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The Nazi Next Door Dan Gelerntner


 Your Democratic neighbors won’t be ordered to vote for laws that ostracize you from society, steal your property, or send you away to a concentration camp. They will do it burning with pride.

Almost half of Democratic voters—48 percent—think the government should be able to fine or imprison individuals “who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.” 

This is not the most astonishing finding of a poll just released by Rasmussen. Let’s go through the relevant points: Nearly the same percentage of Democratic voters—47 percent—think the government should be able to put a tracking system, like an ankle monitor or a locked collar, on people who refuse the vaccine. And 45 percent favor putting the unvaccinated in camps. Camps.  

More than half of Democratic voters—55 percent—think people who refuse the vaccine should be fined. Fifty-nine percent favor confining all unvaccinated people to their homes. More than a quarter of Democratic voters—29 percent—think that the government should be able to confiscate the children of unvaccinated parents . . . 

Is any of this Nazi enough for you yet? You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the Comité de salut public for opposing the “Law of Suspects”—the law that authorized the arrest of all suspected enemies of the Revolution and ushered in the Reign of Terror. You are living next door to the people who would have turned you over to the NKVD for “moral sabotage of the Soviet Union.” You are living next door to the people who would have called up the Gestapo and said, “My neighbor is hiding a Jew.” 

Examine these historical personages from Revolutionary France or Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany (or Nazi France): It’s not just that they were following orders. On the contrary, they thought they were doing a positive good for society. They were eager to help rid their community of dangerous elements. They were proud of what they did. 

The ‘Civil War’ Psy-Op Psychological operations can have many objectives, demoralization being the most common. But they can also be used to create opportunities that otherwise might not present themselves. By Michael Anton


Regime propaganda is so ubiquitous that even if, like me, you make no effort to seek it out and even take steps to avoid it, you can’t help but notice that our masters have fastened onto a new narrative: the coming “civil war.” 

This was the crux of all the maudlin, dishonest January 6 retrospectives, of several “think pieces,” and at least three new books: America is facing a second civil war and it will be started by the Right. 

Really? With what? In one of his more lucid moments, Joe Biden himself noted that the disaffected on the Right have no chance of taking on the United States government without F-15s and nukes. Like the blind squirrel finding a nut, the old man was onto something. The government’s overwhelming advantages in technology, firepower, manpower, money, transportation, supply networks, surveillance tools and much else would be so lopsided as to make the military buzzword “asymmetric” a grim joke. Think, instead, Bambi versus Godzilla. 

To fight a civil war, you have to organize. But organizing is all but impossible for those who genuinely dream of taking on the state. The U.S. government is incompetent at many (most?) of its assigned responsibilities. But it’s quite good at keeping tabs on any hint of “right-wing” “insurrectionary” impulses. That task is made much easier by the fact that there is so little such activity to monitor—so little, in fact, that the feds increasingly feel compelled to incite it. 

It would be hard to hide a mass movement of people gearing up to fight a civil war. Do you see one anywhere? I don’t. If there were one, don’t you think the feds would be all over it? Of course they would. And don’t you think regime media would be blaring about it 24/7? Again—of course. This is a classic case of a dog not barking. Silence is confirmation that nothing is happening. 

Organization, like civil war, requires elites. Indeed civil wars, like all wars, are fought between two opposing factions of elites. Even backwoods insurgencies have leaders. Where are the elites poised to lead red America in a civil war? Who are they? There is Trump to be sure, and regime propaganda insists that he’s a modern-day Jeff Davis-Robert E. Lee hybrid. But this is the same Trump who spent January 6 tweeting. The real elites made sure that was his last day on that platform—and then impeached him for the second time. The real elites—Republican and Democrat alike—wish he would crawl into a hole and die. Trump may have tens of millions of committed followers. But a real civil war requires generals and colonels and captains and lieutenants and sergeants. Go ahead—name some. I’ll wait.

Why Was Texas-Synagogue Jihadist Akram Allowed to Enter U.S.? By Andrew C. McCarthy


When it comes to Western governments and jihadism, willful blindness is never fully cured.


Americans, particularly Jewish Americans, were justifiably nettled by agent Matthew DeSarno, who heads the FBI’s Dallas field office and who ridiculously claimed that Akram’s plot was “not specifically related to the Jewish community.” In his tin-eared way, however, DeSarno appeared to be conveying that Akram’s main objective was to extort our government into releasing convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui from custody, and reassuring Jewish communities across the country that the bureau does not believe that there’s a broader ongoing conspiracy to attack synagogues.

We should be understanding of officials who make good-faith errors in communicating facts about what otherwise seems to be a competent performance by government agencies. Nevertheless, we should also demand a complete, accurate accounting. The FBI and other agencies should not get to take a victory lap in which we are spun with information that casts them in a favorable light, while less-flattering facts are omitted and possibly concealed.

Which is to say, we need a lot more information about what happened here — in particular, about (a) the circumstances of Akram’s demise in the synagogue, and more important (b) how this jihadist managed to obtain a tourist visa allowing him to enter the United States.

Then there is the matter of how Akram managed to get a tourist visa. It raises questions that need to be addressed by both American and British authorities, whose close partnership in the lavishly funded counterterrorism field is said to set the first-world standard for international cooperation.

Never Forget Al Sharpton’s History By David Harsanyi


In response to Al Sharpton: MSNBC’S Hands-On Antisemitism Expert

As Isaac notes, on Monday, MSNBC included Al Sharpton on a panel of pundits to discuss the hostage-taking situation in a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. Of all the nearly 8 billion human beings available to chime in on an antisemitic incident, Nicolle Wallace thought that Sharpton was the best choice available. This would be akin to bringing David Duke on after the killing of Ahmaud Arbery to discuss how Americans could do a better job protecting African-American lives.

It will never cease to amaze me how Sharpton, one of the most pernicious characters in New York history, is constantly being trotted out by MSNBC as if he has the moral high ground on issues of tolerance. I’m old enough to remember one-time conservative congressman Joe Scarborough authoring the resolution, “Condemning the racist and anti-Semitic views of the Reverend Al Sharpton.” These days, the two are buddies.

It can never be repeated enough that before he was a kingmaker, sought out by national candidates and presidents, Sharpton infamously used a tragic 1991 car accident to incite a three-day race riot in Crown Heights. Sharpton took advantage of the accidental death of a boy named Gavin Cato to spread conspiracies about a Jewish “nexus” between “Tel Aviv” and “South Africa” (then still an apartheid state) and the “diamond merchants” of Crown Heights. “All we want to say is what Jesus said: If you offend one of these little ones, you got to pay for it. No compromise, no meetings, no coffee klatch, no skinnin’ and grinnin’,” went the eulogy from the Baptist minister.

Glazov Gang: Dr. Peter McCullough on ‘Is Fauci Really Science?’


Leading Covid-19 physician sheds disturbing light on Dr. Fauci’s “expertise” and intentions.

Soros General Demands Purge of Military While Democrats go after dead Confederate generals, we ought to look at living Soros generals. Daniel Greenfield


The United States has Soros prosecutors who have turned our cities into violent hellholes where criminals run loose, Soros politicians who wage war on this nation from the ramparts of their offices, and Soros generals who advocate for political purges of the nation’s military.

Recently the Washington Post ran an op-ed from three retired generals, Antonio Taguba, an immigrant who had accused America of war crimes during the fight against Islamic terrorists in Iraq, Steven Anderson, a board member of the left-wing VoteVets, and Paul Eaton, a senior VoteVets adviser, urging that the military prepare for a “2024 insurrection” in proper Soviet style.

The three left-wing ex-generals called for “intensive intelligence work” to “identify, isolate and remove potential mutineers” and “guard against efforts by propagandists.”

A Commie commissar couldn’t have said it any better than Taguba, Anderson, and Eaton.

These “propagandists” and “mutineers” are not the members of the pro-Hillary “Resistance” who pledged to undermine and sabotage the Trump administration in 2016. Nor are they the Democrats who insisted that President George W. Bush was illegitimately elected.

Only conservatives are up for the purge.

Cuomo’s Many Abuses Show Why The Separation Of Powers Matter Daniel Ortner


During the COVID-19 pandemic, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was breathlessly heralded as “the politician of the moment” and the “authoritative voice in the crisis.” His press briefings were carried live on all major news networks and even won him an Emmy. He was seen as decisive and in charge, and he even wrote a bestselling book highlighting his pandemic “leadership.” 

It later came to light that Cuomo deliberately obscured data showing the scale of nursing home deaths. His catastrophic policies requiring nursing homes to take infected patients likely resulted in more fatalities.

But a recent POLITICO story paints perhaps an even more disturbing and damning picture of Cuomo’s one-man rule during the pandemic. Cuomo routinely ignored the advice of department of health experts on questions such as whether to send protective equipment. He also consistently ignored the metrics set by his own department to determine when businesses would be allowed to reopen. 

His announcements, made without notice or consultation, left his advisors scrambling. One member of his COVID-19 task force noted that Cuomo “was managing by press release, by press conference” rather than responding to evidence.  

It’s Official: Biden Now Leads Trump In The COVID Death Count


According to the latest numbers from the CDC, more Americans have died with COVID since President Joe Biden took office than did in the year before under Donald Trump.

CDC data show that, as of January 17, there have been a total of 850,575 deaths in the U.S. related to COVID. On Trump’s last day in office, that number was 424,409. That means 426,166 COVID deaths have occurred — so far — since Biden took office, with the number currently trending well above a thousand a day.

This is a stunning rebuke not just of Biden, but of everyone who went around blaming Trump for every single COVID death that occurred on his watch.

Biden and others repeatedly insisted that if Trump had only done things such as accelerated testing and contract tracing, responded faster to the pandemic, pushed mask mandates, the country would have avoided the calamities of 2020.

The system is set up for hospitals to profit from COVID By Terry Paulding


If you had a financial incentive to do something that wasn’t exactly honest, would you abandon your principles and take the cash? Apparently, that’s what many medical providers and hospitals in America have been doing, especially since the beginning of the Biden administration. The numbers are staggering—both in money hospitals took in and the very real possibility that their actions caused people to die. If the accusations are true, what happened is truly evil and, I think, points directly to a cause: the removal of God and morality from society, replacing these brakes with what passes for modern life—disconnected, social-media-driven, selfish, me-first living, with no real accountability. If you see “everyone” acting a certain way, who, after all, are you to buck the system? Besides, you’re accountable to the Board, or the stockholders, first and foremost!

This is as old a story as humanity. Losing the strong moral code that should underlie our lives opens the door to saying, “Well, that’s a gray area, and I won’t think too much about it, and anyway, everyone’s doing it this way.” This was forcibly borne upon me because a good friend sent me an article that illuminates in a precise and fact-driven way what is going on and allows us to see exactly how evil aspects of our modern medical system have become. I’ll summarize the article here, but I urge you to read it yourself.

If you’re unlucky enough to need a hospital procedure, step one is a free COVID test. Of course, the government pays the hospital a fee for this “free” test. If the test is positive, the hospital gets another fee. No matter that the patient was in for appendicitis. The COVID rewards continue with more money for admission; 20% more on the entire bill if they give you Remdesivir rather than ivermectin; and a big booster payment for ventilation. The list, of course, goes on.

Remdesivir, Tony Fauci’s drug of choice, is harmful and sometimes a killer, and they know it. It causes severe side effects in the majority of patients. Besides long-term kidney and liver failure, the death rate using it exceeds 50%. Doctors stopped using it for Ebola in Africa for this reason, yet we mandate it as the drug of choice—even when Ivermectin has proven far more efficacious and has virtually no side effects. Hospitals get paid very well to administer Remdesivir. Then there’s the ventilator, itself a killer. Look at the article—the numbers these mechanical breathing devices kill are staggering.

On top of this, there’s apparently quite an incentive to have deaths from COVID in the hospital—to the point where such mundane human needs, nutrition, hydration, etc. are often denied to the patients. In case you didn’t know, this is all based on something called the Complete Lives System, a socialist treatment protocol developed by none other than Ezekiel Emanuel, meant for his theory of rationing medical care for those “too old” to be of value.

The Political Timing of the End of the Pandemic By Thomas Buckley


At some point in the relatively near future, President Joe Biden will be handed a speech that will read something like this:

“My Fellow Americans — Our long national nightmare is over.  The pandemic is a thing of the past and I am ordering the end of all federal COVID-related efforts and I implore those governors who have not lifted their emergency orders to do so immediately.  It’s time for all of us to get back to normal.”

Given Biden’s speech and cognition issues, he will most likely actually say ‘My Felericans — our long natural fair is covered,” but that is beside the point — his political facts of life demand that this moment must occur within the next few months.

With the abject failure — so far — of his massive wokedream spending package and the egregious attempt to federalize all elections, the Biden administration needs a very big win before November, and what could be simpler and easier than simply declaring one?  Democrat hopes that the January 6 “insurrection” would provide one seem to be coming up short, despite someone, desperately in need of a talking point, recently shaking Attorney General Merrick Garland by the lapels to get him to finally file the first and only “sedition” related charges.  (It should be noted here that people who engage in treason tend not to leave their guns at home to comply with local law, or call a few days later to ask if they accidentally left their coat behind, or make sure that the whole thing is wrapped up in time for dinner… but I digress.)

Now, predictions are like politicians — everyone’s got one and they are usually wrong.  However, as to this issue, the only question is one of timing: politics.