The bewildering array of false statements offered by the three left-leaning Supreme Court justices at the special Jan. 7 hearing on President Joe Biden’s unprecedented vaccination diktats for private-sector and health care workers is now a matter of public record.
It took just a few hours of people tuning into the live broadcast of oral arguments to open a window into why the federal government – filled as it is with ignoramuses, posterior-osculators, charlatans, and grifters – doesn’t work.
All across social media Americans quite properly ridiculed Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan for their fear porn and astonishing ignorance about COVID-19, as if these jurists got all their news from the professional misinformers at the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC.
Sometimes it seemed like the liberal law lords got their professional degrees from arguing on social media comment threads as they amplified COVID-19 hysteria.
The at-times abysmal quality of the justices’ colloquys prompted the satirical Babylon Bee to publish a piece titled “Nation’s Fate Now In The Hands Of 8 Dummies And Clarence Thomas.”
Hyperbolic? A little, maybe.