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The Covid Response Has Broken Our Trust in American Institutions By: Scott W. Atlas, MD


I am hopeful that we are coming toward the end of the SARS2 coronavirus pandemic. Deaths are not likely to rise dramatically when cases sharply increase, a different pattern than in the initial waves. That “decoupling” between cases and deaths would be to a great extent due to the successful vaccination of those at risk to die, as well as acquired natural immunity. 

Unfortunately, it is unlikely the recurring hysteria and mismanagement by those in power will end so quickly.

After more than eighteen months of experience, there remains an almost bizarre lack of understanding that the virus will not simply disappear. Instead, on its way to becoming endemic, cases will continue to peak and ebb periodically, as they have done and continue to do in characteristic cycles all over the world and regionally in the United States. We must learn to live with the virus by offering vaccines to the vulnerable, aggressively exploring early treatments, while also accepting some risk, rather than employing failed, harmful restrictions on low-risk people every time the pattern recurs. Instead of recognizing the evidence, the flow of misleading information lacking perspective, policies counter to scientific data, and the absence of transparency continues.

The unscientific obsession with stopping all cases of COVID-19 continues, including the variants that all scientists expected as the virus mutates and becomes less lethal, without acknowledging the low risk for the overwhelming majority and what should be today’s protection of the most vulnerable to death.

Accountability remains absent from government leaders, public health officials, and scientists in failing to admit errors about lockdowns; some even distort their records and portray disastrous death tallies as “successes.” And now we witness an Orwellian attempt by those who advised what was widely implemented — lockdowns — to blame those who opposed lockdowns for the failure of the lockdowns.

The CDC and public health leaders still fail to visibly acknowledge and then educate the public about the natural immunity in recovered COVID patients or to incorporate that biological fact into our nation’s vaccine policies. The public needs to know that data continues to accrue showing natural immunity after SARS2 infection, like other infectious diseases, is probably superior to vaccine-related protection.

Public health officials and government leaders keep using wildly incorrect projections that instill fear and alarm the public, and when they’re wrong, they fail to acknowledge this fact.

Peter W. Wood :One Angry Nation, Two Wildly Divergent Explanations


A review of Wildland: The Making of America’s Fury , by Evan Osnos

Osnos provides no insight at all into what is really happening among those of us who see ourselves as opposing a tide of illegitimate cultural authority backed by unfounded state power.

We Americans have become an angry bunch. On that Evan Osnos and I agree. Osnos is a staff writer for the New Yorker whose new book, Wildland: The Making of America’s Fury, surveys some of the same territory as my new book, Wrath: America Enraged. But on why we are angry and what it all means, Osnos and I diverge. Osnos sees in contemporary America “the failure of that mythology” that bound us together in “moral commitment, including the rule of law, the force of truth, and the right to pursue a better life.” I see in contemporary America not a failure of myth, but a change in character in which an older culture of self-restraint has given way to forceful expression. 

Osnos, whose other works include a flattering campaign biography of Joe Biden, blames ordinary Americans for indulging in a prolonged temper tantrum that has no real justification. My view to the contrary is that ordinary Americans are responding to the emergence of a ruling class whose contempt for them and for American civilization is nearly comprehensive. It is not that faith in “the rule of law, the force of truth, and the right to pursue a better life” has faltered. It is that faithful Americans now face the lawless use of state power, a duplicitous media, and rent-seeking by global elites. 

Osnos’ book is woven together of vivid tales of individuals in Greenwich, Connecticut (Osmos’ hometown); Clarksburg, West Virginia (where he had once worked for the local newspaper); and Chicago. He injects into almost all these stories his own disdain for the kinds of people who supported the Tea Party and eventually Donald Trump. The historical arc of Wildland is from the shock of 9/11 to the “insurrection” of January 6. He pauses at one point mid-book to observe:

Trump, the Tea Party, the NRA—they all made use of that rising unease of Americans who could not quite put a name to the anxieties they felt about the disordering of their world, about the puncturing of American invincibility, the browning of America, the vanishing of jobs to automation, the stagnation of their incomes. The language of force gained ground, Sarah Palin, in her appearances at Tea Party rallies and online, made frequent use of metaphors from the Revolutionary War and the world of guns. ‘Don’t retreat, reload,’ she liked to say.

The Madness of Anthony Fauci Rather than own up to his disastrous policy and medical advice, Fauci instead is accelerating his messianic impulses.  By Julie Kelly


It’s nearly impossible to select the most maniacal comment made by Dr. Anthony Fauci in his nearly 70-minute interview with “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan that aired over the weekend. Joe Biden’s chief coronavirus advisor and miniature global menace spent more than an hour denying responsibility for his documented mistakes, bragging about his self-appointed role as the world’s doctor, hogging credit for the vaccines, and attacking anyone who has challenged his unrivaled ego and track record of failure.

Portraying himself as a victim rather than the cruel, megalomaniacal tyrant he is, Fauci took aim at Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senators Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Congressional co-sponsors of the “Fire Fauci Act,” which would zero-out the salary of the federal government’s highest-paid bureaucrat and audit Fauci’s correspondence and financial transactions during the pandemic.

While declaring, “I represent science,” Fauci humbly graded the scientific approach to the pandemic an “A+” while incongruently  warning about a “fifth wave” of the virus and explaining away one scientific stumble after another, from useless temperature checks to the need for bi-annual booster shots and randomly claiming the virus spread is “40 to 50 to 60 percent . . . asymptomatic.” 


Of all his alarming remarks, however, Fauci’s push to get experimental vaccines for babies and young children to market as quickly as possible is the most depraved. When asked by Brennan, who has spent the better part of two years asking Fauci how to run her life and the lives of 330 million Americans, when he expects vaccines for children between the age of six months and five years to be available, Fauci said he hopes the shots are ready by the beginning of next year. “I would hope it would be in the first quarter because the studies are being done right now on children from two to five and then from six months to two years,” Fauci told Brennan. “I don’t think there’s going to be an issue with efficacy. But when you’re dealing with children, it’s a very sensitive area. And that’s the reason why [it] may take a little bit longer.”

Take a Bow, DeSantis: Florida Reports Nation’s Lowest Daily COVID Cases Per Capita By A.J. Kaufman


Florida currently has the lowest number of COVID-19 cases per capita in the United States.

The Sunshine State reported a daily average of 1,393 cases as of Friday, which is only six per 100,000, and a 2% decrease in the last two weeks.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has been slammed by partisan media critics since the pandemic began due to his opposition to government-imposed mask and vaccine mandates. Yet facts favor his decisions.

A buffoon named Chris King, who finished fifth in the 2018 Florida Democratic gubernatorial primary and is laughably running again in 2022, accused DeSantis of going on a “killing spree” for opposing mask mandates. Earlier this fall, the far-left rag Vanity Fair chose a huge “angel of death” headline to describe the successful governor.

They’ve yet again been proven irresponsible and wrong.

While Florida has the lowest amount of new cases in the country per capita, in states where draconian lockdown orders were issued by Democrat governors, coronavirus cases are surging.

Michigan, with two Democrat senators, and where progressive Gov. Gretchen Whitmer imposed some of the most controversial restrictions in America during the pandemic’s zenith, leads the nation in daily coronavirus cases per capita.

The Great Vaccine Mandate Scam The Trojan Horse that killed the economy. Wayne Allyn Root


This is the Great Vaccine Mandate Scam. President Joe Biden is using the vaccine mandate (and vaccine passport to come) as a Trojan horse. In other words, it looks like he’s trying to protect America and save lives, when in reality he’s using this vaccine mandate as a cover story to destroy the U.S. economy, capitalism and the great American middle class, all at once.

This is a communist takeover of the U.S. by a small minority at the top who have rigged elections and are now busy hijacking the country, as if they have some powerful mandate.

They don’t. As a matter of fact, everyone hates Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. They have no popular support as they dismantle the country.

Have you seen the polls lately? Biden is at 36% approval in the latest Quinnipiac poll. 36%. It just can’t get much lower than that. Anything lower than that and your support is pretty much friends, relatives and paid campaign staff. Ask Harris. She’s at 28%.

How low can Joe go? Remember, when any Democrat politician gets up in the morning, they automatically have about 45% of the vote locked up. That represents everyone in America who lives on government handouts — welfare checks, food stamps, Medicaid, Obamacare and the 1,000 other government giveaways.

So, 36% support for Biden means that pretty much every working Joe and Jane in America has now turned against Biden. The entire middle class hates Biden’s guts. That’s why they chant “F—- Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon” at sporting events.

But Biden and his communist cabal don’t care. They are using a secret weapon to wipe out their middle-class opposition: the vaccine mandates.

Is ‘Justice Kamala Harris’ in the Supreme Court’s future? By Andrea Widburg


The Democrat party desperately wanted the White House and engaged in all sorts of election chicanery to get it. They’re now saddled with an increasingly senile man whose decades of corruption (most of it involving using his son to sell out American interests) are catching up with him and a woman who is so gauche, unpleasant, and ineffective that just about everyone despises her. Because it’s a given, no matter what he says, that Biden cannot run in 2024 and probably won’t last that long, the Democrat party pooh-bahs are trying to dispose of Harris. A British outlet reports that the Supreme Court is one option the Democrats are considering.

Because the mainstream media are nothing more than propagandists for the Democrat party, it’s often difficult to get honestly reported insights into what’s going on in American politics. That’s where the foreign press comes in handy. The Telegraph, which is Britain’s more right-leaning paper (although it’s hardly conservative by American conservative standards), reported yesterday that the Democrats, in their desperation to rid themselves of Harris are looking to the possibility that they can park her on the Supreme Court:

Democrats desperately scrambling to find a potential successor to Joe Biden in 2024 are whispering about a potential nuclear option that could see Kamala Harris, the current Vice President, nominated to the Supreme Court.

While the scenario is highly improbable, and perhaps a reflection of a Washington rumour mill in overdrive, the fact it has come up at all shows the depths of the predicament the Biden administration currently finds itself in, amid rising inflation, a stalled domestic agenda, and foreign policy disasters.

Polls are now regularly showing Mr Biden’s approval rating below 40 per cent, and panic set in at the White House after a recent poll put Kamala Harris at an unelectable 28 per cent.

The left-field Supreme Court theory would mean Mr Biden nominating Ms Harris, a former high-flying prosecutor, if a seat on the court became available over the next three years, which it may well. Mr Biden could then use Section 2 of the 25th Amendment to nominate a more popular vice president.

That person would be the presumptive Democrat nominee should Mr Biden not run for re-election at the age of 82.

If Mr Biden stepped down before Nov 2024, the new vice president, under Section 1 of the 25th Amendment, would assume the presidency, and be able to run as an incumbent.

Flip-Flop Fauci’s partisan political point-scoring shows he’s more interested in promoting himself than saving lives – he should park his gigantic ego, stay off TV and shut up Piers Morgan


I’ve never heard Dr Anthony Fauci’s cell phone voicemail greeting, but I imagine it says: ‘Yes, I’ll come on your show.’

For someone whose day job is supposed to be leading America’s scientific and medical war against Covid-19, he seems to have an incredible amount of spare time for self-promotional media interviews.

Barely a week seems to go by without him popping up on TV or in newspapers and magazines, and as time has gone on, Fauci’s become more and more brazenly political in those interviews since the Biden administration took over.

Yesterday, he was everywhere again, speaking about the new Omicron variant.

What he said in these new interviews should give every American serious for concern, not just about the latest Covid threat but about some of the outrageously partisan statements the country’s top doctor made.

The most egregious came on CBS’s Face The Nation when Fauci burst out laughing after he was asked about Republican senator Ted Cruz calling for him to be prosecuted over his links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology from where many think the coronavirus outbreak leaked.

‘I should be prosecuted?’ he chuckled. ‘What happened on January 6th, senator?’

Re Confidence in ‘Ruler’ by Lawrence Kadish


An ancient philosopher is attributed to once observing that a nation can survive deprivation or even a battlefield defeat but it cannot survive the loss of confidence in its leadership.

As the Great Depression dismantled hopes and dreams across America, a president who had once rescued Europe from famine following World War I — and whose organizational skills as U.S. Secretary of Commerce were extraordinary — lost the confidence of his countrymen.

Hebert Hoover would lose his reelection bid to a man who inspired hope, trust, and most of all, confidence among citizens of a nation where nearly a quarter of them were out of work. Franklin Delano Roosevelt would receive nearly 23 million votes to Hoover’s nearly 16 million. The electoral vote was even more telling: 472 to 59.

Yet, as historians will remind us, Roosevelt, despite all of his initiatives, did not have the means to put an end to the Depression through most of his first two terms. What he did manage to do, however, was restore and sustain the confidence of the American people by allowing them to take pride in themselves and the belief that there was a future worth waiting for.

President Lyndon B. Johnson found a nation solidly behind him following the shocking assassination of John F. Kennedy. Yet by the time he announced he would not seek a second term, his approval ratings had sunk to 36% as the Vietnam War stalemated in Southeast Asia and anti-war protests rocked our cities.

A Tale of Two Cities: Kenosha vs. Waukesha  The media’s blatant lies amount to racial arson.  By Victor Davis Hanson


Both Wisconsin towns, Kenosha, and Waukesha, about 50 miles apart by car, were the recent sites of multiple deaths. The violence in both made national news. Yet in contradictory ways both reflected the common themes of America’s current legal, media, and societal corruption.  

The relevant public prosecutors in both were in the news for alleged ideological bias. Specifically, they habitually calibrated the charging, indicting, and trying (or not) of defendants through ideological lenses and community pressure rather than on the basis of the facts and the law.  

Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old armed youth who volunteered to protect business properties at the height of the August 2020 arson, riots, and looting in Kenosha. He was pursued and attacked by three members from a larger group who chased the armed youth, presumably either to disarm, injure, or kill him—or perhaps all three. 

Rittenhouse variously was assaulted, kicked, and had a firearm pointed at him. In reaction, he fatally shot two of his pursuing attackers and wounded a third. Kenosha prosecutors reviewed videos of the altercations. They saw clearly that Rittenhouse was running away from his assailants. He was variously rushed by one assailant, kicked by another, and struck with a skateboard by still another. Again, a final pursuer pointed a gun at him at close range.  

No matter. The Kenosha district attorney’s office charged Rittenhouse with several felonies including two first-degree homicide charges. All four whom Rittenhouse fired at—whether he missed, wounded, or fatally shot—had lengthy arrest records. Three were convicted felons; the fourth had a long arrest record. 

Given the lengthy and quite horrific rap sheet of Rittenhouse’s first attacker Joseph Rosenbaum (including multiple counts of pedophiliac rape), it is difficult to understand why the latter was not in jail (he had been released earlier that day from a mental facility to which he had been committed after a failed suicide attempt). The common denominator to the various prior convictions of his other three assailants was that they should have led to consequences far worse, given that many of their arrest charges were dropped, or bail was sometimes waived, or plea bargaining turned serious charges into merely bothersome ones. The release of violent offenders on little or no bail seems now thematic in Wisconsin. 

The Lethal Mix of Woke Rap and Live Nation When leftist causes and massive concerts intersect – and turn deadly. Thom Nickels


On December 6, 1969, Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones looked out over the massive crowd at California’s Altamont Speedway and saw the concert security staff, the Hell’s Angels, beating up an audience member. The Angels, who were paid in beer rather than cash to act as security that day, had apprehended a man named Meredith Hunter, 27, who attempted to approach the stage. When Hunter attempted to approach the stage again, this time with a revolver, he was beaten by the Angels and then stabbed to death by Angel Alan Passaro. The melee, which was captured on film, caused a nervous Jagger to announce, “People, people, let’s be cool!”

The murder of Hunter would come to be known as Rock’n Roll’s Darkest Day, officially marking the end of the 1960’s peace and love era which had its peak expression only months before at Woodstock.

The 1969 tragedy at Altamont has arguably been superseded in darkness by the troubling developments at Live Nation Entertainment – which bills itself as “the world’s leading live entertainment company.” The company’s recent production of the Astroworld Festival in Houston on November 2 saw 13 people killed and 300 injured when a crowd surge during the concert caused concertgoers to trample one another. Live Nation has a history of safety violations over the past decade. The massive concert enterprise also seems to thrive best in large Democrat-controlled cities where the urban landscape cultivates its own style of rough and tumble audiences and artists (Christian conservative rappers like Bryson Gray need not apply), especially artists who not so long ago specialized in ‘F—k Trump’ lyrics.

Consider my own city of Philadelphia.