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A Five-Step Program to Beat COVID Greg Williams



When bureaucrats are telling doctors how they are to treat patients, and giving the doctors themselves no leeway to vary the treatment, then it is not the patient who is ill, it is society that perpetrates such outrages. We desperately need to allow doctors and patients to chart their mutually agreed treatment pathways. 

The second step along the pathway to freedom from COVID is to abandon that one-dimensional vaccination pathway.  Any rational person would have to admit by now that the vaccinations are not working as billed. Remember how we wee told the double-jab vaccines were coming and how they would stop the virus in its tracks?  Then the same oracles of epidemiology said we’d need a booster after the impact of the first two jabs waned to zero, or even incurred a negative, after a relatively short six months.  Governments are now promising the booster will be the end of it, but we only have to look overseas to see many countries are well into implementing the second booster, or, if one keeps count, the fourth.  One could fairly question our own government about the integrity of the promise that the booster will be the end of it, when it has purchased sufficient supplies to keep us boosted every three months for several years into the future.  The inoculated have turned out to be just as contagious as unvaccinated people, and hospital numbers are skyrocketing among the vaccinated. Today (Jan 5), for example, the two most populous states, NSW and Victoria, are reporting 35,054 and  17,636 cases respectively.

To abandon the face mask/lockdown/vaccinate paradigm adopted by almost all state governments, a suitable alternative must be on offer.  There are any number of early treatment protocols that are used in other parts of the world, but which are banned by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and health bureaucrats here in Australia.  The early treatment protocols include medications and supplements in various doses involving ivermectin, fluvoxamine, aspirin, Vitamin D, quercetin, zinc, monoclonal antibodies, and steroids.

As I said at the start of this article, I am no medical specialist, but I am sure there are plenty of doctors out there who would love to provide packages made up with some of these protocols.  If a government is keen to spend money on fixing the problem, rather than pouring billions of dollars into failing vaccines, perhaps GPs and hospitals could be provided with packages that contain, in appropriate dosages, some or all of the above-mentioned medications and supplements.  Just to keep everyone happy, I would include a set of masks, as well as antiseptic hand wash, all with instructions about the need to isolate and maintain good hygiene within the patient’s domicile.

The third step on the path to normalcy is probably the toughest, as it is going to require politicians, health bureaucrats and the media to admit that they have got it wrong.  The first thing they need to do is stop discovering cases.  That’s right! Stop discovering cases.  Once that happens they will stop reporting on “cases”, and stop the incessant fearmongering that has been going on in our communities for the past 24 months.  The easiest way to stop discovering cases is to close down the numerous public testing facilities.  Similarly, all the contact tracing can then be put aside.  People will not have to check in to every place they visit.  The reality of the virus now is that the Omicron strain is by far and away the dominant strain, and its symptoms appear to be comparable with the common cold — albeit, in some cases, a severe cold.

Cuomo Skates on Sex and Mass Murder  Cuomo’s narcissistic sociopathy allowed him to callously sacrifice the lives of thousands of older people for the putative greater good of getting rid of President Trump.   By Lisa Schiffren


Albany District Attorney David Soares on Tuesday announced he would be dropping the last sexual harassment charge against former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. D.A.s from other New York counties announced the same thing last week. So, that enormous folder of harassment charges, which were the stated cause for Cuomo’s resignation in August, were as thin and unprosecutable as they appeared. 

Of far greater importance, no charges have been filed against Cuomo for the deliberate or negligent killing of 15,000 senior citizens  who had the bad luck to be housed in New York state nursing homes as COVID-19 invaded our shores.  I suppose this was to be expected.

Surely, we are too sophisticated to assume that any such politically motivated wrongdoing, critical to the imposition of lockdowns and other general deprivations of freedom and traditional liberties, would be punished. Still, it’s worth re-examining the facts we have, and the   presumptive deals that got Andy off any hook at all. 

In August, when it became clear that Cuomo would be forced to resign for various petty acts of “sexual harassment,” I noted that it was a ploy to get the obnoxious Andrew off the political stage. 

That had two benefits for his allies and bosses: First, from the point of view of the D.C. cabal running our country, it removed from contention a man who, despite his visible flaws, might have been a threat to Biden-Harris in 2024. Remember, the media loved him, his “leadership,” and his flamboyant “Cuomosexuality.” Second, in return for his exit, the cabal made clear it would ensure that Cuomo never faced charges for this heinous act of what looks like mass murder. Why else would the egomaniacal Cuomo have agreed to exit? The harassment charges were always thin. 

Et voilà. It’s a new year, and  we see that Cuomo will not be prosecuted for the one sexual harassment charge that looked provable. Or the 15,000 deaths. The presumptive deal held. Though one wonders how these women who were encouraged to gin up real anger about Andrew’s patting and comments feel today. Do they feel foolish or manipulated? Probably not. Half of them likely were in on the joke. The other half actually believe that a comment about a dress constitutes rape.

It is important to remember that the D.C. cabal, which may theoretically have requested that  Cuomo  institute policies that would kill those seniors, needed those deaths in order to make the case for a national lockdown and to institute mail-in voting practices that would allow Democrats to get rid of Trump. 

It remains true that this case—the deaths—which is central to all that is happening to deprive Americans of real self-government and constitutional freedom due to various COVID mandates—should have led to indictments and discovery. 

Who Are the Real Insurrectionists? Stone-cold sober elites are systematically waging a far more dangerous and insidious revolution in the shadows than anything threatened by the American Right. By Victor Davis Hanson


Recently, Democrats have been despondent over Joe Biden’s sinking polls. His policies on the economy, energy, foreign policy, the border, and COVID-19 all have lost majority support. 

As a result, the Left now variously alleges that either in 2022, when they expect to lose the Congress, or in 2024, when they fear losing the presidency, Republicans will “destroy democracy” or stage a coup. 

A cynic might suggest that they praise democracy when they get elected—only to claim it is broken when they lose. Or they hope to avoid their defeat by trying to terrify the electorate. Or they mask their own revolutionary propensities by projecting them onto their opponents.

After all, who is trying to federalize election laws in national elections contrary to the spirit of the Constitution? Who wishes to repeal or circumvent the Electoral College? Who wishes to destroy the more than 180-year-old Senate filibuster, the over 150-year-old nine-justice Supreme Court, and the more than 60-year-old, 50-state union? 

Who is attacking the founding constitutional idea of two senators per state?

The Constitution also clearly states that “When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.” Who slammed through the impeachment of Donald Trump without a presiding chief justice?

Never had a president been either impeached twice or tried in the Senate as a private citizen. Who did both?

The Left further broke prior precedent by impeaching Trump without a special counsel’s report, formal hearings, witnesses, and cross-examinations.

Who exactly is violating federal civil rights legislation?

New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in December decided to ration potentially lifesaving new COVID-19 medicines, partially on the basis of race, in the name of “equity.” 

The agency also allegedly used racial preferences to determine who would be first tested for COVID-19. 

Yet such racial discrimination seems in direct violation of various title clauses of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That law makes it clear that no public agency can use race to deny “equal utilization of any public facility which is owned, operated, or managed by or on behalf of any State or subdivision thereof.” Who is behind the new racial discrimination?

In summer 2020, many local and state-mandated quarantines and bans on public assemblies were simply ignored with impunity—if demonstrators were associated with Black Lives Matter or protesting the police.

Currently, the Biden Administration is also flagrantly embracing the neo-Confederate idea of nullifying federal law. 

The Biden Administration has allowed nearly 2 million foreign nationals to enter the United States illegally across the southern border—in hopes they will soon be loyal constituents.

The administration has not asked illegal entrants either to be tested for or vaccinated against COVID-19. Yet all U.S. citizens in the military and employed by the federal government are threatened with dismissal if they fail to become vaccinated. 

Think Jan. 6 Was A Big Deal? Here Are 30 Far More Significant Events On That Day In History-Read it and Weep


The rest of the nation may have moved on, but Democrats are determined to squeeze the events of a year ago for every ounce of political juice they can from the events that happened at the U.S. Capitol.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she wants to mark the day as “an observance of reflection, remembrance, and recommitment.” President Joe Biden plans to speak on the Capitol steps. The press is providing saturation coverage.

Not only does the public not care, but polls show that voters are currently more inclined to vote for Donald Trump – the supposed instigator of the “insurrection” – than Biden.

They know that the only reason Democrats want to keep the focus on Jan. 6 is because they think it will help them politically. Never Trumpers want to keep Jan. 6 alive because they hope it will keep him from ever holding elective office again.

Yes, the attack on the Capitol building was outrageously stupid, and we’re all in favor of those who broke the law being punished. But in our view, there have been many other events that also happened to take place throughout history on Jan. 6 that are far more deserving of presidential speeches, prayer vigils, remembrances and the like.

And so, without further ado, here is our list. (Feel free to use the comments section below to suggest any that we might have overlooked.)

The elite war on biological sex Transgender ideology is relentlessly promoted by the elites – despite huge opposition from ordinary people. Frank Furedi


For thousands of years, the biological distinction between male and female was considered a simple fact of life. But no more. According to a survey by pollsters Rasmussen Reports, a significant minority of Americans reject the claim that male and female are the only two genders.

While 75 per cent of those polled agree that there are only two genders, 18 per cent disagree. Eighteen per cent may be a clear minority, but as a proportion of Americans it is still a substantial number of people.

Moreover, this minority view has considerable influence over public life and government policy. In the US, people can change the gender identity on their passports without documentation; male-born transgender athletes are now allowed to compete in girls’ and women’s sports; and schools constantly expose children to transgender ideology. And all of this is taking place in spite of popular opposition.

Today’s political and cultural elites are not only indifferent to the views of the majority on sex and gender – they consider these views to be ignorant and prejudiced. Indeed, these elites believe they have a duty to educate and ‘raise the awareness’ of their culturally illiterate inferiors.

The media, academia and other cultural institutions ceaselessly promote trans ideology. In Western societies, celebrities, media stars and commentators possess a monopoly over how gender is framed. HBO’s highly publicised Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts is a case in point. Because of her views on sex and gender, Harry Potter creator JK Rowling was infamously excluded from the show, appearing only in a few snippets of archive footage. This effectively told the world that Rowling’s views on sex are unacceptable. The Harry Potter cast members were also mobilised to promote the message that if you love Harry Potter then you should take a stand against Rowling’s views.

In recent years trans ideology has been all over our TV screens. Indeed, as one commentator at Salon recently boasted, ‘2021 was an extraordinary year of making the non-binary ordinary… More inclusive… pop culture led the charge in busting the gender binary.’

Stop Calling Jan. 6 an ‘Insurrection’ That’s a legal term that denotes much more than a sporadically violent riot or disturbance. By Jeffrey Scott Shapiro


The events of Jan. 6, 2021, are misunderstood, and the failure to correct the record could be damaging to both America’s future and its justice system. Words have to have meaning, and the continuous mislabeling of the U.S. Capitol breach as an “insurrection” is an example of how a false narrative can gain currency and cause dangerous injustice.

Many crimes undoubtedly took place at the Capitol that day. Demonstrators rioted, destroyed government property and in some instances engaged in acts of violence. Many are charged with violating 18 U.S.C. 371, which makes it a crime “to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States,” and with underlying charges of civil disorder, disorderly conduct, entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, destruction of government property, and obstruction of an official proceeding.

These are important criminal charges that shouldn’t go unaddressed. But of the hundreds of “Capitol Breach Cases” listed at the Justice Department’s prosecution page, not one defendant is charged with insurrection under 18 U.S.C. 2383. That’s because insurrection is a legal term with specific elements. No prosecutor would dare mislabel negligent homicide or manslaughter a murder, because they are totally distinct crimes. The media has no legal or moral basis to do otherwise.

The events of Jan. 6 also fail to meet the dictionary definition of insurrection, which Merriam-Webster defines as “an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government.” A usage note adds that the term implies “an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.” A closely related term, “insurgency,” is “a condition of revolt against a government that is less than an organized revolution and that is not recognized as a belligerency.”

Poll: Most Republicans Distrust the FBI By Julie Kelly


For decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation enjoyed strong support from Republican political leaders and voters. But the agency’s reputation has crashed among its most dependable constituency amid scandal, corruption, and flagrant politicking on behalf of the Democratic Party.

A Rasmussen poll released today shows that 57 percent of Republicans hold an unfavorable view of the FBI; 47 percent of all likely voters surveyed at the end of December view the FBI unfavorably.

As if to prove the bureau has become the jackboots of the national Democratic Party rather than a nonpartisan law enforcement agency, a whopping 63 percent of Democrats have a favorable opinion of the FBI.

In a question that cribbed an accurate accusation made by Trump loyalist Roger Stone, 64 percent of Republicans agreed with the statement that “a group of politicized thugs at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI…as Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.” Overall, 46 percent of those polled agreed with Stone’s sentiment.

Christopher Wray gets poor marks from Republicans; 61 percent say Wray, appointed by Donald Trump in 2018, is influenced by Joe Biden and not independent of the administration. Fifty percent of all voters and 35 percent of Democrats believe Wray takes his marching orders from the White House.

Over the past several years—under the leadership of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and Wray—the FBI has torched its credibility among the majority of Americans. Comey opened Crossfire Hurricane, a counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign based on imaginary Russian election collusion, in 2016. Comey used as evidence before a secret court a “dossier” of false political propaganda sourced by a foreign agent paid by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.

Text messages between top agents involved in the probe showed open contempt for Donald Trump and his voters. McCabe lied three times to FBI investigators about his role in leaking classified information; an FBI lawyer and Clinton campaign attorney also have been charged with perjury related to Crossfire Hurricane. (A special counsel continues to investigate the probe’s origins and those involved.)

‘One Nation Under Allah’ Revisited When religious liberty protections protect opponents of religious liberty. William Kilpatrick


I just came across a news item from last June about a girl (the class president) in a Fairfax Country High School who led the graduating class in a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, but replaced “one nation under God” with “one nation under Allah.”

This caught my attention because about 11 years ago, I wrote a piece for FrontPage entitled “One Nation Under Allah?”  I noted that the founders were assuming a specifically Judeo-Christian understanding of God when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and I pointed out that substituting Allah’s name for “God” would create a number of difficulties.

For example, The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal,” but the Koran describes Muslims as “the best of people” and speaks of Christians and Jews as the “worst of created beings.”  In addition, the Islamic law books specifically state that the value of a Christian or Jewish life is only one-third the value of a Muslim’s life.  Where’s the equality in that?

A similar difficulty arises if we try to put the First Amendment to the Constitution in an Islamic context.  The First Amendment prohibits the establishment of a state religion, but Islam is a theocracy.  It is intended to be a state religion.  For instance, the Constitutions of many Islamic nations are based on Sharia Law. And so is The Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam which was signed in 1990 by all the member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.  After reaffirming “the civilizing… role of the Islamic Ummah which God made the best nation” and after affirming that human rights and freedoms must be “in accordance with the Islamic Shariah,” the document goes on to speak of “binding divine commandments, which are contained in the Revealed Books of God and were sent through the last of His Prophets…thereby making their observance an act of worship and their neglect or violation an abominable sin…”

The Year of Living Stupidly How long will America continue witnessing our unalienable rights and political freedoms weakened? Bruce Thornton


In 2021, political, social, and cultural trends that had been developing for decades reached a level of surreal absurdity. Under the stress of the pandemic crisis, we witnessed our alleged “cognitive elites” in government, schools, popular culture, and media saying and doing things that an illiterate peasant in the 18th century would consider the words and deeds of a lunatic. In every dimension of our existence, gross violations of logic and common sense were shamelessly indulged, the lies never acknowledged even when exposed.

The presidency of Donald Trump was the accelerant of these developments. The bipartisan ruling elite found the straight-talking, braggadocios celebrity plutocrat a gross insult to their technocratic pretensions and guild “norms.” The depth of his challenge was especially obvious in the corporate legacy-media, which colluded with the progressive Democrats to inflate preposterous rumors of “collusion” with Russia into existential crises endangering “our democracy.” 

Even when two years of a dishonest, corrupt investigation by the special counsel couldn’t provide a scintilla of legitimate evidence to support these charges, the Dems and their media flunkeys simply moved on to the next fabrication. The four-hour mini-riot at the Capitol building on January 6 was similarly inflated into an “insurrection” and assault on the same “temple of democracy” that progressives have been vandalizing for over a century. The House conducted a second dead-end impeachment of Trump, and when that collapsed, shifted to a still-ongoing investigation of the January 6 protests in order to short-circuit our democratic process by preemptively disqualifying Trump from the 2024 election.

The dishonesty, hypocrisy, and sheer cognitive incoherence of the reaction to a president who for all his crude and insulting rhetoric, had one of the most successful first terms of a president in the postwar period––a judgement the validity of which it took “Joe Biden,” the simulacrum of a president, less than a year of failures and disasters to confirm. Inflation, supply-chain bottle-necks, unfilled jobs, hysterical covid protocols, drunken-sailor spending, exploding violent crime, a dishonorable abandonment of Afghanistan, geopolitical adventurism by our rivals and enemies, loss of our energy independence, runaway gasoline prices, and schools blatantly indoctrinating students with transgender and literally racist propaganda––all are the wages of the Trumpophobia epidemic.

A new Manhattan DA promises a surge of crime, violent and otherwise By Andrea Widburg


Manhattan’s newly sworn-in District Attorney started by making a very important announcement: He will no longer be enforcing the law. This is, of course, illegal and should subject him to criminal prosecution at either the state or the federal level. Of course, that won’t happen. Instead, Manhattan will become a Mad Max-esque city, so rife with crime that, eventually, all normal life stops.

When Alvin Bragg ran to be Manhattan’s DA, his slogan was “Justice for All.” In his campaign biography, he explained to the voters that he “has spent the better part of two decades in the courtroom, standing up to the powerful and fighting to get justice.” He spent his career “standing up for tenants’ rights, civil rights and human rights.” Additionally, he “served as the first Chief of a special unit that investigated police-involved killings.” These are all interesting statements from someone running, not to be a defense attorney or a plaintiff’s attorney, but to represent the state of New York and the borough of Manhattan in actions against alleged criminals.

If you’re wondering how someone who clearly does not side with the institution he was supposed to represent ended up getting the job, look no further than the George Soros connection. The Color of Change PAC received $1 million from George Soros and, in return, Color of Change successfully spent the money to get Bragg elected. Of the 270,091 people out of Manhattan’s 1.63 million residents who voted (that is, only 17% of the population voted), 84% cast their vote for Bragg.

Upon being sworn in, Bragg immediately gave Soros value for his money. In his first memo to his staff, Bragg stated that his office will seek to incarcerate only those people who commit homicide, and a few other activities, including domestic abuse, public corruption, and some sex crimes. His assistant DAs have almost no discretion in the matter:

“This rule may be excepted only in extraordinary circumstances based on a holistic analysis of the facts, criminal history, victim’s input (particularly in cases of violence or trauma), and any other information available,” the memo reads.