go Easy on 2020 Rioters Biden’s prosecutors may be fooling themselves—and federal judges auditioning for a promotion—but they are not fooling the majority of Americans. By Julie Kelly


No matter how much the Biden regime and news media want Americans to forget what happened during the “social justice” protests of 2020, the public remembers. A poll taken last summer shows overwhelming support for investigations into the nationwide looting and rioting following the death of George Floyd, which caused an estimated $2 billion in damages and cost dozens of lives..

According to an analysis by a coalition of police chiefs, at least “8,700 protests occurred across 68 major cities . . . and 574 involved acts of violence,” in just a two-month span of 2020.

There is absolutely no comparison between the violence that terrorized the country throughout 2020 and the four-hour disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021; any Democrat or Republican who equates the two events should be tossed out of office. (Here’s looking at you, Governor Chris Sununu.)

And while top law enforcement officials fixate on the so-called “insurrection” they continue to downplay the murder and mayhem of 2020.

During a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Jill Sanborn, assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch, struggled to answer how many people face federal charges related to the 2020 riots. Sanborn admitted that the FBI has arrested “just north of 250 people” in connection with the “violence that we all saw around the peaceful protests,” as she described them.